
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“George, I suddenly had a new idea.”

“What a coincidence, so am I!”

George and Fred Dude looked at each other and said.

After saying that, these two people unanimously took out the wand from their jacket pockets, first blasted the magic fireworks a few times, then pressed the tip against their throat, released the’Sonorus Curse’ and started shouting Way:

“Show us Harry’s shots!”*2

The movements of the two brothers were much larger than those of Ron and Hermione.

Almost instantly, everyone in the entire venue was attracted by their shouts.

Even Bagman, the commentator in the center of the venue, was taken aback by the sudden change, and stood there for a while, not knowing what to say.

But in fact, for Bagman, the bigger shock is still to come.

Because the brave young lions of the Gryffindor were reminded by George Fred and brother, I finally remembered that he and Harry Potter were still playing on the court.

So, out of the care of their house students, the Gryffindors in the stands also began to shout together with George Fred and the brothers.

If this is the case, it’s fine.

After all, Gryffindor as a house alone is not enough to speak, Bagman can still solve it under the name ‘The picture of Link’s official victory at this moment is more important’.

But the most terrible thing is that the little badgers of Hufflepuff feel that since their Link has won the championship, the camera can be regarded as supporting the student for Harry for a while.

The Slytherins also feel that Gryffindor’s ‘begging’ is very sad. As ‘nobles’, they naturally have to show some mercy to them.

The last Ravenclaws are not too big to watch the excitement.

So, after a short period of fermentation, most of the students in the stands began to shout uniformly.

“Show us Harry’s shots!”

“Show us Harry’s shots!”


Ron, who was on the Gryffindor stand, couldn’t help crying when he saw it. Hermione’s eyes were also red.

They really didn’t expect that the other three houses would be willing to help Harry speak out. They became extremely emotional for a while, and even the most annoying Slytherin in Normally seemed to be pleasing to the eye at the moment.

And Bagman, who was also surrounded by shouts at the moment, felt less beautiful.

In fact, he was so panic that ‘嬲’ almost dripped a few drops.

It stands to reason that in the face of such glamorous opinions, the best thing he should do is to directly call up Harry’s picture, it is best not to hesitate at all.

But Voldemort and Death Eater haven’t really started yet! Does he dare to do this?

He dare not!

Then you can only use drag words!

Quickly made up his mind, Bagman forced a smirk and said to everyone:

“Please don’t be impatient. At present, the alchemy hummingbirds around Harry Potter have been destroyed for unknown reasons. I am currently contacting the staff to send other alchemy hummingbirds to record the footage. I believe we will soon I can see the picture over there. But before that, let’s focus on the Link · Foley player. He doesn’t seem to have the intention of raising the trophy to celebrate the victory. What is this… …”


Just when everyone in the venue was shouting for a shot, the protagonist Harry in their shouts just swam to the shore, and after exhausting almost all of his energy to climb to the shore, the moment he left the water The sense of loss of strength directly caused him to collapse to the ground.

To be honest, Harry really wanted to cry.

He has been tortured too much along the way.

First, I was shocked by the environment in the Forbidden Forest of gloomy, and then “attacked” by Link. Although he was fine, he was mentally injured.

Then in the Black Lake, he was chased and bitten by Grindylow, entangled by the dementor disguised as Boggart, chased by the Merpeople and swam desperately, causing him to be physically wounded and exhausted. .

Struggling to get up and look at the tall Hogwarts castle in the distance.

Harry was even more desperate.

As long as he thinks that there will be more sufferings waiting for him in the familiar castle, and all the torture he has experienced is actually meaningless, because the champion must be Link, he suddenly I really want to give up and retire directly.

This was definitely an irresistible temptation for Harry.

As long as he raises the wand and shoots a red firework into the sky, a professor will come and take him back to the infirmary.

Then Madam Pomfrey will help him to treat and dispel the current physical pain, and then he may be able to drink a cup of hot cocoa, eat a little warm food, and finally lie on the bed comfortably Get some sleep.

This is simply heavenly treatment!

Just imagining it for a moment, Harry couldn’t help but squeeze the wand tightly, ready to launch a firework for help.

Only when Harry raised his arm, an alchemy hummingbird suddenly appeared in front of him, staring at him intently.

This was the first time Harry looked at an alchemy hummingbird so close.

It was also at this time that Harry really discovered that these alchemy creations that have been following him are actually very beautiful.

The way they fly, the sound they make, every joint on their body, and every feather are almost exactly the same as those of real living hummingbirds.

If it is not that their eyes need to be photographed, so if the signs of mechanization are serious, it is really difficult for you to tell the difference between them.

Harry couldn’t imagine how much energy those alchemists had put in to make such an alchemy creation so exquisite!

And what attracted Harry’s attention the most about the alchemy hummingbird was actually the pair of slightly obtrusive eyes.

Because through such a pair of eyes, or the lens, Link seems to be able to see the arms that are waving at his picture, and the familiar or unfamiliar ones, but they are all for him. Screaming cheering face.

‘Surely everyone should be looking at me at this moment, right? If I choose to give up at this time, everyone will be disappointed, right? Especially Sirius, he always thinks that I am very similar to my father. And if he were my father, he would never give up, right? ’

Thinking about this, Harry, who finally recovered some strength after a short rest, stood up.

He walked towards Hogwarts Castle step by step, extremely slow, but he looked solemn and heroic.

What if you can’t win the championship?

What about suffering?

Even if he is climbing, he must climb to the point!

This is to prove to everyone that he is also a genuine champion!

This is also to not let those who care about him, love him, and put high hopes in him down!

With his powerful willpower, Harry walked into Hogwarts Castle.

At this moment, the dark castle is completely different from the warm homeland of the past, and there is a gloomy terrible atmosphere everywhere.

Fortunately, Harry has long been accustomed to this environment through night tours.

On the other hand, as a Hogwarts veteran like Link, the ‘floating staircase puzzle’ arranged by the organizing committee of the tournament also couldn’t help him.

The only difference between him and Link in the conclusion of the question is that Link relies on the super-sensing spell and the absolute sanity of Occlumency to determine the optimal route basically only once, while Harry needs to take some detours from time to time. Will be pitted by the dark pit trap.

But it didn’t matter, in the end he stood still in front of the entrance of Ravenclaw Tower.

Looking at the tower in front of him, Harry felt a little overwhelmed.

At the same time, in the shadow of the entrance of the tower, the Sphinx was also secretly looking at Harry.

It has a high IQ, so it will get used to speculating on other people’s thoughts.

It is also very clear that what is going on here is a game at the moment.

In this way, the purpose of the terrifying wizard asking him to continue to stay here to perform his duties is very clear-to block the latecomers!

The question is, will the guy who can compete with the horror wizard in front of him be a good character? !

Just thinking about Sphinx’s heart becomes extremely bitter.

But it does not have the right to choose, it has a clear position on itself.

If the horrible wizard knows about his release of water, then he will never escape to death!

Putting a wild beast that’s all to death, the noble wizard Masters simply won’t care.

Gritting his teeth, Sphinx forced a smile and poked his head out, and said to Harry in his most gentle and respectful tone:



Harry was taken aback by the huge monster that suddenly appeared, and yelled and backed away a few steps.

Sphinx was also taken aback by Harry’s reaction, and his hair was about to explode.

But after reacting, there were strange rays of light in its eyes.

‘The wizard in front of me…seems a bit too timid. Does this mean that the other party is actually a weak chicken? Not as scary as the wizard in front? ’

Even though he thought so, the cautious Sphinx still did not change his friendly attitude, said with a faint smile:

“You are very close to your goal. The fastest way is to pass by me.”

“Then, can you please let me please?”

Harry said weakly.

He has actually recognized the identity of the monster in front of him, and he also knows that the sphinx’s desire to attack is actually not high, but the terrifying and huge appearance of the opponent still makes him afraid.

“No way.” Hearing this Sphinx’s smile became brighter, and he began to safely pull the whole body out of the shadows, “Unless you can answer my riddle. You guessed it once. If you do, I will let you pass, I didn’t guess…”

In one breath, he repeated the idiom he had said countless times. The Sphinx was lying on the ground High Level waiting for Harry’s answer, which will determine what attitude it should use to face Harry next .

Harry hearing this was also obviously tangled.

He rubbed his hands with a bitter expression. This kind of intellectual answering project has always been Hermione’s unique skill. He is really not good at it at all.

Fortunately, the conditions given by the Sphinx are very generous and not dangerous, and the Sphinx seems to be very friendly to him at the moment.

So after thinking for a moment, Harry tentatively said:

“Well, can I listen to the riddles?”

As soon as these words came out, the pair of Sphinx’s thin pupils suddenly enlarged, staring at Harry in a daze, and the atmosphere around him suddenly changed.

This weird change caused Harry to shrink back two steps in fear.

And this action made Sphinx completely relieved.

Right now, this young wizard is indeed a strong in appearance but weak in reality, and in this way, it will be able to complete the tasks given by the terrifying wizard in front of it with peace of mind.

Sphinx, who had made up his mind to give Harry an ultimate problem, suddenly changed his attitude, stood up and looked at Harry condescendingly, and said in a haughty and disdainful tone:


Some people try to hide, some people try to deceive;

But time will show everything, we will always meet.

Try your best to guess my name;

When I really own you, I promise you will know. “

hearing this Harry was stunned.

This is not because the puzzle is too difficult, on the contrary, the puzzle is simply too simple.

In summary, the essence of this puzzle is to let you guess something that a persons life must encounter.

There are countless such things!

Harry’s eyes lit up and he said almost without the slightest hesitation:


In Harry’s mind, in this world, there is no one who can never get sick or get hurt all his life.

However, his answer made the Sphinx laugh.

“Hahaha!” Sphinx said with a big laugh, “I’m sorry, the answer is wrong!”

“How is this possible!?” Harry stepped forward and shouted in disbelief, “Then what do you say is the answer?”

“The answer is-death!”

Sphinx said slyly.

The reason why it classified this question into the category of the most difficult puzzle is precisely because it has many different answers, and this question is a single-choice question in its setting.

Then things are very simple.

Whether the answerer facing this puzzle can pass, it completely becomes a matter of whether it is in a good mood or not.

Although Harry was a little stupid, he was not a fool either.

After experiencing the initial shock, he quickly figured out what was going on.

Then an anger rose from his heart!

He gritted his teeth and held up the wand and aimed it at the Sphinx, but the Sphinx moved faster than that. Its huge claws were just a random one, and the wind of the palms swayed Harry’s Wand flew out.

“Take a detour, child, the guards at other entrances are not as powerful as mine.”

Sphinx said triumphantly while licking his paws.

And hearing this Harry was desperate.

After staying silent for a long time, Harry renewed his fighting spirit.

He picked up wand and walked to the side of the tower.

Sphinx is right, the guards at other entrances should be weaker than the quickest path.

Just at this moment, a voice that he felt very familiar suddenly rang from a distance.

“It looks like you are in trouble, how about it? Do you need help?”

Harry hearing this turned his head in surprise and saw that under Karkaroff’s leadership, a dozen Durmstrang students were slowly approaching him.

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