
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

By now, Maxime doesn’t feel that Dumbledore treats Link in this way.

In other words, she has such a student, not to mention bringing him to a meeting, even if she gives him the entire school!


Maxime took a long, trembling breath, clicked nodded and stopped speaking.

It’s just that the look in her eyes looking towards Link has become more eager.

On the other side, Karkaroff thought otherwise.

To be precise, he hasn’t reacted yet.

I saw him directly slap the table and stand up saying:

“Dumbledore, don’t make any more excuses. How can he, a trifling Folly family, be able to afford the security work outside Hogwarts? You are clearly showing favoritism to Link Folly!

As the headmaster of Durmstrang, I will never allow this to happen unless you can get Krum involved! And as a compensation for your behavior, I also need the organizing committee to give extra points to all champions except Link Foley! “

After that, Karkaroff raised his head proudly.

He felt that he had played well with Ms. Maxime in this wave. He directly named his interest appeal, and gave Maxime a triumphant wink, indicating that she should also follow suit.

It’s just that Maxime ignored him at all.

Not only Maxime, but Dumbledore hearing this also remained silent.

This made Karkaroff feel a little strange and couldn’t help looking towards the other people.

But this look completely froze the smile on his face.

Because of Dumbledore, Link, Moody, Snape, Maxime, old Barty…

Everyone at the scene except the Merpeople young girl and the ‘good old guy’ Bagman, all looked at him with eyes full of unkindness.

Especially Snape, the cold light glowing from those deep eyes almost froze Karkaroff to death!

Under the gaze of everyone, Karkaroff sat back in the chair woodenly, with a wonderful expression on his face.

“pu! “

Seeing this, Link couldn’t help but laugh, but Karkaroff, who had just been arrogant, pressed his head even lower at the moment, as if he dared not speak.

“Okay, that’s the end of the meaningless quarrel, let’s get to the point.” Dumbledore opened the mouth to help Karkaroff confuse the past, “About the third task of the Triwizard Tournament, I discussed the preliminary with Stinchcombe The version is probably like this…”

Dumbledore flicked wand in his hand, and a mosaic map composed of magic light particles floated in front of everyone.

“The third event is the last ring of this Triwizard Tournament. The rules are actually very simple. We will use the entire Hogwarts school as a venue to build a track. Champions need to start from the Forbidden Forest. Forbidden Forest, Black Lake, and finally reached the highest point of Hogwarts Castle.

We will place a trophy there. As long as the champion can touch the trophy first, he can win the Triwizard Tournament. “

“Go straight to victory!?” Karkaroff, who was still like a capon just now, shouted directly, “Aren’t we choosing the champion based on the total points we got?”

After saying this, Karkaroff felt like he was talking too much, and hurriedly covered his mouth.

To tell the truth, his current appearance is a bit ridiculous, but no one at the scene feels wrong.

Even Ms. Maxime’s mood now becomes excited.

No way, the format proposed by Dumbledore is really advantageous for them.

You must know that Link’s first two projects are all full marks. If he wins the championship according to the total score, he is very likely to be the champion even if he fails to win the trophy in the end.

But now it is different.

Even Fleur, who has the lowest temporary score in her family, may be able to fight for the championship!

“It is true that you will win directly when you touch the trophy. But the scores obtained by the champions in the first two events are not meaningless.” Dumbledore added with a smile, “The ranking of the champions will determine their ranking in the third The starting order in the task, that is to say, when the time comes Link, you can start first, about 5 minutes ahead of others.

In addition, in order to prevent anyone from leaking information about this project, it is also for everyone’s safety considerations. Starting today, Hogwarts will be completely closed. No one is allowed in or out of Hogwarts except for champion family members who are going to visit the game! “

After all, there is still silence in the small Chamber of Secrets.

Snape was looking at Link with a serious face in order to stop him in time when he got up to refute.

In his opinion, Link, the biggest victim of the reform of the game system at this moment, should have been furious.

But in fact, Link doesn’t care about the criteria for the selection of champions. At worst, he kills all the other champions, so that only him is left, and in the end, he can only be the champion.

What really worries him is that this time Dumbledore not only didn’t shrink the small competition area as he expected, but also expanded the competition area several times.

‘Could it be that Dumbledore wanted to look weak at the enemy and deliberately exposed a weak spot to induce Voldemort to take the bait, so that they could break through in one fell swoop? ’

Link didn’t know what Dumbledore was doing, but because Dumbledore closed Hogwarts without waiting for it, Link simply said nothing.

On the other side, Karkaroff and Maxime obviously have the same concerns as Link, but Dumbledore’s reform of the game system is really beneficial to them, and the previous coercion caused them to remain silent.

“Do you have any suggestions for my proposal?” Dumbledore still smiled, “No? Let’s decide that way.”

The final plan was finalized, and the atmosphere on the dinning table was finally relaxed.

Karkaroff, Maxime, and old Barty and the others also had no intention of continuing to eat, and left directly.

For a while, only Link, Snape, Dumbledore and the Merpeople young girl who didn’t say a word from start to finish were left in this small Chamber of Secrets.

Link knows that today’s meeting is actually not over.

But when he just woke up, he really felt hungry at this moment. He didn’t care about the others, and he just continued to enjoy the dishes carefully cooked by the house elfs in front of him.

Dumbledore was not in a hurry, he waved his hand to stop Snape who wanted to say something, and just watched Link dine in silence.

Dumbledore said with a smile until Link completely filled his belly and put down his knife and fork:

“Are you full, Link?”

“Thank you for your hospitality, I was full.” Link rubbed his belly and said, “Then you should explain to me why you changed the third task process to this way, right?” [ 19459002]


Snape frowned just scolded Link for his impolite behavior.

But Dumbledore would raise his hand to stop him.

“You should have guessed what I want to do, haven’t you? In short, I can assure you that this project will definitely catch Tom and the others!”

Dumbledore slowly put a small piece of ice cream pudding into his mouth and chewed, and said happily, “I have contacted Centaur race in the competition area in the Forbidden Forest. When the time comes, they will unite with some of the Forbidden Forest. Friendly creatures are dispatched together to ensure your safety and participate in the capture of Death Eater.

The inside of Hogwarts will be taken care of by professors, supplemented by magic armor, statues and other mechanisms in Hogwarts Castle.

As for the Black Lake, it is left to the Merpeople. “

Dumbledore looked towards the Merpeople young girl in the corner.

“Leave it to us.”

Merpeople young girl said with a smile.

The voice of Merpeople, Link, was heard in the golden egg of the second task.

Generally speaking Due to the difference in organ structure, all Merpeople’s voices after leaving the water should be that kind of horrible screams.

But the Merpeople young girl in front of me is different.

Her voice is tactful and clear, perhaps due to her unskilled language, and the tone is still a bit weird, but it’s definitely not unpleasant. On the contrary, it seems to have a smell of singing.

Link, who heard her opening for the first time, fixed his eyes firmly on the Merpeople young girl, and he didn’t want to move away for a long time.

In the end, it was Dumbledore who couldn’t help but said:

“In Hogwarts, we will win, but in order to guard against the unexpected, Link, don’t be idle for those hunters who have arranged outside the school. When the time comes, I will place one on Harry’s body. Communication coordinates. If the Death Eaters take him out of Hogwarts’ range during the game, you can let those hunters first Disapparation to support. Of course, I and other professors will also go at the same time.”

Link thought for a moment and felt that it was still right, then said:

“This plan can be quite comprehensive, and I can accept it on behalf of the Foley family. But I think I should also have one of the coordinates of the communication.”

hearing this Dumbledore fell silent for a while.

He set coordinates on Harry’s body completely because Harry was the main target of this Death Eater operation.

Now Link wants to plant too, does this mean…

“Those guys already know your secrets?”

“I am just afraid of death.”

Link fooled around at random, and Dumbledore hearing this did not delve into it, nodded:

“It’s always good to be cautious. When the time comes, I will plant it for you. In addition, the owl exam is about to begin. You should hurry up and review it.”

“I can do this kind of thing without you reminding me.”

Link waved his hand and said that he was really surprised that Dumbledore still cared about his owl exam.

“In that case, go back and rest. After so many things in the afternoon, you probably haven’t rested enough.”

Dumbledore said meaningfully.

But hearing this Link did not mean to get up.

Because the Merpeople young girl in the corner has not left yet, he is very curious about the young girl.

“Quickly go! Don’t ink!”

Snape wouldn’t get used to Link. He directly squeezed his voice and shouted furiously and pulled Link out of the Chamber of Secrets, leaving only the Merpeople young girl and Dumbledore alone.

Standing in the dark corridor, Link broke free of Snape’s restraint, rubbing his wrist and said:

“Professor Snape, why are you pulling me? I want to hear what Dumbledore are talking about!”

“Don’t hit that Merpeople’s idea.”

Snape coldly said.

Link, who has been exposed to his inner thoughts, is not ashamed, just and honorable said:

“It’s not as serious as you said, but I am going to be engaged to Emily soon, how could I do such a thing?

I just think that the beautiful Merpeople is very strange, so I am a little curious about her. “

“Don’t be curious, and don’t think about it.” Snape continued, “Anyway, stay away from her. It’s better to assume that you haven’t seen her today.”

It’s okay if Snape doesn’t say, but Link is even more curious.

“Oh? Why?”

Link frowned and asked.

Snape’s footsteps suddenly stopped, he turned his head and looked at Link:

“Whether it is Forbidden Forest or Hogwarts Castle, although they belong to different people in name, they are actually aided by professors and magical creatures from Hagrid Hunting Grounds. However, Black Lake is due to its special environment. We can’t give much help at all.

In this case, do you really think that the Merpeople in the Black Lake can withstand Death Eater’s attack? “

“So that beautiful Merpeople is Dumbledore’s helper for Black Lake?” Link is somewhat speculated, “Marine Merpeople?”

“The Princess of Ocean Merpeople! Or the quasi-queen of Ocean Merpeople!”

“putting it that way, she should be very strong?”

hearing this Snape laughed suddenly, and the gaze looking towards Link changed from the coldness of the previous to a look that looked like a fool.

“Although I don’t know what her detailed abilities are, she is definitely stronger than you think!”

Snape explained, “Otherwise, why do you think the wizards would allow Merpeople to occupy a piece of land as large as the ocean? Is it humanitarian?”

As soon as these words came out, Link finally understood why the people in the previous Chamber of Secrets were reluctant to approach the Merpeople young girl.

Those guys who love the Merpeople young girl are not sprinkling water or discriminating against each other, but simply fearing her, a powerful alien.

But this is a good thing for Link, at least Black Lake should be guaranteed.

“Wait,” Link seemed to suddenly remember something, “How could such a strong expert come to Hogwarts to help us?”

“It was the Black Lake Merpeople who contacted them. They also had a lot of responsibilities in the second project, so they wanted to commit crimes.

Of course, as a reward, Dumbledore also paid the Merpeople Princess a full 50 liters of Phoenix Tears! “

Snape’s voice sounds a bit gnashing teeth, but this is understandable. After all, Phoenix’s tears in the eyes of Snape potions grandmaster may come by with luck, but not by searching for it’s cherished medicine ingredient. As a result, Dumbledore Forget it to Merpeople, and give so much at once!

But Link’s expression is a bit strange.

Because I think of the tears of Phoenix who was bathed by a yo-yo.

At that time, the intense pain and irritation of the yo-yo, feces and urine flow, coupled with the venom and blood of the yo-yo, although the tank of tears was still useful, the effect of being contaminated was actually greatly reduced.

‘No way? No way? Dumbledore, but so shameless, right? ’

Link with a strange expression keeps silent in the heart,

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