
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Standing in front of Riddle House, Link felt his body was shaking slightly.

He couldn’t tell whether this was caused by nervousness or excitement, but the only thing worthy of certainty was that it was definitely not fear.

I made a lot of preparations for this adventure Link.

In addition to the hardware that looked like the equipment on his body, he also estimated where Dumbledore might take him.

After excluding impossible options like the Ravenclaw crown, the most likely ones are the Grotto (fake pendant), Gringotts (Golden Cup) and Riddle House (Resurrection Stone).

The other two are easy to say.

The result of going is nothing more than returning without success, or returning with a full load.

But Riddle House is different.

Because in the original work, Riddle House has always been a hiding place for Voldemort and the others during the Goblet of Fire.

In other words, when they came to Riddle House this time, they could not only harvest the Resurrection Stone, but also might directly hit Voldemort, who was still in an extremely weak state.

This is simply a golden opportunity!

“Do you know where this is?”

At this moment, Dumbledore’s slightly ethereal voice suddenly rang again.

Link frowned, squeezed the wand in his hand, still staring at the old villa vigilantly:

“Riddle House, you just said it.”

“no no no, I mean, do you know where Riddle House is?” Dumbledore shook the head and said before each minding their own business without waiting for Link to answer. “This place should have been called Gaunt. The old house is the last shelter of the Gaunt Family.”

Dumbledore’s pupils began to spread slowly, seeming to recall something, “Gaunt Family is the only surviving descendant of Salazar Slytherin. For this, they are very proud of this. In order to continue the purity of this glorious bloodline , They chose to breed with close relatives.

The result of this is that their offspring began to become more and more stupid, irritable and restless, and the powerful magic innate talent that should have been deposited in their blood slowly disappeared. In the end, after generations of people continue to spend extravagantly and desperately, the Gaunt Family fell.

At present, the only remaining heir of the Gaunt Family is Tom Riddle, which is Voldemort.

Tom this child is a condensed of the glory of several generations of the Gaunt Family.

When he was a boy, he was humble and polite, with amazing innate talent and full of wisdom. However, his birth was an accident, or rather, a scandal rejected by everyone in the Gaunt Family.

Just like there have been countless vulgar love tragedies in the past, Tom’s mother, who was born in the Gaunt Family, lost the magic innate talent because of close relatives, and was treated as a maid by the Gaunt Family. The woman fell in love with a muggle. Tom is the crystallization of her love after she confused the muggle man with love potion.

How can the love that is only maintained by love potion be long?

The happy life of Tom’s family was quickly shattered by the failure of love potion.

The abandoned Tom was led into Hogwarts by me. I thought he would gradually be educated into a good child. Unfortunately, I underestimated the hatred and ambition of the child.

The child immediately returned to Gaunt’s old house after gaining strength, and helped his poor mother get revenge, killed his uncle and grandfather, and occupied the old house at the same time.

According to what I know about him, if he really hides the Horcrux, then this must be one of the places where Horcrux is hidden. “

Although Link had known this part of the plot, he still did not interrupt Dumbledore, but rather dissatisfiedly said after Dumbledore finished his speech:

“I don’t think it’s the time to tell me about the past. If this old house really has extraordinary significance to Voldemort as you said, then he is probably hiding in this house now! “

“Don’t worry Link,” Dumbledore raised his head slightly, as if letting the cold winter wind caress his cheek, and as if he was sensing something, “I didn’t smell him, so he must Not here.”

hearing this Link The tight muscles relaxed, but a sense of disappointment rose in my heart.

He has no reason not to believe in the strongest white wizard today.

Since Dumbledore said that Voldemort is not here, this old house should be a short house.

“But what you said also makes sense, time does not and the others, let’s start.”

Dumbledore said again.

After saying that, his long-stayed legs finally moved.

Link quickly followed.

The two pushed open the decaying iron fence and walked towards the old gloomy house, which had been completely shrouded in hazy moonlight, stepped on withered grass and gravel all over the floor.

During this period, Link keenly noticed that there was a vague trail that seemed to be trampled on the clearing where they were walking.

This makes Link’s heart tight again.

Because it means that someone must have frequented this Riddle House recently, and besides Voldemort, Link can’t think of anyone else.

Compared with Link, Dumbledore is much calmer. He walks with a relaxed look. All the withered grass and gravel on the ground in front of him are constantly shattering, which is like a powerful magic power. Just in front of him to explore the way for him.

The magic power in front of Dumbledore gradually subsided after the Riddle House’s family pattern was removed and the rotten door was also crushed into debris by the magic power, and the magic power in front of Dumbledore gradually subsided, with a wider range of effects, But a more gentle way stretched out and spread to the old house.

At the same time, the structure of the large kitchen on the first floor inside Riddle House was also exposed in front of Link as a whole.

This is one of the worst rooms Link has ever seen. The level of mess is second only to the Shrieking Shack before the reconstruction-the difference between the two is mainly reflected in the Shrieking Shack, where the corpses and feces of various animals are all over the floor. , And there is only a thick layer of dust on the floor, as well as a string of dense footprints and some traces similar to snakes crawling past.

The tables and chairs in the kitchen have all disappeared, only the kitchen counter against the wall is still piled up with a large number of plates, knives and forks, and there are even some dry and dark stains on them, like some food The rotten air dried up there.

apart from this The air is still filled with a strong musty smell and a stink that Link can’t tell.

This forced Link, who has a slight cleanliness, to set himself a Bubble-Head Charm.

And Dumbledore looked directly into the large kitchen as if he didn’t care about the smell and environment in the room.

When passing by Link, he smiled and shook the head towards Link, as if taunting Link, even this smell couldn’t stand it.

Link didn’t care about Dumbledore. The two directly ignored the other rooms on the first floor. They stepped on the zhi zhi yeah, which was in disrepair, and some parts even went upstairs with a missing piece of the wooden staircase.

Standing on the stair platform, Link turned to the right and immediately discovered the most interesting room in this Riddle House expedition.

This is not difficult to find, after all, the doors of other rooms are tightly sealed by wooden slats, only the door of the room at the end of the corridor is open.

And on the dark, dusty floor in the corridor, there are a lot of footprints and snake crawling all the way to the room.

By this time Dumbledore also seemed to be alert.

He pulled out Wand and Link cautiously approached the room.

So Link saw,

In this room, which should obviously be the master bedroom, there are many traces of people’s lives that are not owned by other places.

For example, the dust on the floor has already been swept away.

There are many burnt ashes in the fireplace, and there are still some wood that has been cut down but has not had time to burn.

Judging from the remaining paint and paint on the wood, the wood should come from the missing furniture on the first floor.

The most important thing is that in the center of the room is an old-fashioned and primitive baby rocking chair with thick bedding and a dirty bottle with white juice left in it.

“They must have lived here for a while.” Dumbledore grabbed the bottle and shook it twice. “I smelled his kind of smell here, but it was very light.”

Hearing this Link frowned.

He never understood what Dumbledore meant by “smell”.

Curiosity drove him to fully open his super-sensing curse, and then, a large stream of magic power shining with all kinds of weird colors filled his vision.

These magic power flows are far more active and powerful than the outside world, as if they have been increased by some means.

The most important thing is that it also contains a black magic power that can make two people feel uneasy.

A small part of them are scattered among the other magic power streams in the room, but most of them are gathered in the ashes-filled fireplace, like a dark python, entrenched in it.

As Link watched, the disturbing black python snake seemed to perceive something. Lifts the head to spit out a snake letter at Link, and then opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Immediately afterwards, as if receiving some kind of call, the black magic power scattered in the magic power flow all over the room began to tremble according to a certain pattern.

Then the ordinary magic power flow began to assimilate under the lead of black magic power.

When most of the magic power flows in the entire room began to tremble together, a faint hum broke out in the air.

“Headmaster Dumbledore, I feel a little bit wrong.”

Link said to Dumbledore with a ugly expression.

He has never seen this kind of magic power change occupying such a large area, but this does not prevent him from perceiving the corresponding danger.

For now, every shabby hair on his body has stood up, howling there to get him away from this room.

But Dumbledore still behaved very calmly. He pressed a big hand on Link’s shoulder and said:

“Don’t worry, there will be no problem with me.”

After speaking, he stretched out wand and tapped in the sky.

Link’s eyes widened instantly.

Because in his magic power perception field of vision, he can clearly see that Dumbledore wand’s point is exactly on a black magic power in midair.

With this action, the tremor in the room, which was not too large, suddenly increased, and then the breakthrough reached the critical value of qualitative change.

“bang! ~”

An inhuman roar came from the fireplace along with the fire. Link snapped a button and saw that a large number of Dark-red Flames had rushed out of the fireplace, as if a large catkins were lit by the end of the spring. It spread quickly in the room.

Link’s response was quick.

Before the flames carrying strong resentment and ominous aura hit him, they quickly controlled the power of the curse to form a circular protective cover that enveloped him and Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore’s movements were faster and more thorough than him.

I saw a violent wave of the wand in his hand.

A large group of umbrella-shaped light mist spewed from its tip, directly suppressing the spread of the fire, and pressing all the flames back into the fireplace.

“Fiendfyre Curse is still trap-triggered.”

Dumbledore still seemed very relaxed, he even had time to explain the curse in front of Link, “I think you have seen the detailed arrangement method through the super-sensing curse. This is a very brilliant and creative magic. The usage of the incantation, maybe you can learn from it later.

This should be a parting gift from Tom. He wants to use this Fiendfyre Curse to destroy the traces of their activities in this old house. By the way, he might be able to get rid of intruders like you.

But what he didn’t figure out was that this time it was me personally! “

Dumbledore said, wand jerked forward!

Suddenly the white glow flourished, and the bright light curtain crushed all the flames, and finally the flame python curled up in the fireplace screamed and crushed into nothingness.

“OK! It’s done!”

Dumbledore, who had done all this, turned around and gave Link a big smile and said.

Seeing Link, he could only barely smile and click nodded, but Arkham, who was spying on his neckline, escaped and escaped.

The scene just now evoked some bad memories.

“Is this the curse power you have at present?” Dumbledore found the protective cover that Link had placed in front of them, and curiously tapped the wand and said, “The technique used is also very good, the only one It is regrettable that the intensity is not enough. Maybe you should find a way to increase it.”

Hearing this Link’s face is a bit dark.

The intensity of magic power can’t be improved so easily. Dumbledore’s wave is in pure Versailles.

Link didn’t want to discuss with him his ability that he gained through system opening, so he directly removed the protective cover and said:

“Let’s leave this house soon, Horcrux is definitely not here.”

oh?” Dumbledore seemed to have heard some interesting topic, “How did you know?”

Link knew this was Dumbledore deliberately testing himself.

He rolled the eyes and said:

“Don’t say you didn’t see it! Fiendfyre can destroy Horcrux. If Horcrux is really hidden in this old house, how could Voldemort set up Fiendfyre traps here?”

“Bingo! The answer is correct!” Dumbledore looked very happy, and he snarled in a certain direction as he said, “The Horcrux is indeed not hidden in the old house, but behind.” [19459002 ]


Link repeated his words, and looked in the direction of Dumbledore’s mouth.

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