
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Link and Harry didn’t know what happened after they left, but kept a distance and continued their game.

Since Link had almost killed most of the Blast-Ended Skrewt in the Forbidden Forest, along with the nearby trees, Harry’s next journey was exceptionally smooth, and he successfully arrived without much effort. Near the Black Lake.

At the same time, Link, who had been paying attention to Harry’s situation, saw that Harry had not received a sudden attack from Death Eater, and was a little disappointed to shook the head. Harry stepped into the Black Lake first.

As soon as he got out of the water, a large cluster of dark green aquatic plants came out from below and wrapped around his body.

But Link did not panic, because the movements of the water plants were very gentle, and soon after, a huge horse head similar to Dragon came over.

“wu wu wu ~”

A long and resentful murmur came from the horse-shaped Kelpie’s mouth, even with bursts of bubbles, which seemed to be complaining that Link hadn’t looked at it for so long.

Link haha ​​smiled and directly took a piece of beef from Wuhen’s stretched pocket and stuffed it into the horse-shaped Kelpie’s mouth, and he also slapped it on the opponent’s head.

The soothing effect of this hand is very strong, and the horse-shaped Kelpie’s cry quickly changed from the original moan to a cat’s purr.

While calling the horse-shaped Kelpie, he arched his head over Link’s hands, hoping that Link could scratch more.

However, at this moment, the abnormal fluctuation of the surrounding water attracted Link’s attention.

He turned his head abruptly and saw that a terrifying monkfish with a diameter of more than 50 meters was looking at him with piercing eyes, and its stubborn fangs were shining coldly under the shining of the’chandelier’ hanging from the top of its head. The cold light, that kind of rich murderous aura and malicious Link can be detected even if you don’t rely on the supernatural curse and Legilimens.

This is definitely a rare beast even scarier than the last Azure Dragon!

The horse-shaped Kelpie just saw each other, the water plants all over his body shrank in fear, as if he was hesitating to run with Link now.

However, Link was very calm.

You must know that unlike the last time the battle strength was artificially restricted, the Link this time is an absolute peak state!

“Arkham, come out.”

Accompanied by Link’s call, the miniature Arkham sprang out of his neckline in an instant, shooting at the giant monkfish like an arrow.

This is definitely an act of death to outsiders, but at the next moment, the magic formation diagram of Arkham’s head was directly broken, and Arkham itself instantly took on its original shape. As a python body was tightly wrapped around the giant monkfish, the huge blood mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl directly bit the opponent’s jaw.

“roar! ~”

An indescribable roar rippling from the mouth of the giant monkfish with waves of water, forcing the horse-shaped Kelpie to retreat again and again.

Not only that, the ‘chandelier’ extending from the forehead of the giant monkfish flashed with a dim-blue electric light, like a whip hitting Link!

“You are clever, and you know that you must catch the thieves first.”

Link smiled and sighed, but his subordinate wand waved vigorously.

The huge water flow condenses into a straight water jet, and the’long whip’ thrown by it is chopped up in a short time, and the current overflowing around it is also dissipated in the vacuum environment created by Link specially created by the water flow Empty.

This is where Link’s confidence lies.

Even if there is no such so-called Merpeople Princess, Link still holds Quansheng Arkham and the water control ability in his hands. When the two are added, Link is invincible as long as it does not encounter opponents of the level like Dumbledore and Voldemort. of!


The roar of the giant monkfish gradually weakened, and the toxins infused by Arkham in its body were continuously destroying its soul, causing it to slide into the abyss.

Upon seeing this, Link also raised wand again, preparing to grant it a benevolent death.

But at this moment, a series of crisp applause rang from Link’s head.

“What a beautiful fight!”

Jenny Princess sighed while applauding.

Two Merpeople Knights wearing unknown metal armors and stepping on killer whales stood beside her.

“Is this sent by you?”

Link points to the dying giant monkfish road.

His tone is a bit bad.

“Of course not!” Jenny Princess hurriedly denied, “This very ugly person is one of the Sea Beasts we brought here to guard the Black Lake this time. Overall it is still very useful, but it is too stupid and always impossible. Understand my order clearly, and then treat you as an enemy. You see, didn’t we rush to rescue you when we discovered the abnormality?”

A light flashed in her eyes while talking about Jenny Princess.

She slowly floated down and circled Link for several laps, then she continued with some surprise:

“But didn’t expect you to be quite strong? You can get rid of this very ugly person without injury!”

Jenny Princess looked towards Arkham and the horse-shaped Kelpie again, “Not only that, you also raised Little Snake and a pony! It’s amazing! Especially this little snake, so cute!

That’s right! Would you give me this little snake? I really like it! “

Link ignored her and continued to sternly.

Although he could tell that what Jenny Princess said was the truth, he was very upset to be beaten up by the friendly army before she came up with Death Eater.

On the other side, Arkham, who was still pestering the giant monkfish, seemed to understand the other side’s words, moved towards Link opened his mouth and said:

“si si ~ si si hiss!” (What is this fish talking about? I feel like she’s talking bad about me, should we eat her, Link?)

“sī sī sī sī hiss!” (If you want to eat fish, I will give you a meal later, now pipe down! Don’t make trouble for me!)

Link Arkham suddenly stopped speaking when he said this, and clicked nodded happily.

And Jenny Princess on the side was shocked that her mouth opened wide, and said in an unbelievable way:

“You…you can talk to it, are you a Beast Whisperer?”

Link remained silent, but gave her an impatient look.

Jenny Princess was also very straightforward when she saw this, pouting her mouth:

“Don’t be angry! Otherwise, I will ask the very ugly person to apologize to you!”

“If an apology is useful, Auror…”

Link hearing this instinctively began to spit, but he got stuck in the middle of the conversation.

Because the other party’s apology is very special.

Jenny Princess just moved towards the giant monkfish and yelled a few words in Merpeople. The dying big guy tried her best to break free of Arkham’s bondage, and it was even more weird He bit his body in half with one bite.

Link looked at Jenny Princess with a faint smile next to her, and there was a hint of vigilance on her face.

‘This guy should have some kind of ability to forcibly control Sea Beast, and the ability is so strong that it can even make Sea Beast suicide. In this case, are Arkham and horse-shaped Kelpie also within her control? ’

“Don’t worry, I can’t control your little snake and pony, their IQs are too high.” Jenny Princess seemed to perceive Link’s thoughts and explained, “But now you shouldn’t be angry, right? After all, people have already apologized like this.”

Link silently jumped from the horse-shaped Kelpie onto Arkham’s body, and then said blankly:

“Let’s talk, how is the situation in Black Lake now?”

Jenny Princess hearing this smiled as if to show her merit:

“Very good! Although there are also many Death Eaters who want to enter the Black Lake through the underground waterways of the Black Lake, I have arranged a lot of Sea Beasts at every waterway entrance. With the help of those little cuties, it was all right. No Death Eater can infiltrate the Black Lake!”

“That’s really amazing.”

Link is perfunctory without emotion.

This makes Jenny Princess a little frustrated, but in fact Link is really happy does not raise.

Jenny Princess Their ability to block Death Eater’s attack actually meant that Voldemort simply didn’t treat Black Lake as the main battlefield, which made Link directly lose the home field advantage.

“By the way!” Jenny Princess seemed to have thought of something, and said excitedly, “Your student named Harry Potter has also entered the Black Lake, and now seems to have begun to challenge.” [ 19459002]

“Do you know all this?”

“Of course, everything in this black lake can’t be hidden from me!”

Jenny Princess said with her hands on her hips a little agitated, “If you don’t believe me, look!”

A milk-white wave of water rippled in front of Link, and then Harry’s dog-climbing style of swimming in the water was shown in front of Link.

“You Hogwarts did a lot of arrangements for this game! There are 4 levels in Black Lake alone! But the difficulty is low, and one level is still facing the Grindylow group. This is really true. It’s so ridiculous, what is the use of Grindylow this thing even if there are more? That thing simply can’t bite people!”

Jenny Princess said disgustingly, but she tone barely fell and Harry in the water wave mirror was chased by the Grindylow group.

Under the gaze of everyone’s eyes, Harry waved the wand indiscriminately and tried to resist, but was chased by the Grindylows. The scene was almost out of control for a while.

This is not the worst.

The frenzied Triwizard Tournament organizing committee even placed a wooden box containing Boggart on the bottom of the Black Lake.

It took a long time for poor Harry to barely escape from the Grindylows, and then he slammed into the group of ‘dementor’ that Boggart had turned into.

Looking at Harry who was hovered between life and death in the picture, the expression on Jenny Princess’s face from the very beginning turned into dullness, and then into a suffocated smile.

“It seems that all of your Hogwarts students are as strong as you.”

Jenny Princess couldn’t help it anymore and teased with a smile.

And Link was silent on the side.

He really didn’t know what to answer.

Harry’s strength is really too weak.

A level of this level will not be so embarrassing to let a prospective Seventh Year graduate of Hogwarts come over.

When Jenny Princess saw that Link did not speak, she became even more energetic. She leaned to Link and continued teasing:

“Link, aren’t you also the champion of this competition? How about you try these levels too?”

“I went to participate in the level, and then let you watch my monkey show here?”

Link narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

“I don’t mean that! This is just a proposal that’s all, don’t think too much!”

“Do I miss you knowing it in your heart, Lord, Lord, Highness, Lord!”

Link spoke word by word, and then with a light tap, Arkham underneath him swam out like a dance.

Now facing the Black Lake guarded by Merpeople Princess Jenny, Death Eaters seem to have completely abandoned their plans to do something here.

Harry on the other side is about to break free from the arms of the Boggarts and clear the entire Black Lake.

When things got to this point, Link felt that he didn’t need to stay here anymore.

Jenny Princess saw Link, a playmate she was not easy to meet, was leaving, and immediately wanted to catch up.

However, Link waved wand again in the middle. Under his control, the water flow around Arkham and the horse-shaped Kelpie was directly forced to change the flow direction, which not only no longer created resistance for Arkham’s advancement, but also smoothed it. Started to push Arkham.

With the help of Link, Arkham and the horse-shaped Kelpie speeded up instantly, like a harpoon thrown with all their strength, directly thrown off the Jenny Princess who followed behind them, and reached the shore.


Link broke through with Arkham.

The lake water on this person, a snake, was directly dried under the control of Link, Arkham returned to its original mini appearance and locked on Link’s chest to absorb heat, while the horse-shaped Kelpie was pitifully squatting. In the water, only one head leaked and looked at Link pitifully.

“I’ll see you next time I have a chance.”

Link waved his hand to the horse-shaped Kelpie and walked directly to Hogwarts Castle in the distance.

The practicality of the horse-shaped Kelpie is too weak, he is not interested in accepting the opponent as a pet.

Of course, the more important reason is that he has enough pets on him. If he accepts the other party, Arkham and the others will be jealous.

weng weng weng! ~

As soon as Link approached Hogwarts Castle, those alchemy hummingbirds that hadn’t been seen for a long time appeared in Link all around again, staring at Link with a pair of reflective mechanical eyes.

Link did not destroy them this time, just took a cold look and ignored them.

To be honest, Link is really in a bad mood now.

At present, the final return of the Triwizard Tournament is actually halfway through, but Death Eater and Voldemort still have not started.

That means that the only place they can shoot next is Hogwarts Castle.

But that is Hogwarts Castle, Dumbledore’s lair!

There are not only a large number of magic statues and magic armors, but also countless magic portraits that can be used as Dumbledore’s eyes to help him observe the entire castle.

In the face of such an environment that is even more dangerous than the Black Lake, would Voldemort really know how to deal with it here?

Link is skeptical.

But for now, Link can only take one step.


Sighed deeply, Link finally entered the slightly gloomy Hogwarts castle in front of him.

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