
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Link is the only one in champion that hasn’t disappointed everyone.

As everyone expected, he chose Emily as his treasure.

He also bravely participated in the match despite the various restrictions set by the referees as everyone expected.

If there is no major accident, he will win the championship of this event as everyone expected.

This is the thought of all Hogwarts students present.

Slytherin and Hufflepuff are even more so.

These two groups of people who didn’t look at each other in the past have gathered together because of Link.

Cedric and the others and Slytherin’s Prefects have even hooked up their backs.

They both firmly believe that Link will be the final winner and win honors for their two houses.

However, when everyone was full of interest, large bubbles suddenly appeared on the originally quiet surface of the Black Lake.

These bubbles are getting more and more, and in the end even the agitated lake is as lively as boiling water.

“Wow! They are the real murderers under the lake!”

A Slytherin’s Prefect said with bright eyes.

And hearing this John puffed up his chest and said proudly:

“I dare you to say that this must be Link used a huge might spell like Confringo or giant Sectumsempra! This time, he is the only one who has such a strong strength among all the contestants!”

As soon as John said this, he was immediately echoed and responded by everyone around him, and the atmosphere in the stands took a new step for a time.

It’s just that the scene where the Black Lake seemed to be boiled lasted only a short while.

Soon a small vortex emerged from the middle of the lake and expanded rapidly.

The Black Lake instantly changed from a boiling water basin to a giant swimming pool with the plug unplugged.

Absorbed by the growing vortex in the center, the water level of the Black Lake began to drop continuously, exposing a large number of wet river beds on the shore.

However, this scene did not last long, and soon the vortex gradually dissipated, and replaced by a large stock of black red blood constantly filled with from the bottom of the lake, spreading rapidly like fog, and will most of the black lake. They were all dyed into a tongue-in-cheek color.

At this time, no one was speaking in the stands. Everyone looked at the lake dumbfounded, and some were timid and even prepared to escape.

Not only them.

Even the referees who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai on the referee’s bench at this time also got up one after another with a look of worry.

As the referee and the narrator on the scene, Bagman had to stand up and explain this time:

“Um… viewers, there seems to be some problems in our arena now. But don’t be nervous, our staff has already gone to investigate the situation, I believe it will be done soon…Oh! Merlin! I see it What?!”

In the middle of the conversation, Bagman suddenly got stuck and stretched out his hand and pointed tremblingly at the lake.

When everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, they could clearly see that a large number of broken pieces of meat were constantly rising from the bottom of the lake, floating to the surface of the lake that had been dyed deep red, as if they had been cooked Cooked wontons.

At the same time, there is a huge shadow quickly approaching where the referee’s bench is.

“Be careful! Mr. Crouch!”

Percy’s reaction was quick. As the personal assistant of old Barty, he immediately stood in front of Crouch, regardless of whether his strength was actually much lower than Crouch itself.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the dark shadow finally washed ashore.

It was a huge horse-shaped Kelpie with a lot of seaweed on its head. It moved towards the stand and raised its forelimbs to make a roar, and then slowly walked towards the referee’s bench.

And on its back, Link, and Emily and Harry and the others sit steadily.

“Wow! It’s Link! It’s Hogwarts’ champion! In the 54th minute after the start of the game, Hogwarts’ champion, Link · Foley came with a horse and successfully landed!”

Bagman, who saw Link’s figure clearly, waved his arms and excitedly said, “Let’s take a look, he successfully rescued his treasure! And… Merlin! Not just Miss Victoria, Link he took everyone All of his treasures were saved! Not only that, he even brought Harry Potter, who is also Hogwarts’ Champion! The only problem now is that our Savior Potter seems to…”

Bagman is still on the roar, but unfortunately even after using the Sonorus curse, his voice is still covered by the loud cheers from the stands!

At this moment, almost everyone in the stands was screaming hysterically, and the terrifying sound even caused ripples on the surface of the Black Lake, which had gradually subsided!

The referees are not relieved by the people in the stands.

They immediately left the seat and rushed up when they appeared at Link. Ms. Maxime and Karkaroff rushed very fast. They immediately came to Link and asked in unison:

“What about Fleur (Krum)?”

Link didn’t want to pay any attention to what they meant, but pointed his thumb at the black lake behind him, and then drove the horse-shaped Kelpie towards Dumbledore.

About this trip to the Black Lake, he still has many questions to tell Dumbledore.

The faces of hearing this Maxime and Karkaroff are all black.

They thought that Link might not know the news of Krum and Fleur at all, but just pointed it casually.

If this is the case, then based on the huge movement under the Black Lake, Fleur and Krum may be bode ill rather than well.

Fortunately, before they could continue to hold Link to question, a large group of Merpeople in armor rose from the Black Lake. The two giant Merpeople headed by them held Fleur and Krum respectively.

At this time, the hourglass on the referee’s bench was officially finished.

The sleeping spell on Emily and the others was automatically lifted, and she gradually became sober.

“Um… my head hurts, where is this?”

Hermione frowned and knocked on her forehead, only feeling that the light and deafening cheers around her were so uncomfortable and disgusting.

After staying in place for a long time, she gradually recalled the experience of being taken away by the organizing committee of the competition and hiding as a champion’s most cherished treasure.

At the same time, she also saw clearly the environment she was in now.

Under her, there is an incomparable gigantic and sticky horse-shaped Kelpie.

In front of her, there is a broad back.

The back figure is so familiar to her that at the moment she saw it, Hermione’s heartbeat was timeout.

“Link ……”

Hermione murmured unconsciously, while an amazing idea was gradually spreading in her heart.

‘Don’t say, I am Link’s treasure? The person he cares most about is not Emily Victoria, but me?

And Link just like the Prince in a fairy tale, experienced all kinds of dangers, and finally rescued my Princess? ’

As if to compensate for the previous mistake, Hermione’s heart beat more violently after it stopped beating for a beat.

The amplitude and frequency are so large that even Hermione himself can hear the sound.

Perceiving this, Hermione blushed and pressed her chest, while extending her other hand to Link.

Now she really wants to confirm with Link whether her guess just now is correct.

However, the hand just stretched out and retracted at a faster speed.

Because another familiar silhouette has embraced Link one step in advance.

“My dear, you finally woke up.”

While talking, Link gently hugged Emily in front of him, and hugged her hard.

“I knew you would find me.”

Emily rubbed Link’s chin with her head and said happily.

While speaking, she also took a peek at Hermione, who was looking gray and sullen, and then showed a sly smile like a fox.

However, her joy did not last long.

Because Gabrielle woke up.

She was not as shy as Hermione, she hugged Link’s head from behind like a cannonball, shaking and cheering loudly:

“Phantom Knight! You are the best!”

“Hurry down, don’t fall!”

Link said silently, he really had nothing to do with Gabrielle.

Then, the people who helped solve the problem came.

“Heavens! Gabrielle, you are all right! I thought, I thought…wu wu!”

Fleur, still wet, rushed over.

She leaped on the horse back and pulled Gabrielle off in one hand. First, she kept groping and checking on her body, and then she hugged her and kissed her, crying while kissing. .

Gabrielle, who was treated so rudely, didn’t make any fuss anymore, but started to wipe her tears from her elder sister.

It’s a pity that Fleur was only halfway through, as if I was thinking of something.

Throwing down Gabrielle again and rushing to Link and said:

“You saved her! Even though she is not your hostage!” Fleur was almost out of breath with excitement, “Thank you so much, thank you so much…”

Fleur’s voice stopped abruptly, she rushed forward, hugged Link’s head like Gabrielle did before, and then kissed it.

This is a wet, very long kiss.

Link has to admit, it feels great.

So much so that he forgot to push the opponent away.

Anyway, when Fleur released Link and ran towards the temporary medical point with Gabrielle in his backhand, Link finally returned to sobered up.

Then, he saw Emily’s cold face.

She both hands crossed near chest, said with a cold laugh:

“You seemed to enjoy…wu!”

Hesitate and lose!

As a platinum trophy player of “Sekiro”, Link knows this truth well.

Before Emily could finish speaking, she wiped her mouth and blocked it.

After a long time, the two talents were forced to separate.

Because Arkham and Yo-Yo, who have suffered a lot in the hands of Dumbledore, have been out of trouble for some time, they are madly drilling into Link’s arms.

Dumbledore himself also came to Link, laughing at Link and Emily.


Under that kind of teasing gaze, Emily had completely forgotten what she wanted to say before and buried her head in Link’s arms just like Arkham.

But Link quickly converged his smile, and said solemnly:

“This time there is a problem with the project, we just encountered the Death Eater attack in the Black Lake underground!”

As soon as this statement came out, Emily raised his head looked towards Link again suddenly.

His complexion became as pale as Hermione.

Dumbledore’s expression finally became serious.

“Are you sure? Oh, sorry Link. I shouldn’t suspect you, you are not Harry.” Dumbledore shook the head, then pointed to a tent not far away, “This matter is not trivial. Let’s go in and talk about it carefully.”

Link clicked nodded and dismounted Kelpie.

During the period, Emily hangs on Link like a koala, for fear that Link will run away.

Link didn’t care about anything else, with Dumbledore’s weird look, he put Emily on his back and went into the tent.

Then Dumbledore placed a soundproofing curse on the tent, and Link told Dumbledore what he had encountered just now under the Black Lake.

Of course, he didn’t make it clear that Death Eater is Barty Jr., this secret still needs to be kept.

Halfway through, the other referees and the golden armor Merpeople also entered the tent.

Golden armor Merpeople served as a witness to help Link add some things.

During the period, I was very clever and used all kinds of language that seems right but actually isn’t to take my own Black Lake Race out of this matter.

The whole article only says that he is a helper of Link.

When the two of them finished talking about the matter, the atmosphere in the tent became weird.

Everyone was silent, and kept looking at everyone in the tent back and forth.

After a long time, Karkaroff screamed:

“This is a murder!”

He stepped forward and grabbed Bagman by the collar, “You Ministry of Magic must give me an explanation, or I will go to the International Wizards Federation to sue you!”

Bagman was caught by the crazy Karkaroff, and he was panicked. He kept shaking his hands and saying things like ‘I’m not, I don’t know’.

“Enough Karkaroff!”

Dumbledore frowned and called Karkaroff’s last name in a very harsh tone, “Now what we have to think about is not the question of who should be held accountable, but how to solve the problem! I believe the current attack on champion in the Black Lake The dark wizard should be the one who used the Confundus Charm for Goblet of Fire to force Harry Potter to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

What happened today also proved my previous guess. Their purpose is to kill Harry Potter and avenge Voldemort! “

Karkaroff wanted to refute something when he met Dumbledore’s serious eyes, but when Dumbledore finally called out Voldemort’s name, Karkaroff immediately froze, holding the black mark on his arm in horror. .

Upon seeing this, everyone in the tent cast a disgusting look at Karkaroff.

For Death Eater, no one has any favorable impressions.

At this time, old Barty · Crouch, who had just kept silent, suddenly coughed twice:

“Dumbledore, what you said is good, but finding Death Eater will be afterwards. For now, what we need to face is the outside audience.

In my opinion, the Triwizard Tournament has been in progress and there is no way to brake now, and the champions must also participate in the next round of finals. So we must keep this matter strictly confidential and not disclose it to any outsiders. Everyone should be okay with this, right? “

Old Barty looked around all around, everyone silently nodded.

Then he continued with satisfaction:

“Then then, it is our turn to go out and announce the scores of the champions.”

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