
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This was the first time Link saw Snape’s living room and sleeping face, and he was a little excited for a while.

He silently cast a Silencio curse on himself, then crept to the bed, and took out a small magic camera from the Extension Charm pocket, ready to take a picture of Snape’s sleeping face.

Of course, Link is not a strange thing like George and Fred, who fears that the world will not be chaotic, and uses pranks as his vocation.

The reason why he did this is entirely to keep it as a memorial, and by the way, he can show it to Emily and Mrs. Foley to ensure that it will not leak.

‘ka-cha! ’

Under the influence of Silencio curse, a light sound that only Link can hear is uploaded from the magic camera, which means that Snape’s sleeping face is still being photographed.

The corners of Link’s mouth also rose uncontrollably.

It’s just that this joyful smile lasted less than ten seconds on Link’s face.

Because Snape was still asleep, but suddenly opened his eyes.

He stared at Link blankly, time seemed to be still at this moment, and the air was full of embarrassment.

Snape’s pupils began to shrink slowly, and he was extremely indifferent to extend the hand and said:

“Give it to me.”

The sweat on his forehead when he stared at Link so much, he immediately passed the camera in his hand.

Then I only heard a sound of ‘creak’, the special magic camera made by Master Alchemist, whose main structure is entirely made of pure gold, was blown to pieces by Snape wand at one point.

At this point, Snape seemed a little dissatisfied. He waved the wand a few times, until the fragments turned into real grains of sand and then ordered nodded.

Then, he turned his head and looked towards Link.

Without any hesitation, Link ran out of Snape’s living room.

Because he could tell even without Legilimens, Snape was really angry at the moment.

If you continue to stay here, I’m afraid that the next thing Link will meet is Snape’s angry attack.

Sure enough, as soon as Link stepped out of the living room with his front foot, there was a loud noise behind him. Then, the air wave caused by the explosion threw him away and hit the wall.


Link took a cold breath and slowly got up from the ground.

He released Protego just before the impact, so he didn’t suffer much damage.

But the pain still hurts after all.

It stands to reason that Link should continue to escape next.

At this moment, however, Link did the opposite, not only did not leave, but even just and honorable sat down by Snape’s workbench.

He knew Snape too well.

In this kind of scientific madman, his own scientific research results are the most important existence.

Right now, this public office is full of Snape’s experimental tools and precious potion.

Under refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, Snape absolutely dare not continue to do anything to him.

Link’s guess was very accurate. Snape’s attack did not spread to the laboratory, and he did not immediately come out.

This made Link relaxed and began to apply Baixian extract to the place where he had been bruised.

After a while, Snape finally appeared.

At this moment, the Slytherin pajamas on his body have disappeared, replaced by the large black robe that Link is not familiar with.

Snape, who had regained his former outfit, quickly walked to Link without expression and stared at him condescendingly. After a long time, he said one word at a time:

“You, come, do, what, what?”

Link took a deep breath, just about to speak, but Snape preemptively said:

“I know that you just got a good result in the second task of the Three Battles yesterday, and there was a lot of limelight, so that you are still in a state of fluttering.

But if you think that running over to show off with me can make me praise like other professors, if you reward you, then you are very wrong!

If you come here today without other important things, I can guarantee that you will regret what you did today for the whole week to come!

Link · Mr. Foley! “

See also Snape’s special taunting ending.

The tone that hadn’t been heard for a long time made Link chuckle.

And this smile also made Snape’s expression more gloomy.

Seeing this, Link quickly reduced his expression and began to talk about the true purpose of his visit this time.

“Professor Snape, about Karkaroff, how is your progress?”

Link As soon as this statement came out, Snape’s face immediately changed from a simple gloomy to a complex expression mixed with anger and irritability.

He got close to Link abruptly again, and scolded:

“You are not qualified to come over and question me! This is not something you should be involved in! You’d better be able to do what I said, don’t do those extreme things. Otherwise, the consequences will not be your regrets. It can be solved in one week!”

Link had to admit that Snape was indeed a very educated person.

Even at this level of anger, there was no scene of spitting stars splashing when he cursed.

However, the heart-warming Link still released a Scourgify on his face, and this made his face almost indistinguishable from Snape’s previous facial paralysis and said to Snape:

“If I can, I don’t want to worry about these messy things, and spend the past few years of student safely. However, if you don’t solve some things, you will eventually come to you in the end.” [ 19459002]

hearing this Snape The muscles on his cheek twitched twice, and then he was about to speak again.

It’s just that Link said first:

“Anyway, let’s take a look at this first, and talk about other things after reading it.”

After that, Link cautiously poured out a huge stone platform from the non-marking stretched pocket. The front side of it has a circular depression, which is somewhat similar to the cave where the stalactite drips water all the year round. The recessed basin is somewhat similar to the wash basin necessary for the bathroom, and there is even a stream of clear water shining with starlight accumulated inside it.

Many mysterious runes are also engraved on other positions of the basin.

“Pedestrian Basin!?”

Snape couldn’t help but cried out in surprise.

It is not surprising that he would react like this.

Pendant basin is a kind of magic props specially used to view memory. The difficulty of making it and the precious materials required have directly led to the extremely small number of Pendant basins in the world.

For Snape alone.

He has only seen one at Dumbledore in his entire life.

But the one that Link took out at the moment is obviously different from Dumbledore’s. The styles of the two are very different. Link this one seems to be designed to imitate nature.

And the other side.

Link just took care of Snape’s make a fuss about nothing, and directly used wand against his own big yang point, and then gently pulled away, and a silver white light filament as thick as a hair was drawn by it. Came out.

“Come and see.”

Link spoke softly, using wand to put the silver white filament into the stagnant water of the Pendant Basin.

The moment the two touched, the light filament disappeared, and the water in the basin was brilliant!

Snape still frowned and stared at Link.

Years of double agent career has made him believe in no one. So even though Link is invited, he still instinctively resists using the Pendant Pen.

After all, if you want to use the meditation basin, you must let go of your brain, and the meditation basin, which can penetrate into the brain of others, is actually the most dangerous.

During the period, as long as Link has a little bit of intention to harm him, then he will die without a burial site, or even become a puppet.

But staring at Link’s clear eyes, Snape finally suppressed the uneasiness in his heart forcibly, and finally stuck his head into the basin.

The brilliance that had originally spilled in the basin instantly solidified and poured into Snape’s mind.

This whole process can’t be called rough, but it made Snape’s body begin to tremble violently.

It took a long time for Snape to raise his head.

The strange thing is that there are no wet marks on his head and face, but his expression is slightly sluggish, and his body is still trembling unconsciously.

The meditation basin will not have such serious side effects.

Snape’s reaction was so big that it was completely stimulated by the memory in that basin.

Link was not surprised at all, after all, what he showed Snape was his torturing and Legilimens old Barty’s memory.

The content here is really amazing.

Think about it, but Auror’s office is infiltrated and controlled!

Putting it in muggle world is the same as a country’s military power being stolen by others.

This is too strong for someone like Snape who lives in the wizard world.

But Link feels that this is not enough.

He knew Snape’s position and demands too well, so he felt that he should give Snape another fire.

“According to my guess, the power of the Auror office should have been born out of Death Eater. They also sent someone to intervene in this Triwizard Tournament. The purpose is probably to resurrect Voldemort.”

After Link said, Snape finally recovered.

He looked at Link inexplicably, and then slowly said after a long time:

“Don’t call that person by name in the future, he can perceive it.”

He said that he also raised his sleeves.

A black mark tattoo was exposed in front of Link.

At this moment, the Dark Mark’s mark seemed to be half alive, constantly twisting and agitating, as if something was about to come out of it.

Snape quickly put down his sleeves again, and said to Link blankly:

“And you are a bit too whimsical. Resurrection from the dead is no longer something mortal can do. I have done in-depth research in this regard, even the legendary Resurrection Stone can’t do it… “

Snape’s words came to an abrupt end, because Link had put a copy of “Secrets of the Darkest Art” in front of him, and carefully turned to the page about Horcrux’s resurrection ceremony.

“That guy’s current state is different from that of ordinary dead people, but in an intermediate state of being half-dead. I have confirmed this from the events of the previous few years.

So I strongly suspect that he made Horcrux. And if that is the case, then he can use this ceremony to truly resurrect. “

As Link said, sliding his fingertips on the characters of the parchment, “Look, the materials needed for the ceremony. Father’s bones, enemy’s blood, servants’ flesh… What do you think of that guy? Who is the most hated enemy?”

“You mean,” Snape also realized something, and said with a trembling voice, “He wants to use Harry Potter as a sacrifice for his resurrection?”

Link shrugged:

“This is just a guess.”

Snape clicked nodded and ran Occlumency to force himself to calm down, then moved towards Link and said:

“I see, Karkaroff I will take care of it.”

‘You know what a fart! ’

Link in the heart scolded.

Snape looks like this right now, clearly saying, ‘I’ll go and kill Karkaroff when I turn around’.

But this is not what Link wanted to see.

He sighed:

“Tell Dumbledore all these things first.”

“Why don’t you tell him by yourself?”

“I don’t want to have more contact with that old fox, he makes me very uncomfortable.”

Link said in a treacherous tone.

But hearing this Snape agreed and clicked nodded.

Because he is like Link, he doesn’t have much doubt about dealing with Dumbledore.

That old man with white beard, at first glance is kind, but in fact?

The scheming is the deepest!

“I’ll go tell him now.” Snape picked up his wand and walked out. “You should also go, class time is up.”

Link nodded, and packed his stuff, and left the office with Snape.

The two walked up the stairs and left the basement area of ​​Hogwarts.

However, just as they were about to reach the auditorium stairs, the slightly thin silhouette of old Barty was blocked in front of them.

He was obviously here to find Link.

Seeing his hesitant and extremely alert look Link shook the head said:

“It doesn’t matter, Professor Snape is his own.”

hearing this old Barty was not surprised, but after a deep glance at Snape, he stuffed an envelope into Link’s hand.

“This is what you want.”

“Good job.”

After perceiving the contents with the super-sensing curse a little, Link said with satisfaction.

“What’s in it?”

Snape asked directly without seeing it.

“The identities and family information of all combatants under the Section Chief in Auror’s office.” Link closed the envelope and said, “It seems that Mr. Crouch values ​​our cooperation very much, and got the things in one night. “

Old Barty didn’t speak, only coldly snorted dissatisfied.

In his opinion, Link and him are not cooperation at all, but unilateral slavery and oppression.

But it’s useless to say these now, after all, the oath is taken.

“Then please follow my previous instructions to complete the next task, Mr. Crouch, please remember not to let me down.”

Link said with a smile.

This time, old Barty did not continue coldly snorted, but went straight away.

“What the hell are you planning to do!?”

Snape’s slightly harsh voice came again.

Link turned his head and looked at him helplessly, then said:

“These things are very troublesome to explain to you. So, you should report to Dumbledore obediently and honestly. I believe he will understand what I want to do.”

After that, Link walked directly into the auditorium.

Snape originally wanted to continue to ask questions, but the to-and-fro students in the auditorium finally let him put down his outstretched hand.

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