
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Voldemort did not pay too much attention to Link and the others, but began to check his new body.

His hands were pale like a big spider, and his slender fingers gently stroked his arms, chest, and face. Wherever he went, he even filled the new student’s tender skin with a layer of goose bumps.

This is definitely not a comfortable experience, but his expression is ecstatic, his limbs are constantly moving, and a pair of cat-eye-like scarlet pupils are shining with weird rays of light.

After a long time, he took out a wand from the pocket of his robe, pointed to the sky and officially declared:

“I’m back!”


As if responding to him, a scarlet thunder suddenly exploded in the dark sky.

Suddenly, the hail rain that had originally enveloped the surroundings stopped instantly, and even the large black clouds condensed by Link rolled up, quickly forming a skull pattern with the mark of the Dark Devil.

“gu lu !”

Hunter Captain swallowed hard and looked at Voldemort with straight eyes.

When Voldemort and Death Eaters were rampant, the damage to the entire country’s magic circle was too great.

Almost all of their people in this generation grew up under the fear of Voldemort. For them, the name Voldemort is no longer an exact person, but a kind of one buried deep in their subconscious. Kind of pure nightmare.

And now, this nightmare actually stood in front of them, still acting as an enemy.

How to fight this?

Hunter Captain felt that his heartbeat was about to jump out of his throat.

But even so, he did not run away, but moved his gaze to Link again.

“Young Master, you go, let’s cover you!”

Hunter Captain spoke earnestly, and the surrounding hunters who heard this calmed down and looked towards Link earnestly.

The words of Hunter Captain reminded them.

The top priority now is indeed to let Link escape quickly.

Know that the Foley family is not a charity organization.

They die if they die, and the Foley family can still give each of their families a large amount of compensation.

But if Link is dead.

Then people like them don’t even think of living people in their homes.

While looking at everyone around, Link shook the head with a wry smile.

This group of his men are good at everything, but they have too little knowledge.

Link had seen Dumbledore take action with his own eyes, so he knew very well that in the face of wizards of the level like Dumbledore and Voldemort, unless a wizard of the same strength was used to restrain him, it would be basically wishful thinking to escape.

And Link actually carried the portkey that he could get away with. If he could run, he would have slipped away.

“You don’t think we can retreat, do you?”

Link coldly said.

His words are like a boulder smashed into the calm water, fiercely shattered the last illusion of the hunters.

For a while, everyone’s expressions became a little desperate, and the hunter closest to Link even whispered and asked:

“Then what should we do now?”

“What to do? What else to do?” Link said with a cold laugh, “Take out all your strengths and go and fight with that monster!”

“Yes! Let’s work hard together! Escape will only be broken by him one by one, only by working hard can there be a glimmer of survival!”

The tall German old wizard also echoed.

As Old Senior, their mentality is much better than that of hunters.

Immediately, who appeared in Voldemort, they had gathered around Link early, ready to fight with Link as the core protection target.

Of course, they are not as naive as the hunters who would believe Link. When they want to come, finding a chance to retreat is still the best choice.

Although Link himself does not seem to intend to do so.

With the encouragement of Link and the old wizards, the hunters finally got a bit of energy.

However, at this time, a cold and violent voice suddenly rang from everyone’s mind.

“Have you discussed it?”

Everyone turned pale with fright and suddenly raised their heads to realize that Voldemort had already completed the self-inspection and was looking at them with interest at this moment.

There is no hesitation.

Link wand stabs forward, and a waterjet drill surrounded by cursed power slams into Voldemort.

This is a fusion technique initially researched by Link. Although it did not make much progress in the face of the Death Eater Light Shield before, this does not mean that this move is not strong.

In fact, the destructive power of this drill has surpassed the conventional professor-level magic, it is a real killer move!

Seeing Link took the lead, the hunters and old wizards around him gritted their teeth and started to focus on Voldemort.

For a while, spells of various colors formed a magnificent rain of bullets in the sky, moving towards Voldemort and enveloping them.

“It looks like this is your answer.”

Facing such an attack, Voldemort looked very relaxed, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and said in contempt, “It’s really disappointing!”

After all, a huge wave of magic power that Link has never seen before came out of Voldemort’s wand’s movements, spreading out in the form of shock waves, and instantly swept all the attacks. Flew out.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

And before they could react, the terrifying magic power tide fell directly from the sky and turned into an unmatched powerful gravity that overwhelmed them all on the ground.

pu! pu! ……

A series of weird muffled noises sounded from the falling crowd, and the smell of blood was permeated in the air-this is the effect of someone who can’t bear such a moment of high pressure and is directly crushed!

Despair is filling the crowd!

Voldemort completely wiped out the courage everyone had just gathered.

His attack has no special effects, no warning, it is not even a spell, it is just a simple magic power outbreak that caused such a terrifying result.

How to fight this battle?

What’s the point of desperate?

At this moment, a heart-piercing roar suddenly sounded from the front of the crowd.

In everyone’s astonished eyes, Link actually stood up against the gravity field with the help of the power of the curse!

The terrifying gravity around him crushed his hair, crushed the potion bottle on his armed belt, and even crushed Link’s entire posture into a twisted posture.

But Link is still standing!

Not only that, Link even waved wand with difficulty.

Thanks to Link’s efforts, a small flame of dark red was finally born.

Then, the flame grew long after the wind, and instantly turned into a flame python tens of meters long, moved towards Voldemort and bite it!

“Oh? It’s Interesting.”

Voldemort said with great interest.

Then I saw him gently throwing a stick flower, using the tip as a guide, and pulling out a bright red flame python from his big mouth.

The two pythons lit and dark slammed into each other!

Along with their collision, a large fire star floated on the ground, rapidly growing and burning, turning the surrounding into a fire sea.

But the difference is that the bright red flames quickly returned to their bodies after a short period of burning and growth, while the dark-red flames released by Link just spread meaninglessly. .

Under this situation, Link’s Fire Python and the surrounding fire sea were quickly swallowed up.

“Your control of Fiendfyre is still too bad. This will cause a huge waste in your use spell process.”

Voldemort shook his head and sighed slightly, while the bright red Fire Python that had won the victory slowly returned to Voldemort’s side, entrenched into a snake cake.

Link didn’t reply, he just stood there with difficulty, holding up the wand, brewing another attack.

But Voldemort didn’t give him this opportunity.

When Voldemort’s slender fingers pressed lightly, a more powerful pressure fell from the sky, pressing Link on the ground again.

This time I really lost!

Link gritted his teeth, lamenting in the heart.

At the same time he was constantly cursing Dumbledore.

We must know that in the original plan, they also predicted the success of Voldemort’s resurrection.

In the face of this situation, Dumbledore needs to be asked to fight against it.

Only now that Voldemort is resurrected, why didn’t Dumbledore appear?

Not only Dumbledore, but no other professors except Snape arrived!

Link can’t understand this at all!

Because Dumbledore has Phoenix Fawkes, other people may be blocked by the Anti-Phantom Manifestation, but Dumbledore is absolutely impossible!

Click! Click!

Voldemort walked barefoot on the semi-crystalline hardened ground, making clear footsteps.

With the footsteps getting closer, Link also stubbornly lifts the head, looking towards Voldemort.

“Now you still think Dumbledore is better than me, will he be the ultimate winner?”

Voldemort asked Link aloud, his face full of triumphant distortion.

Link ignored Voldemort’s show off one’s military strength, but looked at Voldemort blankly.

Although the magic power in his body is already at a very low level, he still has the power of the final blow.

And what he has to do now is to wait for the opportunity.

Voldemort didn’t feel annoyed when he saw this, just stroked Fiendfyre python’s head lightly and said:

“Link, I hope you can understand one thing, and that is that we are actually the same kind of people. That guy Dumbledore can’t teach you anything at all. He is so hypocritical. That he is facing a genius like you and me Sometimes I feel instinctive fear, and involuntarily want to put us in a cage!

You are already in the cage woven by his love, and as a kind, I really can’t bear you facing such a sad treatment.

So, Link! Even if you just rejected me not long ago, I am still willing to give you one last chance! “

Voldemort slowly squatted down, using the pair of scarlet red snake pupils to look at Link and said:

“Submit to me! Link · Foley! Only with me can you display your talents freely! Only with me can you have a brighter future!”

Hearing this, Link’s expression was a bit wrong.

He really didn’t expect Voldemort to be thinking about accepting the younger brother at this time.

What made him even more surprised was that after seeing the subtle changes on his face, Voldemort seemed to be more excited, and he stood up suddenly and said:

“You don’t have to rush to answer, I can show you some more things. I believe that after reading it, you will definitely give me a satisfactory answer!”

Voldemort walked back to Cauldron with a graceful step.

Snape finally relaxed when he saw this. When Voldemort was near Link just now, he almost couldn’t help but jump back and fight Voldemort desperately, but Voldemort seemed to have changed his mind at the last moment.

Pettigrew Peter’s reaction was much larger.

Seeing Voldemort’s return, he immediately climbed to Voldemort’s feet, choked up and said:

“Master, what you promised…what you promised…”

“extend the hand arm.”

Voldemort raised his head slightly and said lazily.

“Oh! Thank you! Master! Thank you…”

Pettigrew · Peter was instantly energetic, and stretched out his bloody broken arm.

Unexpectedly, when Voldemort saw this, he roared with extreme disgust and dissatisfaction:

“Idiot! It’s the other hand!”

Pettigrew · Peter moaned and wailed again, the cowering just didn’t want to stretch out his hand.

This completely angered Voldemort.

He leaned down and directly pulled out Pettigrew Peter’s intact arm, and then swept his sleeve up, revealing the red black mark on his skin.

“Now, let me take a look, we will know soon…”

Voldemort murmured while pressing his finger on the black mark.

In an instant, the Dark Mark began to wriggle as if it came alive, and Pettigrew Peter himself screamed and curled up because of the intense pain.

Harry was also screaming, but unlike Pettigrew, the source of Harry’s pain was not the so-called dark mark, but the scar on his forehead.

Voldemort has a cruel and proud look on his face.

He straightened up, raised his head, and looked straight at Darkness Dao:

“After feeling it, how many people will have the courage to come back? And how many people will be so stupid not to come back?”

Voldemort’s question was quickly answered.

Those were several extremely suppressed faint screams.

After hearing the sound, Voldemort looked a little surprised. With a light wave of wand, he suddenly saw the hands of several Death Eater’s invisible magic power, including Karkaroff, dug out of the soil.

Each of them looked very embarrassed, but without exception, they were all intact and had an embarrassed expression.

“Master! You finally resurrected my master! Your servant is so happy wu wu wu!”

Karkaroff reacted first, and rushed up after three steps and two steps, hugging Voldemort’s ankle and weeping bitter tears.

Voldemort was so disgusted with this kind of deserter, he kicked him out when he raised his foot.

This move also made the remaining Death Eaters who wanted to come up and hug their thighs to froze in place.

But they are also relaxed.

They all saw that Voldemort didn’t seem to have any further thoughts of holding them accountable, otherwise it would have been a life-killing curse that had just knocked Karkaroff off.

Things were as they expected, even though Voldemort was angered to intensify the stimulation of the Dark Mark on them and continued to insult them, but there was no more serious punishment.

And just after Voldemort had finished teaching the deserters, a series of rustling noises sounded around him.

Wizards appeared constantly in the dark, all of them wearing hoods, face-covered, cautiously, walking towards Voldemort extremely slowly.

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