
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Avada Kedavra!”

In the responsive room where the target stands in great numbers, the complexion pale Link fiercely swayed wand.

The rays of light in dark green suddenly appeared.

In an instant, a perfect arc was drawn from the air, and all the targets along the way were smashed.

After successfully releasing the Death Curse, Link did not look happy, but became weaker.

He twisted his head and counted the number of the smashed targets. Then he clicked nodded and slumped on the sofa.

The Three Unforgivable Curse are not actually very complicated and difficult to learn.

Especially Suicide Curse and Cruciatus Curse.

The trick of the Killing Curse is that you must have the most sincere and sincere killing intent for the target to force your own magic power to run, turning it into that palpitating ominous green light.

The heavier your killing intent, the stronger the formidable power you will release.

Similarly, the release of Cruciatus Curse also requires the caster to maintain hatred and anger towards the target, or simply want to torture the opponent.

Therefore, for Link, who has mastered self-hypnosis skills through learning Occlumency, Suicide Curse and Cruciatus Curse are particularly simple.

In fact, the reason why these two spells are listed as Unforgivable Curse is because they are simple and easy to learn, and their effects are powerful and vicious.

So it only took less than two months for Link to fully master Cruciatus Curse and Suicide Curse, and raised their level to lv2.

Such a skill level can’t be considered high, but it is enough for Link to use in normal combat.

Imperius Curse and Fiendfyre are different.

Their complexity is far beyond the comparability of the Death Curse.

Just like Fiendfyre, releasing it requires not only maintaining the malice in the heart, but also actively transforming the power of the curse and turning it into a flame.

Therefore, even though Link has been doing its best to understand and learn in the past two months, in the absence of words and deeds, Link still failed to completely cultivate these two spells and turn them into skills on the system panel.

After learning dark magic in depth, Link understood why Mrs. Foley was not willing to hand over “Secrets of the Darkest Art” to him, and he was not willing to let Link learn the three Unforgivable. Curse.

The magic of this world is actually a truly idealistic thing.

Any release of magic requires the cooperation of the inner emotions of the caster at the time.

For example, Patronus Charm needs the positive energy emotion in the heart of the caster as the source power.

Another example is the Killing Curse that requires your enthusiastic killing intent.

Compared with the power of inner emotions, the magic power that the wizards most fancy is actually not that important.

The reason why dark magic is called dark magic is that the release of dark magic generally requires the caster to urge deep in one’s heart, the darkest and most cruel malice.

Even with self-hypnosis, the ability to isolate the soul.

But once the Evil Thought in his heart is hooked too frequently, this person will inevitably be affected, becoming more and more evil and reckless.

Many dark wizards have proved this with their own examples.

Many of those Death Eaters who do no evil are not evil from at first.

The reason why they will eventually appear in front of people with such a terrible goal, in addition to Voldemort’s persecution and temptation, the release of too much dark magic, so that the soul is corroded is also a very important reason.

So it became easy for Mrs. Foley to want to prevent Link from contacting dark magic.

This kind mother does not want her child to fall into evil ways, especially when there is a monster hidden in Link deep in one’s heart.

This is very important!

Link I have felt this time.

Mike is actually a personality split from the original owner to carry negative emotions such as pain. All the negative emotions produced by Link’s release of dark magic will be taken by Mike.

The advantage he brought to Link is that Link itself will never be affected by the spiritual erosion effect brought by the release of dark magic.

But as a side effect, Mike who carries negative emotions will become more and more powerful.

This forces Link to spend time and spirit strength every time after using dark magic to restore Mike to his original state and dissolve the negative emotions.

Otherwise, Mike will become stronger endlessly, eventually breaking through the cage of heart.

This is also the reason why Link has become so weak now, and why it took him two months to reach lv2 and Cruciatus Curse.

Compared to others, although he releases dark magic, although there will be no repercussions, the spirit strength and time consumed are also terrifying!


After taking a long breath, Link, who felt that he had almost rested, got up from the sofa and walked outside.

The second task is about to start soon, and he doesn’t want to continue working on the three Unforgivable Curse in the short term.

Otherwise, when the time comes, he really doesn’t even have the strength to swim.

Following the rare and quiet stairs all the way down, Link quickly returned to the bedroom, and naturally found the neatly arranged and steaming food on his bedside table.

This is naturally the handwriting of the house elfs.

Since Link began to devote himself to the study of dark magic two months ago, house elfs have started to help Link make small kitchens and deliver food.

The most important thing is that this is completely voluntary.

They simply love Link, an excellent Hufflepuff who missed the meal time because he was addicted to studying.

So even Professor Sprout, who forbids students to drive house elf, said nothing.

Regardless of whether there are other house elfs hidden in his dormitory, Link put his hands together and thanked him, and then ate.

After eating, I didn’t tidy up, so I took a nap after washing.

This period of study made him very tired.

And when he woke up on time before class in the afternoon, the messy dinner plate on the bedside table was gone.

Replaced by a pot of washed grapes.

This is Link鈥檚 favorite fruit.

Normally, once it is eaten, even if the teeth are sore and sore, it will not stop.

Unfortunately, two unexpected guests came to Link’s room today. With their efforts, the pot of grapes has become very few.

“You keep a few for me.”

Looking at the two thieves who saw the host’s waking up not only not running, but also winking at him while eating grapes, Link helpless said.

John, one of the thieves, seemed to be a little sorry, and embarrassedly put down the grapes he was holding.

But the other thief was so kind to steal Cedric.

He was not at all polite with Link, he put all the grapes left in the basin into a clean bag, and then took Link by the arm and pulled him off the bed.

“You are awake, I will wake you up with a clear spring like water if I don’t wake up.”

Cedric efficiently helped Link tidy up the messy robes that had become a bit messy from the nap, and finally stuffed the bag with grapes into Link鈥檚 arms. “Today is the first class that Hagrid will have after coming back. Let鈥檚 go. ! As for the grapes, you save them for class to eat.”

After saying this, he didn’t care if Link answered or not, he pulled Link and John and ran outside.

Hogwarts in February is in the coldest time of the year.

The endless snowflakes have been floating in the sky for more than a month, which directly caused the entire Hogwarts not only to be replaced with a layer of silver, but the snow on the ground was a few centimeters thicker.

Link, who was bewildered along the way, was awakened by the cold wind with snow foam outside.

“I really served you guys!”

Link grumbled and complained, and put a layer of insulation and moisture-proof curse on himself and John, which barely blocked the razor-sharp cold wind outside.

John and Cedric didn’t refute Link’s complaint. They just moved towards Link and gave a smirk, then quickened their pace.

Some time ago, due to the pressure of public opinion, Hagrid was finally temporarily revoked from the position of professor of the Magical Creature Protection Section.

He was not officially reinstated until the relevant public opinion time ceased recently.

During this period, Cedric and the others have been working with Gryffindor for Hagrid.

So now that Hagrid returns, they naturally take part of the credit to themselves.

That’s why they seem so excited and impatient.

Link couldn’t help them, so he could only sigh and speed up the pace.

The three crunched on the snow and came to the Black Lake.

Although there is no class yet, many people have gathered here, even Hagrid himself.

In addition, Hagrid is holding a small Unicorn in his hand. This beautiful creature exuding holy light looks even more lovely and charming during its cubs. It is instantly loved by all the girls, and the surrounding water is blocked, and the crowds are from time to time. There will be one or two screams of joy.

Link guessed that someone might have touched Unicorn’s relationship.

As for the boys, they can only watch the excitement from far away.

Although as macho, they also like Unicorn very much.

But it is a pity that Unicorn only wants to be in contact with a pure and beautiful young girl, not to be touched by a smelly man.

Today their magical creature protection class was taken with Slytherin.

So Link found Emily in the crowd far away.

She wears a furry hat with red and white patterns on her head. There is also a pompom on top of the hat, which is swaying with her movements.

The Unicorn cub, who loves to respond to others, became as clever as a cat in her hands, allowing Emily to fiddle with it in any appearance.

This made many people on the side cast envy and jealous eyes.

But Emily didn’t care, all her attention was on Little Unicorn.

Judging from her slightly grown mouth, the smile at the corner of her eyes and her slightly flushed cheeks, she really likes Unicorn very much.

What a pity.

She soon discovered Link who was trotting here.

This gave her a sudden shock and immediately escaped from the crowd, leaving only the little Unicorn who was thrown into the snow with a blank face.

“She’s still angry with you.” John said with a smirk, “I guess you must have given Fleur to that, otherwise Emily would never be so angry.”

It was said that Link was just a helpless shrugged bladder, neither admitted nor denied, but still focused on the little Unicorn who was taken into the arms by another young girl again.

The lesson on protecting magical creatures with the theme of Unicorn is actually the idea of 鈥嬧€婸rofessor Grubbly-Plank, the substitute teacher during Hagrid’s suspension.

Unlike Hagrid, Professor Grubbly-Plank is a true magical creature scholar. Her arrival immediately relieved the students from the nightmare of raising Blast-Ended Skrewt and plunged into another dream that belongs to Unicorn. .

At the same time, her arrival also made many students really realize that this guy Hagrid might really have gone through the back door of Dumbledore to become a professor.

Otherwise, why such a good teacher as Professor Grubbly-Plank could not become their professor?

As soon as this statement reached Hagrid, it made Hagrid, who was unhappy, lost for several days.

So, he learned from the pain, and the first thing he did after returning was to reproduce the teaching method of Professor Grubbly-Plank.

From now on, the effect is good.

Link is also very happy about this.

Because at least Hagrid should be able to learn some lessons from this incident, and at least should not continue to let everyone raise Blast-Ended Skrewt, an illegal and dangerous creature.

“Hey! Cedric! John! Link! You are finally here!”

At this moment, Hagrid finally discovered Link and the others.

He immediately left the chirp chirp twitter twitter next to him and kept arguing, wanting to let him continue to catch more students from Unicorn, laughed and rushed to several people, and a bear hugged the three of them. They were all in their arms.

“hahaha! Thank you so much!”

Hagrid laughed, holding the three of them in circles.

Although Hagrid looks sloppy, it is actually not dirty at all and there is no strange smell on his body.

The only problem is that Hagrid’s strength is too great. Being hugged by him like this, Link feels that his lunch will be squeezed out.

In the end, he struggled to relax Hagrid’s arm, which was able to release the restraint.

“Damn it, do you want to kill us?”

Before Link could speak first, John rubbed his chest and cursed first.

He was the worst, caught between Link and Cedric.

And Hagrid really deserves to have inherited half of the bloodline of the giant. The magic resistance attribute is amazing. It took a while to get rid of Link鈥檚 slack, scratching his head and constantly apologizing.

The three of them took turns to judge Hagrid for a good meal, and then another kicked him to calm down.

After this activity, Link felt a little tired again.

said with a faint smile:

“Hagrid, how are you going to take this class?”

“This…” Hagrid turned his head and looked at the students around Unicorn. “This is the first class I came back. Since everyone likes Unicorn so much, let everyone move freely today. Get close to Unicorn.”

As soon as these words came out, John and Cedric became dissatisfied again.

In their opinion, Hagrid should take advantage of this opportunity to come back to regroup and bring some beasts back to play for them.

Unicorn has no meaning at all.

But Link thought otherwise.

Hearing this, he yawned and said:

“In this case, I’ll go to the break first, and call me when get out of class is over.”

After saying this, Link would not walk towards the hunting ground without his head. Cedric frowned wanted to prevent Link from skipping classes, but he was stopped by Hagrid before he said anything.

In Hagrid’s view, an excellent person like Link doesn’t need to go to class at all. It’s serious to have a good night’s sleep.

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