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The mention of Horcrux did not cause Link too much surprise. Dumbledore apparently had anticipated this, and pointedly said:

“It looks like you already know what Horcrux is, right?”

“A cruel and evil magic creation.” Link said blankly. “Users can perform a murder as a ceremony, thereby stripping a part of their soul from the subject and saving it on an item. Thus made Horcrux. Before Horcrux is destroyed, the main body of Horcrux master will not die.”

What Link said was the original text recorded on “Secrets of the Darkest Art”. All Dumbledore hearing this was immediately silent, and after a long time he sighed:

“It is too early to read that kind of book at your current age. You should be able to understand? Whether it is Horcrux or other dark magic ceremony, its essence is unequal exchange, such as Horcrux. Although it is It allows users to achieve a theoretical immortal life, but essentially without the nourishment of the body, the soul also has a lifespan, and its lifespan is much shorter than we thought.”

Link squinted Dumbledore and said:

“I understand what you want to say. I have no interest in all evil ceremony including Horcrux. In my opinion, stripping one’s soul is simply the most stupid thing in this world.”

hearing this Dumbledore’s eyes lit up a bit. Although he didn’t speak, his eyebrows still showed a sense of wanting Link to continue speaking.

Link did not disappoint him either, and continued:

“Think about it, the soul is the most basic existence of a human being. It holds all the elements that make a person a human being. Stripping the soul will not only produce unimaginable horror and pain, but also make the stripped Character, human nature and even IQ are irreparably damaged.

You can understand Voldemort’s entrepreneurial history carefully. He started his entire career Early Stage is not only powerful, but also full of talent and powerful personality charm. The most important thing is that the ideas he put forward are valuable in a certain sense, and even have the potential to develop into Grindelwald’s great ideas. That’s why that many pure-blooded wizards and wizard aristocrats are willing to leave their homes and properties to follow him.

Can at the later stage? Voldemort’s character changed drastically, becoming extremely dictatorial and brutal. IQ also began to decline rapidly, and even began to believe this thing. Moreover, the ideas and theories put forward by his startup Early-Stage have not been perfected after so many years. Instead, he is thinking about the development of extreme pure blood supremacy.

I think all these bad changes stemmed from the fact that he stripped too much of his soul to make Horcrux.

At the same time, the production time of the Horcrux diary that I destroyed during the Chamber of Secrets school year is preliminarily speculated to be in Voldemort’s student period. This is combined with the changes after Voldemort and Voldemort is still active. I speculate that Voldemort should be the plural Horcrux. “

After finishing his thoughts in one breath, Link looked towards Dumbledore with a smile.

Now that it has been decided to start a full-scale war with Voldemort, the plan to gather and destroy Horcrux is naturally to be carried out immediately.

And in the case that his side alone cannot do it, forcing Dumbledore to participate in it is the work that must be done.

In Link, whether Dumbledore knew about Voldemort’s plural Horcrux or not, and whether Dumbledore wanted to start destroying Horcrux now, but now that he has already revealed the matter, then Dumbledore will do it. Some effort must be made in this area, or Dumbledore’s majestic image would collapse.

What Link didn’t expect was that Dumbledore’s performance after hearing this was very strange.

Dumbledore seemed to have heard something that made him very happy, with light in his eyes, and the whole person’s expression and mental state became elevated. It is very rare to ask Link in a rather urgent tone. :

“Do you think Gellert · Grindelwald’s thoughts are great?”

These words silenced Link directly.

After thinking of various weird rumors about Dumbledore and Grindelwald in the previous life, Link looked towards Dumbledore’s eyes became more and more weird.

At the same time, he silently stepped back, trying to stay away from Dumbledore as much as possible.

“From a theoretical point of view, Grindelwald’s ideas are indeed correct and forward-looking. The technological explosion of muggle in recent years has directly led to an explosive increase in their military strength, which is indeed compressed to The wizard’s survival has even threatened the wizard’s rule over the planet. However, he was too idealistic and too urgent in the actual behavior of realizing his ideas. This directly led to his failure.”

Link finally said his thoughts on Grindelwald, and then lightly said, “But Headmaster Dumbledore, I think we should focus on Horcrux, right?”

“Yes! You are right!”

Dumbledore looked happier, hammered his palm vigorously and said, not knowing whether he was saying that Grindelwald was right or he was saying that he was going to return the topic to Horcrux.

Then he seemed to finally calm down, and smiled and said to Link:

“Don’t worry about the Horcrux thing. Actually, as early as last year, you have been investigating Voldemort Horcrux. According to current intelligence, Voldemort has more than one Horcrux. As for the specific number, I personally The guess is seven.”


Although this is information that Link already knows, hearing this Link still knows and asks again.

Sure enough, Dumbledore took a deep breath and blinked at Link mysterious and said:

“7, is the number with the most magic power!”

Link clicked nodded and stopped talking. He felt that Dumbledore’s deliberately mystifying appearance was a bit embarrassing, and he even wanted to laugh.

Dumbledore also knows the truth behind the dots.

His happily shook the head, instead of tangling with Link about the number 7 topic, he said directly:

“Voldemort’s 7 Horcrux were all scattered and hidden in various hidden locations. Through investigation, I have tentatively determined several locations where Horcrux may be hidden.

You don’t need to worry about finding the destruction of Horcrux, I will take care of it myself. “

After that, Dumbledore smiled at the shoulder of Patted Link, behaving very kindly.

It was just Link hearing this, but he jumped up and shouted eagerly:

“No! I want to go too!”

“Uh, why?”

Dumbledore asked in a puzzled way, and this question also caused Link to get stuck.

What can he say?

Could it be said that destroying Horcrux to give skill points, is he going to rob monsters and brush skill points?

Fortunately, Dumbledore didn’t seem to care about Link’s reasons. Before Link could compose an excuse, he waved his hand:

“If you want to go, follow me. Come to my office tomorrow evening. The password is still vanilla ice cream.”

“Tomorrow? So soon?”

“Opportunity is fleeting. Now that you have decided something, do it as soon as possible, right?”

After speaking, Dumbledore took out a whole box of vanilla ice cream from the cabinet and put it in front of Link. Although he did not speak, the meaning of chasing the customer was very clear.

Link did not entangle either. After stuffing the ice cream into the Extension Charm bag, he hurriedly left the headmaster room at the farewell of Phoenix Fawkes and portraits.

The clarion call for Voldemort’s counterattack has been sounded. Although Dumbledore is accompanied by a legendary wizard like Dumbledore, who is invincible in the world today, Link feels that he still needs to make some preparations.

After all, this time I was going to grab the head.

These preparation Links for combat were actually being perfected silently several years ago.

Even today, he has even designed a set of combat suits that are different from conventional Auror equipment.

One of the most important links is the special-made battle uniforms produced by Link, which is based on the principle of three imitation clothes in the previous life, and commissioned by Tufan garment shop.

The overall shape of this combat uniform is similar to the common tooling in muggle society and the upper and lower suits of armed wind. The main color is black, and the material is composed of multiple layers of dragon skin, poison horn rhino skin, bale wool and other magical Composed of creature materials, it has excellent resistance to magic and physical attacks.

If equipped with the protection of the closed bat, it can basically help Link block the curse of overwhelming majority Hogwarts 6th grade intensity.

In addition, the combat uniform also has an armed belt and a large number of storage pockets. Various potions made by Link are stored in it. Link even specifically involves some passages dedicated to Arkham crawling. It can carry out sneak attacks by surprise from all angles.

At the end of the trip, Link also carried such things as a battle wand suit, a heart guard against a life spell (the inner gall is stitched with many living creatures little white mouse to disperse the damage when hit by a life spell), and a night Visually functional alchemy goggles, a magic map similar to Marauder’s Map but with a lot of inferior functions, an alchemy communicator for real-time contact for help, a cheat crossbow, etc.

The result of so much preparation was that when the Link reappears, which were all dressed up like a moving fortress, were in Dumbledore’s office the next day, not only the Old Antique headmasters on the wall were shocked speechless, but even Dumbledore fell into a strange silence for a moment.

After a long time, Dumbledore said with a complicated expression:

“Link, you can treat this as an ordinary expedition. With me, you don’t need to be afraid.”

“I am not afraid, but I just made some necessary preparations.”

Link said while checking his equipment again.

Link knew that Dumbledore or others seemed to be greedy for making a big fuss over a minor issue.

After all, the conventional combat method of the wizards until now is to pick up the wand and do it!

Even Peak battle strength like Auror is not much better than regular wizards in terms of equipment configuration.

But Link doesn’t think so.

There is only one life. As a transmigrator, he has always firmly believed in Taizu’s theory of “strategic contempt of the enemy and tactical emphasis on the enemy”, and he used the lion to fight the rabbit with all his strength as his life creed.

So Link felt that he was not afraid of death, but was reasonably avoiding risks.

Let’s make an analogy.

Sirius Black in the original work was killed by his cousin Bella during the battle between the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters, and was killed in the Death veil (a kind of execution tool of the Ministry of Magic) by his cousin Bella. .

But what if Sirius had a set of equipment like Link now?

Maybe it’s not that easy to die, right?

At least a single slamming spell absolutely cannot kill him with the protection of Voldebat, tactical suit and anti-spelling vest.


After finishing the final inspection, Link took a long breath, stood still and said solemnly to Dumbledore:

“I’m ready, I can go anytime!”

Dumbledore looked at Link a little bit didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and shook his head after a long while and said:

“Come on then, grab my hand.”

Link obediently stretched out his hand in dragon leather gloves and grabbed Dumbledore’s arm tightly.

The Phoenix Fawkes on the side fluttered under Dumbledore’s cheers, and his claws grabbed Dumbledore’s shoulders and let out a nice neigh.

The orange-red flames spewed out from all over him instantly, wrapped Link and Dumbledore and disappeared into the headmaster room.

Being sent by Phoenix is ​​really a wonderful experience.

Unlike the Disapparation of Floo Network, portkey, wizard and house elf, Phoenix’s instant transfer is extremely gentle.

When the flame enveloped his body and broke through the space for a leap, Link didn’t feel the slightest turbulence, but felt very warm.

And when Link was down to earth again, the scene in front of him had changed drastically.

At this moment, he and Dumbledore are standing on a hillside.

This should be the highest point in the neighborhood. Looking down from here, you can easily see the small village with smoky smoke below.

And erected in front of Link, it is a manor villa built at the top of the hillside, neither small nor large.

This manor villa seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

All kinds of withered weeds and baring fangs and brandishing claws are all around it, dead trees that have long lost their life force.

Even the main body of the villa looks dilapidated.

Not only the doors and windows were sealed with wooden strips on it, but the tiles on the roof were also incomplete. The boston ivy of baring fangs and brandishing claws covered the whole big house, as if it were in it. Frames of stream of consciousness were outlined on the cracked outer wall.

The newborn moon is slowly climbing from the back of the villa, and it rarely meets the setting sun that has not yet completely set.

Under the echo of the sun and the moon, the entire manor villa is shrouded in a dreamlike hazy color.

Link’s muscles tightened unconsciously, and his nerves were pulled to the extreme.

He held the wand in his hand and stared at the mysterious dilapidated villa nervously.

Arkham and Yo-Yo seemed to feel the change in his mood, and began to stir up anxious and nervous.

Link did not appease them this time.

Because he needs them to be as vigilant as himself.

He knew very well how dangerous the villa in front of him was.

And at this moment, Dumbledore, who was also gazing at the villa, finally said softly:

“Riddle House, here we are.”

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