
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Snape stood there, staring at Link.

His expression is a bit complicated.

Because he suddenly discovered that Link’s fading back was a bit strange to him.

Link is no longer the child who used to be only clever.

No longer is the poor patient who is too weak to bear pity.

Judging from the behavior previously revealed by Link, he has now become an existence that can use equal strength and identity to deal with him, and even with Dumbledore.

He has become a qualified ancient pure-blood family heir.

For the benefit of the family and itself, Snape feels that Link can now use crafty plots and machinations by fair means or foul to embrace the darkness.

Snape didn’t know if this change was good or bad, he was just feeling sorry for the passing away of that lovely child.

lightly sighed, Snape finally moved towards the headmaster’s office.

After all, work is still to be done.

And he was also going to have a good talk with Dumbledore, to see if he could help Link when he fell into the abyss.

At the same time, Link did not engage in any crafty plots and machinations or evil schemes as Snape had guessed.

He hurried to the greenhouse outside the Castle Lord in Hogwarts like an ordinary student.

Even, because of the delay in Snape, he was late.

“Sorry, Professor Sprout.”

Looking at the students and professors in the greenhouse who have put on various protective gears and are ready to go to class, Link sorry scratched his head.

Professor Sprout has never been a strict person. Even more how Link, as a student of her Hufflepuff house, just won a huge honor for the house yesterday.

Therefore, not only was she not angry when she saw this, she even brought a glass of green vegetable juice to Link’s hand with some distress:

“Link, you must have been tired yesterday? It’s okay, drink this soon, it will make you feel better.”

Although Link knows that Professor Sprout has never been a good cook, the bubbling vegetable juice in front of him probably won’t taste good.

But in order not to let Professor Sprout continue to nag, he still resisted to drink it up, and gave Sprout a sunny smile when he was done.

“Good child! Hurry up and put on protective gear and go to class!”

Professor Sprout said happily, and touched Link’s hair as he said.

This makes Link very relaxed.

Today, Professor Sprout teaches everyone how to plant and pick dragon scales grass.

This kind of leaf is shaped like a scale, which can be used as the main medicine ingredient of many potions. The important medicine ingredient that requires a lot of dragon dung to be cultivated is a compulsory topic for the owl exam.

Professor Sprout has mentioned this point countless times.

In fact, she didn’t do anything else at all this semester.

Every class is staring at the students to study those ‘must-test questions’. Today, Professor Sprout has roughly taught Link and the others once, and now it’s just a steady review.

This kind of high-intensity, high-repetition and lack of fun teaching is actually very torturous.

Hufflepuff can already be said to be the student who is most interested in Herbology.

But even the person who likes Herbology the most in Hufflepuff, feels totally disgusted by Professor Sprout’s teaching mode.

But there is no way.

In order for the students to get a good result on the owl exam, Professor Sprout couldn’t listen to anyone’s advice at all.

The most terrifying thing is that not only Sprout, but all the professors of other subjects are also doing this kind of rote-learning education.

The massive amount of homework that this brings makes all students complain.

After the end of get out of class, the students who had long been born in the greenhouse regained their vitality.

Although there are still classes in the afternoon, at least they can relax during the lunch break.

Maybe it is a good choice to continue listening to Ron telling the story of the bottom of the black lake.

However, what is surprising is that Professor Sprout, who would never stay in class in the past, stopped everyone this time.

She slowly took off the dragon leather gloves and gas mask, showing a serious expression inside to the people:

“I have a vital news to notify you.”

She scanned the crowd slowly, until everyone was quiet, and then continued,

“According to the practice of Hogwarts, in order to enable you to meet the owl exam with a better attitude, but also to enable you to have a brighter and clearer future. So we will launch a week-long “Employment” in a few days. Consulting” activity.

During the event, all Fifth Year students must meet with their house to discuss future employment issues.

This is a very important event. So I hope that after you go back, you can think about what you want to do in the future. This will also facilitate our next interview.

Well, that’s it, let’s go have dinner, children. “

The students who had already been stomach rumbling with hunger cheered and rushed to the auditorium. Most of them didn’t understand the meaning of Professor Sprout talking to them in such a serious manner. .

And Professor Sprout was not angry, she just stood quietly in the greenhouse with her hands in her hands, watching everyone leave.

“Link, what are you going to do after graduation?”

John is obviously one of the above-mentioned foodies. He smiled hehe and put his arms around Link’s neck, and said in a joking tone.

As soon as this statement was made, Cedric and the others around them all cast strange and complicated eyes at him. Even Link was silent, looking at him with a faint smile.

It took a long time for John to finally understand, he banged his head hard and said:

“Oh! I’m so stupid! You don’t need to find a job at all, you don’t need to find a job, just go back and inherit the family! Damn, I envy you.”

He retaliated and hugged Link’s neck and shook it twice.

Link was not angry either, smiled hehe and broke away from John’s arms and said:

“What about you, what do you want to do after graduation?”

“Auror or professional Quiddich player!” John stared his eyes seriously, “I have already thought about it. There are only two careers that I like to do and have a future. For my own sake, and for Lily Ann, I Will do my best to move towards both directions!”

hearing this, Link and Cedric are all startled.

They really didn’t expect that John, who usually behaves so recklessly and recklessly, has already determined his ambitions.

After reacting, Link clicked nodded with satisfaction and satisfaction.

In his opinion, this is his short story about the woodcutter and the shepherd some time ago that really worked.

But Cedric was sighed at the moment, and said to John with a complicated expression:

“It’s great, Auror and professional Quiddich players. I originally planned to develop in these two areas, but unfortunately, my father felt that it was not a good way out, and planned to let me enter the magic Department of Magical Law Enforcement. “

hearing this Link clicked nodded, in fact, in his opinion, with Cedric’s ability, he can perform very well no matter what kind of work he is engaged in.

Of course, the magic Department of Magical Law Enforcement is definitely one of the best options. It is almost a training base for politicians, not only good treatment, but also good for training people.

Link vaguely remembers that someone from the Diggory family’s ancestors seemed to have been Ministry of Magic. Judging from the current situation, Mr. Diggory seems to want Cedric to restore the family’s former glory.

On the other side, John’s focus is more unique.

He eyes shined and asked directly:

“Why do you say that professional Quiddich players are not a good way out for Auror?”

“I also asked my father about this question.” Cedric smiled and said, “First of all, professional Quiddich players are good. The structure of this industry is actually very deformed, and the threshold is very high. Generally speaking, only those who performed in the student period Players who have played Superman innate talent will be selected by scouts and have the opportunity to embark on a career path. However, the professional Quidditch match is extremely competitive, and there are too many talented players in it. Even if a newcomer becomes a professional player, There is a high probability that you can only hang around with the most basic contract wages, and it is extremely difficult to have a day of success. Some bad luck will even be terminated.

Auror’s situation is even more difficult.

As the top battle strength of Ministry of Magic, although they recruit new people from Hogwarts every year, they only want the best batch. And this so-called excellent standard, the worst must have 8 newt excellent results. After being recruited, you still need to go through a long period of rigorous training, and finally those who complete all the subject training can officially become Auror. And Auror, as a unit directly under the Ministry of Magic, has a particularly high casualty rate. You can understand the specific performance by looking at Moody. To be honest, Auror, like Moody, who can save his life and retire successfully, is already lucky. “

Cedric’s words directly stunned John.

He stood there and forgot to eat, just staring at Cedric blankly.

Cedric chuckled when he saw this:

“How about, are you planning to develop in these two areas now?”

As soon as he said this, John finally recovered his senses. His eyes were a little dodged, and he didn’t dare to look at Cedric. After a while, big sweats poured out of his forehead.

But after a short hesitation, he still lifts the head with difficulty, and firmly said to Cedric and Link:

“I’m still going to give it a try! After all, I still have time!”

“Well said!”

Cedric shouted immediately.

He was really happy for John, so happy that he punched John directly.

John, who was hit hard by this, couldn’t hold back anymore, laughed out loud, and then paid Cedric back.

Then, the flames of war naturally spread to Link.

The three of them fought and became a group in an instant, laughing and rushing to the auditorium with the army of fans.

But when they formally arrived in the auditorium, they invariably stopped. John even unnaturally sorted out his messy clothes.

For no other reason, Emily is sitting in a spacious corner staring at them faintly.

Even though the unexpected harmony between Hufflepuff and Slytherin due to Link’s relationship, the psychological shadow that Emily has caused Hufflepuffs in the past few years has not faded in the slightest.

“Link, let’s go first!”

Cedric was still calm, and only after greeted Link did he take John back to Hedge Apache.

And Link can only be sighed, sitting next to Emily.

This is the area belonging to Slytherin.

Everyone was very excited that Link was able to come to them and wanted to have lunch. There were a few well-dressed Slytherin girls who even started to join Link involuntarily, but it was a pity that they were finally caught by Emily. The cold eyes stared back.

“Did you post the letter from Aunt Leone?”

Emily, who turned her head to face Link, returned to her gentle appearance. She cautiously pushed a plate of cut steak in front of Link and said softly.

“Of course, mother is happy for her.”

As Link said, he inserted a piece of steak into his mouth and began to chew.

This steak is three mature.

This makes Link’s browse slightly wrinkle.

To be honest, the cooking level of this steak is quite good, and the quality of the ingredients is above the pass line.

It’s a pity that Link doesn’t like to eat this kind of half-baked food, whether it’s steak or sushi.

Fortunately, Link’s food requirements were not so demanding, so even though he didn’t like it in his heart, he still didn’t stop eating.

Emily sighed, who saw all this in her eyes, put a pot of stewed fish in front of Link again and said:

“Forget it, you can eat this.”

Link did not refuse, and started eating as soon as he brought it over.

He didn’t temporarily put down the knife and fork in his hand until he was half full, and said to Emily who had already finished eating:

“Next weekend, shall we go to Hogsmeade Village?”

“Huh? Why did you suddenly remember to go there?”

Emily lowered her head somewhat sorry, and said with a mosquito.

She really doesn’t want to go to Hogsmeade Village, especially with Link.

After all, what happened in the teahouse before was so exciting, Emily was a little afraid that she couldn’t control when the time comes.

Just the next sentence of Link immediately made her change her mind.

“Because mother is going to come and see us.”


hearing this Emily jumped up in an instant, as if she had changed herself, and said with excitement, “Does she think your performance yesterday is so great, so she wants to come over and praise you in person?”

“Yes, yeah.”

“Oh yeah! Very good!” Emily became more excited, “Then I shall be ready to prepare when I turn around! Let me think about what gift I want to give Aunt Leone? And that day I What kind of perfume should I spray? My clothes or something…”

Looking at Emily, who has fallen into fantasy and chattering endlessly, the smile on Link’s face is a bit bitter.

Because he knew very well that Mrs. Foley came to Hogsmeade village to meet them this time, purely to ask Link Xingshi to inquire.

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