
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The upgrade of the Renewal Mantra did not surprise Link too much.

He is very familiar with the first wand that he has mastered in the renewal of the curse.

The ability gained after upgrading is nothing more than the ability to increase the range of use spell, increase the strength of the spell, and cast a renewal spell that ignores the limitation of ‘requiring a container’.

Among them, the last one that really improves the Link battle strength is.

This resulted in Link almost acquiring the ability to freely control and produce liquids.

He just thought about it a little bit and developed an extremely fast waterjet and derivative means of ice control based on the muggle waterjet machine and the principle of flowing water cooling.

But to say that the real terrorist attack method is actually to directly pour water into the enemy’s body to cause damage.

In the past, Link often used this move, but as a general-purpose tool, the flying speed of the spell is too slow, and its penetrating ability is too poor. People can put any defensive spell on it. Block it, so it won’t be used much later.

But after the full spell was promoted to lv6, these restrictions no longer exist, and Link naturally felt that this method could be re-added to his primary attack method in the future.

After all, this kind of killing method that looks strange to outsiders is simply born for assassination.

However, the above methods of use were actually anticipated by Link earlier. What really surprised Link was that he was surprised to find that the power of curse seemed to be used in combination with Power of Water.

Between these two forces, there are even signs that they may be moderately merged.

Of course, this is also an accidental discovery of Link. It is still in the exploratory stage, and there is still a long way to go to develop a method that can be used in actual combat in a short period of time.

The smell of the “Tibetan Room” burned to white ground is too terrifying.

So after experimenting and summarizing the newly acquired abilities, Link immediately switched the room with the responsive room to the “Nature Reserve Mode” used for resting normally, releasing Arkham and Yo-Yo and letting them go With a few Sgarzahuan, he put on blindfolds and slept in the recliner.

He slept all afternoon, and only woke up dazedly in the evening.

To be precise, Link should have been awakened.

The culprit was Phoenix Fawkes, who was standing on his chest and arrogantly at the moment.


Fawkes saw Link finally awakened and happily spread his wings.

Arkham and Yo-Yo on the side also approached, and first greeted Phoenix Fawkes affectionately, and then stared directly at Link.

They are hungry.

“Okay, OK, I’ll cook for you.”

Link got up with difficulty, stuffed two’wool coconuts’ for the yo-yo, and threw a beef thigh to Arkham again, and then he regained his attention to those who were watching Arkham eating with curiosity. Phoenix Fawkes.

“Dumbledore asked you to tell me to go to the meeting, right?”

Link, who hadn’t fully recovered yet, said softly.

He was not surprised that Dumbledore could find him. How could he be dignified Hogwarts headmaster not clear about the situation in the responsive room.

I didn’t say it before, but there is a high probability that that’s all acquiesced.

Fawkes hearing this again fluttered and called nodded cheerfully.

Looking at the look of Fawkes, Link suddenly thought of the jar of Phoenix tears that Dumbledore had pulled out last night.

heaven knows how Dumbledore exploited and tortured Fawkes to save so many tears!

“Poor Little Brat.”

Link said with a pity on his face, and while talking, he touched the’dumb hair’ on Fawkes’ head, “Or you will follow me in the future? Don’t work hard for the Messy Old Man, Dumbledore. “


The sweet soft moan sounded again.

Phoenix Fawkes tilted his head, a touch of confusion appeared on his face very humane, he seemed to be saying to Link, ‘I don’t understand people, what are you talking about? ’.

When I saw Link, I was taken aback. Fawkes’ IQ was obviously higher than he thought, even the advanced skill of pretending to be stupid.

But he was not angry even if he failed to dig the foot of the wall, he touched Fawkes’ head and said:

“Well, don’t fool you, take me over.”

Sure enough, this time Fawkes became able to understand people again, and he fluttered directly, and the flames on his body quickly wrapped Link, and then this person quickly disappeared, leaving only Arkham. Concentrate on cooking.


In a small Chamber of Secrets next to the Hogwarts headmaster room, referees of Triwizard Tournament such as Dumbledore, Maxime, Karkaroff, and Moody and Snape are sitting in front of a long dinning table.

The only lighting equipment in the room is the candles standing in the center of the dinning table, so the surroundings look very dim.

In the light of the fire, the people in this circle who have been silent are also very gloomy.

In fact, their mood is indeed not very good.

Dumbledore suddenly notified them to come to a small banquet today, but they have been here for almost an hour now, but the banquet has not started.

Seeing what it looks like right now, Dumbledore is clearly and the others.

This is a bit too much!

You must know that the people who came to the banquet today are all great characters, usually others are waiting for them!

“gu lu !”

Feeling the depressive atmosphere at the scene, Bagman swallowed. He felt that someone was about to break out at the scene.

Realizing this, Bagman forced a smile and looked towards Dumbledore who was also smiling.

He was going to speak something to ease the atmosphere.

Just before he could speak, a bright flame suddenly burst out from behind Dumbledore.

Then, Link with Phoenix Fawkes on his shoulder appeared in front of everyone.

“Wow! This is a dinner party!”

Link walked out of the flame with a smile.

As soon as he looked at the arrangement, he knew that Dumbledore wanted to talk about things on the dinning table.

Telling the truth is really rare in Europe and the United States where the ‘dinning table discussion culture’ is not very strong.

“Link, is it okay to rest?” Dumbledore’s smile became brighter, and he even waved his hand to help Link pull away the chair, motioning him to sit in his lower position.

Link will not be polite about this.

“Since everyone is here, let’s have a banquet!”

Dumbledore gave an order, and finally hot food appeared on the dinner plate in front of everyone.

Then Dumbledore patted Link on the shoulder with great enthusiasm and said:

“Link, you have to eat more, today’s appetizer is butter pumpkin soup specially prepared for you.”

“Really! Thank you Headmaster Dumbledore!”

Link, who slept for a whole afternoon, was hungry, and immediately turned on the dry meal mode.

Dumbledore on the side was watching Link eating with a smile, as if he was already full.

The faces of Maxime and Karkaroff in the audience were even more embarrassed.

They really didn’t expect that the person who made them wait for nearly an hour turned out to be a Junior a nobody like Link!

This is simply an insult to them!

Ever since, a strange scene appeared.

In the entire Chamber of Secrets, only Link is gorge oneself, and the rest are staring at him with different expressions.


Karkaroff finally couldn’t hold it back anymore, and with two dry coughs, he wanted to open up mystifying accusations of Dumbledore and Link, so as to save the face he lost and gain some benefits by the way.

But the next moment Link, who was still doing the meal, frowned first and said:

“Karkaroff headmaster, we are still eating, why don’t you cough with someone behind you? How rude!”

After saying that, Link pushed forward the butternut squash soup that he had eaten more than half, as if it was really disgusting to eat by Karkaroff.


Karkaroff was so angry that his long face instantly turned red, but he couldn’t speak for reasons of reason, so he could only stretch out his trembling fingers and point to Link.

“he he he !”

Link was not afraid at all, and sneered at him with a sneer.

His current Legilimens curse is about to rise to lv4, and the hostility in the hearts of Karkaroff group can’t hide him at all.

Maxime on the side saw helpless shook the head.

What she was fighting in her heart was actually similar to Karkaroff. The reason she didn’t speak just now was that she wanted Karkaroff to be the bird in her early days.

But the end result is very bad, Karkaroff is too stupid.

She stood up straight, because of her figure and light, this directly caused her to look a lot more serious, which naturally attracted the attention of other people on the dinning table.

“Albus, what is the purpose of calling us here today?”

Maxime said directly.

Dumbledore smiled unabatedly on his face:

“Naturally, it was for the third task of the Triwizard Tournament. After so long planning, the Ministry of Magic and I have already devised a preliminary plan. I want to come and discuss it with you.”

“In that case, why is Link here? If you think he is necessary to participate in today’s discussion as a champion, then why did Fleur and other champions not come?

Dumbledore, are you deliberately favoring the champion of your school? “

Maxime narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

She had already guessed the topic of today, and the reason for asking it knowingly was to elicit that paragraph.

This is also the most dissatisfied point.

In her opinion, Dumbledore is completely shameless!

At this time, Karkaroff on the side finally reacted and hurriedly echoed:

“Yes! That’s right! You must give us an explanation!”

Dumbledore didn’t speak, he didn’t even watch Maxime and Karkaroff, but instead set his sights on Link.

Link also didn’t listen to Maxime’s speech, because he found something more interesting.

In today’s banquet, in addition to the few he knows, it seems that a strange guest has arrived.

That is a beautiful Merpeople young girl!

The other party has snow-white skin that is very different from ordinary Merpeople, a smooth and shiny black hair, wearing a beautiful dress composed of seaweed gems and pearl shells, looks sweet, far surpassing the beautiful Merpeople on the Portrait of the Perfect bathroom .

The most important thing is that there is a rare innocence in her pair of shining eyes like treasure mountains.

For a moment of looking at him, Link felt that his heartbeat stopped for a while.

“wu! “

Link couldn’t help but sigh softly.

He was a little curious about how Merpeople appeared in the land castle of Hogwarts. Could it be that her fishtail-shaped lower body was immersed in a large fish tank?

Link is not sure about this.

Because he found that the beautiful young girl of Merpeople at this moment seems to be very short of water.

I saw her holding a large water bottle and drinking constantly, and from time to time she would pour some on her body to keep it moist.

Such an approach directly caused the ground and walls around her to become a mess, full of water stains.

The other guests also hid away, as if they were afraid of being splashed by the water she spilled.

How could Link, a self-proclaimed gentleman, see the young girl in trouble? He extended the hand lightly, and a thick mist of water instantly enveloped the Merpeople young girl.

This sudden change surprised the Merpeople young girl, but she looked towards Link almost instantly, and then gave Link a smile.

Link fell into a brief state of absentia again. He felt that the Merpeople young girl’s smile seemed to have a magic power that even Occlumency could not resist, which prompted him to want to contact each other.

At this moment, Dumbledore’s voice suddenly rang.

“Wow, how did you do this?”

Link gave him an angry look, pretending to be nonchalant:

“A little magic that’s all, nothing at the worst.”


Dumbledore murmured lightly and meaningfully as he watched the mist condensed around the Merpeople young girl, and his smile became brighter.

Then he said to Maxime:

“Sorry, Olim, I just lost my mind.

Regarding your question, I can answer you perfectly.

Link can appear here. Participating in our discussion about the third task is not because of his champion status, but because the Fli family, as the director of Hogwarts, will provide for this third task. For the security service outside Hogwarts, Link came on behalf of the Forli family. “

Dumbledore’s explanation is simply unreasonable in the strict sense, and there are too many rebuttals.

But Maxime hearing this closed his mouth, and only glanced at Harry with a complicated expression.

She is not a fool, she can naturally see how delicate the wandless hand that Link just performed is silent and foggy.

This made her uncontrollably think of Link’s use of the power of curse.

What Link does not know is that his ability to do as one pleases to control attribute magic is actually an important symbol of Legendary wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort, and it is also the biggest bottleneck that ordinary wizards want to promote to Legendary.

Link is still far from Legendary on the magic formidable power, but a discerning person like Maxime knows that the biggest stone blocking him on the way is actually long gone.

Besides, at a young age, Link seems to have mastered another path to freely control the liquid magic.

Is this really still a human?

Maxime not only uttered the deepest sigh!

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