
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The so-called three-year-old looking old is not an empty talk. The temperament and achievements of many people can indeed be seen from the little things of their childhood.

Such as Percy.

Many people, including Percy’s parents, think that Percy is just a little obsessed with being a leader that’s all, there is no big problem.

Link is different.

Due to his previous career, Link is very good at and accustomed to observing others from subtle points.

So even if he hasn’t seen original work, he can clearly know what Percy is.

After all, as a young person with the strongest secretion of hormones, what Percy should do most is to follow the drive of biological instinct, and take advantage of such a good time as the Christmas ball to invite a soulmate who has been admired for a long time, and then the ball ends. Then I kissed Fangze.

Seriously, it’s hard for a young man full of blood to resist this temptation.

But now Percy has just given up this opportunity, instead of old Barty sitting in the main guest seat.

This means that the temptation of power is far more important to Percy than love.

and so on, Link feels that as long as he pushes slightly, Percy will most likely become a wild beast for power, willing to abandon his wife and children, and use everything.

This is actually a good thing for Link.

After all, the Foley family has power and money. If power is a game, then the Foley family is the absolute high player in this game, and even part of the rule-makers.

As long as Percy is interested in these two distinct things, Link can drive him to do anything at will.

For example, secretly spying on old Barty, or simply pitting old Barty in the gutter.

So Link, who discovered this, felt very good.

At this time Dumbledore has officially announced the start of the banquet.

There is not a huge amount of food on the plate in front of everyone, but there is an extra menu on the side of the plate.

The names of hundreds of dishes are written densely packed with bronzing text. The banquet participants only need to read the names of the dishes above, and the next moment the dishes will appear in front of him.

There is no doubt that the house elfs are doing their best for tonight’s banquet. The dishes that can appear on everyone’s dinning table are not only diverse in variety, and every taste is not bad.

Unfortunately, Link is not interested in it.

He enthusiastically invited Percy to sit down beside him, and then said with a faint smile:

“I often hear Harry and Ron mention you. They also told me that you are writing a paper on the quality inspection of imported cauldron. It is said that you think that some imported cauldrons have obviously too thin bottoms and poor quality.

They told me about it as what a joke, but after listening to it, I didn’t think it was funny. On the contrary, I think your point of view is very good. This is a good strategy to improve people’s livelihood and taxation. If the completion of this paper is high enough, it is meaningful. Then you should be stationed in Ministry of Magic based on this paper alone.

At the same time, I can see your ambition from this paper. You want to develop in the Department of International Magical Cooperation in the future, right? “

Following Link’s narration, Percy quickly lost interest in food on the dinning table.

He only felt the undereye circles hot, and then stared at Link with a pair of slightly red eyes:

“Yes, yes! Sir!”

Percy didn’t dare to say too much. He was afraid that if he said too much, he couldn’t help crying.

Tian is pitiful, his argument is obviously serious and beneficial to the country, but most people regard it as a what a joke.

Forget about others.

Even his family did not understand him and even made fun of him.

Now I finally met Link, a person who can understand his thoughts deeply.

At this moment, Percy has regarded Link as a confidant!

Naturally, these thoughts can’t be concealed from Mastering Link with Legilimens spell.

He was slightly smiled imperceptibly, and then said sincerely:

“This is a good way out. The personal assistant is actually no different from the secretary. After graduation, as Mr. Crouch’s secretary, you will definitely be able to get in touch with more people and things than others, which will greatly increase your experience. , Wisdom and contacts will be of great benefit to you in bringing it up a level in the future.”

Percy’s eyes were bright and nodded like pounding garlic, Link was talking about his heart.

The reason why he is trying so hard to lick old Barty Crouch now is that he has such an idea.

It was just that Link soon changed his words:

“It’s just that the Department of International Magical Cooperation actually does not have a high weight in the Ministry of Magic, and few officials from it can enter the Wizengamot Council. And the chief you follow is still Crouch, but he was removed from the Head of the The position of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was demoted, and many people had a bad opinion of him. And you, as the talent he cultivated…”

Link did not go on, because he found that Percy’s face had become deathly white, and he had obviously understood it.

“Mr. Foley, then you say, me, what should I do?”

Percy said with a trembling voice.

“Well, I have a good relationship with Minister Fudge. At the beginning, he was the honoree of my Level 2 Order of Merlin. If I have a chance, I will talk to him again. Maybe I can switch you to magic. Department of Magical Law Enforcement, or directly become his secretary.

Of course, the most important thing for you now is to help Crouch well, after all, you are already his personal assistant, aren’t you? Do your duty, you have to remember this. “

Percy shivered, and soon ordered nodded at Link in a very flattering way.

At this moment, Link’s identity in Percy’s eyes quickly changed from a confidant to a big figure who needs to look up and cling to.

Link believes that no matter what order he sends to it, Percy will try his best to complete it.

This makes him feel better.

He smiled at patted Percy’s shoulder and was about to continue to say some words of encouragement.

But then Emily stabbed him with an elbow and said:

“Don’t say these unnutritious words, come and taste this steak, I have already cut it for you.”

After that, a plate of neatly sliced ​​steak was handed to Link.

This shouldn’t be what Emily would do.

Because she knows very well that Link doesn’t like steak at all, no matter how mature, she doesn’t like it.

And soon, Link understood why Emily behaved so abnormally.

Because he found that the lively conversation on the main guest seat had disappeared, and now everyone including Dumbledore was silently watching him.

Their expressions all are very complicated, especially Maxime.

She doesn’t want to recruit Link to Beauxbatons school anymore.

After all, from just a few words, Link made Percy a wise man who looked extremely shrewd and loyal to him.

Link is very good at manipulating people’s hearts, or Link has a very powerful charisma.

Maxime estimates that as long as Link enters Beauxbatons, it will take all the students in the school in less than two years.

After that, if Link had some bold ideas like the two previous geniuses in Europe…

There is no end to Europe, she doesn’t know, anyway, Beauxbatons must be over.


Maxime couldn’t help but shudder.

The atmosphere on the dinning table became a bit weird for a while, even if Link had closed his mouth and concentrated on eating.

Only Harry smiled at Link happily.

This guy thinks Link is simply doing Percy’s good.

And just as this atmosphere was about to develop to its extreme, Fleur’s voice suddenly rang.

“Does Hogwarts use these things to entertain guests?” She looked a little contemptuously at the all around decorations and the meals in front of them and said, “If it were in Beauxbatons, then our auditorium should be full of ice. Sculptures, such as huge diamond statues and snow and ice Christmas trees, sparkle in the auditorium. Of course, they are all cursed and will never melt.

The food is also top-notch. apart from this we also have the Mountain Fairy Choir, they sing a serenade for us when we eat. We won’t have these ugly armors on our walls. If a ghost who specializes in pranks breaks into Beauxbatons, he will definitely be kicked out, just like this. “

Fleur patted the table hard.

“That’s right!” Her dancing partner Davis hurriedly responded, and patted on the table, “It’s like this!”

Davis did not take into account the weird eyes of everyone around him. Fortunately, everyone here knows that he is just a poor creature completely controlled by Fleur’s charm, so he did not help outsiders to insult his alma mater. taking seriously.

However, thanks to their blessing, the atmosphere on the main guest table finally returned to normal.

Everyone continued to talk and laugh. During the period, Percy ordered a three-point steak for Link, and he cut it diligently before placing it in front of Link.

Link just eats fiercely to hide his embarrassment, so Percy thinks Link should like steak very much.

It’s a pity that this flattery was photographed on the horse’s leg. Link didn’t like this thing at all. After taking two bites perfunctorily, he stopped moving.

So Percy got tangled up again, sitting down and thinking about what he did wrong.

Time passed quickly, and when everyone was full, Dumbledore got up and asked all the students to give up their seats.

Then he waved his wand, and the auditorium, which was originally occupied by small tables, was opened up in an instant, and a stage with various musical instruments appeared on the wall.

The Weird Sisters orchestra, which has recently been extremely popular on the wizard radio, appeared.

They are all wearing clothes that are deliberately torn and torn, and their hair is very thick, some even have beards, they are quite killer and have very spicy eyes.

But as soon as they appeared, they were overwhelmed by cheers and applause. All the students seemed to like them very much.

Link was strange at first, thinking that there was something wrong with the aesthetics of these people.

But when The Weird Sisters touched the instrument, he understood that the wrong person was actually himself.

Because the music played by these women who killed Matt is so melodious!

“Champion, you should go dancing!”

Professor McGonagall appeared in due course and said to everyone.

She looked worried, and gave Harry a full warning after her words, causing Parvati to cover her mouth and smile.

In fact, Emily’s expression at this time is not much different from that of Professor McGonagall.

But Link didn’t worry about dancing. He laughed twice and pulled Emily onto the dance floor specially opened by Dumbledore.

Under everyone’s gaze, the two of them danced to the beat.

Emily paid more attention to this dance than Link had imagined.

For example, this dance that they have practiced countless times is the noble traditional dance that Emily commissioned Mrs. Foley to find someone to compile.

And the effect is amazing.

Everyone present, no matter your princes, just focused their eyes on Link and Emily.

Looking at the two of them are like two butterflies in love, making various and beautiful movements in the flowers blooming in the spring to accompany dance music. Sometimes they separate, but they embrace each other in an instant… [ 19459002]

Such a beautiful dance coupled with Link and Emily are a perfect couple.

Many people are silly looking at it.

Link doesn’t care what other people think.

The dresses on their bodies looked thick, but in fact they were very light and breathable. After constantly hugging and touching, Link’s body and heart inevitably became hot.

At this moment, everything in his vision has become blurred, only Emily is left.

“Ah! You just made a mistake again!”

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the two to stick together again, Emily whispered to Link.

Her current state is similar to that of Link, or even more serious. A pretty face has long turned into a pink, and her charming appearance is particularly lovely and moving against the flames of the surrounding candles.

As a result, Link finally couldn’t help it anymore.

He pulled Emily’s arm, let it spin in his arms, and kissed Emily’s face with one bite.

Then, in Emily’s exclamation, Link grabbed Emily’s dominance and began to lead Emily to do as one pleases.

The dancing posture is not at all as elegant as just now, casual and joyful, but unexpectedly not ugly.

If Emily pays attention to Hollywood movies, you should know that this dance is exactly the same as in “Pulp Fiction”.

But unlike in the movie, Link does not shy away from physical contact with Emily.

Emily was still a little unwilling to let go at the beginning, but when she found out that the opening dance was over, everyone went to the dance floor together as their own company. After not many people paid attention to her, she was relieved and fully absorbed. Involved in this carnival.

The dance music changed from melodious to sad, and then became cheerful and excited. After I don’t know how many times, Link and Emily, who were intoxicated by it, walked down the dance floor gasping for breath and went to rest at a table next to it. .

“Aiya! What did you take me to dance just now! What a shame!”

Emily, who was just more active than Link just stepped off the stage, changed her appearance in an instant, shyly buried her head in Link’s arms, and kept burrowing her small fist on Link’s stomach.

This is how women are, and they change their faces faster than turning a book.

Link didn’t care, instead he leaned into Emily’s ear and exhaled warmly and said:

“When we get home from the holiday, shall we still dance like this?”

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