
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Fleur’s mind is really a bit trance.

It was mainly Link’s words that made her view of the world collapse a bit.

After all, Fleur’s family situation can only be said to be excellent, and it is far from the level of Great Family.

According to her previous life experience, those so-called pure-blooded Great Family Young Masters and Young Ladies should be spent every day, why not eat meat and idiots.

Of course, the concept of pure blood supremacy is also one of their most notable features.

People like them are just good luck. They are reborn in the Great Family. In terms of ability, it can only be said to be rubbish.

As for Link, it is definitely a special case.

As a result, Link tells her that in fact, these Eldest Young Masters and Misses work harder than ordinary persons like her.

Then what is the point of her ordinary people’s efforts in this way?

Fleur took a deep breath for a long time before he forced himself to accept this cruel fact.

It was also at this time that she discovered that Link had sneaked away!

Fortunately, Link didn’t go too far, and Fleur caught up in two quick steps.

Link sighed stopped paying attention to this drag oil bottle that couldn’t be thrown away, and let the other party walk behind him without saying a word.

Link and Fleur these two people are the strongest champion of Hogwarts, the handsome and handsome Hogwarts who just made a splash in the Dragon project not long ago.

The other is sweet-looking, which is currently the most beautiful exotic young girl in Hogwarts.

These two people walking together naturally attracted the attention of all passers-by.

Fleur was very indifferent to this.

Because of the relationship between her appearance and Veela blood, she grew up under the gaze of everyone around her.

Although men look towards her are always full of greedy desires, women look towards her are full of countless malice such as jealousy and hatred, but she has long been used to or even careless .

Compared with her, Link looked a little uncomfortable.

After being swept by dozens of hundreds of people with all kinds of disgusting eyes, Link suddenly stopped, and some helpless said to Fleur:

“When on earth are you going to follow me?”

As soon as this statement came out, the melon-eaters who were secretly following Link and Fleur all the way burst out with a burst of exclamation that was suppressed to the extreme.

Link is foreseeable, and soon after a demonic revision, the story of Fleur chasing him back and forth will spread throughout Hogwarts.

This is also the reason why he deliberately stopped to talk in the auditorium.

In this way, he can wash his innocence and make Emily feel at ease.

The only bad thing is that Fleur’s reputation is not very good.

But it seems that Fleur doesn’t care much about his reputation.

She completely ignored the weird gazes around and flirted with her own bangs and said:

“This year Hogwarts will hold a Christmas ball as a part of the Triwizard Tournament to strengthen the exchange of international students. As a champion, we must choose a suitable partner to participate in the ball. Because at the ball that night , We champions must act as representatives and dance the opening dance with our partner.

You should have heard about this, right? “

Link clicked nodded.

It’s really difficult for him to think about it.

Because although Professor Sprout was a little sloppy on his body, he also exploded with great enthusiasm about the prom. Not only was it a few weeks ago that he kept chatting about it in Link’s ears, And also personally designed a dress for Link!

Of course, that dress Link was worn to death and will not be worn.

Because Professor Sprout’s aesthetic is very strange, the dress she designed is very Hawaiian.

To put it simply, it is an extended grass skirt!

As for why Fleur told him about this, he also knew very well…

Sure enough, Fleur smiled and continued:

“Link, would you like to be my dance partner? In this castle, you are the opposite sex closest to me. Apart from you, I really don’t know who to look for.”

Fleur while speaking, a kind of invisible and formless, only when the free skill points obtained in the Dragon event of Link rise to lv5 in the vision of the super-sensing spell, it shows a light pink charm and magic power is also slow Slowly drifted out from his body.

This layer of pink soon enveloped Link, but it was a pity that Link’s eyes were still very clear.

He glanced at Fleur blankly and shook his head slowly.

Regardless of what Fleur’s idea is, for now, she must be doing useless work.

Because Link itself loves Emily more, even more how Mrs. Foley has already appointed Emily.

Even a few days ago, Mrs. Foley gave Link and Emily a set of dresses specially for Sect owl. The overall style is very in line with the temperament of the Foley family.

Fleur was also a little angry when he saw Link shaking his head.

She was about to speak at the first glance, but only heard Link preemptively say:

“Why do you need to do this?”

Link’s voice is very gentle, but there is a little regret in it.

Fleur stiffened, but when he looked up, he met Link’s bright eyes that seemed to be able to see through all the thoughts in her heart.

If she knows a little about Ministry of Magic control spells, she will know that this is a manifestation of the Legilimens spell.

It’s a pity that she didn’t know anything about it, and she just lowered her head a little aggrieved.

After the last first task was over, Ms. Maxime found Fleur and told her briefly and clearly about her plan to use sexual entrapment to abduct Link to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

Actually, if you ask yourself, she actually has a good impression of Link.

This is not surprising at all. After all, Link is handsome, powerful, and wealthy. The most important thing is that Link also snorts disdainfully on the theories of bloodline purity and does not discriminate against her at all!

In addition, Gabrielle also likes Link!

Taking the initiative to pursue Link is not an unacceptable thing for Fleur, a French girl, but she doesn’t want to be too humble, which will completely shatter her self-esteem that was shattered because of the Veela bloodline .

To change it to other people wanting to make her humble to please the pursuit and even to seduce Link, Fleur must be slapped directly.

But the person who said this was Ms. Maxime.

A person who truly does not discriminate against her Veela descent and treats her as a biological daughter.

Only Ms. Maxime’s request, Fleur will do it anyway.

So today Fleur took the initiative to invite Link to the dance party.

And now that Link has already refused, Fleur expects to have to do more with similar flattering behaviors.

Originally, if Link didn’t know anything, Fleur felt that he could keep going.

But now…

The more I think about it, the more sad and unwilling Fleur becomes.

It was obvious that the eye circles were already red, but he still pretended to be indifferent, and said with a strong smile:

“What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand?”

Her pitiful look of weeping beauty softened Link’s cold eyes.

He wanted to comfort Fleur, but he didn’t know where to start.

Just when Link was tangled, Fleur’s charm ability became a bit out of control due to his previous violent mood swings and drifted into the crowd not far away.


A terrible scream sounded.

Immediately after Link, he saw Ron with red eyes forcibly squeezing the crowd, and fell in front of Fleur, loudly said with a strange tone of enthusiasm and a little trance:

“Beauty, Beautiful Lady! I am willing to be your dance partner! I am willing to…please, please join me in the prom!”

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Everyone including Link and Fleur looked at Ron sluggishly, wondering what he was thinking about.

After a while, Fleur took the lead in reacting.

Because Ron, who fell to the ground, has already begun to stretch out his hands and prepare to come and pull her feet.

The two very conspicuous flushed red spread out around Fleur’s cheeks, quickly covering her entire face and neck.

Then Fleur, who was extremely embarrassed, stepped fiercely on Rove’s outstretched hand, turned and walked quickly.

As he walked, Fleur cursed:

“Do your big head dream!”

This rage was like a thunder, awakening everyone.

Intensive laughter rippled from the crowd.

The jovial atmosphere filled the entire auditorium while turning around.

Link quickly dispelled the charm and magic power remaining on Ron’s body, and then, together with Harry who rushed over, helped Ron up.

At this time, Ron was still in a trance. He stared at Link and Harry and said in a daze:

“I…what did I do?”

Harry opened his mouth twice and really didn’t know how to tell Ron about it.

On the contrary, it was Link sighed, and said somewhat self-blaming:

“Fleur is here for me. She wants to use Veela’s magic to fascinate me, but accidentally hurt you! It’s me!”

“Link, don’t say that!”

Instead, Harry began to comfort Link, “We all know it’s not your fault!”

With the effort of the two of them talking, Ron seemed to finally realize what a terrible stupid thing he had done.

His face suddenly became redder than the previous Fleur, and he screamed and rushed out of the auditorium amidst the surrounding laughter.

Upon seeing this, Harry quickly succumbed to Link and ran after him.

And Link is shook the head, and slowly returned to the responsive room as everyone became a little envious and admired again.

Emily is still waiting for him to try on the new dress together. It is troublesome to be late.


On the other side, maybe it was the outbreak of fly into a rage out of humiliation. Ron ran away in the blink of an eye, so that Harry had been looking for him in the morning and couldn’t find Ron in the evening.

In the end, when Hermione completed the ‘mission’ of Krum and joined Harry’s team, the two of them finally found Ron on the observatory as the sky dimmed.

“I’m so stupid, really…”

Ron, who was huddled in the corner, ignored the fact that he had moved closer to Harry and Hermione, but kept repeating this sentence.

Harry’s expression twitched when he heard it, and he squatted down and comforted:

“It’s not to blame you, you have heard Link say that Fleur used magic. I dare say she definitely wanted to fascinate Link and let Link give her water in the next project, you It’s just bad luck.”

hearing this Ron was a little moved, lifts the head looking at Harry with wet eyes, as if asking Harry, ‘is this true? ’.

It’s a pity that he hadn’t waited for Harry to answer in the affirmative when he heard Hermione say with a sneer in an almost mocking tone:

“You are an idiot! How else would you be fascinated by the magic of that Beauxbatons girl? Link was not hit!”


Hermione’s words were like throwing another bottle of gasoline into the flame that was about to go out in Ron’s heart, and Ron furiously shouted and was about to get up.

Fortunately, Harry managed to hold him.

But Hermione didn’t mean to let Ron just go, she both hands crossed near chest went on with some pride:

“Your top priority now is to quickly find a partner for the Christmas party! But according to your conditions, it is estimated that it is difficult to find a good partner now? After all, just like George said. Good girl can be early I was picked out!”

“Good girl? Are you referring to yourself?” Ron seemed to have finally found a counterattack point, eccentric said, “Ah, that’s right! Miss Know-it-all is different from us now, now she has Krum love , Of course she is a good girl!”

Ron paused, then raised the volume and said:

“But you don’t really think Krum likes you? He came to you just to spy on Harry and Link through you! You are just a tool for him!”

“Krum is not such a person!”

“Oh! It seems that our Miss Know-it-all really fell in love with Krum! So you sold Harry and Link in exchange for the opportunity to be his dance partner?”

“I didn’t have one!”

Hermione’s voice sounded like crazy, “Krum did invite me, but I didn’t agree! I don’t like him! I talked to him just to get him into the rights meeting!”

Ron calmed down suddenly, faintly said:

“Link will not agree to be your partner.”

“What did you say?”

Hermione stared wide-eyed said.

She looked like she really didn’t hear it, and she seemed to hear it but she couldn’t believe it.

Harry had already reacted, desperately trying to cover Ron’s mouth.

It’s a pity that Ron finally broke free, said with a cold laugh:

“Hermione, do you also know that? You simply have no chance to be Link’s dancing partner. His dancing partner will only be Emily Victoria.”

Harry closed his eyes in despair.

The fact that Hermione likes Link is not a secret to them.

After all, Hermione’s camouflage skills are really poor.

But it would be too bad for Ron to say it now.

Harry could almost foresee the next violent scene of Hermione.

However, the expected beating and scolding did not come, Harry only heard Hermione very said in a tranquil voice:

“What do you want to express? Ron!”

“Hermione, don’t you know? No one really wants to invite you to dance.”

Ron said proudly, “If you don’t want to be alone at the prom, you should apologize to me. In this way, maybe Harry and I may agree to be your dancing partners.” [ 19459002]

“So you said so much, just want me to be your partner? This is how you invite your partner?” Hermione said with a sneer, “tell you the truth! I won’t be Krum’s partner, I It’s not uncommon to be Link’s dance partner! The most important thing is that even if I am alone, I will never choose you to be my partner! Want to dance with me? Have your big head dream!”

“What did you say!?”

Although his memory is a bit vague, Ron still remembers Fleur saying the same thing to him earlier.

It detonated his nerves all at once.

But before he got up, Hermione left the observatory long ago.

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