
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Hagrid’s cabin is actually a very good resting place. When I was studying with Professor Kettleburn, Link always liked to sneak into Hagrid’s cabin to be lazy. This just and honorable skipping class was no exception.

In any case, the heat preservation and moisture proof curse is not as comfortable as baking in a roaring fire.

So Link lit the fireplace immediately after entering the cabin, and after the room was completely warmed up, he lifted the curse on him.

During this time, Link also looked through Hagrid’s bed.

The result is very good.

Since Ms. Maxime appeared in Hogwarts, Hagrid has loved being clean.

This is also reflected in his cabin.

Not only did his bed not have the weird smell and messy appearance that belonged to single men, but it was very neat and even exuded a fragrance that belonged to sunshine.

This is quite rare, after all, the weather outside has not cleared for more than ten days.

So the already tired Link got into the warm bed and fell asleep comfortably.

Unfortunately, such a peaceful and comfortable time did not last long.

Link felt that he had just closed his eyes for a while, and Arkham began to wander around his neck, licking his cheeks with snake letters from time to time.

This is an early warning method of Arkham.

Someone is approaching the hut.

Link opened his eyes with some dissatisfaction, and he happened to see Hagrid, who was covered in wind and snow, entering the hut lightly.

His feet are still followed by a huge hound. This hound has always been the most lively in the past, but now he is holding his tail desperately, with a look of horror and a wu wu in his mouth. The swallowing cries ceaselessly.

It was terribly afraid of Arkham.

“Ha, ha, sorry Link, I woke you up.”

Seeing Link looking at him with a bad face, Hagrid scratched the back of his head and said sorry.

Link frowned and pulled Arkham off his neck. Then he said dissatisfiedly:

“Is get out of class over?”

“Not yet. But it doesn’t matter. Cedric is watching for me. Those Little Brats will be fine.” Hagrid stood at the door and patted the snow foam on his body. Then he moved to the fireplace and from the side. From a cupboard, he took out a plate of brown biscuits that looked like a flatbread and handed it to Link eagerly, “Thank you this time, Link. If it weren’t for you, I would definitely be kicked out of Hogwarts this time!”

“I didn’t do anything. The reason why you can stay is entirely because Dumbledore likes you. Don’t belittle yourself.”

While talking, Link pushed the plate of biscuits back to Hagrid.

He didn’t like this kind of biscuits at all. When Hagrid made this thing, he estimated that he didn’t use butter and eggs at all, and the flour was not sifted, which made the biscuits so hard that even dogs would not eat it.

Hagrid was not annoyed when he saw this, and said with a mysterious grin:

“I understand, I am not stupid, naturally I understand. Don’t worry, who will not tell me after I go out that you helped me, or else they will all go to you when the time comes and you won’t have to die Up?”

After speaking, it may be that he felt that his wisdom needed a reward. Hagrid picked up a biscuit from the plate and put it in his mouth.

Link took a deep breath, and then closed his eyes in pain.

It is not difficult for him to guess what Hagrid is thinking.

Hagrid has always felt that Link should be an almost omnipotent friend since Link helped him deal with Draco’s injury and filed a lawsuit against him.

So after another crisis like this appeared this time, it was natural to think that Link helped him again.

Hagrid is famous for his stubbornness in Hogwarts. Link didn’t have the patience to change his mind. He waved his arms twice and sent Hagrid away quickly so that he could continue to sleep.

But before he could say his perfunctory words, Hagrid approached him again and said mysteriously:

“Link, the second task you want to perform is in Black Lake!”

“Ah, I knew it a long time ago.”

Link said blankly, and Hagrid was not surprised when he heard the words, rubbing his hands quite excitedly:

“Link, you know, I’m a rough person, and I can’t help you much. But Black Lake is different.”

Having said that, Hagrid stopped again and looked nervously around all around, making sure that no one noticed before saying:

“I have a very good relationship with a horse-shaped Kelpie in Black Lake!”

As soon as this remark came out, Link immediately became energetic.

Horse-shaped Kelpie is not necessarily horse-shaped.

They are a kind of Kelpie who are very good at camouflage. They are extremely large, comparable to large tiger sharks and small whales. They often appear in front of people in the form of horses. They use cattail grass as the mane to lure humans to ride on it. , And then go to the bottom of the water to eat people, hence the name horse-shaped Kelpie.

In fact, their favorite form is Horned Serpent, which is very offensive.

Link once read the detailed record of this creature in Newt’s “Where is the Magical Creature”. It is said that Newt once raised a horse-shaped Kelpie when he was young.

Link has been interested in horse-shaped Kelpie since reading those records.

Because the horse-shaped Kelpie is really handsome!

“You mean when the time comes it will let me ride it to the end?”

Link’s eyes shine brightly.

“How is this possible? The horse-shaped Kelpie is more proud than the Hippogriff winged beast, unless you thoroughly tame it, otherwise it won’t let you ride it. Even I haven’t even rode it.” Hagrid shook his head repeatedly, “I mean it can help you drive away Merpeople and Grindylow during the game, so that you can be more comfortable.”

While talking, Hagrid handed a weird wooden whistle to Link and said, “When you get underwater, you just need to blow this whistle and it will appear, and then you should give it some fish to eat. Don’t just call it. Come over without giving it food. This is a habit that took me 5 years to develop it. If you don’t give it food, it won’t come out next time it hears the whistle.

In addition, I also gave Harry a whistle of this kind. When the time comes, you’d better walk together, or if the two whistle blow together, I’m afraid it can’t figure out which point to go to. “

“He will definitely come to me.”

Link cut the railway with a whistle.

He is confident of his innate talent in the affinity of magical creatures.

Hagrid apparently thinks so, he was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile:

“I think so.”

Since taking advantage of others, naturally you can’t just drive them away.

So Link then accompanied Hagrid to chat for a long time about the common emotional problem of Maxime’s hot and cold to him. After helping Hagrid with several ideas, he sent the extremely excited Hagrid away.


Hagrid put away his smile as soon as he walked Link with his front foot, took a long breath, and covered his head with the quilt.

After chatting with others for so long, he is more tired than before.

The cold-blooded snake Arkham also got into Link’s bed.

Just now, this guy deliberately climbed onto Hagrid’s hound to scare others, and while he scared others into incontinence, he also used up the heat accumulated in his body. Now he needs to replenish it urgently.

However, it seems that God can’t understand the lazy appearance of Link.

Not long after Link lay down, Emily’s pretty silhouette sneaked into the hut.

Emily stick one’s head around to look for Link, and after waiting for a long time, she cautiously approached, reaching out to poke Link to see if Link was really asleep.

But just as she did something, another big hand came out like lightning from the quilt, and directly pulled most of Emily’s body into the quilt.


Emily screamed, and a dark wand appeared in her hands.

But after realizing that the person who attacked her was Link, she silently put the wand away, and pushed Link desperately so that those two big hands would not touch where they shouldn’t go.

The two were messing around in the bed, until Emily’s cold body warmed up again and her face was flushed red before Link released her hand.

Let Emily jump up from the bed like a frightened rabbit, and fled to the door, looking at Link in grievance and horror.

Seeing her look like this, Link said with a smile:

“Well, I won’t eat you. Just now it was just revenge for giving your mother a short report. You hurt me miserably. Mother sent me howler the same day!”

“Ah? Why is she like this!?” Emily exclaimed again, “I just asked her to warn you a little bit!”

Link didn’t speak, just coughed twice with the pale color caused by the heavy consumption of spirit strength on the face of cultivation dark magic.

Then as Link expected, Emily hurriedly approached, touching Link’s forehead and said anxiously:

“It’s hot! Are you sick? Aiya, blame me! The second task will begin the day after tomorrow, when the time comes, what can you do if you are not well!”

Link wants to laugh a little, his body temperature is indeed a little high at the moment, but this is definitely not because of illness, but because of previous strenuous activities.

But he still pretended to be indifferent and said:

“It’s okay, these are small problems. Don’t blame yourself too much, I will also be responsible for the reason why things turned out like this.”

When Link thought about it, he said so, Emily will definitely blame herself even more.

However, the fact is that Emily put on a stinky face in an instant, pinched Link lightly and said:

“Of course it’s your problem! If it weren’t for you, so… I wouldn’t have to sue!”

Emily deliberately blurred the vocabulary that made her ashamed, and then seemed to feel a bit too harsh on Link. She wringed her hair with her fingers and whimpered:

“You, don’t be so anxious. Anyway, we will want it in the future. When the time comes, you can do whatever you want.”

An involuntarily wicked smile appeared on Link’s face.

He didn’t speak, just looked at Emily.

After all, Emily, who used to be the youngest daughter in front of the Slytherins in the past, is really beautiful.

But Link’s sight is too aggressive.

In a short while, the flushed red on Emily’s cheek spread to the entire neck.

She pouted, hummed and finally tapped Link, got up and fled outside the house.

“Hey! Where are you going, come back soon!”

Link, who hadn’t seen enough, hurriedly shouted.

However, Emily still didn’t look back, and it took a long time for Link to hear the voice of the other party fading away.

“No time to pay attention to you! I still have a lot of work to do, I will ask someone to send you medicine later!”

The tone barely fell, a thoughtful cold wind blew by, helped Link close the door of the cabin, and completely isolated Emily’s voice from outside the house.

Link had no idea of ​​chasing Emily, he stretched his waist and continued to lie in the blanket.

It’s a pity that Hagrid and Emily took turns to make such a fuss. Now he has no sleep at all, and his mind is all about the second task.

As for what Emily is busy with, he can probably guess it.

It was nothing more than that the organizing committee of the tournament came to her and wanted to hide her as Link’s most cherished treasure to the bottom of the Black Lake.

In this matter, the organizing committee of the competition should have kidnapped Emily forcibly, so as to show the realism of the whole project and put pressure on the champion.

But Emily’s identity is extraordinary, and her strength and intelligence are not comparable to those of other Mao children.

She should have guessed the plan of the organizing committee.

Link estimates that Emily will definitely have a thrilling ‘battle’ with the organizing committee in the last two days.

After the game, the organizing committee should sign some unequal agreements, but in the end Emily will still run to the bottom of the Black Lake obediently, waiting for Link to rescue.

After all, the organizing committee of the tournament will have this move trump card at the end.

If they turn around and put Hermione as Link’s rescue target under the Black Lake, then Emily will be confused.

shook the head, Link forced himself to stop thinking about Emily.

Now what he is really worried about is that the organizing committee of the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore will not make more changes on the basis of the original second task to make the project more difficult.

After all, the original content of the project was good for ordinary students like Harry, but it was too easy for a ‘monster’ like Link.

For Link who owns Arkham, as long as he wants, he can completely let the other three players eat zero eggs and enjoy all the scores for himself.

In this way, the Triwizard Tournament will lose its meaning.

In addition, the environment in Black Lake is too responsible.

At present, the mysterious wizard who secretly stuffed Harry into the champion team, or the mysterious force, has not yet taken action.

If they choose to shoot in Black Lake, all champions including Link will not have good fruit.

After sitting on the bed for a long time, Link finally took out the wooden whistle given by Hagrid.

He held it in his hand and looked at it carefully before murmured:

“It looks like I really have to rely on you this time.”

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