
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Black Lake is a lake with rich natural resources.

There are not only many schools of fish and aquatic plants, but also shrimps and shellfish. Every year in the late spring and early summer, Hogwarts students can harvest many shrimps and shells by picking and fishing at the lake.

This is also a nature reserve assigned to the Freshwater Merpeople by the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, the causality here is not distributed to Merpeople because of the rich products here.

In fact, on the contrary, it was the arrival of the Merpeople that allowed this huge lake to blossom.

After all, Merpeople is also a race of wisdom.

Although they are very tall, half fish and half beast, their smooth skin shows a strange dark green and iron gray, and their mouths are full of teeth, and they are long and fierce, without the beauty and temptation of the beautiful Merpeople in the legend .

But they are not the devour raw meat and fowl that ordinary people imagine. They are actually like humans living on the ground, they also farm and graze.

The only difference is that they grow aquatic plants and fish and shrimps.

They even built many strangely shaped stone houses at the bottom of the Black Lake for them to live in.

Link uses the wings of curse to swim extremely fast in the lake. Along the way, he has seen a lot of water grass fields and Merpeople buildings planted by Merpeople, and even Merpeople herdsmen grazing fish.

From a human perspective, Link has to admit that the Merpeople have managed this black lake quite well.

To be honest, all these scenes seem to be nothing surprising in Link’s eyes.

Because he has been here too many times.

Previously, as soon as he and Arkham came to the bottom of the lake, the Merpeople would behave very politely, or in other words, very scared.

Then they fled in all directions.

No way, neither the wizard nor the Basilisk can be dealt with by these Merpeople.

They are afraid that Link and Arkham will ruin their plants and fish, and they are even more afraid that Link will harm themselves.

Since ancient times, the wizard has never seen a creature like Merpeople. The wanton killing and requesting of non-Human Race groups will not create any mental burden on the wizards.

After thousands of years of such brutal behavior, the wizard packed the only remaining Merpeople into each protected area.

The reason for doing this was not because the wizards found it conscience, but the wizards suddenly found that the planet was already a little overwhelmed.

So after experiencing such a painful history, the fear of wizards was naturally engraved into the DNA of Merpeople.

But today is a little different.

These timid Merpeople did not run away after seeing Link this time, but raised their crude stone harpoons.

Their bodies are still trembling, and their expressions are distorted because of excessive fear.

But they still got together and pointed the harpoon at Link.

This puzzled Link.

At first he didn’t pay attention to the Merpeople who went crazy, but after the number of Merpeople chasing him reached a staggering nearly 100 people, Link was finally forced to stop.

“What do you mean?”

Link spoke slowly and clearly in English.

He hopes that this group of Merpeople can understand him, and then come out and explain to him.

It is best that everyone can sit down and settle the matter peacefully, after all, he still has more important things to do.

It’s a pity that the lowest farmers and herders in this group of Merpeople have never learned the language of other races like English.

This group of Merpeople, armed with simple weapons and in a contradictory state of fear and bravery, are still charging at him.

The first to reach Link were dozens of Grindylows.

This is a disgusting green Kelpie with long horns.

Their upper body is basically human, with extremely long fingers and sharp nails.

The lower body is similar to an octopus, with many tentacles with suction cups.

Generally speaking, their races have been completely tamed by Merpeople, and they have become the home care homes of Merpeople and the existence of shepherds, and their functions are similar to dogs.

They are not difficult to deal with. Last year, Professor Lupin explained in detail about them. Basically, as long as they are young wizards over 3 years old, they can be leveled by shooting a spell.

But even this weak Kelpie, after being gathered together, is still not to be underestimated.

Link stared at the mighty Grindylows in front of them. They didn’t hold it big at all. When the wand red glow flashed in their hands, the brown red light broke the water flow.


This type of regular damage spell is not fast in the water, and it shows a clear trajectory.

Fortunately, Grindylows didn’t know what to dodge, so red glow eventually got into their team.

Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions sounded from the team.

This red glow is like a ricochet, bouncing between Grindylows. Without getting into the body of a Grindylow, the poor Little Brat will explode with a’bang’, powerful kinetic energy It will be blown together with the nearby Green drops into a deep green flesh and blood remains, and then the red glow will resurface, looking for the next victim until the energy in it is exhausted.

What if the energy is exhausted?

Link didn’t stop his attack. In just ten seconds, he still threw no less than 5 Confringo at the enemy group.

These red glows, which represent death, kept flashing in Grindylow, and in a short while, all Grindylows were blown up to death.

The flesh and blood of the deep green were sent to the whole world by the water flow stirred up by the explosion, which directly caused the clear waters to become muddy.

If these Grindylow’s blood are red, then Link believes that this cruel scene will definitely make any mentally tenacious witnesses feel trembling, and the weaker guys might have to have nightmares when they go back.

Merpeople’s blood is also green, so when they witnessed the scene in front of them, it was the feeling that Link had guessed.

But even if they were scared by the sight in front of them and almost collapsed, they still continued to charge Link.

“These guys are really crazy.”

Link murmured, but his actions continued, and several Confringo spells whizzed away.

Unfortunately, Merpeople are stronger and smarter than Grindylow.

Having learned their lesson, they had already made evasive movements neatly like a school of fish in the sea at the instant of red glow, avoiding danger.

But it makes no sense.

Taking advantage of their evasion, Link had already controlled a pair of cursed wings and suddenly attacked.

The wand in his hand is blooming with a terrifying purple glow, just like a baton, from which the huge curse power of the up-and-down dance spreads out, turning into a tumbling blade that keeps cutting among the Merpeople group .

This is a one-sided slaughter.

Even if Link has rushed into the Merpeople’s circle alone.

But the crude harpoons of the Merpeople simply can’t reach Link, which has the blessing of cursed wings.

On the contrary, where Link goes, it is more than where death spreads.

The cursing power twisted around his body is like a tumbling wall of knives, and any Merpeople who dare to stand in front of him will be shredded.

Even if occasionally one or two lucky Merpeople rushed to Link, relying on the sacrifice of their companions, those fangs and sharp claws they were proud of in the past would not be able to tear off the Protego curse constructed by Link with magic power.

In just ten minutes, a large number of broken corpses of Merpeople floated around Link, and the green blood of Merpeople has even completely stained the waters.

Neither Link nor Merpeople showed the slightest surprise at the current situation.

Because this was originally the normal state of the wizard when facing other races.

Wizard is the scariest race on this planet!

This famous quote from the legendary archmage Merlin is not a joke!

But even if the fighting was so tragic, the Merpeople still refused to retreat.

Even in the distance, there are more Merpeople who are constantly joining this battlefield called a flesh mill, causing Link to kill for so long, but the surrounding enemies are not rare.

When things came to this step, even if Link was so slow, he already noticed something was wrong.

Because the actions of these Merpeople in front of them didn’t seem to kill him at all, but more like they wanted to delay his progress and use their own lives.

Especially after many dim-blue-skinned Merpeople appeared among the Merpeople who attacked him, he became more vigilant.

Because these dim-blue skin Merpeople are marine Merpeople.

Black Lake is living water. Its structure is actually similar to that of the famous Loch Ness. There are many caves under it, which lead directly to the groundwater layer and connect to the sea.

This is also the reason why the ghost boat of Durmstrang Magic School can directly reach Hogwarts through the Black Lake.

So the appearance of marine Merpeople in the Black Lake is not difficult to understand. After all, marine Merpeople do not like fresh water, but they can live in fresh water for a few days.

But the question is, the Merpeople of the Sea are here. Does that mean that other unknown forces have also infiltrated the Black Lake?

Link first thought of Voldemort.

The influence of this Old Guy is obviously larger than in the original work, and it has clearly participated in the Triwizard Tournament.

It was for the resurrection of Voldemort.

And Black Lake is a good time to start.

As long as Voldemort’s men did it properly, it couldn’t be easier to kidnap Harry Potter in the Black Lake.

If this is the case, then Link can’t stay here anymore.

This is not easy. After all, even with the existence of Cursed Wings, his speed in the water is not as fast as Merpeople, and it is difficult to get rid of the pursuit.

Fortunately, he has other means.

Link’s thoughts lasted only less than ten seconds, during which time there were a dozen more Merpeople corpses around him.

After making up his mind, Link stopped hesitating and blew the wooden whistle hanging around his neck.

The sound of the wooden whistle is not sharp, but rather dull, and has a very strong penetrating power. It swayed layers of ripples in the water and continued to spread to the distance.

And not long after, another similar muffled sound came from a distance, seeming to be responding to the whistle.

Link saw slightly smiled, flapping the wings of the curse and then moved towards the direction where the sound came and galloped away.

Behind him was a large group of Merpeople who were screaming roar.

Link was walking and playing. It took ten minutes before he finally saw the horse-shaped Kelpie that Hagrid said in a water grass field planted by Merpeople.

It is nearly 5 meters long, covered with a lot of water plants, barely forming the shape of a horse, and a huge head that resembles a dragon head, extremely hideous.

Seeing Link approaching with a group of Merpeople behind him, the horse-shaped Kelpie was not afraid, and continued to make a muffled noise and stopped in place with his neck raised.

According to its past experience, the human who blew the whistle will come over and offer it delicious barbecue in a while.

For the sake of barbecue, it will also give the human touch twice as a reward.

But this human who came today is particularly pleasing to the eye. If there are more barbecues, it might still take the other party for a stroll for a while.

This is already the greatest reward that pride can give.

As for the Merpeople horse-shaped Kelpie behind this person, he didn’t take seriously at all.

In this black lake, it is the predator of the second only to giant squid. The battle strength is so strong, the trifling Merpeople dare not to offend it at all.

It’s a pity that the barbecue it was looking forward to today is gone.

Link from the very beginning I didn’t intend to be close to this horse-shaped Kelpie, which is impossible to achieve at this critical moment.

So he plans to come hard.

“bang! “

While the wings of the curse were flapping, the mighty water directly sent Link directly above the horse-shaped Kelpie.

Immediately after, Link sat on the horse-shaped Kelpie’s broad back and grabbed the water plants on the two horse-shaped Kelpie’s heads as reins.

“jia! “

Link screamed, and at the same time, the powerful coercion bestowed by the title of “Slaying Dragon Champion” was exerted on the horse-shaped Kelpie.

Regrettably, this kind of coercion can only have the greatest effect on Dragon. Facing the horse-shaped Kelpie, it can only make the opponent feel a slight fear.

This made Kelpie the horse-shaped furious.

Said to be Kelpie, but the horse-shaped Kelpie is essentially a wild horse living in the river.

It is so proud that it has even reached the point of giving birth to freedom or death.

Link’s actions clearly angered it.

Almost instantly, all the plants in its body twisted and danced frantically towards Link, trying to strangle Link alive and then eat it.

It also kept crashing indiscriminately, trying to take the Link off. During this time, it also killed and killed several Merpeople who were chasing after it.

But this is completely futile.

Link had already turned the Wings of Curse into two big hands, and firmly grasped the horse-shaped Kelpie’s head.

Other cursing powers tightly wrapped Link’s body surface, resisting the attacks of the plants.

This means that no matter how the horse-shaped Kelpie is noisy, he can’t get rid of Link.

And seeing the coercion of his own dragon-slaying champion failed, Link was not disappointed either.

After all, for now, the horse-shaped Kelpie’s speed has risen.

Link dare to swear, this is definitely the fastest speed he has experienced in his two lifetimes combined.

The horse-shaped Kelpie even surpassed Firebolt at full speed in the water, and the water was turbulent when it moved, so that other creatures like Merpeople chasing soldiers simply couldn’t get close.

The only problem is that the horse-shaped Kelpie is spinning around like a headless fly.

This is actually very easy to solve.

The corners of Link’s mouth were slightly raised, and the two big hands transformed by the power of the curse forced the horse-shaped Kelpie’s head to straighten it, making it gallop in the direction Link expected.

At the same time, Link’s tip also extended a golden light whip, which was slammed on the horse-shaped Kelpie’s PG.

“bang! ~”

Under the pain, the horse-shaped Kelpie let out a sore eardrum roar, and then ran even faster.

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