
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In fact, most of what Harry said was nonsense. Even if Link did not listen to his explanation, he could now roughly analyze their encounters with several champions.

There is no other reason.

Just because when Harry explained, Krum and Fleur had appeared in Link’s field of vision after a large number of Ocean Merpeople and Grindylow were chased by.

Fleur also uses Bubble-Head Charm as a diving tool like Link, while Krum uses a transfiguration in a fancy way.

It is a pity that Krum’s transfiguration was not used in place. It was just as good as turning his upper body into a shark, while the lower body still maintained a human form.

Even so, Krum’s swimming speed and offensive also refresh the large section.

At least under the chase of Merpeople and Grindylow, he looks much better than the battered and exhausted Fleur.

At the very least, he could turn his head and kill one or two Merpeople from time to time.

However, Link is still not optimistic about Krum, and even thinks Krum’s actions are stupid.

We must know that the reason why the wizard can become the most terrifying creature on this planet depends on magic and the wand in its hands.

Now Krum has turned into a shark. Although he has a great advantage at first glance, he actually picked sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

The two also happened to discover Link who was being chased by a plesiosaur. Unlike Harry, their choice was to abandon Link, which seemed to be in a more critical situation than them, and continue to swim to the village of Merpeople in order to complete their own task.

The Merpeople and Grindylow who chased them were probably because they were afraid of being accidentally injured by a plesiosaur, and they did not move to Link, and continued to chase and kill the two to the Merpeople village.

“It seems that they still feel that this is just a normal arrangement in the project.”

Link said sarcastically.

hearing this had already reacted, and Harry, who was holding Harry’s waist tightly at the moment, was surprised:

“Huh? Isn’t it?”

Link sneered and did not speak, but turned the horse’s head, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of the plesiosaur again, and at the same time, the wand was full of green light, and another one The killing curse shot at Barty Jr. who was attached to the neck of the plesiosaur.

The result is still not good.

Then Barty Jr. once again used the plesiosaur to block the gun. Although Link’s death curse caused another piece of ash-gray dead flesh on the plesiosaur body, it still injured Barty Jr.’s deity.

Link was not discouraged, while attracting the plesiosaur to float towards the surface, while looking for opportunities to constantly attack Barty Jr.

He has made up his mind.

Since Krum and Fleur felt that the mission was more important than his and Harry’s lives, he naturally wouldn’t care about the situation of the two of them.

For Link, killing or capturing Barty Jr. is the most important thing.

The only problem now is that the size of the plesiosaur is really too big, and the anti-magic attribute is too high.

Just now Link tried almost all the spells he had mastered.

Except for the Killing Curse, all the spells including Sectumsempra and the Renewal Curse can only cause some insignificant small injuries to the plesiosaur.

This is trickier.

Although the horse-shaped Kelpie’s terrifying movement speed can’t hurt Link at all in a short time, but Link can’t solve it in a short time.

Without getting rid of the plesiosaur, wanting to kill Barty Jr. is a delusion.

But these problems are only temporary!

Once again driving the increasingly obedient horse-shaped Kelpie to avoid the attack, Link’s frowning brow finally stretched out.

Because his reinforcements came.


A dull horn suddenly came from the darkly measured abyss below Link, just like the neigh of a giant beast and the roar of the whole army.

Then, a huge tentacles several meters thick and with countless suction cups protruded from the abyss, brushed past Link, and tightly wrapped around one of the side fins of the plesiosaur.

The plesiosaur that was suddenly attacked was not afraid. It was already irritated by the pain and almost lost its mind. It shook the long neck and bit on the tentacles.

Link is the closest, and I can see it most clearly.

He clearly saw the hideous muscles on the tentacles shrank suddenly, and then the plesiosaur bite and shot out a large amount of black and red blood, which filled the water like mist.

Under the pain, there was another deafening and dull roar from the abyss, and then three tentacles attacked in anger, tightly entangled the neck of the plesiosaur.

At this moment, the owner of the tentacles finally appeared in Link’s field of vision.

That is a giant octopus!

Its size is so big that Link can’t see the whole picture at all, but can only see a pair of huge green eyes that look like the sun, and a pair of sharp teeth, constantly opening and closing, resembling a chrysanthemum Horror mouthparts!

Although Link knows that this giant octopus is a defensive war beast deliberately raised by Hogwarts in the Black Lake, and its character is actually very gentle, not only does it normally not harm students, but it will be immediately immediately whenever a student falls into the water. Arrived and gently lifted the drowning person to the shore, it was a proper friendly unit.

But when facing this terrifying creature, Link’s body began to tremble involuntarily, and at the same time he was filled with layers of goose bumps.

As for Harry, he was fainted when he saw the horrible mouthpart immediately.

I was lying with Hermione and them at the moment.

No way, just like the Merpeople fear wizard, this fear of giant beasts and deep water is also buried in human DNA.

“This fuck, isn’t it just Mr. Ke?”

Link heartbeat is like a drum, and the cursed cursed unconsciously made me feel better.

At the same time, a team of Merpeople in armor also swam up under the leadership of the previous middle-aged golden armor Merpeople.

Among them, the soldiers fierce and unafraid of death rushed towards the plesiosaur who was fighting the giant octopus, while the golden armor Merpeople leaned to Link’s side with a nervous expression.

“Young wizard, are you all right? We brought Kraken to support you!”

The golden armor Merpeople’s eyes turned on the unconscious people behind Link, and they said to Link with concern.

After he confirmed that none of these wizards were in serious trouble, he relaxed, and continued to explain:

“Your other two companions also met when we came earlier, and now my son is leading other Merpeople to help them. I think there is a misunderstanding between us, the Merpeople who attacked you now…”

“No need to explain!”

Link, who finally recovered from that instinctive tremor, interrupted directly, “The Merpeople who attacked us are Ocean Merpeople and have nothing to do with your Black Lake Race. Did you see the wizard hanging under the neck of a plesiosaur? This He planned and launched the attack! Now, I need your full cooperation to catch him! Otherwise…”

Link didn’t say everything, but the face of the golden armor Merpeople couldn’t help becoming gloomy.

He understood the threat in Link’s words.

If they don’t cooperate, then the young wizard’s rhetoric after going out may change drastically.

when the time comes Once the black pot is buckled on their Black Lake Merpeople, then what is waiting for them will be the clearance of the Ministry of Magic.

When the time comes even Dumbledore can’t keep them!

Looking at the expressionless young wizard in front of him, anger is spreading in the hearts of the golden armor Merpeople.

He is the king of all Merpeople Supreme in this area of ​​Black Lake, but now he is threatened by a ruin!

If he can, he really wants to kill the wizard in front of him.

Anyway, when the time comes, push the pot to the ocean Merpeople and dark wizard, there shouldn’t be any big problems.

It’s a pity that this kind of terrifying idea only appeared in his mind for a moment and was forcibly extinguished.

golden armor Merpeople took a deep breath, and finally took out the horn around his waist and sounded in anger!

This sound is similar to Link’s wooden whistle, but it is deeper and more penetrating.

After the sound of the horn, the Merpeople who were stationed in the village and the Merpeople who were fighting with the marine Merpeople rushed towards the plesiosaurs above.

As the crowd gathered, the situation of Plesiosaurus and Barty Jr. became more difficult.

Although these Merpeople’s attack methods are only spears and harpoon stabbings in their hands, plesiosaurs can swipe a large area with their limbs, but ants often kill elephants.

Moreover, the main body of the tree monster Kraken finally relied on the drag of the tentacles to get close to the plesiosaur.

Its terrifying mouthparts are directly buckled on the snake neck dragon body, and the blood mist of the continuous closed canopy continues to spread along with the plesiosaur’s painful roar, still staining the nearby waters.

Most importantly, Link also drives the horse-shaped Kelpie to swim past.

Unlike Kraken and Merpeople, his goal is Barty Jr. only!

“Avada Kedavra!”

The green glow wafted again in the horrified eyes of the surrounding Merpeople. At present, the plesiosaur was completely restricted by Kraken, and there was no way to help Barty Jr. withstand the attack.

Barty Jr. has been vigilant about Link from beginning to end.

Seeing the green glow, he simply gave up the plesiosaur who had been blocking the gun for him. He waved it directly, and the burst of tip magic power stirred the water and rushed out dozens of meters.

Seeing Link, he was not worried but happy, and hurriedly drove the horse-shaped Kelpie to catch up.

Link believes that Barty Jr., who abandoned the dragon to escape, is doomed to fail. In today’s waters, he can’t swim the horse-shaped Kelpie at all. It is only a matter of time before he is caught.

However, to Link’s surprise, Barty Jr. did not continue to run after tens of meters, but turned and looked towards him.

At the same time, Barty Jr.’s free left hand also took out a water glass with a lid from his arms.

In the vision of Link’s Super Sense Mantra, a special kind of magic power is permeated all over the water cup.

The magic power is very similar to the Floo Network fireplace and the Disapparation spell when it is activated. It is the magic power that belongs to the space magic spell!

In other words, the water cup is a portkey in a sealed state!

‘I want to run on a dog day! ’

Link made his judgment in an instant, and waved his wand out of his hand while cursing in his heart.

However, before the magic power of its tip converged and formed, Barty Jr. lifted the lid on the water glass with his thumb!

An amazing suction came from the mouth of the opened cup, absorbing the surrounding lake frantically.


An astonishing loud noise exploded in everyone’s ears!

This is the sound of the violent flow of countless lakes!

Pulled by its huge force from Space Rule, a twisted giant vortex was suddenly pulled out of the lake.

In the tumbling water, everyone and the beasts nearby were driven by the water to rush towards the vortex.

And Barty Jr., who personally opened the lid of the cup, bore the brunt, turning into a twisted apparition to get into it.

Before disappearing, he lifted his hood and sneered at Link.

The last killing spell that Link shot with hatred finally hit the vacant place and failed to hit the target.

Seeing that after inhaling Barty Jr., the suction gradually reduced, and the body was continuously disintegrating, the water cup-shaped portkey, Link bitterly punched the horse-shaped Kelpie.

Seems to be hurt by Link, or feel the anger in Link’s heart.

The horse-shaped Kelpie also roared angrily, and turned his head to the struggling plesiosaur without Link control.

This angry roar also made Link a little back to his mind. His vaguely red eyes stared at the plesiosaur, and with a grin, he waved the wand again!


On the shore, half an hour ago.

Maxime and the others looked nervous, staring at the lake intently.

Although Link has an overwhelming strength advantage, they have made corresponding restrictions on Link in the rules.

So they still have so little hope for the champion of their respective schools.

The only alien on the referee’s bench is Dumbledore.

Unlike other referees, he did not see a trace of tension or worry on his face. At this moment, he was teasing Arkham and the yo-yo enthusiastically, touching Arkham’s head and teeth for a while, and poking the yo-yo for a while.

For this kind of boring behavior, the yo-yo has shrunk into a shell ball and ignored it.

Arkham, who has nowhere to hide, has long been cursed.

The rich curses learned from Link kept coming out of his mouth.

So Dumbledore can’t understand snake language, otherwise he must cast a spell to seal his mouth.

The audience in the stands were more excited.

Just as soon as the champions got out of the water, Bagman explained to them the rescue missions to be completed by the champions. By the way, he also announced the ‘treasure’ lists of the champions.

At this moment, there was an uproar among the audience!

Everyone is puzzled by the fact that Harry’s treasure is Ron.

This is not difficult to understand.

The treasures of other champions are either beloved girls or their relatives.

By the way, Harry is a same sex friend.

Reminiscent of the Christmas ball, Harry and Ron didn’t get close to their respective partners. Instead, they dismissed their partners.

This makes things even stranger.

George and Fred De are even more pounding, threatening to teach them a lesson after the incident is over and let them know that it is wrong to do so!

Krum’s selection of treasures also disappointed many of you.

Especially the Slytherins.

until now They all regard the people of Durmstrang as their kind, not only treating each other with courtesy, but even trying their best to match his love affair with Miss Greengrass.

But now the non-descendant ‘mudblood’ of Hermione has become Krum’s most important treasure?

In the eyes of the Slytherins, this is simply self-willing!

It’s so disappointing!

Such Krum is not qualified to stand with them at all!

Fortunately, they still have Link!

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