
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Hogwarts Castle is essentially a large maze much more complicated than Forbidden Forest.

In addition to the complex structure of the ancient city fort itself, its interior also contains many special mechanisms constructed using magic, such as floating stairs that move according to a certain pattern, countless false portals, and some originally constructed Used to defend against foreign enemies, it has now been removed from the deadly mechanism and turned into a pit trap with a purely deceptive nature.

The above arrangement made the students of Hogwarts suffer.

Especially new students who are just entering school and are not yet familiar with the topography of Hogwarts.

So when designing the level in Hogwarts, the organizing committee of the competition naturally regarded the complex structure of Hogwarts itself as a First Layer obstacle. For this reason, they also deliberately adjusted the movement rules of the movable floating stairs and dealt with everything in the castle. The portrait and ghost issued a banned password.

This is undoubtedly a partiality to the Hogwarts’ Champion like Link and Harry, because even if the organizing committee of the tournament made some special changes, Link still relied on his familiarity with the castle and powerful strength. This posture like a walk solved the difficulty of the organizing committee of the tournament and directly arrived at the Ravenclaw tower where the Triwizard Tournament trophy was placed.

Of course, Fleur and Krum have no chance to protest to the organizing committee.

“Stop! Challenger!”

As soon as Link arrived at the entrance of Ravenclaw Tower, he heard a strong voice.

Then, a huge monster with a sphinx slowly walked out of the shadows and looked at Link with a triumphant look.


A kind of terrifying monster in ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology.

The most famous place is that a giant sphinx stone statue built in its shape is still erected in Egypt today.

Legend has it that he will stop passers-by and then ask them to solve puzzles.

Only those who answer correctly can pass, and those who answer incorrectly will be eaten by it.

In fact, it is actually a magical creature that exists in the wizard world. It is often active in Egypt and the Greek generation. It has high intelligence and scary appearance. The large wizard family often tame a few of them, and they are specially used for guarding. The treasure house and the portal of some Chamber of Secrets.

For example, Gringotts domesticated many sphinxes in their underground Vault, and worked as colleagues with Dragon to guard the Vault.

Obviously, this is the 2nd stage set by the organizing committee of the tournament.

“Challenger, you are very close to your goal, the fastest way is to pass by me. But…”

The Sphinx paced back and forth, suddenly raised his volume and said, “You have to answer my puzzle! Once the answer is correct, I will let you pass, if the answer is not correct, I will rush over! No answer, Then I will not hurt you, but let you go. Come on, what is your choice?”

Link can hear the sphinx’s voice with excitement with tremolo, it seems that it has been a long time to play puzzle games with people.

But Link hearing this is still shook the head.

“Oh! ~” Sphinx sighed in disappointment, “Are you not willing to answer the question? Then leave and find another way.”

“No, I think you have misunderstood what I mean. I won’t answer the question, but I want to pass it too.”

“Are you kidding me? Do you know me…”

The Sphinx was a little angry.

But the anger on its face just rose, and it was transformed into a horrified and distorted face in an instant.

Because the one big and one small heads of Arkham and Yo-Yo are slowly drilling out of Link’s neck, looking at it coldly.

Link stopped talking nonsense with the Sphinx, and walked straight to the top of the stairs blocked by the Sphinx.

Although the sphinx is said to be very difficult to deal with in the myth, in fact their battle strength is really not strong.

Otherwise, the wizards would not be caught to look at the door.

Sure enough, as Link approached, the sphinx, who was originally very proud, jumped into the corner like a frightened little kitty, shivering coldly while using the pair that had been shrunk. With a thin slit of eyes, he looked at Arkham and Yo-Yo in horror.

It can’t recognize their identities with its insight, but the animal’s intuition is telling it clearly-either Arkham or Yo-Yo has the ability to kill them instantly!

As Link’s back figure faded away, Sphinx stiffly walked out of the corner and slowly walked outside the tower.

Link gave it too much excitement just now, and it somehow wanted to run away directly.

This is also one of the biggest shortcomings of Sphinx.

As magical creatures, their intelligence is indeed very high, and they can distinguish and handle many complicated situations.

But it is precisely because they are too smart, so in the face of a strong enemy, they will have a chance to run away, or simply transform into a leading party.

“Hold on, did I let you go?”

The sphinx’s sneaky forward movement suddenly stiffened, and he slowly turned his head and looked towards the talking Link.

“Continue to stay here and perform your duties.” Link continued coldly said, “Otherwise, I will kill you!”

Link tone barely fell, an invisible blade whizzed past the sphinx, directly cutting off its majestic mane by a half.

This scared Sphinx.

It hurriedly retracted back to the top of the stairs, posing a focused look.

If it hadn’t trembled slightly because it was too scared, it would be like a real sphinx at this moment.

When Link saw this, he clicked nodded with satisfaction and continued to climb up the stairs.

He still has some things to do upstairs for a while, and Harry can’t come up until he finishes them.

be that as it may, but Link’s actions are still at a moderate pace.

It took him almost twenty minutes to reach the top of the tower, and then the 3rd level arranged by the organizing committee in Hogwarts appeared in front of him.

It was a cloud of golden fog, which looked magnificent under the rays of light on Link wand, just like a cloud of mist that was born in the mountains in the early morning.

However, Link was full of vigilance against the mist.

To know that as a semi-supervisor of this game, Link has actually been informed about almost all the cards in the game before the start of the game.

But Dumbledore refused to say the message of the mist alone.

Judging from Link’s understanding of Dumbledore’s weird expression at the time, the mist in front of him is definitely the most difficult level in this game. Dumbledore is deliberately making a fool of him!

took a deep breath, Link began to try to resolve this golden mist with super-sensing spell and spirit strength.

But the result was not so good.

This mist is not a regular water mist, but is composed of pure magic power, so Link’s water control ability is invalid for it, and normal, similar to the “cyclone cleaning” spell can not be physical to it disperse.

The most terrible thing is that the fog is obviously made up of magic power, but Link’s super-sensing curse is also unable to observe its detailed situation.

It’s as if it is still wrapped in a shielding curse!

Looking at his watch, Link, who knew that the time could not be delayed, struggled for a while, but finally gritted his teeth and got into the golden mist.

weng! ~

The violent tinnitus instantly destroyed Link’s hearing.

Not only that, Link’s vision, touch, and even sense of direction have all become chaotic.

At this moment, he is as if he is in a mysterious space that is constantly rotating and twisting. The chaotic gravity around him constantly oppresses his body and consciousness, and sends a strong sense of dizziness to his mind.


Link retched almost immediately.

Amazingly, the acid spit out from his mouth did not fall to the ground according to the normal rules, but suddenly left, suddenly right in mid-air, floating up and down.

“Dumbledore, you are really poisonous! You have arranged such a strong Confundus Charm!”

Link cursed in pain.

The golden mist he is currently in is actually composed entirely of Confundus Charm, and it is the highest type that was arranged by Dumbledore himself.

There is no doubt that the role of this Confundus Charm is to disrupt the five senses of the intruder and create an environment similar to the enhanced version of ghosts hitting the wall.

This doesn’t seem to be a big deal at first, after all, a ghost hitting a wall will not cause any substantial harm to the contestants, at most it is trapped.

But this is not the case for Link.

You have to know that Link is used to using the Super Sense Mantra as a passive skill and has been on.

And when he enters the golden mist with the super-sensing charm, the chaotic care created by Confundus Charm in it will be infinitely magnified by the super-sensing charm.

“Dumbledore of Dog Day!”

Knowing this, Link cursed while turning off the super-sensing curse.

Next moment, the intense dizziness and tinnitus finally dissipated, and the constantly twisting and spinning world in front of him gradually stabilized, and finally fixed into an upside-down world.

Being in such a world is also uncomfortable, but at least it is much better than just.

And compared to the distorted space just now, the difficulty of cracking this upside-down world is much lower.

Link runs Occlumency at its full strength, suppressing the discomfort from Confundus Charm, and then closes his eyes and controls the mist to envelop him and rush forward!


Link hit the wall directly.

Despite the protection of the water polo, Link did not get injured, but it still looks battered and exhausted.

But at least, Link finally broke out of the golden fog.

A bottle of orange soda-flavored special tranquilizer was taken off from the armed belt, and Link felt a little better.

Throwing the empty potion bottle away, and looking back at the golden fog for a while, Link cursed Dumbledore as he walked deep into the corridor ahead.

“Mader! Dumbledore! You wait for me! I will find Rita Skeeter to write your black manuscript! You vicious Messy Old Man! You should be smashed by an egg…”

In the empty corridor, curses reverberated.

At the same time, happy laughter and cheerful voices joined together in the paddock.

The audience here just watched the entire process of Link entering Hogwarts Castle through the alchemy hummingbird!

Although the alchemy hummingbird could not fully show the scene encountered by Link, everyone knew that Link must have suffered a lot in the golden mist just now.

What they didn’t expect was that Link dared to swear directly at Dumbledore after he escaped the danger, and he was still talking about it.

“As expected of Link!”

Cedric sighed sincerely.

The way Dumbledore usually gets along with them is very harmonious. Everyone knows that he will not blame Link for this kind of thing. This is why everyone dares to laugh.

But even so, there is really only Link who dares to really do that.

Of course, there were many people who could not laugh at the scene.

Among them is Rita Skeeter himself.

She had a great time working with Link in this life. She took a lot of money. At the same time, under Link’s strict prohibition, she also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to write Harry Potter and Hermione black drafts with rhythm, which changed her eventually. The ending of the arrest by the Ministry of Magic.

To be honest, she really likes such a big customer like Link.

But now it’s different.

Although it is not the first time she has done something like Dumbledore in writing an article, and in fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows what’s going on here.

Can this kind of thing be said on the surface?

Isn’t this giving Dumbledore a reason to retaliate against her?

Thinking of this, Rita Skeeter was sweating all of a sudden, and her eyes floated to Dumbledore inadvertently.

When she thought about it, Dumbledore had a good temper, but he would be angry after being scolded like that in public.

However, when she actually saw Dumbledore’s reaction, she was completely stupid.

Because Dumbledore is not only not angry, but also laughing, and even more exaggerated than most people on the scene, like a child who has succeeded in a prank.

This makes Rita Skeeter’s expression weird.

At the same time, a bold idea slowly rose from his heart.

‘Dumbledore really doesn’t seem to care… Does that mean that this business can be accepted? The most important thing is, seeing Mr. Foley’s angry look, I guess he wouldn’t mind paying more for the manuscript, right? This is a big deal! ’

Rita Skeeter’s eyes gradually lit up.

She is professional in writing black drafts.

Especially the black draft of Dumbledore!

It’s a pity that Rita Skeeter’s expectations are destined to be a pile of hopelessness.

Link’s curse on Dumbledore lasted only a few minutes.

This is just a vent about what happened to him, and it does not mean that Link really wants to blacken Dumbledore into a big villain.

After all, it was too wicked to do so, and for now, he and Dumbledore are still allies against Voldemort.

Shortly after he stopped cursing, Link finally reached the top floor of the Ravenclaw Tower, on a platform very close to the eagle head knocker of the Ravenclaw common room.

The trophy symbolizing the Triwizard Tournament championship was placed on a wooden shelf in the center of the platform at the moment, reflecting the attractive rays of light in the moonlight.

The only problem before Link is that there are dozens of armors and several stone statues between him and the trophy.

Link is very clear that these things are actually alive!

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