
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Slytherin put a lot of effort into this dream wizard school.

The statues and armors now in front of Link are one of them.

These’decorations’ that usually get along with students day and night and can be seen everywhere in Hogwarts Castle are actually all made according to special craftsmanship and using extraordinary materials, whether it is physical damage or magic damage. It has extremely high resistance and extremely flexible joints.

As long as they are paired with the “Stone Pier Spells” that can give the dead a short life and perform short-term manipulation, these armors and statues will become the last stage to defend Hogwarts.

Unfortunately, these statues and armors have obviously been activated by the ‘Stone Pier’s Movement’.

And the one who directed them at the scene was the stone statue of the Dripping Beast guarding the door in front of Dumbledore’s office.

Looking at the armored army of statues neatly arranged in a square, Link couldn’t help but feel a headache.

The resistance of these things is too high, and fierce and unafraid of death are really to be dealt with. Although Link can’t be beaten, it is too troublesome and too time-consuming.

At the same time, at the end of the phalanx, the dozing beast stone statue finally found Link.

It yawned, a little disgusted and impatient, and said:

“You Little Brat is here to disturb my sleep again, this time I won’t let you pass so easily.”

Link is often used by Dumbledore summon to go to the office to discuss the details of the last item of the Triwizard Tournament, so the stone statue of the Dripper is very familiar with Link.

Unfortunately, the relationship between them is actually not good.

Because the biggest hobby of the Drip-billed beast stone statue is usually to sleep.

But Link always wakes it up every time it comes over, telling it to open the door.

Over time, you can imagine how deep the grievances of the Dripper beast stone statue towards Link are.

“There is no need for this between us, at worst, I won’t go to Dumbledore’s office and disturb you to sleep.”

Link is still making the last effort and said sincerely with his hands open.

However, it is a pity that the gargoyle stone statue, which has been alive for thousands of years, obviously does not believe this kind of nonsense by Link.

If you think about it, you will know that Dumbledore will definitely meet Link frequently in the future.

Then the place where the two of them met was not in Dumbledore’s office, could it still be Link’s bedroom?

It just smiled triumphantly at Link, and then waved his slender arm vigorously.

哐chi! 哐chi!

Accompanied by the sound of neat heavy footsteps, the phalanx of armor of the statue began to deform rapidly under the command of the stone statue of Dripper beast. The array of armors holding the metal shields formed a shield wall in front, and the stone statues of Lance at the back were Holding the stone spear diagonally, he aimed at Link in a defensive counterattack posture.


Link sighed, the wand in his hand has started to flash with a faint blue glow.

If it really doesn’t make sense, then he has only one way to attack.

After all, he is just too troublesome, but he is not really afraid of these things.

However, his wand had just been lifted, but he suddenly recalled the words that the Dripper beast stone statue said to him at the beginning.

Judging from the meaning of that sentence alone, the stone statue of the Dripper seems to be guarding the Triwizard Tournament trophy as a goalkeeper.

Then in that case…

Link’s expression is a little weird.

Standing in front of the statue’s armor array, he moved towards the dripping beast stone statue and shouted:

“password-Honey Scam!”

This was the password from the office when he last went to Dumbledore last night. Link believes that as long as Dumbledore is not crazy enough to change his password once a day, then the open password of the Dripping Beast statue should still be this!

Sure enough, Link tone barely fell, the triumphant expression on the stone statue of the dripping beast froze in an instant.

It stared at Link blankly, and then jumped aside with a look of resentment, gnashing teeth said:


As it moved, the statues and armors blocking Link also gathered their weapons and stood on both sides to clear the way for Link.

Seeing this, Link can no longer suppress the arc of the mouth.

While grinning loudly, he walked towards the trophy in the center of the platform.

When passing by the stone statue of the dripping beast on the way, he patted the opponent’s forehead twice, loudly said:

“I’ve written down this grudge! I will often find someone to chat with you in the future. Let’s count it as Saturdays every week, and leave you a day to rest. After all, I am not a devil.”

hearing this The horrible face of the stone statue of the Dripping Mouth beast was instantly distorted and even more hideous.

It gritted its teeth and stared at Link, as if the next moment would jump up and bite Link.

Unfortunately, it is always impossible to attack the students of Hogwarts, so it can only watch Link laugh and leave.

Special items like it and Sorting Hat that have been given eternal life by the wizard using secret methods may seem magical, but after all, they are still subject to the limitations of their creators, or, in other words, enslavement.

And Link, who had molested the stone statue of the dripping beast, became happy again at this time.

But when he actually came to the Triwizard Tournament trophy, he still narrowed his smile.

According to the original plan, the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament should be designated as the portkey on the central platform of the stadium, so that the first person to touch the trophy is the Triwizard Tournament. The champion of the game will be immediately sent back to the venue at the end of the game, bathing in the golden rain and enjoying everyone’s screams and applause.

Link can completely imagine, if this is the case, the effect of when the time comes will be so explosive.

The disadvantage of this is that it is very likely that the spies hidden in Hogwarts will find the opportunity to modify the destination of the portkey just like the original work.

So the first thing Link did after confirming the cooperation with Dumbledore was to spend a lot of effort to convince the tournament organizing committee to cancel the plan.

That is to say, the trophy placed in front of Link is actually an ordinary trophy made of gold, silver and various gems, without any magic attached to it.

Nowadays Link only needs to pick up this trophy to announce the complete end of the Triwizard Tournament.

But the problem is that Voldemort and Death Eater haven’t really taken any action until now.

If the game is over now, doesn’t it mean that all the kills he has worked so hard to make have become useless?

Standing in front of the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament, Link was deeply entangled.

At the same time, in the main venue, hundreds of spectators were also witnessing the back of Link standing in front of the will be on the big screen.

Although almost everyone believed that Link would be the champion of this Triwizard Tournament before the game.

But who would have thought that the third event of the Triwizard Tournament, which has been suddenly increased in difficulty, would become as simple as a kindergarten children’s game in front of Link?

Link’s strong performance throughout the schedule, the leisurely feeling like walking in the garden, and the dramatic way of cracking the armor of the statue at the end made almost every Hogwarts student in the audience excited. Follow obsessed.

They got up excitedly waving their arms, shouting hysterically.

At first, these shouts were mixed up with too many similar to Hogwarts school songs, house names, or other meaningless pronunciations.

But in the end, under the leadership of the central commentator Bagman, the shout turned into a neat cheer!





Listening to the sound of mountain cry out and sea howl in the ear, even Mrs. Foley and Emily, who were normally the most cold-hearted inside and out, flushed with excitement and couldn’t help but cheer.

Of course, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked, and Karkaroff and Ms. Maxime and other school personnel only feel that these people are noisy at the scene.

Fleur and Krum had already been rescued by Professor McGonagall, but they have not yet awakened.

And things have developed to the present. Although the scene in the Forbidden Forest was not photographed by the alchemy hummingbirds, anyone with a discerning eye can basically guess it. The one who stunned these two people and forcibly retired was the one who knocked out these two people. Link!

How else can you explain that Harry Potter, who is so close to the two, has nothing to do and can continue to participate in the competition?

And the actual effects of the layouts in Hogwarts Castle in the second half of the game were different from what they had previously discussed.

This is simply a partiality to Hogwarts’ Champion Chi Guoguo!

But they didn’t even have a reason to complain. After all, their champion was wiped out in the Forbidden Forest as soon as they set off!

When I think of these things, look at the cheering excitedly people around and Dumbledore who is also smiling. Karkaroff and Maxime are more uncomfortable than eating flies.

Recalling all the events since the end of the second task, the two of them are like what a joke.

Teng! ~

Karkaroff seemed to be unable to bear such humiliation anymore, kicked off the chair and left the main venue with a gloomy look, and walked towards the Durmstrang ghost ship docked near Hogwarts Castle.

When Maxime saw the shook the head, he also got up and left.

The difference is that she went to visit Fleur in a temporary medical tent outside the venue.

Immediately afterwards, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students also followed their headmaster and left.

It is too embarrassing to stay here.

The most important thing is that they feel that this kind of direct departure is a kind of silent protest, hoping to make Hogwarts and the people of the Ministry of Magic feel ashamed, and make the following celebration become The self-entertainment of this group of people.

However, the fact is that no one cares about their actions at all.

Bagman in the center of the venue was still excitedly leading the crowd to chant the name of Link.

With his help, the sound on the scene was higher than the other round, and even this temporary venue shivered slightly.

In the stands of Gryffindor, Hermione had already screamed hoarse.

The excitement in her heart at this moment is really beyond words.

This is Triwizard Tournament!

Link’s performance and achievements today were written into “Hogwarts-A School History” for future generations to admire!

Unlike the excited Hermione and the others, Ron, who was sitting next to Hermione, looked a little unhappy.

He looked at the excitement of the people around him and couldn’t help but shouted:

“Have you all forgotten that you are a Gryffindor? Cheer for Link!”

Ron’s voice was not too small, but the cheers around him were so loud that no one could hear what he was saying at all.

In fact, only Hermione noticed Ron talking, lowered his sweaty head and asked loudly:

“What did you say?”


Ron curl one’s lip said depressedly.

The Krum incident has proved that saying such things in front of Hermione will not have any good results. Ron doesn’t want to quarrel with a girl like Hermione on this occasion, it is too embarrassing.

And hearing this Hermione also frowned.

She had a big quarrel with Ron about Krum before, which also allowed her to thoroughly see Ron’s naive and twisted character. She really disliked Ron a bit.

Just out of habit, she went on to ask:

“Why are you so unhappy? Isn’t Link also your good friend?”

This time Ron didn’t even look at Hermione, he just lowered his head, rubbing his fingers and said:

“Almost all the live footage was given to Link. Dumbledore is too eccentric. Obviously Harry is also Hogwarts’ champion!”

Ron didn’t use a loud voice this time, it was more like talking to himself.

But Hermione, who had used magic to block the surrounding sounds, heard it clearly.

hearing this She opened her mouth slightly, and stood there blankly.

She was a little surprised that Ron could say such a thing.

To know based on her understanding.

After the Christmas party, Harry and Ron actually had more than one fight with Fleur. During this period, Ron once again mentioned the previous Harry unfathomable mystery was chosen as the champion, complaining that Harry would not help him by the way and put his name in, too. Become champion.

The result of this is that the two friends who were supposed to be the best friends completely broke apart and became strangers.

Now, Ron is so depressed because Bagman didn’t show Harry the camera, even the most admired Link in Normally complained about it?

A complex emotion rippled through Hermione’s heart.

This is the first time she has known Ron like this.

After a long silence, she took a deep breath, pulling her hoarse throat again and shouting:

“Harry! Show us Harry’s shots!”

Ron raised his head abruptly and looked at Hermione incredulously, his eyes flushed rapidly at the speed of naked eye visible.

And Hermione still shouted over and over again.

Finally, Ron also stood up, and followed Hermione with a choked voice shouting:

“Show us Harry’s shots!”

Compared with the hundreds of thousands of people in the entire stand, their voices are too weak.

This is like a drop of rain falling into the sea, even a slightly larger ripple does not raise.

Fortunately, Ron also has a pair of twin big brothers who “caring for younger brothers” and also like to make trouble!

George and Fred were sitting not far from Ron, and when they finally heard what their silly younger brother was shouting, their eyes lit up instantly.

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