
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Harry was very skilled at appeasing Ron.

Of course, Ron is also very good at doing the same thing in turn.

After all, the two of them are not really obedient and sensible children. After being arranged by Dumbledore to experience so many unfathomable mystery events, they have long been used to comforting each other.

Well, the comfort here is completely literal, without any ambiguity.

Under Harry’s consolation, Ron quickly calmed down, and in the end he reverted to the wet eyes and nerves that were at the beginning again.

At the same time, sentences such as ‘I’m so stupid, I’m so stupid’ came into my mouth again.

Harry thought Ron was still angry at Fleur’s affairs at first, and then he helped Ron scold the Beauxbatons Veela girl.

As a result, Ron shook the head and said painfully:

“I mean Hermione.

I shouldn’t talk about her like that, really. I’m just…just a little jealous of that’s all. She actually got involved with Krum! The most important thing is that she even ran over and said something like ‘good girls have been picked away’. Didn’t she know that we were already worried about our dancing partners in the past two days? “

As soon as he said that Ron’s breathing began to rush again.

But this time he didn’t use Harry to comfort him, so he calmed down and continued:

“Anyway, I just said that when I was stunned. Maybe I should go to Hermione to apologize, um, let’s forget it, based on her temper, she won’t listen to anything now, wait a few minutes It will be better to go there again.

Besides, I can’t be blamed for this thing! What I said was just the truth! Link and Emily Victoria are about to get engaged, and Hermione will never have a chance no matter how much she likes Link!

If you don’t believe me, just look at the girl named Fleur. She is much more beautiful than Hermione, and she is also Beauxbatons’ Champion, and her grades and abilities are better than Hermione! Even if a girl like her doesn’t take the initiative to send a link to her door, isn’t Hermione even less chance?

By the way, when it comes to Link, I have to go and thank Link when I look back! If it weren’t for him today, I guess I would lose face even more! You have to remind me of this matter when the time comes, I’m afraid I will forget when the time comes. “

Ron talked eloquently and finally felt better.

But expected Harry’s echo did not sound.

He squinted his eyes and realized that Harry had just lowered his head and put himself in the dark, making it difficult to see the expression on his face.

Ron thought Harry was sleepy, and sighed:

“Harry, you go back first, I want to sit here for a while. Don’t worry about me, I will go back by myself later.”

After speaking, Harry finally moved.

He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, patted Ron on the shoulder as a goodbye, and then slowly stepped into the darkness.

What Ron didn’t know was that Harry’s face, hidden in the dark, was very tangled at the moment.

What Ron said just now made Harry suddenly realize that his current situation is exactly the same as Hermione.

Of course, this is not to say that Harry also wants to be Link’s girlfriend.

He has no hobby in this area.

The person he really likes is Cho Chang, the female Seeker from Ravenclaw.

And Cho Chang also has a boyfriend.

This boyfriend is still Link’s good friend Cedric.

Ron’s words can be said to break Harry’s last illusion, and let him clearly realize that he and Cho Chang are basically impossible together.

After all, Cho Chang is not the kind of watery woman, and will never engage in cheating.

In addition, although Ron and George all said that Cedric was a pretty boy with oily noodles, Harry still had to admit that Cedric was indeed a good boy with handsome looks, gentle character, and outstanding ability.

At least much better than him!

Harry felt very depressed and irritable in his heart, and finally he could only pinch fiercely on his arm, let the physical pain overwhelm the inner depression, and then walked towards the Gryffindor common room, while walking Say to yourself:

“Just a nap.”

The curfew time has long passed. Hogwarts Castle is filled with very quiet darkness, and occasionally one or two clusters of faint light flash across the distant corridor, like a Ghost Fire.

Those are all night travel students.

These people must make themselves as quick and agile as a mouse in order not to be caught, or Filch will tie them to see the professor.

Harry is not afraid of Filch. The news that he and Link are good friends is spread all over the world, so this fellow Filch will not come to trouble him.

So Harry can walk slowly, just and honorable in the dark at this time.

Seeing a few clusters of Ghost Fire drifting quickly from a distance like an escape, Harry sighed, beginning to envy Link for no reason.

Although somewhat unconvinced, Harry still had to admit that Link is the real champion!

After all, he is so witty, brave, powerful, and knowledgeable…

Sometimes Harry really wished to become Link!

In this way, as long as he beckons with the hand a little, Cho Chang will take the initiative to jump over, right?

Imagining that scene, Harry couldn’t help but squirm a few times, and his body was hot.

At this moment, two brighter rays of light appeared in front of Harry’s eyes.

Different from the previous clusters of faint Ghost Fire, these two rays of light are bright and brave, and move forward steadily through the darkness, as if they are chasing after them, and the previous Ghost Fires will be embarrassed. Fleeing in general.

This is indeed the case, because the people playing these two rays of light are Link and Filch.

Harry, who had just been fantasizing about in the darkness of absolute safety, felt a little ashamed of no reason, and wanted to hide in a hurry.

But in the end, he was found by Link, who had a supernatural curse.

“Harry? Why haven’t you rested so late?”

Link lowered the brightness of the rays of light on the tip to make it less dazzling, Much better said curiously.

“I, I’m looking for Ron.”

“Then did you find it?”

“Found it, but…”

Harry did not go on, but gave Filch a glance.

This Old Guy was also staring at him, his eyes glowing green in the dim environment, fierce and thirsty like a wolf.

Filch does look at Link’s face and ignores Harry and Ron’s night tour, but that doesn’t mean he will ignore these two people.

If you can catch these two people, an insult is inevitable.

After all, Filch doesn’t like these bear children at all!

Link naturally understood Harry’s expression. Instead of asking Ron’s whereabouts, he remembered the golden egg that he kept in the Extension Charm bag.

Although he had cracked the secret in the golden egg a few months earlier with Emily’s help, Harry must still know nothing.

As a champion at the same school, Link felt he had an obligation to help Harry.

Of course, by the way, we also need to find out the latest details of Hermione.

In order to keep the two guys Krum and Ron away from Hermione, at least not to let Hermione be their dancing partner!

After making up his mind, Link smiled and wrapped Harry’s shoulders and said:

“Harry, it’s all out anyway, then don’t go back in such a hurry, go take a bath with me!”

“A bath?”

Harry repeated it in confusion, instinctively wanting to refuse.

It’s weird that two boys take a bath together! This needs to be repeated again, he definitely doesn’t have that weird preference for Harry!

But after thinking of Hermione and Ron’s feud and his relationship with Cho Chang, Harry had a desire to ask Link for advice.

After all, in Harry’s mind, Link has always been an omnipotent existence!

So in the end Harry had the difficulty nodded.

“hahaha! Let’s go, let’s go to the Prefect bathroom, which is much more luxurious than ordinary bathrooms, you will not regret it!”

Link laughed heartily twice when he saw this, and dragged Harry towards the bathroom as he spoke.


There are three types of bathrooms in Hogwarts, which are ordinary student bathroom, professor bathroom and Prefect bathroom.

Among them, the hardware facilities of the ordinary student bathroom and the professor bathroom are basically the same, but the name is different, that’s all.

But the Prefect bathroom as a privileged reward for outstanding students is different.

When Harry walked into this bathroom immediately, he began to look forward to being a Prefect next year.

Because this bathroom is too luxurious!

Almost everything here is made of snow-white marble, including the bathtub in the middle.

No, that simply can’t be regarded as a bath, but more like a rectangular swimming pool!

Because Hogwarts even installed a diving board on the pool!

There are about hundreds of golden faucets by the swimming pool. Each faucet handle is inlaid with a gem of different colors. They reflect the dazzling brilliance under the rays of light from the luxurious magic chandelier on the ceiling.

In addition, snow-white linen curtains are hung on the bathroom windows, and many fluffy white towels are stacked in the corners.

There is no decoration on the wall, only a magic portrait embedded in a golden frame.

In the portrait is a golden beautiful Merpeople, lying on the rock sleeping soundly at the moment. Her long, beautiful hair brushed on her face, trembling slightly with each breath.

Harry instinctively restrained his breathing and movements, not wanting to wake up such a beauty.

But Link laughed twice, deliberately stepping forward and knocking on the frame twice to wake him up.

Anticipating that the complaints and curses of Merpeople from China and the United States did not appear, Harry was surprised to find that this beautiful Merpeople seemed to be very pleasantly surprised by their arrival, lying on the picture frame and constantly speaking to Link that he did not understand.

The language made Harry feel a little harsh and uncomfortable, but it made him familiar, as if he had heard similar sounds somewhere.

Link is not as shy as Harry.

He naturally took Arkham out of his arms and placed it in front of the portrait, and then the beautiful Merpeople in the painting played the flute. The tune was cheerful and soothing, causing Arkham to stand up and follow the music. The rhythm swayed.

Harry, who is also Parseltongue, greeted Arkham very politely, but was rudely driven away by Arkham, telling him not to disturb himself.

Harry didn’t understand what Bungee was, but didn’t ask much. After Link cleaned up on the side, he got out of the pool that had already been filled with water and became steamy.

It was only then that Harry didn’t understand why there are so many taps here.

The functions of these faucets actually have nothing common with each other.

In addition to the basic cold and hot water, the other faucets sprayed various bubble baths and essential oils made from various petals.

A few even sprayed thick water mist with various aromas.

Thanks to the mist covering their bodies, Harry’s embarrassment abated slightly.

After all, the two big men candidly meet each other is a bit too twisted.

During the bath, the diligent Filch also delivered cut honeydew and fruit juice.

Link and Harry just soaked in the bath and ate things in silence. Harry let go until his stomach was filled with water. He took the lead to pour bitterness on Link and explained all the disputes between Hermione and Ron today. .

Of course, he also made some artistic rhetoric in the words, which can be regarded as helping Hermione conceal the secret that she likes Link, which is actually no longer a secret.

Halfway through hearing, Link began to put his palms in his mouth.

Harry thought this was Link expressing his surprise. After saying that, he continued to comfort Link so that Link would not worry too much.

After all, Ron and Hermione quarreling is not one or two times anymore. They should always get together in the end.

But what Harry didn’t know was that Link’s hand was only because he couldn’t help laughing if he didn’t do it like this!

Link’s front foot is still thinking about what to do to prevent Hermione from becoming Krum and Ron’s dancing partner, and this is what happened now.

Judging from Link’s understanding of Hermione, since Hermione has said that, he will never regret it.

In other words, the enemy collapsed before Link took action!

This world is really amazing!

Link sighed from the bottom of my heart!

Of course, the originally prepared intervention plan still has to be carried out!

After all, it would be bad if Hermione went to the prom with some other unfathomable mystery when the time comes!

Thinking about this, Link frowned and said to Harry with some worry:

“Harry, I’m still a little worried about this. Could you please help me stare more at Hermione and Ron recently? It’s better to have Krum, and let me know as soon as I have the situation!”

Although he took off his eyes and was still in the thick mist, Harry still felt Link’s sincere concern from in the bones.

This moved Harry very much.

Thinking of their misunderstanding of Link, and the act of repaying grievances with virtue behind Link, his nose was sour, and he rubbed it hard and said sincerely:

“Link, don’t worry, I will report to you every day about the three of them!”

“Thank you! Good brother!”

Link solemnly raised the juice.

When Harry saw the situation, Harry also learned to lift the cup and greet him.

“en! Good brother!”


The crisp sound of a toast echoed in the bathroom, and the two drank the juice and laughed happily.

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