
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

That night Link went to Snape’s office on the grounds that he had questions about the “Slytherin Pharmacopoeia”, and successfully mixed some secret potions from Snape’s skinny face, supplementing his already empty arms. band.

Then when he left, he happened to ran into the Merpeople Princess who was about to leave Hogwarts.

“Hello, Dark Night His Highness the Prince.”

Merpeople Princess was the first to speak in a singing tone.

At this moment, Link is the first time to really see the full picture of this Merpeople Princess.

I saw that her lower body was indeed a fishtail.

But unlike the common Merpeople, not only is there no slime or other dirty things on her fish tail, it is golden-yellow, and the whole is shining under the glow of Link tip, very beautiful .

And she also seems to have some water control ability, because her tail tip is always condensed with a vast clear spring constantly surging, holding her forward.

Such a fantasy-rich fish tail coupled with that unforgettable upper body can be said to be pleasing to the eye.

It’s just Link looked towards, but the other person’s gaze is very weird.

Because this Merpeople Princess is holding the huge glass water tank that Link is so familiar with.

‘Dumbledore is really shameless? ’

Link in the heart sighed secretly, then noticed that Merpeople Princess just called him, and said with some confusion:

“It’s good to you, Her Highness the Princess. But why do you call me “Prince of the Dark Night”?”

“Oh, this is an allusion of our Merpeople race. You can understand that we are used to calling those noble people who appear at night “Prince of the Dark Night”.”


Link murmured suspiciously, even without Legilimens, he could hear it. The Merpeople Princess in front of him obviously didn’t tell him the truth.

It’s just that he just wanted to continue to ask, but he heard the other party say first:

“Mr. Prince, I am very grateful that you can wait here deliberately for me. It’s just that this tank of Phoenix tears given to us by Mr. Dumbledore, I can’t give you back!”

As soon as these words came out, Link’s eyes fell back to the tank of tears.

Then, his expression was instantly distorted.

He just found a small piece of brown and yellow flocculent impurities in the tank, and he didn’t know that it was made up of the part of the yo-yo.

“Can I take the liberty to ask?” After reorganizing his emotions, Link said again, “What are you going to do with these Phoenix tears?”

“Of course it is to drink!” Merpeople Princess said without thinking, “I heard that Phoenix tears have beauty functions!”

hearing this Link was immediately petrified on the spot. It is really hard for him to imagine Merpeople Princess drinking yo-yo bath water.

However, as an outstanding student of Hogwarts, he naturally didn’t want to disturb his own headmaster. He only said in admiration after a while:

“What a courageous heroine, I wonder if I am lucky enough to know your name?”

Merpeople Princess’s English proficiency is obviously not high enough to understand the Chinese proverbs that Link forced to translate, so hearing this was obviously taken aback.

But she probably also understood that Link was complimenting her, and after reacting, she waved happily:

“Aiya! I’ll be sorry if you say that. As for the name, of course I can tell you, but I only say it once, and you must remember it!”

“Of course it is!”

“Then I said it!” Merpeople Princess took a deep breath to accumulate energy, and then quickly said, “*%@……”

Link: “?”

Link was blinded directly.

Merpeople Princess has just spoken at a very fast speed, at least hundreds of syllables, and most importantly, the other party speaks the Merpeople language, and Link doesn’t even understand it, let alone memorize it. Down.

Seeing the look of Link, Merpeople Princess covered her mouth and laughed like a child who had succeeded in a prank.

And along with her movements, waves in the water tank she was holding in her arms also stirred up large masses of sediment.

“I’m joking with you! My name is simply unspeakable in human language.” Merpeople Princess smiled and explained, “But I can call me Jenny.” Oh! That is my human name, doesn’t it sound good?”

Link didn’t reply, just looked at each other with weird expressions.

The name Jenny is similar to Cuihua and Ergou in Tianchao. He really doesn’t know how to make complaints. In the end, he just clicked nodded perfunctorily.

“I knew I was very famous innate talent! It’s not early, I won’t tell you, goodbye!”

Jenny Princess smiled at Hehe again and left Hogwarts happily.

Link scratched his head in the direction the opponent was leaving.

He always felt that the other party seemed a little silly.


In the afternoon of the 2nd day, Dumbledore, who was extremely efficient in action, immediately announced that Dumbledore was completely closed, prohibiting students and others from entering and exiting.

Not only that, Dumbledore’s determination this time was so strong that it even delineated a large forbidden area in the school to prohibit students from entering.

At first the students were very dissatisfied with this decision, which directly caused them to be unable to go to Hogsmeade Village.

Especially the brother George and Fred De.

The smuggling business of these two guys helping people bring alcohol and contraband from outside the school is completely dysfunctional.

In order to save enough money to open a prank boutique in Diagon Alley before graduation, they even prepared to organize students to protest with Dumbledore.

Of course, their plan did not succeed in the end.

Because when everyone found out that the restricted area seemed to be building the venue for the third task of the Triwizard Tournament, all the dissatisfaction instantly dissipated and replaced by excitement.

In order to support Link, or for the honor of Hogwarts, everyone changed their normals and firmly supported Dumbledore’s decision.

And this sense of excitement reached Peak after Bagman announced the content of the event to champion on behalf of the Triwizard Tournament organizing committee in early June and announced the watching process to the audience!

“… After learning the lessons of the last Black Lake project, our competition organizing committee has made a lot of optimizations on this project. In addition to some safety improvements, the most important thing is to observe the audience The improvement of the game experience!

For this project, we leased hundreds of monitoring hummingbirds and monitoring wolffish from the International Association of Alchemists through the Ministry of Magic. These creations condensing the highest alchemy techniques will follow the four champions throughout the entire process. , And upload the screen to the watching field in Hogwarts Castle to ensure everyone can get the best watching experience! “

With Bagman’s high-pitched voice resounding through the auditorium, all the students boiled.

In the previous second task, they basically caught the blind all the time and didn’t watch anything.

This time, the momentum of the third task will be more ambitious than the second task, they don’t want to miss it.

So the news that Bagman announced right now really made them crazy.

The Hufflepuffs even rushed to Link and sang Hogwarts laughter.

John even hugged Link and screamed:

“Very good Link! This time we can see with our own eyes how you beat those crooked melons to the ground and finally won the championship!”

John’s words were extremely arrogant, but the Hogwarts students around hearing this did not have the slightest dissatisfaction, and many people even agreed.

In their eyes, the third task is actually just a cutscene. Link is already the champion of the Triwizard Tournament not just in name only, but also in reality.

After all, even if Link’s terrifying strength is not mentioned, the full marks of the previous two projects are enough for Link to ascend the throne.

Emily obviously thinks so too.

At this moment, she is nestling next to Link, enjoying everyone’s congratulations, and her face is full of happiness.

In the face of this situation, Link has a wry smile on his face.

Probably only a few people including him knew the true situation of the third task at the scene.

I am afraid I will have a very difficult battle to fight by then.

Cedric seemed to use the wry smile on Link’s face as the distress of the group scene at the moment, before stepping forward to clear the siege:

“Well, don’t be too excited. Although the solution has long been doomed, it is not good to celebrate so early.”

After saying this, he made a stab in the direction of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students.

I saw that they were silent in the corner one by one, like capons, in sharp contrast with the lively scene in the center of the auditorium.

“Why do you care about them?” John ignored these and retorted directly, “Here is Hogwarts, our place! As long as we are happy! Can they turn the sky? Do you think? “

As soon as this statement came out, he immediately gained a lot of approval.

Upon seeing Cedric frowned:

“Don’t be too happy! Tomorrow is the owl exam. Could it be that you have reviewed it?”

“Ah this…”

John was misfired all of a sudden.

Not only him, but also many of the 5th and 7th grade students nearby lost their smiles instantly.

In fact, after the one-on-one ‘persuasion’ of the professors in each college, even the most hungry students in ordinary times are clearly aware of what owl means to them.

Under the suppression of a mountain like “Future”, Hogwarts’s upcoming Triwizard Tournament championship glory is nothing.

Upon seeing this, Link also went along and said:

“Everyone, hurry back to dormitory to read more books, although the review effect is not much now, but the last-minute preparation is not fast!”

“Link is right, everyone will go back soon. Students in other grades should stop making trouble, just forget it, at least don’t disturb the candidates today.”

Cedric nodded.

Under the persuasion of the two great gods, Link and Cedric, the crowd that had originally gathered in the auditorium finally gradually dispersed. Cedric himself also said goodbye to review the NEWT exam. Before leaving, he also faint smiled towards Link. Raise eyebrows.

Knowing that Cedric did not stay here as a light bulb on purpose, Link also smiled appreciatively, and then said to Emily:

“Let’s go back, don’t read books tonight, take a break early, the most important thing you need to do for the exam tomorrow is to cultivate your energy.”

Emily hearing this raised her head and said:

“But what did you just tell other people about last-minute preparation? It’s okay.”

“It’s like this for them, but for us, learning things in our minds is the most important thing. As for starting exams or something, it’s just a tool that makes parents happy that’s all.” [ 19459002]

Link didn’t feel ashamed of his double-standard remarks, and said confidently.

In fact, he can clearly perceive Emily’s tension now through Legilimens.

Link felt that Emily was affected by the remarks made by herself and Cedric about the exam.

However, this time Link’s prediction went wrong.

I saw Emily gently shook the head and said:

“I know. I never really took the owl exam seriously.”

Emily was paused and frowned and continued, “Link, we will be engaged in more than a month, I am worried…”

“There is nothing to worry about!” Link, who finally knew what Emily was worried about, categorically said, “It’s just an engagement, but I even have an engagement ring ready.”

It seemed to strengthen the certainty of his words, and Link held Emily’s hand tightly.

Emily also clenched Link’s hand, squeezing out a trace of said with a slight smile:

“Then…Link, will you accompany me to stroll around?”


Link didn’t hesitate anymore, and directly took Emily out of the auditorium.

Nowadays, there are many places to visit in Hogwarts. In those designated restricted areas, large-scale special facilities have been established to serve this third project, especially the facilities at the starting point of Forbidden Forest. Incomparably, it is a good place to play.

For the sake of Emily’s emotions Link, regardless of the ban, took Emily to visit all the areas, and after nightfall, he boarded the new star-gazing tower funded by the Foley family to observe the scenery. .

Originally, according to Link’s vision, the bright starlight of early summer should be able to comfort Emily’s heart very well. Female children generally like this set.

However, Link’s astrology class and Divination scores were so bad that even the most basic weather forecasts could not be made.

So when they boarded the star-gazing tower, what greeted them was not the sky full of starlight, but the dark clouds that were about to destroy the city.

“Uh hehe, shall we change the place?”

Link said with a smile embarrassingly, he would take Emily away.

He feels that the current environment will not be relieved, maybe it will aggravate Emily’s engagement phobia.

It’s just that Emily is hearing this but shook the head, buried her head in Link’s arms and whispered:

“I like it here.”

“Okay, then don’t leave.”

Link’s body softened, he gently rubbed Emily’s hair and said.

“Link, I have a bad feeling.” Emily said again, “Promise me, will you be engaged to me safely anyway?”

Link felt her heart throbbing, Emily’s love for him was so hidden but strong, like a blindfolded god of love, but can accurately enter the lover’s heart.

He was silent for a moment, and then said very solemnly:

“Ah, I promise you.”

“very good.”

A smile finally appeared in Emily’s voice, and Link looked up again towards the gloomy night sky.

For the first time in his life, he felt that the scenery in front of him seemed good.

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