
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The number of these people is not that many, even if at the end Link only saw 6 silhouettes of trifling.

However, the robes and hoods on these people are very gorgeous and close-fitting. At first glance, they are designed by famous designers. They are custom-made, and not everyone can afford them.

Of course, the most important thing is that these people’s attitude towards Voldemort is very humble, even lowly.

After a long pacing, they all knelt to the ground without exception, climbed to Voldemort’s side and formed a circle, kissing the hem of Voldemort’s robe.


They called out softly, and even though they had tried their best to suppress, Link could still hear a tremor called fear.

“Welcome to you, Death Eater.” Voldemort said in a tranquil voice, “Thirteen years… Thirteen years have passed since we last met. But you still generally responded to my summon… In other words, we are still united under the Dark Mark! Are you?”

Voldemort raised his face that had become a bit distorted and hideous, and sniffed hard with his two slit-like nostrils.

“I smell guilt,” Voldemort said suddenly, raising his tone, “there is a smell called guilt in the air!”

As soon as these words came out, the Death Eaters who were kneeling on the ground around them trembled more severely.

Link could see that each of them wanted to escape, but they didn’t even dare to move.

“When I now see that each of you is healthy and the magic power is the same as before-I asked myself why these Death Eaters have not come to help their masters, and helped them once sworn allegiance to them forever Where’s the person?”

No one spoke at all on the court, only Pettigrew Peter cried and cried with his bleeding arm.

But Voldemort didn’t seem to expect to hear their answer, he just paused and continued:

“I replied to myself—they must have thought that I was not good enough, thinking that I was completely finished. They knelt down in front of my enemy, crying that they were innocent, used, and abused. It’s Imperius Curse’s…”

“I asked myself again, but why don’t they believe that I can return? Obviously they know very well that I have made arrangements to prevent death. Obviously I have proved to them countless times a long time ago, my strength Far beyond anyone in this world!”

“The answer to this question is also very simple, right?” Voldemort laughed suddenly, “Perhaps they never believed me. They think that in this world there is a more powerful force that can defeat Voldemort! Maybe they will do it now! Already loyal to others…maybe it is the old man with dementia, the protector of muggle and mudblood-Dumbledore!”

As soon as Dumbledore’s name came out, the Death Eaters at Voldemort’s feet suddenly became agitated, and they shook their heads in a low voice to explain, but Voldemort ignored them at all.

“This disappointed me… I admit that I was extremely disappointed, especially,” Voldemort said in a rude manner, “especially when I issued the convening order ten days ago and you did not come to gather. !”

Voldemort’s voice was like thunder, and strikes were on every Death Eater present.

In fact, the effect is indeed so, because Voldemort tone barely fell, a thick scarlet thunder and lightning flashed out in the dark clouds of the zenith very well.

Under such horrible high pressure, finally there is a Death Eater who can’t stand it anymore.

He slammed to the ground and hugged Voldemort’s calf, screaming:

“Master! Forgive my master! Forgive us!”

Voldemort’s face rose with a sneer, and at the same time he lifted wand.


The scream then turned into hysterical wailing.

That Death Eater could no longer beg for mercy anymore. He began to roll and struggle frantically. The gorgeous robe was torn to pieces by him, and the muscles exposed from it were constantly squirming and pulling out, and the whole person was caught by this extreme The pain was completely tortured and collapsed, and he even started to smash the hard ground that had been scorched and semi-crystallized by the flames, even if the blood was flowing all over his face, he would not stop, as if he wanted to make himself alive Hit to death!

Fortunately, Voldemort didn’t seem to want to take his life, so he quickly withdrew wand.

The tortured Death Eater also lay flat on the ground, breathing heavily.

This move made most of the Death Eaters around relaxed, because it at least shows that Voldemort doesn’t want to kill them yet.

But there is one exception.

Link, who was watching from a distance, had long discovered that there was an alien hidden in the Death Eater that lap later.

When the person first saw Voldemort, there was no tension or fear of others, and he looked very relaxed.

When Voldemort tortured the pitiful person, he was trembling with excitement.

And now when Voldemort took back wand, he was very angry. He even got up and lifted his hood, revealing the weak, pale but crazy face inside angrily roared: [19459002 ]

“Master! You can’t let him go so easily! They are not worthy! They should be buried alive in the mud pit!”

As soon as these words came out, the Death Eaters around were stunned.

What is even more surprising is that Voldemort was not angry at this sudden interruption. Instead, he stretched out his hand and gently grabbed the man’s trembling shoulder because of his anger and said:

“Write calmly, Stinchcombe, of course I will not forgive them! I will not forget, the long thirteen years! I want them to pay off their debts for these thirteen years before considering forgiveness!”

Link’s pupils were slightly enlarged, and he already knew the identity of the Death Eater-Barty Jr. · Crouch!

Voldemort’s expression became gentle again. He patted Barty Jr. lightly, as if to comfort his crying child:

“As for you, my most loyal servant! You deserve to be rewarded!”

As Voldemort said, he lifted up Barty Jr.’s sleeve, and stuck wand fiercely on the exposed black mark.

The magic power of black red began to flicker on the tip, and then gradually covered the entire black mark, making the pattern look weird in the dark.

What’s even stranger is that Barty Jr.’s pale face instantly became rosy and healthy, and the aura on his body became more powerful.

“I feel that I have become stronger!” Barty Jr. burst into tears with excitement, and he almost couldn’t make it clear, “Thank you! Thank You Master! Hmm!”

“No thanks, this is what you deserve, child!” Voldemort withdrew Wand back, “Of course, there is Peter.”

“Yes, Master,” said Pettigrew, who had lost too much blood and almost died after hearing Voldemort’s call, “Please, Master, please…”

“You helped me get the fleshy body,” Voldemort said coldly with a faint disgust on his face, “Even though you are a despicable traitor, the reason you will help me is not out of loyalty, but out of fear of you. Old friends. Comparing helped me after all… Voldemort would not treat anyone who helped him…”

Voldemort raised the wand again, this time the flashing on his tip is no longer the black and red ferocious magic power, but a bright band of light like mercury.

The band of light was constantly undulating and twisting in the air, and finally turned into a gleaming human hand, which was automatically attached to Pettigrew Peter’s bleeding wrist.

Pettigrew’s annoying sobbing finally stopped.

He lifts the head and looked at the silver hand in disbelief. It was so perfect, as if Pettigrew’s hand had never been damaged, it was just wearing a dazzling glove.

He tried to bend his fingers, then tremblingly picked up a small piece of hard soil from the ground that had just been lifted by the poor Death Eater’s torture, and crushed it into pieces.

“My master!” Pettigrew murmured, “Master, thank you, this is so beautiful.”

“I hope your loyalty will not be shaken again, Peter.”

“No, my master… never will.”

Pettigrew Peter crawled over on his knees, kissing Voldemort’s robe like everyone else.

Then he stood up and knelt to the side like everyone else, with tears still on his face, and seemed to be earnestly waiting for Voldemort’s next speech, but in essence he had been repeatedly looking at his novice.

Voldemort didn’t care either, and he turned to continue speaking.

But at this moment, a long and thin silhouette climbed up from a pit in the distance with great difficulty, stumbled all the way to Voldemort’s body, running and shouting:

“Master! And me, your most…most loyal servant Igor, Master…”

Upon seeing Voldemort, his expression instantly went cold.

Because it was Karkaroff who came here.

For this guy Voldemort can be said to have no good feelings at all.

Even if you don’t mention the previous drag out an ignoble existence, Karkaroff himself will return without any loyalty attributes. His situation is worse than Pettigrew Peter’s. It was purely after Voldemort came to the door. Reconciled.

Of course, the most important thing is that Karkaroff was the happiest person who sold Voldemort back then. He not only said countless bad things about Voldemort to survive, but also gave those loyal Death Eaters who could have lurked down and waited for the moment. Sent to Azkaban.

Faced with such a rubbish, Voldemort would be fine if he didn’t kill him, but he didn’t expect him to see Barty Jr. and Pettigrew benefit now, so he still has the face to ask for the reward.

However, Voldemort must also admit that Karkaroff had a very good grasp of the timing when he jumped out.

You should know that he just said that anyone who helped him can get benefits. Now if Karkaroff is punished, wouldn’t he be slapped in the face?

For a time Voldemort was uglier than eating flies.

Then, someone who helped him solve his dilemma appeared.

I saw Barty Jr. I didn’t know if it was because he noticed Voldemort’s mood, or simply because his father used Imperius Curse to mess up his mind and couldn’t understand Karkaroff, so he jumped at Karkaroff.

“You damn traitor who dare to jump up?”

Barty Jr. roared and pulled out wand.

“Avada Kedavra!”


A green light swaying a long tail directly hit Karkaroff’s chest, and the spilled rays of light illuminates his incredulous expression, and then blows it out!

Karkaroff suddenly lost his voice.

But Barty Jr. was not satisfied, so he roared and rushed up and started to bite Karkaroff’s cheek.

The Death Eaters present in this scene were all chilling, but Voldemort was smiling and in a good mood.

He waited until Karkaroff’s body was almost uncharacterized before finally drunk Barty Jr., and sternly said:

“Stinchcombe! How can you do this? Karkaroff is our companion! Although, he has made some small mistakes.”

“Yes! My master! I know I was wrong! I’m just really angry, please punish me!”

Barty Jr. knelt down and spoke respectfully.

Voldemort obviously didn’t really mean to punish Barty Jr., raised high and put it down gently, acting casually.

The Death Eaters who looked at them with such a pretentious look shuddered, especially when Voldemort had just given them a look when he was talking, it seemed to be a warning.

But what can they do?

Can only press the head lower.

And as if smelling their fear, Voldemort walked up to them with a smile on his face, grabbed one of the Death Eaters and said:

“McNeill… Peter told me that you are eliminating dangerous wild beasts for the Ministry of Magic? It seems that you are so satisfied with this job that you have ignored the collective signal I sent last time!”

“No master! No!” The man named McNeill defended, “That reaction is too weak, I thought it was someone else’s fake! This time the signal is normal and I am here! I am! I’m still loyal to you. I’m as loyal to you as Barty Jr. Crouch—ah!!!”

McNeill’s defense quickly turned into a scream.

Because Barty Jr. hit him directly!

“Don’t! Call my last name! Don’t! Mention on equal terms with me and you, a scumbag!”

Barty Jr. gnashing teeth said, and it took a long time to lift the wand, ending the torture.

During this whole process, Voldemort didn’t say anything.

Voldemort said with contempt until McNeill gradually eased his breath:

“McNeill, do you know why I didn’t stop him?”

Before McNeill could answer, Voldemort continued, “Because you are lying to me! You know that in this world only I can issue orders to you through the Dark Mark! But you are still telling me what signal is too Weak?”

McNeill’s eyes flashed with a trace of desolation, and he probably thought he was dead today.

But just when he was about to die, Voldemort changed his words:

“Yeah, I know, McNeill… You really disappointed me. But I believe you will disappoint me more in the future, right?”

When McNeill was stared wide-eyed that McNeill couldn’t believe, he struggled to get up, but couldn’t get up. He wanted to speak, and because of his excitement, he became Ababa’s messy code.

Voldemort didn’t have time to talk to him, and went on to the next Death Eater.


“Goyle? Crabbe? You…”

“Get up, Avery…”


Voldemort began to speak by name one by one, and his words were not profound, it was nothing more than a combination of grace and power that’s all.

But in his desperate power, every one of them was so moved that he was so touched that he burst into tears.

The most important thing is that they are very sincere at this moment.

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