
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Using the steps made by Levitation charm and the power of curse, Link landed lightly on the ground.

At this moment, the entrance to the flat Ravenclaw Tower has become pitted and messy.

Link frowned, picked up the only potion bottle portkey left on the ground.

He knew very well that this was the ‘ticket’ that Voldemort left him, and he invited him to a banquet.

Although this is a feast at hongmen, Link must go, after all, this is part of the original plan.

But Link did not rush for a while.

He frowned and glanced in the direction of the entrance of the tower. With a flick of wand, a thick icy arm spread to the side of the tower, grabbing the Sphinx back.

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter?”

Link said blankly.

Harry was so stupid that he simply didn’t know much about the creature like Sphinx.

Knowing that the Sphinx likes to escape from the post, the wizards will naturally impose a ban on the Sphinx and limit their range of activities.

So in fact, the sphinx, who is greedy for life and fear of death, simply didn’t run far, and was just watching it.

“Big, my lord!” The sphinx who was re-caught sneered and pleased. “After you left just now, another wizard came here, but compared to you, he is nothing short of it. Weak to…”

“Say the main point!”

“Good, good! I said I said!” Sphinx raised his claws to surrender. “I saw a large group of wizards besieging one big and one small two wizards! Later those two wizards couldn’t beat them. , The smaller one was taken away. Finally the larger wizard chased after him!”

Link frowned.

Combining the sphinx and the stone statue of the Dripper, he finally figured out what happened.

The question now is, how did Snape get involved?

You must know that in the original plan, Snape simply didn’t have to act because of Snape’s double agent status.

But the matter is over, Link sighed, and then no longer paid attention to Sphinx, directly prying open the cork of the portkey in his hand with one hand.


Along with the sky and the earth, Link was also inhaled by the portkey and taken to the wasteland.

At the moment his feet were on the ground, he almost reacted exactly like Snape.

But he was more ruthless than Snape!

What he used as a protective shield was the power of curse and the Voldebat that he had always worn as a cloak. After confirming that he was surrounded by Death Eater, he directly turned the power of the outer curse into The invisible blade was launched.

The Death Eaters who surrounded him are miserable now.

They didn’t expect the VIP in Voldemort’s mouth to be so arrogant. In a flash, the Storm of Swords centered on Link caused huge damage in Death Eater.

The Death Eater who was far away was better, but the one who was closer was the broken arm with the broken arm, the broken leg with the broken leg, or even the cut directly.

Suddenly, the screams on the entire wasteland became one piece.

Fortunately, when Snape joined Death Eater that year, he did not hide his secrets and contributed all the complete spells of Sectumsempra.

Therefore, there are not a few people who have Sectumsempra anti-curse in Death Eater.

Under their rescue, the casualties of Death Eaters were barely serious.

Of course, there are not a few Death Eaters who came back to his senses who wanted to fight back, but they just raised the wand, and the intense pain from the black mark directly pressed them to the ground.

“Master, why, why…”

A Death Eater who was close by tried to endure the pain and asked the infant Voldemort.

But hearing this, Voldemort only said:

“I said, this is my VIP! How can you do something to him?”

Now Death Eaters are silent.

Although there is still hatred in my heart, how can it be?

The Death Eaters who were marked by the Dark Demon were all Voldemort’s efforts, and they did not have the qualifications to resist Voldemort at all.

Fortunately, on the other side, Link also stopped attacking, but stood quietly and looked towards Voldemort.

To be precise, it was watching Snape who had passed out at Voldemort’s feet.

He didn’t know how much torture Snape had suffered, but he knew that Voldemort had dragged Snape out to show him as a hostage.

So even if it was a great opportunity to directly attack Voldemort’s body, Link had to give up temporarily.

“Welcome to you! Link Foley! My most distinguished guest tonight, I am so glad you are here!”

Voldemort said happily.

While talking, he was also directing Pettigrew Peter to uncover the baby and face Link with his true face.

Seeing this, Link’s brows jumped involuntarily.

Voldemort’s current appearance is far more terrifying and more miserable than in the movie. It can’t be called a human, but a small doll made of pale dead skin directly on the skeleton.

Especially this doll was made with great care.

His pale skin was full of wrinkles and stitches, and his big bald head, which was extremely inconsistent with his body, was covered with a terrifying noseless snake face.

The most important thing is that the number of Death Eaters gathered around Voldemort is far higher than Link’s expectations.

Voldemort apparently also noticed the change in Link’s expression.

He was surprisingly not angry, but with the little muscle on his face, he forced a smile that was countless times uglier than crying and said:

“I look miserable now, right? But it doesn’t matter. I can replace this half-dead body immediately and appear in front of the world in a more powerful and perfect image.”

At this point, Voldemort paused for a while, then raised his pitch a few times, “As long as we can complete a small ceremony!”

“So what?” Link Occlumency opened up with the Super Sensation Curse, and said blankly, “I think you gave up so much of your thoughts and invited me over. It shouldn’t be just for me to watch the ceremony, right?” [19459002 ]

Voldemort seemed to be shocked by Link’s directness, and fell silent for a while.

After a long time, a series of terrible grinning laughter came out of Voldemort’s mouth.

“Link ah Link, you are such a smart child. And my favorite is to deal with smart people.”

Voldemort smiled and said, “I won’t talk too much nonsense with you. The ceremony I’m going to do lacks some extra sacrifices. Do it yourself and fill this up with your blood. Only you volunteer The quality of the blood donated is the best!”

After saying this, Pettigrew · Peter re-wrapped Voldemort, and the other Death Eater on the side threw a pottery at Link, and then stepped on the motionless Snape.

The meaning of the threat here is already clear.

Link’s complexion sank, he first looked at the pot, and then looked towards Snape.

To tell the truth, that pottery pot is a bit exaggerated. If you want to bleed and fill an entire pottery pot, then even if there is Blood-Replenishing Potion on Link, it will inevitably enter a weak state.

Not to mention that Harry didn’t know where to go right now, and when Voldemort was holding this pot of blood to mix with Harry’s blood, how strong should he be after his resurrection?

But on the other side was Snape’s life.

For a while, Link turned out to be in entanglement.

And at this moment, he suddenly realized that Snape, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, blinked at him suddenly.

Link’s heart was shocked, but the expression on his face was well suppressed by Occlumency.

Link knew what Snape meant.

This is for Link to abandon him to prevent Voldemort from resurrecting.

The most important thing is to rescue Harry and save yourself at the same time.

You must know that in his Snape’s heart, only Harry and Link are the most precious. As for his life, it is not worth mentioning.

But these are all irrelevant information to Link. What really makes him shine is that Snape is not completely paralyzed as he appears at the moment, there’s no resistance.

This meant that if there was a real conflict for a while, Snape would at least be able to resist.

At the same time, Link also thinks of the relationship between Voldemort and Snape in the original work.

In the original work, Voldemort also seemed to have known about Snape’s betrayal.

But even so, Voldemort still couldn’t bear to kill Snape such an outstanding ability, and really hit the chess piece inside Hogwarts.

Voldemort did not get rid of Snape until after Snape’s utilization value was completely drained.

After thinking about this clearly, Link made a sardonic expression while controlling the muscles on his face, shook his head and said:

“You should know it? Essentially, I should be a Slytherin.”

Voldemort, who was about to retreat back to the back of the team, immediately became interested and asked Pettigrew after returning with interest:

“So what?”

“You know what Slytherin’s qualities are better than me. Although Professor Snape taught a lot, he is very close to me. But why do you think I will make such a big sacrifice for him to resurrect you? “Link faintly smiled and said, “even more how, you actually plan to let Harry and me go from the very beginning, don’t you?”

“It really is a clever child, your intelligence, your magic innate talent, your character is so perfect! Perfect to the point that I am a little reluctant to kill you!”

Voldemort’s eyes lit up suddenly, “Well, I can give you a chance to be loyal to me. As long as you are willing to accept the Dark Mark, then I will let you and Snape go. As for Harry Potter, he is Mortal.”

Pettigrew Peter was unwilling to say this.

He suffered a big loss in Link’s hands before, so how can he sit back and watch Link become Death Eater like him?

Suddenly Pettigrew said anxiously:

“But is Master, the current condition of your body grants him the Mark of the Dark Demon. This, the damage is really too great.”

“It doesn’t matter, Link Foley deserves this.” Voldemort said impatiently, “It doesn’t matter if you hurt your body, it doesn’t matter.”


“Nothing but!”


Seeing the noisy appearance of the master and the servant, Link just wanted to laugh.

He applauded, attracted everyone’s attention, and said:

“You don’t want to act, I won’t join Death Eater.”

The situation fell into silence again, and it was a long time before Voldemort gloomy said:


He really didn’t understand Link’s thoughts.

Because he had already tried Link with the Legilimens curse just now, and concluded that Link did not lie.

Even if Link may have used Occlumency to cover up, it can be combined with Link’s daily performance, at least Link’s thing about his Slytherin character is true.

But since it is a Slytherin who seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, why don’t you want to acknowledge allegiance and become Death Eater?

“Does this need to be asked?” Link replied with a sneer, “I don’t like you at all. In my opinion, you are destined to be defeated by Dumbledore. Instead of working with you group of losers, why should I Don’t stand with Dumbledore?”


Voldemort hearing this was really angry. He stretched out his trembling fingers and pointed at Snape, “Aren’t you afraid that I would kill him?”

Link didn’t say anything this time, it’s enough to go through here, and continue to stimulate, maybe Voldemort’s anger will directly kill Snape.

So he shook the head and pulled out a dragon tooth pendant and a Hogwarts school badge pendant directly from the neckline, and then suddenly crushed it!

In that instant, two light beams, one red and one white, soared into the sky with Link as the starting point!

This is a manifestation that the spatial coordinates have been activated!

If nothing happens, Link’s reinforcements can immediately Disapparation along the space coordinates.

This sudden change caused a commotion in the Death Eater at the scene.

Voldemort was naturally a savvy person. Looking at the two beams of light rising into the sky, he doubted his judgment for the first time after returning to the country.

Because he discovered that Link really doesn’t care about Snape’s life!

Then, does Snape want to kill?

To be reasonable is to kill! Otherwise, you just slap yourself!

But after killing a handy man like Snape, it’s really a shame, right?

You must know that he is now in the 1st stage of returning in a swirl of dust, with few people, food and weapons, and then kill Snape. Where can I go back to find such a good tool?

Thinking about Voldemort like this, it was a little difficult to make a decision for a while.

Fortunately, Voldemort is also an old formidable person.

Even at this moment, even making a wrong decision is better than indecisive not making a decision.

So he decided to follow his heart!

Voldemort who came back to his senses, as if he didn’t expect Snape at all, was still lying at his feet, shouting directly at Link:

“Catch him for me!”

Death Eaters who could not bear this aside, they heard this and pulled out the wand immediately.

But Link is faster than them!

I saw that Link didn’t even think of the spell, but just slammed wand in the air for a round, swept away with a huge blade that looked like a full moon.

“Salvio Hexia!”

Death Eaters were prepared for this. With dozens of Death Eaters chanting together, a milk-white fog wall suddenly stood in front of everyone.

The terrifying huge blade slammed into the fog wall, and it was directly deflected in one direction, moved towards the sky and flew away.

However, Link’s attacks are much more than that.

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