
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Maybe I was really moved by Link, of course, maybe it was just a lip service.

In short, Harry then kept telling Link about his crush on Cedric’s girlfriend.

Even, Harry also said the darkest thoughts buried in his heart-perhaps only Cedric died before he could get Cho Chang’s favor.

Harry regretted just after the call.

Because this time Link was not surprised to put his hands in his mouth, but stared directly at him, silent.

Harry felt that Link’s eyes at this moment were a bit like Snape’s anger, but he felt that Link’s eyes were a bit more human than Snape, and he was disappointed in him.

Under this complicated gaze, Harry, who was consciously wronged, quickly lowered his head in shame.

Harry was ready to be scolded by Link and even beaten up.

But what Harry didn’t know was that Link was actually shocked by Harry’s views on the future development of things, or the speculation was so thorough!

Because following the original trajectory of the story, Cho Chang did give Harry a chance to kiss Fangze after Cedric’s death.

It’s a pity that Harry himself didn’t cherish that’s all.

sighed, seeing that Harry was so ashamed that he almost buried his head in the pool at this time, Link said slowly:

“Cho Chang is really good, and it’s normal for you to like her. But you are expecting Cedric to die because of a Cho Chang, which is a bit too much.”

“I didn’t!”

Harry hurriedly raised his head to retort, but after looking at Link’s eyes that seemed to see him through, he lowered his head again.

“I know, you just think about it, it’s not shameful. It’s not surprising to see a beautiful woman and yy. If you have studied the psychology of muggle, you will know that this is one of your personality The thing called the self is at work.”

Link said, “The id represents your instinct as a creature. It drives all your desires, including eating and sleeping, and of course, including desire for women with boyfriends like Cho Chang. But purely following the id Acting is no different from the wild beast, so the id will be controlled by the superego, which is born out of the concept of morality and ethics.

Of course, if the two completely opposite existences of the id and the superego fight too hard, you will become a lunatic. At this time, the self will jump out to coordinate, in order to achieve a harmony.

So, “thinking” is actually true. The key is that you have to use your ego and superego to control this bad idea that is born from the id and not let it. Drive your body to do really bad things.

Otherwise, you will become a morally bad guy.

You don’t want to be a bad guy, do you? “

Link’s language has not been modified in any way, like a Dissection knife, exposing all Harry’s bad thoughts to people.

This made Harry instinctively ashamed.

But he recognized Link’s words very much, and almost nodded his head to the phantom.

Link relaxed a little when he saw this, and continued:

“I will confirm with you again. You should know that you can’t actually be with Cho Chang, right?”

Harry ordered nodded again.

“That’s good!” Link patted, “From now on you will be the first unrequited love in your life and be completely broken in love!”

Harry was nodded again as Link had hoped, but it was a bit difficult to order this time, and after nodding, the whole person sank into the pool like losing all strength.

Link reached out and picked Harry up, laughing hehe and said:

“Since we are broken in love, we should talk about how to make up for ourselves after we are broken in love so that we can come out quickly!”

“How to compensate?”

Harry said weakly, and he felt very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Link seemed a little excited, speeding up his speech:

“Do you remember your Nimbus 2000?”

“Of course!” Harry said decisively, “That was the first broomstick in my life! It’s a pity it was broken by Whoping Willow!”

“Then do you remember how long did you feel sorry for Nimbus 2000 after it was destroyed?”

“I’m sorry…”

Harry’s voice stopped abruptly and his eyes gradually widened.

Link laughed happily:

“The sorrow it brings to you disappears the moment you get Firebolt? People just love the new and dislike the old! When you feel sad because of what you have lost, the best solution is to get another one. Something better!

So, what you have to do now is to find a better girl than Cho Chang! You just don’t have a partner yet, don’t you? Go find that girl, and justly invite her to the dance party! Of course, the premise is that the girl must be single, and you can’t pry other people’s corners, that’s too shameless! “

“What you said makes sense!” Harry firmly nodded nodded, and then asked in a daze, “But who do you think I should go to?”

“Ask me what I am doing? It’s your own business, and I don’t know what you like!” Link changed the front and said hard, “As long as you don’t find Hermione!”

The second half of Link’s sentence stunned Harry a bit, and after reacting, he said mockingly:

“It seems that your’self’ is more partial to the’self’ when it is responsible for coordination.”

Even if it was Link’s cheeky, it felt a little embarrassing to be mocked by Harry with the theory he had just said.

Fortunately, Harry had already dispelled the idea of ​​prying Cedric’s corner, and did not intend to pursue Hermione.

Link is sure of this.

He used Legilimens to see clearly.

This made Link relaxed, and at the same time I felt that after I went back, I must blackmail Cedric for a pumpkin cake the size of someone else’s!

It took him a lot of effort this time to flick Harry and help Cedric solve this big problem!

The decision was made secretly, and Link’s embarrassment was slightly eased.

He took out the golden egg from the Extension Charm bag on the side of the pool and brought it to Harry who looked confused.

Before Harry could ask questions, the golden egg was opened.

The horrible screams reverberated continuously in the closed bathroom, and the sound waves formed even formed a circle of ripples on the surface of the water.

The perplexity on Harry’s face was instantly covered by pain, but in an instant he grew his mouth in astonishment, and at the same time he cast his sight on the beautiful Merpeople portrait who was still playing Arkham’s flute.

The scream in this golden egg is very similar to that of Merpeople!

Seeing that he had understood, Link quickly put the golden egg into the water.

A surprising scene appeared.

The horrible scream disappeared instantly after being filtered by the clear water, but after Link pressed Harry’s head into the water, a beautiful song rang in their ears!

Come and find, where our singing sounds,

But we cannot sing on land.

We took away your most beloved treasure.

You only have one hour,

Come to find and recapture the objects we took,

When outdated, there will be no hope,

It will disappear completely and never reappear.

“Ha! This, this is…”

Harry panted as he wiped the water off his face.

“As you have heard, this is the secret in the golden egg and the clue to our next project.”

Link, whose mind was swollen in the bathroom, lost the thought of continuing to ink with Harry. While standing on the shore wiping his body, he said, “I guess they might hide our most precious things at the bottom of the Black Lake. Down, and then let us get the things back within an hour.”

“Yeah, that’s right, it should be like this! Only Black Lake has Merpeople, and the venue should be there. It’s just… how do they know what our most precious thing is? This kind of thing even me I don’t know. And when the time comes, if we really don’t find something within an hour, would they really not give it to us?”

“What you said is not a problem. Of course they don’t know what your most precious thing is, but it doesn’t prevent them from choosing things at all. For example, if they catch Ron and say this is you The most precious thing, will you come out and deny it?”

Harry was dumb for a while.

Of course he would not deny it, and Ron would definitely be angry if he denied it.

“If the project fails, you don’t have to worry too much. They don’t dare to kill casually now. The high probability is to send Merpeople to bring things up and give you 0 points.”

Link has put on his clothes, and finally glanced at Harry, then picked up Arkham moved towards and walked outside the bathroom, “Well, if you have any questions, then take the golden egg and listen to it a few more times. Merpeople song, I’m going back to sleep.”

The door to the bathroom was heavily closed, leaving Harry sitting in the water alone, his expression gradually becoming a little sad.

He only remembered now that he just seemed to forget to ask Link how to infiltrate underwater for a long time.

This made Harry want to immediately catch up with Link who hadn’t gone far to ask, but just as soon as he was together, he suppressed this idea again.

Link has given him enough help, and he naturally has to show his abilities.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he really become a waste?

Unlike Harry’s sorrow, Link who took a bath only felt comfortable all over, and immediately fell asleep immediately after returning.

And in the next few days, the atmosphere in Hogwarts became more and more sweet as the Christmas ball arrived.

Link No matter where you go, you can see many young men and women who directly invite people to the dance party in public.

Once these people are successfully invited, there will be a lot of applause in the crowd.

What’s more, it is actually taking this excellent opportunity to confess.

This has led to the emergence of many passionate couples in Hogwarts who are tired of kissing me and me all day, even hugging and kissing in public, and Professor McGonagall is very upset.

Because some couples are sometimes too excited and engaged, making this romantic and elegant thing disgusting.

Unfortunately, she did not have the right to prevent students from falling in love.

After all, Magic Circle has a scarce population and serious declining birthrates. The Ministry of Magic has always encouraged people to do this.

Of course, there are not a few guys who invite their partners or confess their failures.

For example, Link himself refuses to accept invitations from nearly a dozen girls every day, from First Year to Seventh Year.

Fortunately, Link’s adult soul makes him have a high enough emotional intelligence.

Faced with every girl who offered him an invitation or simply confessed, Link would first sincerely admire the other person’s beauty or character, then thank the other person for his love, and finally tactfully refuse.

This makes all the girls who failed, although unwilling and low-faced, are being laughed at by the people around them.

Fleur is much worse in comparison.

Every teenager who offered her a dance partner would be humiliated in public by her ruthless face.

This directly caused her reputation among the Hogwarts students to begin to surge towards a terrible extreme.

Ms. Maxime has become increasingly dissatisfied with Fleur recently.

This is not only because of Fleur’s terrible way of rejection, but also because Fleur has stopped coming to Link since being rejected by Link.

Fortunately, Beauxbatons brought many beautiful girls this time.

So, under the instruction of Maxime, there were a lot of gorgeous and enthusiastic French young girls around Link suddenly.

At first Link thought they were all forced to come by Maxime, just like Fleur, they are all poor girls.

But after a few days of in-depth conversation, he understood.

These girls are voluntary.

After all, Link is really good.

What’s more important is that they hate Fleur so much for some reason, and want to prove to everyone that they are better than Fleur by catching Link.

After knowing this information, Link lost the last touch of sensitivity to these girls and let Emily send someone to drive them away.

In short, in the next few days.

Most people known to Link have found a suitable partner.

Among them, John and Cedric invited their respective girlfriends, Lily Ann and Cho Chang, very justifiably.

Even Harry and Ron, the two idiots, invited their dancing partners.

Parvati Patil and Padma Patil are twin sisters from India.

For this matter, everyone felt a little weird.

Because it is different from what is shown in the original work movie, the Patil sisters are basically simply not the dark-skinned, dirty-skinned Indians that people normally think.

Both of them are the highest Brahman, belong to Aryan, very white and very beautiful!

And their noble background and strict family education also gave them outstanding character and gentle character.

It’s Gryffindor’s beloved twin garden flower!

So most people are a little skeptical about the world after knowing that they are committed to the two silly boys, Harry and Ron.

Even Link is no exception.

Because in Link’s view, the best match for them should be the Gemini and Fred De Ge!

Gemini matches Gemini! How perfect!

As for Hermione, her situation is a bit bad.

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