
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Dumbledore came to a conclusion from the exchange-Link is really a very good child!

Although there have been countless examples of this in the past, Dumbledore didn’t really feel that Link can become a ‘heir’ he has entrusted to him, and even continue to fulfill his dream after him.

There is Link’s outstanding strength and innate talent in it, but the more important reason is that Dumbledore discovered that Link had previously quietly removed Occlumency when answering his questions. This allowed him to perceive that Link’s answer was indeed its The most true thoughts in my heart.

This also made Dumbledore really see Link.

Link Foley will never become a person like Voldemort.

Because Voldemort sometimes has hatred and ambition in his heart, what he wants to do has only one purpose, and that is to control and avenge this World.

Link is full of love in his heart!

And this kind of love is not the extreme love of Grindelwald and his Dumbledore for the world, the entire wizard group, and even the entire muggle society, but a small love for individuals, families, lovers and friends.

Although in terms of greatness alone, big love is far more than little love. But in fact love is love, and they are essentially the same.

The most important thing is that they are compatible.

To achieve Dumbledore’s great love, Voldemort must be completely eliminated, and if Link’s little love is to be realized, Voldemort cannot be avoided, and only in the environment after Dumbledore’s great love succeeds, Link’s Xiao Ai can become better and more comfortable.

And Link himself has the courage to swing a knife at the person who prevents him from realizing his little love.

Therefore, Dumbledore felt that Link and him should be a community of interests, a heir that could help or even replace him in realizing his ideals.

At least, Link is much better than Harry.

After all, although Harry was also full of love under his cultivation, Harry’s love was too pure, hazy and idealistic, so that Harry’s practicality was so weak that it exploded.

After confirming the final conclusion he reached in his heart, Dumbledore looked towards Link and his eyes became more and more kind.

He even stepped forward and took the initiative to patted Link’s shoulder, which said with a smile:

“That’s pretty good, Link. Can you come to my office later? Regarding the design of the third task, I want to hear your opinion as champion, I believe this will help our work Yes. The password at the office door is-vanilla ice cream.”

“I see, Headmaster Dumbledore.”

Link nodded agreed.

Dumbledore seemed happier when he saw it, and he left Professor Sprout’s office soon after being nodded.

Of course, out of the desire to keep a low profile, he did not go to the front door, but asked Phoenix Fawkes to take him directly back to the headmaster room.

It’s a pity that his idea was not realized in the end.

Because when Link struggled with Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to deal with Professor Sprout’s concerned inquiry and left the office, he found that the Hufflepuff gathered in the corridor outside was looking at him with an admiring look of Divine Immortal.

“Link, you’re so strong!” John forcibly approached from the crowd again, hugging Link’s arm and said, “We all heard, Headmaster Dumbledore said you are very good!”

hearing this Link I understand a little bit.

He turned his head and glanced at the expressions of everyone around him, and they were all similar to what John did.

In the eyes of these ordinary students, Dumbledore, the headmaster known as the strongest white wizard of the century, may already be like a Spiritual God.

Link, who can be highly praised by Dumbledore, naturally became a Demi-God-like character.

Link estimates that this is the major event he has recently produced too much. Now these students are all resistant. Otherwise, now this group of people would have to hold his leg to sign.

shook the head, the smile on Link’s face was reduced.

His view of Dumbledore is different from these students.

In his eyes, Dumbledore is too dangerous.

The other party is like a black hole. Even if you rashly approach it, although there is a chance to explore the truth of the universe and obtain the huge benefits of unimaginable, there is also a high probability that it will be wrapped in it and torn to pieces.

Fortunately, in the previous round of the game, Link won.

And now that he has won a round, Link feels that he deserves some rewards.

After sorting out his emotions, Link once again got rid of the students who kept asking all sorts of questions around him, and went directly to the headmaster room on the eighth floor.

The dripping mouth Gargoyle at the door seemed to be sleeping lazily, his head was little by little, and there was a vague snoring.

But when Link really got closer, it just came back up at the right time, said in deadly earnest:


“Vanilla ice cream.”

The dripping stone head jumped aside, revealing the semicircular portal inside.

Link climbed up the stairs and finally entered the office after a while.

Actually, I am already familiar with this headmaster room Link.

After coming in, he relaxed instead, smiled and said hello to Phoenix Fawkes and the portraits who were still awake on the wall, and then each minding their own business sat on the sofa.

Dumbledore behind the eagle-leg table didn’t stop it, but was somewhat happy to see it.

He waved wand after Link was seated, and let a cone ice cream fly into Link’s hands automatically:

“Come and try Link, Honeydukes’ new seasonal product, vanilla ice cream!”

Link, who has reached a basic trust with Dumbledore, is not welcome, and just tasted it.

As a result, the taste of this ice cream is surprisingly good. It is not sweet or greasy but very fragrant. This can be said to be the highest evaluation Link can give to desserts as a celestial person in the bones.

Dumbledore was also very happy about this.

Although eating ice cream in winter is very cool, it is really difficult for even the wizard to accept. He also tried to invite Snape and McGonagall before, but he was scolded in the end.

“It would be better if you like it, I have it here, you can pack some back later.”

Dumbledore smiled and said, “Then let’s get to the point. Link, you told Snape to tell me that I have received the information. Here, I would like to ask you about your next response. And what is your opinion on the layout of the third task?”

The cone in Link’s hand also has a pointed bottom, which is filled with chocolate to prevent leakage. This is Link’s favorite part.

hearing this He did not respond immediately, but stared at Dumbledore as he put the pointed bottom into his mouth and chewed.

According to the original work, Voldemort’s resurrection was actually the result of Dumbledore’s indulgence.

He wanted to use Voldemort’s hands to completely eliminate the currently decayed Ministry of Magic, the remaining Death Eater forces, and fight the old aristocracy, so that the pureblood theory loses the soil on which it depends.

Of course, by the way, he also wanted to use Voldemort’s own hands to destroy Voldemort’s dismemberment in Harry’s body without harming Harry Potter himself, thereby causing Voldemort to die completely.

However, Link is absolutely unwilling to see this kind of thing, because in essence, the Foley family belongs to the old aristocratic class and is a pure-blooded person with vested interests.

PG decides his head, Link will naturally not make such a mess as he beats himself.

So after hesitating for a moment, he said firmly:

“First of all, Voldemort can’t be resurrected. Once he resurrects those ambitious pro-black forces, he will immediately attract them like smelly flies, causing his Death Eater forces to swell dramatically in a short time. Quickly return to its original heyday.

This will directly cause social turmoil and instability, and destroy the good life we ​​have spent more than ten years to create with great difficulty.

Not only does the Foley family disagree with this point, but also the ordinary wizards in the magic circle absolutely will not agree! “

Link’s loud and loud speech awakened the previous headmaster portraits who were still sleeping. They were silent, looking at Link and Dumbledore with piercing eyes, as if they were expecting Dumbledore’s answer.

But Dumbledore had no idea to answer at all. He looked at Link inexplicably and said:

“Then how can you achieve this goal if you think about it?”

“It’s very simple! To prevent Voldemort from resurrecting as the primary goal, killing the hidden in the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eater forces in Hogwarts as the secondary goal, arrange traps in the third task of the next Triwizard Tournament, ambush, beating somebody at their own game, lure them into the bait!”

“The intention of this is too obvious. Don’t forget that Hogwarts’ Triwizard Tournament also has an insider in the organizing committee. It’s hard to hide it from them. How can you guarantee that they will be hooked?” [ 19459002]

Link’s eyes became a little cold, and he said blankly:

“They want Harry to be the ceremony material and sacrifice for Voldemort’s resurrection. Only in this way can Voldemort restore the power of the most flourishing period.”

“You mean…Use Harry as a bait?” Dumbledore’s pupils shrank sharply and stared at Link’s eyes. “Harry is your friend, and you should also know that he has treated Severus, yours. What is the significance of Professor Snape. But even if this is the case, are you going to do it? Are you not ashamed?”

“pu 呲!”

Hearing this Link laughed out loud, as Dumbledore contemptuously said, “Stop pretending, my Headmaster Dumbledore, is it okay to let us all be honest?

Haven’t you always been doing things like Harry? Just admit it. You just want to use Harry and that prophecy to completely wipe out Voldemort that’s all! “


Dumbledore said every word.

His voice was extremely cold, and the chill emanating from his body even caused Fawkes to scream.

“Yes, that weird prediction made up by Perry Lawney.

The person who is capable of defeating the Dark Lord is approaching…will be born in a family who has resisted him three times. At the end of July of that year…The Dark Lord will mark him as his strong enemy, but he will have Dark Power that the Lord didn’t know… One of them must die in the hands of the other, because two of them cannot both live, only one survives…”

Link said in a dazed tone following Trelawny.

This move is a demonstration of Link’s strength.

He hopes to cooperate with Dumbledore and use Dumbledore’s power to fight Voldemort and gain benefits.

But he didn’t want to be sacrificed at will by Dumbledore.

Therefore, it is imperative for bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections to show their strength.

Link believes that Dumbledore who hears this prophecy will definitely appreciate him and not to be trifled with, nor is it a casual existence that can be kneaded.

After all, any plan that Dumbledore has made in the past two decades to completely eliminate Voldemort is based on this prophecy as the core content.

By Voldemort’s belief in this flaw in the prediction, he directly controlled Harry Potter, the son of destiny, in advance, planning along the way to push things to develop in the direction of the prediction.

Without Link, the butterfly suddenly descended, Voldemort would fight Harry to death as predicted, and eventually die completely according to Dumbledore’s prediction.

So Link’s revelation of the prophecy basically followed Dumbledore’s ears and said: ‘Don’t pretend to be a man, I know everything you have in your heart for more than ten years. ’It makes no difference.

It is conceivable that this stimulates Dumbledore a lot.

The only thing Link missed was Dumbledore’s reaction.

Dumbledore’s face fell instantly after hearing the content of the prophecy, and at the same time a powerful magic power radiated out of his body without conscious interest, forcing Link’s whole body hairs to stand upright.

“How do you know this prophecy?”

An icy voice sounded from Dumbledore’s throat.

hearing this Link has retreated several steps, and the ebony wand is also held tightly in his hands, ready to escape at any time.

However, just after the questioning, the terrifying imposing manner on Dumbledore disappeared in an instant.

He shook the head said:

“It was your father who told you.”

Link was so sighed that the pressure was swept away, but he was still a little unconvinced, and said to himself:

“Can’t it be Professor Snape told me?”

Dumbledore glanced at Link, tidying up the clutter on the desk that had been thrown away because of his magic power, while lightly saying, “Severus does know the prophecy, but he only knows part of the prophecy. What you said is the prophecy of the complete volume. Although your father is also marked by the Dark Devil, in fact he is our comrade. Out of trust, we also informed him of the prophecy of the complete volume.”

After that, he glanced at Link a little disappointedly, and continued:

“But from the current situation, he seems to have failed our trust.”

Link didn’t speak, he actually didn’t know what to say, after all, he didn’t expect Dumbledore’s brain supplement ability to be so strong that he couldn’t even use the rhetoric he had prepared.

“oh! “

Dumbledore didn’t seem to expect any response from Link. He sighed and said, “But it’s a good thing if you know these things. The third task is just as you said, you set up outside Hogwarts. Those hunters can also participate in a limited way.

Next, we need to talk about Horcrux. “

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