
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After entangled with Emily for a while, Link sat down at the small table and drank lemonade without a bite.

Of course, Hogwarts also made an exception to prepare some low-alcohol drinks such as Butterbeer and honey wine for this banquet.

It’s a pity that Emily no longer allows Link to drink after experiencing the hospitalization after drinking too much.

She thinks Link may be allergic to alcohol and shouldn’t touch this thing again in her life.

It is best not to smell the alcohol.

Link didn’t care about this, he didn’t like alcohol, which was so hot and screaming.

And Hogwarts lemonade also contains honey. It is perfect as a thirst quenching drink. It is very suitable for people like him and Emily who have just experienced strenuous exercise.

The music in the auditorium continues.

The tunes in The Weird Sisters’ minds are endless. Although the ball has been going on for almost an hour, none of their tunes are repeated.

While the music does not stop, the men and women swinging on the dance floor will naturally not stop.

It’s just that their dancing style has changed from the original elegance to casual and warm. If you remove their gorgeous dresses, Link feels that this scene is no different from the bar and disco in the previous life.

Driven by this atmosphere, many professors also joined the dance floor and began to writhe.

Among them, Professor Flitwick’s dancing is the most outstanding. After his mini-body made the difficult maneuvers of Thomas, everyone who witnessed this scene couldn’t help but applaud.

However, the four champions who started the dance at the moment have disappeared.

Among them, Fleur was the most straightforward. After dancing, she just symbolically jumped on the dance floor twice and ran directly to the corner to rest. At this moment, she shook the red wine in the goblet and sips slightly.

There are many men around her who want to invite her to dance.

Some people who were charmed and lost their minds even left their original partners to join in the fun.

It’s a pity that no one can really succeed.

This is not only because Fleur ignores them at all, but also because Davis is guarding Fleur’s side like a frantic hound at the moment. Anyone who dares to come up to talk to Fleur will be ruthless by him. Attacks, regardless of men and women.

Krum is not better.

He took Daphne up to the stage and danced a dance as if to complete the task, and then went back to the court and kept filling Butterbeer.

It was like trying to drink myself to death, ignoring Daphne at all.

This makes Daphne not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Karkaroff came to the rescue soon.

He sat next to the two of them and kept looking for topics to ease the embarrassment, Daphne also responded positively.

It’s a pity that Krum still ignores them. He just keeps drinking and exudes a strong melancholic temperament, which attracts many young girls who are overwhelmed by maternal love.

As for Harry, he is probably the poorest.

Because he was standing on the edge of the dance floor with Ron like an insignificant grass, no one cared about them at all.

Including their dancing partners, they didn’t care about their feelings. They left them early and went to the dance floor to dance with other men.

But they didn’t seem to think this was an insult, but stared at a certain corner on the dance floor with blank eyes.

Out of curiosity, Link followed their gazes.

As a result, his eyes began to become as dull as Harry Ron.

Because he saw Hermione.

Today’s Hermione has gathered up his unkempt lion hair, used a lot of hairdressing agents to make them obediently form a bun, and she also wears a pink dress, which is quite a fairy tale The meaning of Princess.

To be honest, Hermione doesn’t dress herself very much, and at the moment she looks far less beautiful than Emily and Fleur, but everyone who knows her will instinctively fall into sluggishness and shock when they see her.

This is mainly because her appearance and beauty at the moment are in sharp contrast to her previous nerd appearance.

The most important thing is that she is dancing with Ron’s Little Sister, Ginny Weasley at this time.

The dancing of the two young girls is not elegant, or simply that they can’t dance at all, just jumping and hugging at will.

But their faces are filled with happy smiles.

Especially Hermione.

Link, who owns the Legilimens curse, is very sure that she is really very happy at the moment.

This makes Link not only have some doubts about Hermione’s orientation.

Emily naturally also noticed Link’s abnormality. She glanced at Link, who had been silent for a long time and had erratic eyes, and then glanced in the direction of Fleur and Hermione. Then she sighed and said:

“Forget it, if you really feel uncomfortable, go find them to dance a dance, I don’t blame you.”

Emily’s words brought Link’s gaze back from the dance floor again. He stared down at the gold cufflinks engraved with the Forli family pattern on Emily’s cuffs, firmly shook the head.

“I’m not kidding, you can really go find them to dance a dance.”

Emily put her cooling face on Link’s cheek whispered, “It’s so common among pure-blooded nobles like us, men, it’s all the same. Yes. It’s very common for more romantic people to raise mistresses outside after marriage or even take them home.

But I am relatively stingy. At most I can only allow you to mess around a little bit before we get engaged. After we get engaged, you still love me alone. Otherwise, I would go crazy. “

Emily’s voice is extremely gentle, like a dream, but it also contains a little encouragement for Link to do so.

But Link is still shook the head without the slightest hesitation after listening.

So Emily said in a more gentle tone:

“Are you really not going? These two months can be said to be your last free time.”

At this point, there is nothing else to say.

Link sighed, he just got up and took Emily to the outside of the auditorium. He went to the exit of the hall before he hugged Emily and said:

“It’s too boring inside, let’s go roam around.”

As in the auditorium, the garden and lawn outside Hogwarts were specially arranged by the organizing committee of the competition.

Many ornately decorated winding paths and huge plaster statues surround the entire Hogwarts Castle.

In a place farther away, a large number of little fairies with fluttering wings, like a Fire Insect, shuttled among the rose bushes and bushes that were urged to bloom by magic in the garden, throwing large swaths like a tulle Fairy light.

The brilliance they sprinkled can often arouse some faint exclamations, because in those hidden bushes, there are many men and women who sneak out of the auditorium.

And the number of these men and women is still increasing sharply, because there are still many men and women in gorgeous dresses passing by Link and Emily, eagerly rushing towards the uninhabited bushes.

This made Emily forget what had just happened in the auditorium.

Her complexion was flushed and her breathing became much faster.

She knew exactly what the men and women in the bush were doing.

And now Link invites her to go roam around, as if he is preparing to do the same to her.

Out of shyness, she instinctively wanted to refuse.

But I glanced at Link secretly, and saw that his wolf-like eyes were staring at her, but Emily was almost nodded.

The corners of Link’s mouth raised, and Emily walked towards the depths of the garden.

The two of them were moving faster and faster. In the end, Link finally pulled Emily into the grass and poked her lips over.


Emily let out a muffled grunt, her body was rapidly softening and warming, and her eyes began to dim.

But just as Link was preparing to go further, Emily froze suddenly and pushed Link away.


She exclaimed, and then covered her mouth again, and rushed out of the bushes as if to escape, and ran towards the castle.

Link also chased after two steps symbolically, then calmly stopped and began to sort out some of his messy dresses.

At this moment, Snape’s cold face that had remained unchanged for years was suddenly illuminated by a fairy light.

“Your mother and the old waste in Victoria still have a contract.”

Snape’s voice was extremely cold, but Link read the warning from it.

But Link didn’t care and continued to organize his clothes and said:

“I know.”

Snape didn’t speak, and the flowers fell silent for an instant, leaving only the rustle of Link finishing his clothes.

Finally, Link restored his dress to its original state.

Only then did he slowly turn around and looked at Snape with the same indifferent and unsentimental eyes:

“You are here not just to prevent me from breaking the contract?”

Snape did not speak.

He stared into Link’s eyes, wanting to read something out of it.

It’s a pity that Link’s current Occlumency is already stronger than him. With his Legilimens curse power alone, he can only get nothing.

After a long time, he faintly said:

“Karkaroff asked me to come. He told me a lot of unfathomable mystery, many of which I couldn’t understand. But I could feel that he didn’t want to run away.”

“Really? I know.”

Link still answered very calmly, which made Snape instinctively feel a little bit wrong, frowned and said:

“He seems to be something wrong, what are you going to do?”

“Kill him.” Link without the slightest hesitation said, but after finishing speaking, it seemed that he didn’t respect Snape so much, so he asked Snape, “What do you think?”

Link’s respect did not arouse Snape’s favor, but seemed to irritate him.

I saw Snape approaching two steps and said unkindly:

“Kill him? Just rely on the hunters that your Foley family sent around Hogwarts? You don’t really think you are doing top secret things, do you? Link! What do you want to do!?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt Harry.”

Hearing that Snape’s pupils shrank again, he reached out to grab Link’s collar, but a black jade snake head came out of Link’s collar, glare like a tiger watching his Prey stared at Snape’s outstretched hand.

“si si sigh~”

Snape is not Parseltongue, but this does not prevent him from reading the warning in Arkham’s voice.

So he withdrew his hand very honestly, and his expression became cold and calmly said again:

“You should know? No matter what you want to do, Dumbledore can’t be avoided. He won’t allow you to mess around in Hogwarts!”

“No, he should be happy to see it.”

Link pressed Arkham’s head and said to Snape faintly, “The short calm has ended, this World is going to be messed up again. All I want to do is protect my good family members from harm. And you, also in the scope of my family, my professor.”

Snape did not speak, even his expression did not change.

So Link continued:

“Don’t you understand? Professor Snape. Whether it’s Dumbledore or Voldemort, both of them are actually chess players, and we are the pieces they use to achieve their goals. The only difference between them is that Voldemort Dumbledore’s chess methods are rougher, while Dumbledore’s is more subtle and gentle, nothing more. But in essence, the two of them are indistinguishable. In order to achieve their goals, they will not care about you and me at all.

So, Professor Snape. Stop listening to Dumbledore and Voldemort’s orders. They will not fulfill your wishes, they will only push you to hell. “

A mocking smile appeared on Snape’s face, he said with a smile:

“Then who should I listen to? Are you?”

“Of course! You know me. I have always helped my relatives and ignored me. How could I harm you? As long as you are willing to follow my instructions in the future, at least I can guarantee Harry’s safety.”

Link said decisively.

Hearing that the corners of Snape’s eyes twitched badly, and wanted to continue to reprimand Link’s overestimate one’s capabilities, there was a series of familiar conversations not far away.

This caused Snape’s original angry mood to be quickly restrained, returning to the original indifferent appearance, and then quickly moved towards the castle.

But when he was wrong with Link, I heard him indifferently said:

“You must not kill Karkaroff. He is the headmaster of the Triwizard Tournament Durmstrang. Killing him Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore will never let you go. You don’t care about this, I will stare at him.

If necessary, I should be the one who killed him! “

Snape left without looking back.

The action was so simple and the pace was so fast that the wide cloak behind him was turned violently.

Against the backdrop of the night, it looks like a big bat.

Maybe it was because of the relationship that was so angry with Link, he suddenly turned halfway, and pulled out several pairs of disheveled men and women from the bushes, deduct points, and confined them.

And Link looked at his back like this, and a faint smile appeared on his indifferent face.

It wasn’t until Snape completely disappeared from his sight that Link walked briskly back to Hogwarts Castle.

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