
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

It was the 3rd day morning after the Christmas ball when Link sat with Emily again.

This is not because Link didn’t look for it or didn’t care about it.

But Emily is deliberately avoiding Link.

Every time Emily sees Link, she gets nervous and she can’t wait to run away immediately.

It’s the same this time.

As soon as Link sat down next to Emily and was about to enjoy breakfast, Emily’s originally relaxed body instantly tightened, lowered her head, and rubbed her robes with her hands.

“Emily, why is your face so red? Are you sick?”

Link put his hand on Emily’s thigh very naturally and said.

But as soon as his hand dropped, Emily bounced like a frightened rabbit and fled outside the auditorium without even eating breakfast.

This scene made Link and the following John and Cedric a little confused.

After a long time, Cedric tried to say to Link:

“What the hell did you do? Why is she so angry?”

“Angry?” Link surprisedly said, “Why do you think that?”

“She reacted so strongly, isn’t she angry?”

John also leaned over and said.

It was said that Link stopped talking, just shook the head with a smile.

Only guys like John and Cedric who don’t know women at all think Emily is angry.

And only a guy like Snape who has been soloing until now would feel that Link’s previous actions in the bushes of the Christmas party were purely outbursts of animal desire.

But in fact, Link is not so anxious!

Link did this unexpectedly because he wanted Emily to know that she was actually very hungry for her body.

The love between juvenile couples first starts from the physical aspect. As for the love of the soul, such as the lingering water and the long flowing water, it belongs to the old man’s wife and a very few extraordinary people.

So if a woman’s fiance is immeasurably self-satisfied to this woman when they are about to get engaged or get married, then there must be a problem.

Link made this mistake before.

In order not to break the contract, he tried his best to restrain his desires and deliberately did not have too much physical contact with Emily.

As a result, Emily did not appreciate it.

On the contrary, she felt that this was because Link didn’t like her very much, and she also had some inferiority thoughts, so she encouraged Link to dance with Fleur and Hermione at the Christmas party.

Although sad, it is also a good way to win over my husband.

At least many ladies outside did this after they were old and declining.

This is not surprising in the aristocratic circle. As far as Link knows, even the famous ****** is very tolerant of Prince Philip on this issue.

After Link realized Emily’s thoughts, he immediately turned to the offensive and fulfilled his duties as a prospective betrothed husband.

And the final result is also perfect.

Emily likes Link’s behavior very much. She has regained confidence in her charm. Not only does she no longer think about her, she is also frightened not to get too close to Link. She is afraid that Link will really not bear it next time. Live and eat her.

It’s not that Emily is unwilling to feed Link, but that she is afraid of breaking the contract, which will result in the two being unable to eat each other in the future.

Such a day is very good!

Link ordered nodded with satisfaction, ordered a large bite of grilled sausage, and then moved the plate away so that the large group of owl messengers flying over the auditorium could throw the package on the table.

When the owls whistled past, there were two more packages in front of Link.

One is Daily Prophet and the other is sent by Mrs. Foley.

Link can already be guessed.

This 80% is the result of an overly worried Emily writing back to complain to Mrs. Foley.

He smiled slightly and ignored Mrs. Foley’s package, but took the lead in opening the Daily Prophet.

Then he smiled happier.

Because today’s front page headline is impressively written about Hogwarts professor Hagrid and Beauxbatons headmaster Maxime at the Christmas ball tryst.

The article explained in detail the relationship between Hagrid and Maxime, and also changed a lot of content, turning it into a bitter drama comparable to Qiong Yao’s work.

Originally this kind of gossip lace news is not eligible for headlines.

But the article also reveals the identity of Hagrid half-orcs, Hagrid’s previous expulsion from Hogwarts for raising dangerous creatures without authorization, and last year Hagrid used poisonous horns and Hippogriff winged beasts to teach students without authorization, and finally What caused Draco Malfoy to be injured.

After a series of magic changes, this article concludes from the above cases that Hagrid is a completely incompetent waste. The reason why he can become a professor is entirely the result of Dumbledore’s nepotism.

At the same time, such a lace scandal turned into an essay on Hagrid and Dumbledore.

And the author of this article is naturally Rita Skeeter.

John and Cedric got excited as soon as they read this article. They gathered a group of people excitedly and went to Dumbledore’s office, trying to help Hagrid with a few words of justice.

In their opinion, Hagrid is indeed a good professor, even though it is really broken.

As for the matter between Hagrid and Ms. Maxime, they purely think that Hagrid is winning glory for Hogwarts.

Link’s reaction was different.

After reading it roughly, he sat in a chair with keen interest pleasure and watched it.

After all, Rita Skeeter’s writing style is indeed very good, and the fascinating writing on the story level is even better than Lockhart, a true novelist.

As for Hagrid, Link is not worried at all.

He is the most loyal being in the Dumbledore Order of the Phoenix, and he has fought well.

So he may be temporarily dismissed by Dumbledore, but he will never be expelled from Hogwarts.

Since there will be no major event, Link will just go with the flow.

Even he thought that Hagrid could suffer a little and learn a lesson.

After eating the last bite of mashed potatoes, Link finally put away the newspaper.

At this time, a cup of warm milk floating in the air appeared in front of him in a timely manner.

Link did not drink, but looked sideways.

Percy’s flattering and smiling face came into sight.

“Percy, what’s the matter?”

The napkin wiped his mouth, and Link spoke slowly.

“Mr. Foley, since I talked to you at the last Christmas ball, I have been following your instructions to concentrate on helping Mr. Crouch. But in the process, I was surprised to find that Mr. Crouch seemed to be What kind of conspiracy is going on in secret. I think this might help you and Minister Fudge.”

“Oh? What conspiracy?”

Percy mysterious smiled, took out a notebook from his arms and handed it to Link, then said:

“This is a work note I wrote to better work for Mr. Crouch. It contains a lot of things about Mr. Crouch.”

After hearing this, Link opened the notebook directly.

After reading a few pages, he lifts the head with a weird look and looked towards Percy.

He thinks Percy is too humble.

This notebook not only records the work of old Barty · Crouch, but also records when old Barty ate, how many meals, how many times he went to the bathroom, and what drinks he drank every day. Down, it’s more detailed than old Barty’s own diary!

“Hehe! The things you want to see are at the end, I have summarized them together.”

Percy was a little excited to help Link turn the page, and then explained, “Actually, it’s very simple. I found that Mr. Crouch was not very interested in official business recently, and he almost threw it to me. Then, he himself But he was very busy, frowning and exhausted almost every day. Sometimes when he came back, he even had injuries on his body.

In addition, his house originally had a house elf called Xingling. But since the Quiddich World Cup, the elf has disappeared. I guess that house elf was sent out by him. According to my estimation, the number of our group of people It shouldn’t be small, they must be secretly preparing to make some big moves, and this goal is likely to be Minister Fudge! “

Speaking of Percy’s voice behind him was almost inaudible, Link could feel deep excitement in his tone.

He did have reason to be excited, because if old Barty were prepared to plot against Fudge as he expected, he, the informer, would definitely receive a huge reward from Fudge.

It’s a pity that Link knows very well that old Barty worked so hard for his son, Barty Jr., who was rescued by the mysterious Shadowman.

And now the information given by Percy also proves Link’s previous view-what old Barty definitely knows!

‘It looks like it’s time to have a good talk with old Barty. ’

Link thought so, but kept his hands moving, and took the notebook into his arms.

Seeing the situation, Percy understood that the information he gave was at least useful. He was very happy for a while, but he just pretended to be peaceful.

Under the contradiction between the two, Percy’s expression became a little distorted.

Link chuckled, and looked at Percy’s washed, somewhat whitish school uniform robe, then took out a heavy bag of Gold Coin and placed it on the table:

“Good job. This is one hundred gold Galleon. You can take it to a garment store to order a better suit. If you become Minister Fuji’s personal secretary in the future, you can’t take it out without a good outfit.”

“Yes! Mr. Foley!”

Percy bowed and thanked.

Link picked up the package and went to the responsive room without even looking at him.

Until Link’s silhouette completely disappeared in the auditorium, Percy straightened up and rushed towards the bag of gold Galleon like a wild dog seeing a bone.

He opened the bag cautiously.

Suddenly, the dazzling golden light illuminates his greedy and dull face.

As a Weasley, he grew up so old, let alone have it, and even saw so many gold Galleons.


The bag of gold Galleon that was thrown out at random had an impact on Percy, Link didn’t know.

While Percy watched the brilliance of Gold Coin carefully, Link had already entered the responsive room and opened Mrs. Foley’s package.

Not surprisingly, the first thing that appeared in front of him was a specially processed howler.

The red envelope automatically folded into a mouth, floated in front of Link and began to scold Link for extremely lustful.

The stern wording is absolutely unique in Link’s life.

It’s a pity that Mrs. Foley can no longer pretend to be scolded at the back. Puci cut off the recording magic after a smile, and it took a while to gasping for breath and continued to laugh and scold Link.

Looking at howler who completed his mission and became quiet again, Link also laughed.

Madame Foley’s wisdom is really outstanding.

Just after hearing Emily’s complaint, he immediately understood what his son was thinking, and he also wrote such a Howler in cooperation.

What a good mother!

Link sighed, then put howler away.

He wanted to use it to coax Emily when he looked back.

Otherwise, the silly girl might really ignore Link for months.

It’s just that Link just took howler away, but an old book with a black cover appeared in front of him.

“Secrets of the Darkest Art?”

Link slowly read the ancient Latin on the cover, and then he became ecstatic.

“Secrets of the Darkest Art” is a restricted book not just in name only, but also in reality. Voldemort’s Horcrux production is learned from this book.

apart from this also recorded in detail the most cutting-edge dark magic knowledge including flesh and blood ceremony, life taboo synthesis, evil spirit summon, curse and so on.

The most important thing is that there are three ways to release Unforgivable Curse.

After Link found this book in the reading hall of Forli Castle, he always wanted to learn one or two, and became a wizard who knows how to eat big melons.

It’s a pity that there is a strong seal on that bookshelf, and Mrs. Foley forbids Link to learn too much dark magic, so this became Link’s regret.

didn’t expect, this time Mrs. Foley sent the book directly to Link!

Without any hesitation, Link opened “Secrets of the Darkest Art” directly, and then he was disappointed to find that this is just a reissue of the book in Foley Castle, and it includes life. Most of the contraindicated dark magic fusions have been blacked out, and the only visible content is the three major Unforgivable Curse, Fiendfyre Curse, and other dark magic with almost no side effects.

Link understood immediately.

This is probably also the benefit of proving that I have grown up and have good abilities.

It’s just that Mrs. Foley felt that he was not fully grown, so she gave half of it and hid it.

But even this Link is already satisfied.

After all, as far as the curse is concerned, his battle strength has been raised to a higher level.

Needless to say, three of them are Unforgivable Curse.

Moody has taught everyone very deeply in class.

And this Fiendfyre Curse is different.

To some extent, its destructive power is comparable to a nuclear bomb.

Because it can summon a large swath of living flames generated by the power of the curse.

These flames will be transformed into different animals, regardless of what they can burn regardless of the enemy or us, and rely on combustion to strengthen themselves.

This reinforcement is theoretically Supreme limited.

This means that if conditions permit, Fiendfyre can even burn the world directly!

And most importantly, because of its cursing power characteristics.

It can kill Horcrux!

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