
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“What do you want to do?”

Seeing Karkaroff and the others approaching him, Harry said with some caution.

Due to Karkaroff’s former Death Eater background, his perception of Karkaroff was inherently bad.

even more how In the Triwizard Tournament, their two schools are still competitive, and most importantly, the game is still in progress. As a member of the referee, Karkaroff should stay on the referee’s bench. , How come here in person?

Thinking of this, Harry had a vague premonition in his heart, and involuntarily stepped back.

“Don’t be nervous Harry, we are here to help you, and there is no malice.”

Karkaroff said with a faint smile, but instead of stopping, he quickened his pace.

Although Harry was a little stupid, he was not stupid!

Seeing the alarm bells in my heart, I turned around and rushed to the Ravenclaw Tower.

Before he wanted to come, he would definitely not be able to run to other places with the difference in the number of the two sides. Only by relying on the Sphinx to temporarily stop Karkaroff and the others can he have a glimmer of survival.

However, Harry obviously overestimated the battle strength and courage of the Sphinx.

Seeing Harry rushing again with a bunch of strong and fierce wizards, the sphinx, who was still dancing arrogant and despotic with his teeth in front of Harry, did not hesitate at all, and turned his head to surprise Escaped the tower at a speed of nowhere.

“Ah this…”

Harry stared blankly in the direction the Sphinx was leaving. This scene shocked him so much that he even slowed down his steps.

And after such a delay, Karkaroff and the others behind him caught up.

“Really refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit.” Karkaroff still walked leisurely at the back, triumphantly giving orders, “Stop the ink, grab him!”

hearing this The tall, inch-headed boy at the front of the chasing team gave a grinning smile, and wand threw away a gray glow in his hand!



Link called out in shock.

As one of the three Unforgivable Curse, Crucio is already very familiar with Moody’s education.

even more how He also heard that Neville’s parents were tortured crazy by Crucio.

This kind of terrifying spell, Harry didn’t expect to have a personal experience in his dreams.

For a time Harry was shocked not knowing what to do, and even a Protego curse could not be released under the rush.

As soon as the gray light came, Harry closed his eyes in despair.

But at this critical moment, a dark and straight wand was wrapped in magic power and swung out abruptly, directly pulling away the gray awns!

Then, starting from holding the wrist of wand, a tall black robed man gradually appeared in the sky.

The grinning smiles on the faces of the Durmstrang students disappeared, replaced by extremely solemn ones.

Karkaroff, who had been hiding further behind, turned pale when he saw this.

At the same time, Harry, who closed his eyes and waited for bad luck, also opened his eyes suspiciously at this time.

Looking at the man standing in front of him, he almost instinctively asked:

“Snape? Why are you here?”

Snape ignored Harry at all, hearing this was just a dissatisfied curl one’s lip.

What Harry didn’t know was that although Snape’s task was to tour the entire arena with Professor McGonagall and them, in fact he had been by Harry’s side the whole time, protecting Harry’s safety at all times.

Of course, the reason this arrogant guy gave McGonagall to teach them is because he likes to observe Harry’s torment up close.

After a brief silence, Snape finally sorted out the mood that had become a little bad because of Harry’s unwelcome questioning, and said with contempt:

“Karkaroff, I think I have warned you, haven’t you? Why are you looking to die now?”

Snape is indeed qualified to despise Karkaroff.

The difference in strength between the two is simply one heaven one earth, and Snape can easily defeat Karkaroff even with only 10% of his strength.

The most important thing is that Karkaroff is still a clever fool in Snape’s eyes.

Just like now, the stupid thing that came to Hogwarts to attack Harry with a dozen or twenty students was only done by Karkaroff.

To Snape’s surprise, Karkaroff didn’t lose one’s head out of fear this time, hearing this, or only promised nodded, but an angry roar said:

“Snape, you despicable traitor! Don’t you really think I’m afraid of you? You are no longer qualified to sit on my head and shit! Give it to me!”

Immediately, those Durmstrang students who were still dignified in place, hearing this actually raised the wand again and shot out a scarlet barrage neatly.

“a mantis trying to stop a chariot .”

Snape shook his head in disdain, and at the same time wand waved, a translucent protective cover completely enveloped him and Harry.

He even had room to fire a firework for help, and Professor Summon McGonagall came to them.

Immediately, with the help of or red fireworks exploded in the dark night sky, and the barrage quietly descended.

A dozen spells smashed directly on the protective cover, actually directly smashing it to pieces, and then Snape released an extra protective cover to block these spells.

Now it was Snape’s turn to be surprised.

Because the strength of the curse of these Durmstrang students is far from what normal students can achieve, but more like some adult wizards who have undergone professional training.

Thinking of this, a terrifying conjecture suddenly arose in Snape’s mind.

‘Are these so-called students pretending to be Death Eater? ’

The more Snape thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, and if that was the case, did it mean that Karkaroff had already contacted Voldemort?

Snape’s expression was a little gloomy. As a double agent, Voldemort must not offend him.

But Harry must also be protected.

Then the only way to go now is to pretend that I didn’t notice this incident.

After thinking about it thoroughly, Snape no longer kept his hands. Under the agitation of the magic power throughout his body, various spells were shot in succession. For a time, he was able to withstand the attacks of a dozen or twenty Death Eaters.

Harry also reacted during the period and joined the battle to help Snape with his crappy spell.

Unfortunately, there are too many enemies.

Snape couldn’t be resolved even after seeing the fire, the Death Eaters disguised as Durmstrang students directly changed their formation, leaving only half of their hands on the spot to delay Snape, and the other side’s hands were scattered and continued. Charge Harry!

Snape saw that the complexion was greatly changed and immediately pushed Harry into the Ravenclaw Tower.

Now Harry is just a drag oil bottle to him. Under the current situation where the number of people is not dominant, he can only do this to delay the time, so as to wait until Link on the tower and other professors around arrive.

But Karkaroff was not prepared to give him this opportunity.

I saw Karkaroff’s roar, almost all the Death Eaters rushed towards Harry like crazy. Under the massive spell attack, Snape was finally repelled, and the remaining one kept hiding in the dark. The Death Eater suddenly rushed out and grabbed Harry’s arm!

“You’re done!”

Then Death Eater roar used his other hand to pry open a sealed bottle.

Next moment, the space at the mouth of the bottle began to twist in a spiral shape, directly pulling Harry in with him.

Seeing this scene of Snape eye socket cracked, the magic power violently violently urged by emotions, and directly knocked out all the Death Eaters that surrounded him.

But that’s it.

Karkaroff and the rest of the Death Eaters did not give Snape a chance to retaliate. They started portkey in midair just like the previous Death Eater.

All the spatial doors were activated in an instant, and Snape’s angry attacks all landed in the empty space.

“no! “

The appearance of this scene made Snape completely into a state of hysterical madness. While he roared and screamed, he moved his eyes to the two cautious sealed bottles on the scene.

This was dropped by Karkaroff just before disappearing, and afterwards he gave Snape a provocative look, as if he was asking Snape if he dared to chase him.

The destination of this portkey must be a trap.

Snape knew this very well.

He will definitely not be fooled when he wants to change.

But now the anger of Harry being taken away has completely defeated his reason that was carefully protected by the Occlumency curse, so that he almost didn’t hesitate at all, stepping forward and opening one of the portkey bottle caps.

The spatial door unfolded again, and the potion bottle portkey stuck tightly to Snape’s palm and flew into the void with him.

After a horrible twist and spin, Snape’s feet finally landed on the ground again.

Snape, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately put on a layer of strengthening Protego on his body, but the expected focus did not appear.

It was only then that Snape slowly raised his head and looked at the surroundings.

Right now, this place is completely outside of Hogwarts.

From Snape’s point of view, it’s like a wasteland. Although it’s early summer, there are only sparsely yellow and malnourished weeds on the ground, and he can even see it faintly. The wreckage of some buildings was buried in the soil, and it was like an Ancient Ruins here.

Of course, the most important moment is that dozens of Death Eaters wearing jet black robes and hats dedicated to Death Eater have surrounded him all around, smiling at his harboring malicious intentions. .

Although I don’t know why these Death Eaters didn’t take advantage of the opportunity just now to launch an attack, but Snape, who was eager to save him, would not be polite to them, and immediately pulled out the wand to attack.

But before he really released any magic, a sudden sharp pain in his arm forced him to throw the wand out.

Snape’s expression was ugly.

He opened his sleeves and took a look, and he saw that the black mark on his arm seemed to be alive at the moment, squirming crazily under the shining of scarlet rays of light.

At the same time, the originally sturdy human wall gradually gave way to a path, and then, Pettigrew Peter, with a wretched face, came to a position a little farther in front of Snape with a baby in his arms.

“Severus, it looks like you have decided to betray me, haven’t you?”

The hoarse and terrible voice slowly floated from the swaddle, directly causing the surrounding Death Eaters to quiet down instantly.

Snape’s performance was even worse.

The Dark Mark was originally created by Voldemort purely as a mark. However, as Voldemort’s character became more and more violent, the Dark Mark gradually became more and more terrifying.

Today’s full body black mark not only has the ability to sense from a distance, but also can inflict inhuman torture on the owner of the mark, and the pain of this torture is not inferior to the Crucio curse.

And now, Snape was clearly suffering from this torture.

Seeing Snape curled up on the ground trembling, the Death Eaters nearby laughed at taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Karkaroff laughed especially loudly, and he has been threatened and abused by Snape during this period.

“Misunderstanding, I…I didn’t, I just don’t know you are back…”

Snape tried to endure the pain and talked.

The Death Eaters on the side of this statement smiled even more proudly, but Voldemort suddenly relieved Snape’s torment.

This sudden change caused the laughter around him to abruptly cease. Death Eaters looked at the swaddled Voldemort with surprise, as if they couldn’t believe it.

You know, Voldemort hates traitors the most.

“hmph! For the time being, even if you pass it!” Voldemort said again, “Go to the side and wait, I have to wait for our next guest!”

“The next guest?”

Snape, who had just recovered from the pain, was taken aback and couldn’t help murmuring.

“Yes, strictly speaking, the next guest is our most important guest! He he he!”

As soon as Voldemort said this, the Death Eaters nearby also laughed evilly.

But Snape’s face was getting worse and worse.

There is a vague premonition in his heart.


At the same time, on the platform at the top of the Ravenclaw Tower.

The other VIP mentioned by Voldemort, Link, was finally exhausted after a long wait, sighed, and reached out and grabbed the gorgeous trophy.

[Triwizard Tournament championship achievement has been achieved! Golden skill points*1 have been obtained! ]

The golden barrage drifted slowly past Link’s eyes, but Link didn’t feel any surprise.

Compared to a golden skill point, Voldemort’s uselessness and caution let him down even more.

But at this moment, the gargoyle stone statue that had been silent on the side was complexion changed, with Link opened the mouth and said:

“Link Foley, the portrait downstairs told me that a battle broke out just now. Harry Potter and the Potions’ Professor who never washed their hair seemed to have been taken away with a portkey!”


Link turned his head abruptly and said, his face couldn’t tell whether it was surprise or panic.

The dripping beast stone statue hearing this is about to repeat the statement, but before it can say anything, he sees that Link has jumped directly from the platform.

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