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Until the morning of the 2nd day, Link and Emily, who had spent the whole night on the stargazing tower, said goodbye to each other and went to their own examination room to take this OWL exam.

OWL exam and NEWT exam are conducted simultaneously.

According to the previous practice, although the test center for these two exams is also in Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic usually sends officials from the Magic Education Department to Hogwarts to invigorate the exams.

But because Dumbledore had completely closed Hogwarts before, the invigilators for this OWL and NEWT exam became professors of various subjects in Hogwarts.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic will allow Hogwarts to do so. In addition to Dumbledore’s face, it is because these invigilators will sign in advance with the Ministry of Magic Official old Barty · Crouch with the highest level of Hogwarts before participating in the work. An unbreakable oath to completely eliminate the occurrence of favoritism.

apart from this, all the items that will be used during the exam, including test papers, quill, ink, draft paper and practical materials, are also high-quality goods specially shipped into Hogwarts by the Ministry of Magic.

These things are not only of high quality, but also have a lot of anti-cheating charms attached.

Such a huge work flow plus the OWL and NEWT exam subjects themselves are very many, so the entire examination process has become particularly long.

According to the announcement made by Hogwarts on the sign in the hall, the exam will last at least ten days, with only one class a day, including a written exam in the morning and a practical exam in the afternoon.

The test subject on the first day of Link is potion studies.

When he arrived in the corridor outside the potion classroom, a large number of candidates had already been gathered here.

They seem to have really listened to Link’s theory about last-minute preparation yesterday. Even at this last moment, most of them are holding notes, standing there with a serious face and watching.

Link doesn’t read at this time. He rubbed the arm that was numb by Emily last night, and naturally looked out the window.

It was not until this time that he discovered that the bad weather last night has continued to the present, with large black clouds pressing on the top of Hogwarts Castle, setting off the atmosphere in the corridor to become depressed.

After all, it is the OWL exam that can determine the future. Even if everyone generally hates Snape, they often even say that they don’t care about taking the exam, but how many people really don’t care when things come?

Link shook the head with a sigh.

But at this moment, a brisk voice suddenly rang from his side.

“Yeah! Link! Your face is a little haggard, really didn’t expect you to be nervous too!”

John is talking.

At this moment, he has a dangerous face and a relaxed expression, which is in sharp contrast with the other candidates who are waiting for him.

Link, whose thoughts were disturbed, gave him an angry look and said nothing.

John is obviously one of the few people who really don’t care.

This guy’s willpower was originally still firmer than Link and Cedric imagined. Even after Professor Sprout’s ‘Friendly Persuasion’, he still insists on his dream of becoming a professional Quiddich player.

What you need to successfully pass the professional Quiddich player interview is Broom Flight Class’s NEWT score and a good performance in the Hogwarts Cup. As for potion, learning this thing is completely tasteless, so he gave up as it should be by rights After taking the NEWT course of potion class, he doesn’t care what the OWL test is.

Seeing Link did not answer, John wanted to say a few more words, but at this time the door of the confined classroom was suddenly opened.

“The candidates for the first stage potion written test can enter the venue.”

Snape’s cold icy voice reached everyone in the hallway.

John shivered instantly and stopped talking to Link.

He just doesn’t care about the OWL scores of potion, but that doesn’t mean he is not afraid of Snape.

The two of Link and John entered the exam with the army, and saw that all the seats in the classroom have been arranged according to a fixed pattern today, and the papers and pens needed for the exam have also been distributed on everyone’s desktop.

Snape didn’t mean to talk nonsense with the students at all. Seeing that everyone was seated, he pulled a big hourglass over without saying a word, indicating that the exam was officially started.

Suddenly, the rustle of quill sliding on the paper reverberated in the classroom.

For Link, this exam is undoubtedly boring.

As a ‘highly talented student’ who has been taught by Snape for 4 years and has started to learn about NEWTpotion courses and “Slytherin”, this OWLpotion test paper is simply not difficult for him.

It only took him an hour to complete the entire test paper.

Later, due to the OWL exam rule that papers cannot be handed in in advance, he was bored and started to sleep on the table.

For the fairness of this OWL exam, in addition to Snape, there are two more reincarnation professors in the examination room.

However, all examiners, including Snape, turned a blind eye to Link’s behavior that could almost be called contempt of the examination room.

They all know the strength of Link.

If it weren’t for the rules, they wouldn’t even bother to take a look at Link.

Such a boring exam experience as it should be by rights continued to the potion class practical exam in the afternoon, and the next few days about magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, transfiguration and protection of magical creatures. OWL exam.

Under the pressure of absolute academic ability, these exams that make other students regarded as enemies are as simple as eating and drinking for Link.

Even if the careful Professor Moody couldn’t understand Link’s previous behavior with Dumbledore, and deliberately increased the difficulty of the Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL practical exam for Link, Link still completed very beautifully.

Among all the exams, Link performed the best is spells.

The practical test question designated by the Ministry of Magic for this OWL curse test is “Shooting and Targeting”.

The specific operation mode is that candidates stand outside the line of sight and use Repelling Spell, Disarming Charm, Stunning Spell and other spells in order to target 3 fixed targets, 4 slow-moving targets and 2 high-speed moving targets in the arena Up to 10 shots.

As for the exam results, it will be scored by Professor Foley combining the candidates’ shooting accuracy, spell effect and use spell speed.

In general, this seemingly simple test has actually carried out a comprehensive assessment of the candidates’ application in the study of spells, which is very accurate and rigorous.

So the performance of the candidates in the examination room seemed a little embarrassed.

John, who was ranked in front of Link, even appeared to ‘open squib’ under tremendous pressure. Flitwick shook his head with several other professors, and even said that the level of Hogwarts students is really inferior to the next generation.

It wasn’t until Link came on the field that the professors regained their spirits.

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of performance Link, a recognized genius student can do.

And Link did not disappoint them.

He directly hit all the targets with a few spells of “Ceng Ceng Ceng”, even the number of shots given in the exam was not used up.

Even during his period, he also showed a variety of advanced use spell skills such as silent use spell, fast use spell, split use spell, and emotional use spell. Professor Flitwick even forgot to score for a while.

After finishing the work, Link boldly predicted that he can basically get O (excellent) in the above several courses.

But Link will not be so easy on the other rehabilitation exams in the next few days.

As Sprout commented on him, Link’s grades are actually very good.

Classes such as A History of Magic and Arithmetic Divination are basically used as special classes for making up payment except for a period of time when he concentrates on it at the beginning.

Those professors did not dare to bother him anyway.

And this OWL exam can be said to give these professors who are usually ‘oppressed’ by Link a good opportunity to retaliate.

Among them, Professor Sprout is better. Link has always respected her Senior. This kind Old Lady will naturally not embarrass Link.

Although the entire Herbology OWL exam of Link is not as smooth as other subjects before, it is generally passable. At least an E- should be able to get it.

But other professors are different.

Astronomy and the two menopausal professors of arithmetic and divination have discussed this time together and prepared a gift with Link.

The two of them stood beside Link almost the whole time during the OWL exam, staring at Link with a vigilant look mixed with a little pleasure.

Midway Link As long as the answering speed is a little slower, you can hear the slightly pleasant and sarcastic chuckle of the professor next to him, and there is no Link mentality.

But in fact, Link welcomes and even delights in the naive retaliation of the professors.

Because of this, after the OWL test results came out, he could throw the pot on the harassment of the two professors.

The last exam of the entire OWL exam is A History of Magic.

There is no practical exam for A History of Magic. Candidates can declare the end of the entire exam as long as they complete the morning theory exam.

The most important thing is that, except for those students who are pursuing a perfect resume, not many people really care about the results of A History of Magic.

So arranging A History of Magic on the last day of the exam can be said to be the only kindness of the Magic Education Department to the candidates, so that everyone can relax in advance.

The invigilators of the Magic Education Department who knew this well in the past often changed their previous serious expressions on this day and showed a smile to the candidates.

And if you look at the rules of the previous exams, ghost Professor Binns should be monitored for them in this A History of Magic exam.

And what is the appearance of Professor Binns in class and invigilation, let alone say, you know what you know.

It’s just that this year’s candidates never want to see the smiling face of the invigilator.

Because when Link and other candidates came to the examination room, they were surprised to find that the people who came to proctor them this time turned out to be the two great gods, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

“You don’t seem to like to see me very much.”

Snape faint smiled in the examination room.

As soon as this remark came out, many candidates’ faces instantly turned pale.

No one wants to be caught by the poisonous snake Snape, especially at this critical time.

Many students can only retort and show Snape a smile that is uglier than crying.

In the end, it was Professor McGonagall who gave an order to relieve everyone and seem to return to their seats.

But apparently Snape still didn’t give up on tossing these students.

In the next test, he kept patrolling, and said, ‘Are you sitting so crookedly, do you want to take a peek? ’, ‘how do you write these words after so long? For reasons like ’, the candidates are constantly looking for differences.

Even some students have to go up with the behavior of breaking the jars and writing madly. After all, the OWL exam is different from the general exam. In order to demonstrate the solemnity of the Ministry of Magic, there is also a negative treatment You may be disqualified for the exam.

So, thanks to Snape’s efforts, an originally light-hearted exam turned into a hell for the students. Even if the big guys couldn’t answer them, they would scratch their heads and pretend to work hard. .

Of course, Snape did not want to let everyone take the exam well and strive for better results.

He just likes to see the distressed look of the students.

And he also knows well in his heart that he will never pay attention to students like Link who are not stingy and basically not afraid of him, all as if they don’t exist.

But this does not mean that this exam Link will be comfortable.

Because there is still a good Professor of Chief-In-Charge like McGonagall at the scene.

Since Snape was unwilling to provoke Link, Professor McGonagall naturally filled the vacancy.

She simply didn’t go anywhere, just stood in front of Link and looked at Link with bad eyes.


took a deep breath, Link was quite helpless and started writing seriously.

After a long morning, Snape coldly snorted ordered everyone to seal the pen and announced the end of the exam.

As soon as this remark came out, the candidates who had been killed for their actions rushed out of the classroom like a clockwork toy car, and then, the cheers of mountain cry out and sea howl disappeared from Hogwarts castle spread into the examination room.

This is not just the work of the candidates who went out in the examination room of Link, but the masterpiece of all the students from Hogwarts to Seventh Year.

Because what Snape previously announced was not just the end of this exam, but also the end of the entire OWL, NEWT and final exams.

Those students who have been tortured for ten days under the terror and pressure are finally free at this moment!

Not only will they be able to play free and unconstrained until the summer vacation, but they will also be able to usher in an almost guaranteed Triwizard Tournament final.

Listening to the cheers of the students, even Professor McGonagall, who is normally reserved, showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the laughter, Link cast his eyes out the window.

There is a tough battle waiting for him to fight next.


A big hand slapped Link on the shoulder heavily.

Link turned his head suddenly, only to see Snape.

“Don’t worry, we will win.”

hearing this Link froze for a moment, then said with a smile:

“Ah, of course we will win!”

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