
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Although knowing that Harry may now be at risk of being abducted, the destination where Link controls the horse-shaped Kelpie is still the end of the game-the village of Merpeople.

The reason for this is simple.

Harry is related to Voldemort’s resurrection ceremony, which is indeed very important.

But compared with that, Link still cares more about Emily’s safety.

With this idea, Link used a whip to urge the horse-shaped Kelpie under him, and finally arrived at his destination halfway through the game.

Compared with the periphery of Black Lake, there are more buildings here.

These huge and simple stone Merpeople dwellings are painted with many weird murals. Some houses even have their own gardens, which are not much different from ordinary houses.

From time to time, some Merpeople poked their heads out of the curious window, looking at Link, the unexpected guest.

Then, a large number of Merpeople came out of all directions with Grindylow, and many of them also held sharp blades with spears in their hands.

Seeing Link’s wand, he raised it again.

After the previous attacks, he had no trust in the Merpeople. As long as these Merpeople dared to show the slightest hostility to him, he would ruthless attack and kill them.

After all, the wizard has unlimited self-defense rights to non-human intelligent creatures.

In the case of previous attacks, Link will not be punished by the Ministry of Magic even if it kills all the Merpeople in Black Lake.

However, the Merpeople here are different from the outside.

Although they gathered together with weapons in their hands, they didn’t have any intention of launching an offense. They just pointed fingers at him and whispered.

Link didn’t bother to pay attention to them. Following the melodious singing of Merpeople from a distance, he urged the horse-shaped Kelpie to a square.

There are more Merpeople here.

One by one they were armed with spears, lined up in a fixed line, and looked at Link seriously.

A little bit later in the queue are two Merpeople whose appearances are finally a little clearer. They clasped their hands in front of their chests, chanting the songs from the golden egg in unison, calling for champion to come.

A huge rough Merpeople statue was erected further behind, and the four of Emily were firmly tied to the tail of the Merpeople statue at this time.

“Brave Knight, you are the first to come, congratulations!”

A sturdy middle-aged Merpeople dressed in golden light armor came out more and more, congratulating Link with open arms in English, with a kind expression.

But Link didn’t want to pay any attention to his intentions. He drew a whip on the horse-shaped Kelpie, urging him to disperse the gathered Merpeople army directly under the turbulent water, and arrived at the tail of the statue.

Link was relaxed after a closer inspection.

His luck is good, Emily and the others are only forced to fall asleep by some means by the organizing committee, and they are not harmed.

And these four so-called “treasures” are all his acquaintances.

Among them, Emily needless to say, Fleur’s treasure is Gabrielle, Harry’s treasure is Ron, and the most surprising thing is that Krum’s treasure is still Hermione, not the Green who was previously joined by Krum. Glass girl.

But Link guessed about this, after all, Harry wouldn’t be almost late if it weren’t for both Hermione and Ron to be caught.

“Dare you humiliate us so much!?”

At this moment, shout out loudly suddenly sounded from behind Link.

Link frowned and looked back, only to see that the Merpeople army, which had just been broken up, had reclosed at this moment, and they all aimed their spears at him.

And the one who just yelled at Link was a super-large Merpeople who was wearing a silver knight and was over 3 meters tall.

At this time, he was staring at Link with his face looks sinister.

Link frowned, waving the wand in his hand in a threatening manner, and the Merpeople who ended up immediately took a few steps back in a panic.

Seeing that Link was satisfied, he continued to disassemble the four of Emily, re-fixed on the horse-shaped Kelpie, and was about to leave.

The Merpeople of Yinkai was about to die of anger. He repeatedly cursed in Merpeople language that Link didn’t understand, and he was about to wave Trident toward Link after he said that.

However, he had just moved, and the golden armor Merpeople who first stood up stopped him.

“Wizard, why are you so rude? You’d better explain this clearly, or I will tell Dumbledore!”

The golden armor Merpeople spoke calmly. He was also very angry, but he managed to maintain his manner.

At the very least, he was smart and didn’t start with Link.

The corner of Link’s mouth was slightly raised, and he pulled out a ferocious smile and said to him:

“You are going to file a complaint? Ha! I am afraid I am going to file a complaint this time! I was attacked by you when I was on the periphery, and now you dare to come and question me?

Wait, I will report this to the Ministry of Magic after I go back, you are dead! “

After saying that, Link sneered, and then no longer paid attention to these Merpeople, driving the horse-shaped Kelpie away.

The Merpeople who were left in the square looked at each other in blank dismay, and each Merpeople’s face was full of horror.

Although these Merpeople have no culture, most of them don’t even understand English.

But they still know the word Ministry of Magic.

At the same time, they are also very clear that as long as everything is related to the Ministry of Magic, it is basically equivalent to death.

Then Yinkai Merpeople screamed in anger, and said to Jinkai Merpeople:

“Father, that wizard is framing us, we don’t have to be afraid of him, Dumbledore will be on our side!”

“It’s not necessarily a framing,” Jinkai Merpeople said with a calm expression, but his arms were trembling slightly, “Where are your younger brother Zach and his bodyguards?”

hearing this Merpeople instinctively wanted to speak, but the next moment changed his face as if he suddenly remembered something.

golden armor Merpeople sighed, turned around and spoke to the Merpeople behind him in Merpeople language:

“Motivate everyone to go out to find other champions and the missing Merpeople, and the rest, follow me to chase the wizard just now.”

golden armor Merpeople paused, gritted his teeth and said, “Bring Kraken!”

Tone barely fell. With a swing of his tail, he led nearly half of the Merpeople soldiers on the scene to chase in the direction of Link.

At this time, Link has also discovered the changes in Merpeople Square through the Super Sense Charm.

This made the smile on his face even brighter.

At this time, he would not do those meaningless things.

The reason why he had to waste time explaining to the Merpeople just now was because he saw that these Merpeople were not the same as the Merpeople who had just attacked him.

Now that this group of Merpeople is so intimidated by his semi-threatening words, it will naturally help Link to search for the whereabouts of that group of alien Merpeople.

Otherwise, they would really be shackled.

With the participation of these Merpeople, Link has more confidence in the fight to rescue Harry later.

Of course, the most important thing right now is to send Emily out.

Only Emily’s safety is the most important.

However, things are always beyond Link’s expectations.

Link just urged the horse-shaped Kelpie to accelerate to the surface of the water, and a familiar dull whistle sounded over his head.

Hagrid’s whistle was only given to Harry and Link. The person blowing the whistle above would naturally be Harry.

At this moment, he blew his whistle and was probably attacked as Link expected.

Link immediately turned around, trying to send Emily and the others to the shore first.

But unfortunately, before the horse-shaped Kelpie could swim far out, Harry’s familiar silhouette appeared in his field of vision.

Appeared with Harry, there is a head over 20 meters in length, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a ferocious beast that resembles a plesiosaur!

This giant beast opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and his long neck was waving and biting towards Harry.

And Harry can always avoid at the crucial moment, the scene can be said to be surrounded by perils.

“Lin…gu lu lu…”

Harry also found Link, and he shouted when he was happy, but it was a pity that the sound of opening his mouth was covered by a lot of blisters.

But he was not choked by it.

He had already eaten the fish capsule weed according to Hermione’s instructions long before entering the water. This weird herb made him grow gills and fins, enough to move quickly underwater.

This is also the reason why he can survive under the pursuit of plesiosaurs. These extra organs have given him powerful underwater mobility.

However, he couldn’t maintain this situation for long, because his physical strength was about to be exhausted.

At this moment, he saw Link, and he rushed towards Link without hesitation at all.


Link smashed his mouth irritably, but he did not die, controlling the horse-shaped Kelpie and rushing towards Harry.

Link also waved wand midway, and shot two Sectumsempra at the plesiosaur.

Unfortunately, compared to Link’s spell, this plesiosaur is really huge.

The sharp cutting of whistled past in the water can only cut small wounds on the snake-necked dragon body, and cannot cause substantial and serious damage at all.

And this attack inspired its ferocity.

It roared, its speed suddenly increased, and it almost bit Harry in one bite.

But Link’s blow is not completely without profits.

At the moment when the plesiosaur had just rolled its body and attacked, Link found that there was a person hanging at the junction of the plesiosaur’s neck and torso.

Although this man was covered in black robe and wore a hooded mask with a strong Death Eater style on his head, Link still recognized his identity in the other’s familiar eyes.

“Barty Jr. · Crouch!”

Link roared viciously, and then wand slammed it, and a dazzling green glow suddenly rippled in the water.

“Avada Kedavra!”

Unlike other spells, the green light beam of Suicide Curse is not affected by the lake water.

It didn’t even set off a single wave of water, and it shot at Barty Jr. at a very tricky angle, like a green spear, piercing the space!

Barty Jr. did not fear at all, and threw away a life-killing curse.

Two green glows collided precisely in the middle, stirring up large blisters and plasma.

However, this stalemate between the two sides lasted less than a second, and the killing curse shot by Link directly penetrated the other killing curse like a hot knife through butter and continued to stab Barty Jr. go with.

Barty Jr.’s pupils hidden under the mask shrank suddenly and forced the wand to dance, controlling the plesiosaur to lower its neck to help it dodge.

As a result, Link’s death spell failed to hit Barty Jr. as Link expected, but instead hit the plesiosaur’s neck.

In an instant, the flesh and blood around the curse area of ​​the plesiosaur became gray and lost its upgrade.

The snake spirit dragon itself also shouted in pain, twisting its body without Barty Jr.’s control.

Although the life-demanding curse could not kill it, it still caused a lot of pain.

Harry, who watched the fight between Link and Barty Jr., was so shocked that he had forgotten to run away at the moment, and floated in a daze.

Every time Link was polite with him, he walked forward and threw him on his horse. At the same time, he filled him with the potion of fish sac and covered him with Bubble-Head Charm, which made Harry react. come.

Organs such as fish gills and fins are slowly disappearing from Harry, but now he has no time to care about these peculiar conditions.

Both of his hands tightly tugged on Link’s left arm, stammering:

“Lin…Link, what you just used is Unforgivable Curse?!”

Link knew what Harry wanted to say.

In the eyes of this brat, the guy who uses the three Unforgivable Curse is equivalent to the dark wizard, naive and powerful.

In fact, this ban can only scare the flat-headed people like Harry, and it’s basically useless for the noble class like Link.

Just like Moody.

Doesn’t this old fart still use Imperius Curse on his Link?

The result? Don’t you continue to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

He dragged Harry’s collar and shook it a few times before saying:

“Stop talking nonsense, tell me what the hell is going on?”

While talking, Link controlled the horse-shaped Kelpie to avoid the attack of the plesiosaur.

Wounded wild beasts are the most dangerous. Nowadays, both Plesiosaurus and Barty Jr. Crouch are already in the rage phase, and the attack frequency is like squally storms, far from what they were at the beginning.

Fortunately, the horse-shaped Kelpie has gradually calmed down after being ridden by Link for so long, especially after Link fed two sausages that he took in the auditorium in the morning, the horse-shaped Kelpie didn’t struggle much.

Now that I am stimulated by the external threat of plesiosaur, I have become more and more obedient. Only then can I cooperate with Link to make various difficult moves to avoid those attacks.

At this time, Harry finally woke up completely.

He also noticed Ron and the others who were also fixed on horseback beside him, and he immediately understood what was going on.

In an instant, the slightest scruples in his mind that Link had just used the Killing Curse disappeared.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and tremblingly said:

“Neither do I, I don’t know what the hell is going on. I was attacked by this monster just when I got here! Oh! By the way! There are Fleur and Krum!

Link Go and save them! I just ran into them, and they are also being attacked. It’s just that it’s not this monster who attacked them, but Merpeople and Grindylow! The number is very large! “

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