
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This blood thunder came so suddenly that Link, the old wizards, and even the Death Eaters did not react.

In the next moment, the dazzling scarlet rays of light exploded suddenly in front of everyone, blasting the old German wizards blocking Voldemort into coke with incomparable precision.

Looking at the horrible scorched corpses, Lucius and the others shrank their necks and instinctively took a few steps back.

And Voldemort smiled and waved wand again.


Another blood thunder fell!

The blood mine at this time is obviously thinner than the last time, but the target is Link!

At the crucial moment, Link showed a miraculous understanding with the two old German wizards who accompanied him.

Their three people almost invariably lifted wand, and immediately, a series of three translucent shields blocked the top of their heads.

At the same time, Arkham and Yo-Yo, who had been held firmly in their arms by Link before, also forcibly broke free from Link’s embrace, and rushed towards the blood thunder.

The blood thunder came in an instant, fiercely hit the shield and turned into a sky full of blood light!

The terrifying destructive power destroyed the three-layer shield almost instantly, and finally fell on Arkham and Yo-Yo before it dissipated.

But even so, the shock wave from the explosion sent the Link trio fiercely out.

Arkham and Yo-Yo are even blown away.

“My 屮!”

I don’t know the situation of the other two people. Anyway, Link felt that at least three of his ribs were broken at this time, and a minor injury could be found in the inspection.

This must be placed in muggle society, but Voldemort will be punished criminally!

Shaking his head, Link barely got rid of the messy associations in his mind, and stood up hard to endure the pain.

But before he sat upright, a pitch-black wand touched his forehead.

“Ah! What a wonderful counterattack! I can’t help but cheer for you, Link!” Voldemort said loudly with a grin, “Crucio!”

Link has never experienced such pain. He felt the bones of his whole body burning, and his eyeballs were turning crazily in his brain. This pain deep in the depth of one’s soul made him want to pinch himself immediately dead!

However, his body did not listen to his orders at this moment. It was just convulsions and distortions stimulated by severe pain. In the end, he could only relieve the pain through hysterical screams.

Fortunately, Voldemort soon pulled away from wand, and the torture stopped abruptly.

The liberated Link was lying flat on the ground like a puddle of mud, panting heavily. Sweat has soaked his combat uniform, and some even slipped into his eyes along the brow bone, but Link didn’t even have the strength to lift his hand to wipe it.

Until now he can finally understand why Neville’s parents had a nervous breakdown, why that many heroes under the Crucio curse were more humble than mud.

The physical pain caused by the Crucio curse is extreme, far beyond the upper limit of human endurance!

The most important thing is that Crucio curse also has the effect of making the victim absolutely awake.

To suffer this kind of torture for a long time makes everyone crazy!

“Link, you should feel honored. Even if you behave so rudely, I am still willing to give you one last chance.” Voldemort looked at Link condescendingly, his face full of arrogance and contempt, “Quickly answer me Well, is it acknowledge allegiance? Or is it death?”

Lucius on the side also came out at the right time to persuade:

“Link, you can acknowledge allegiance to the master! What is so good about that Dumbledore? Is it worth your life?”

Lucius’s tone was sincere and tragic.

He sincerely hopes Link can also become Death Eater, or die altogether.

Only in this way can the sense of shame in his heart dissipate completely!

And hearing this Link, a sarcastic smile was slowly squeezed out from the corner of his mouth.

Will Voldemort sincerely invite him to become Death Eater?

He might still believe this when he first crossed to this World, and now, he will only regard this as the most ridiculous what a joke in the world!

One must know the high level of Voldemort’s thirst for his blood, Link had experienced it two years ago.

A selfish person like Voldemort, will he endure his desire for blood because of his super innate talent?

This is simply a fantasy story!

I am afraid that it is a fake to invite him to join Death Eater. It is true to want to treat him as a sustainable blood bottle!

Anyway, as long as he is marked with the Dark Mark, he is destined to be Voldemort’s slave in his life.

Thinking of this, Link clicked nodded and said in an extremely weak voice:

“What you said makes sense.”

“Right!” Lucius said in surprise, “I tell you, there are still many benefits to being a Death Eater! At least…”

Before Lucius had finished speaking, Voldemort beside him waved his hand fiercely, and a powerful wave of magic power blew him away.

Then the wand in his hand fell heavily towards Link again!


The terrifying pain is coming again, and the severe pain this time is even stronger than last time, so that Link can’t maintain even the most basic Occlumency.

“Lying again, you always like to lie to me! But do you think your botched lies can really deceive me?” Voldemort screamed with a grim expression, “I am! Voldemort!” [19459002 ]

Link did not react much to Voldemort’s domineering declaration, in fact he did not hear what Voldemort was saying.

Occlumency’s collapse caused a series of reactions in his body.

The inability to maintain absolute sanity and fall into a semi-mad state can only be regarded as a small matter.

The worst thing for Link is that the heart cage he used to imprison Mike is gradually collapsing.

Now that the black mist escaping from Mike’s body has drifted out, it has caused pollution to Link’s heart, and he wants to push it into madness even harder.

Looking at the large area in his heart that was eroded by darkness, Link felt a deep helplessness.

Because the Mike in the heart cage actually had no intention of resisting from a long time ago, and he stayed motionless in the corner all day, as if he was in autistic state, and he has not changed at all until now.

As for the black fog, that’s all spreading purely unconsciously.

Mike in this autistic state will not react to any actions of Link at all, so trying to persuade him to be honest is simply wishful thinking.

The most important thing is, what will happen to Mike even if he is honest again?

There is still Voldemort outside glare like a tiger watching his prey!

Thinking of this, Link suddenly froze.

‘It’s all like this anyway, why don’t you just fight for it? Anyway, it was a death at the end! ’

Link looked towards Mike’s eyes gradually became firmer, and he said very solemnly:

“Mike, I know you feel bad, and don’t want to pay attention to me. But what I want you to know is that there is a powerful enemy outside who wants to kill me.

I know, you hate me, you don’t care about my life or death, you don’t even care about your own life or death.

But I still want to believe you.

Next, I will take the control of the body to you. Hope you can defeat that demon.

This is for you, for me, and for Emily and our mother! “

After saying that, Link did not even hesitate at all, and took the initiative to close the heart cage.

Next moment, a thick black mist rose to the sky, completely filling the whole heart.

And Mike, who had been in autistic state, raised his head at this moment and looked towards Link with a complicated look.

“Then, I leave it to you.”

Link said to Mike with a smile, and then plunged into the boundless darkness.


Above wasteland, Voldemort’s torture of Link continues.

Under the torment of powerful pain, Link is almost out of shape.

The muscle skeleton of his whole body became distorted due to his frenzied struggle. The whole body was curled up or even smaller, and it looked a bit like a horror of the dead who had been drugged.

Voldemort’s motivation has actually changed from the original intention of forcing Link acknowledge allegiance to simply enjoying the pleasure of torturing Link.

This also caused Voldemort to attack more and more ruthlessly, and his laughter became more and more grim.

The Death Eaters on the side have already stepped back a long time ago.

They are all old people who have followed Voldemort for a long time, and they know the importance of not being too close to Voldemort at this time to avoid being implicated.

As for the two surviving old German wizards, Voldemort used supergravity to crush them to the ground. When the torture on Link’s side is completely over, it will be their turn.

Finally, Link’s terrifying struggle stopped.

No matter how Voldemort releases Crucio, he can’t drive Link to do something.

He is like a walking corpse kissed by a dementor, staring at the sky motionlessly with lifeless eyes.

Voldemort was so familiar with this situation.

He sneered contemptuously, and then he was about to lean over to get blood.

As Link guessed, he actually confiscated Link from at first as his younger brother. The only purpose of soliciting Link was to make Link a blood mine, which would have a very big impact on his next plan. help.

And now that Link would rather die than he would, he can take blood all at once.

As for bringing Link back in this semi-vegetative state as a blood bank, he couldn’t do it.

After all, the blood produced in that way is worthless at all.

“Poor Foley family, you have made so many arrangements with all your heart. Isn’t it futile?”

Voldemort said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his long nails to cut Link’s neck.

But at this moment, a pure black cursing force burst out of Link, turning it into a sharp arrow and piercing towards Voldemort!

This unexpected blow was so swift that even though Voldemort had withdrawn wand and blocked it, his whole person was still blown out.

“You, cunning Stinking Insect!”

Voldemort roared, his whole body turned into a cloud of black fog before he flew out, waving the green light in his hand and rushing towards Link again.

However, the link at this moment has changed drastically.

A large amount of curse power transformed into a substantial black energy continuously gushing out of its body and wrapped around its body, completely transforming it into a four-hooves and four horns, with a body length of more than five meters, and eyes glowing with red light and shape. The ominous beast resembling a unicorn.

At first glance, it looks even bigger than Voldemort’s momentum!

The life-killing curse shot on the wand’s tip did not have any substantial effect in front of it. It only dissipated as soon as it touched the black air surrounding Link’s body, and it failed to cause a slight wave of waves. !

“roar! “

An inhuman roar erupted from inside Link’s body. He opened his huge bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl with sharp teeth. The curse around him suddenly condensed and turned into a piece in his mouth. The violent energy projectile, and then, the energy beam entwined by the black red plasma poured out and shot towards Voldemort!

But how could this kind of pure energy ray attack hit Voldemort head-on?

Seeing that Voldemort’s charging action was almost instinctive for an instant, then the body flashed and appeared 100 meters away.


A huge beam of energy passed by, accurately landing on the mark of the Dark Demon in the sky, blowing up the entire cloud to nothing.

The original madness on Voldemort’s face has been reduced, and now it is replaced by a thick solemnity.

Because I’m not kidding, he has smelled a hint of danger from Link.

The monster that Link has turned into is truly capable of hurting him.

But this does not mean that he can’t do anything with Link.

For Voldemort, Link’s change lasted to death, that is, from the original Teddy to Shiba Inu, it can bite him as an adult, but it is not fatal!

“Weak ants! Even dare to resist the gods!”

The black misty shadow that Voldemort transformed into floats high in the sky, and under the reflection of that crescent moon, there is really such a sense of majesty of the gods.

And then, Voldemort showed his real power to be comparable to the gods!


As Voldemort wand fell sharply, a scarlet Thunder Dragon appeared again, roaring and flying towards Link.

Before Thunder Dragon officially hit Link, Voldemort waved wand again and smashed down a bigger Thunder Dragon.


Two clicks!

Three times!


In just a few seconds, Voldemort dropped dozens of Thunder Dragons in a frenzied manner!

For a time, the entire sky was not covered by scarlet rays of light, and even the bright moon hanging high in the sky was stained with a layer of blood mist!

These scarlet Thunder Dragons kept struck, and directly blew up a deep hole in the area where Link was located!

The monster that Link himself turned into was beaten and fled again and again, relying on the power of the curse to quickly transform into the propulsion of the hands and heels to barely be killed by the blood thunder.

But how can the simple escape be durable?

Finally, under Voldemort’s layout, the Killing Formation composed of three Thunder Dragons was still fiercely hit on Link!

“roar! “

Link’s stern roar sounded again.

Under the erosion strikes of blood light, the cursed black mist wrapped around its body quickly melted like snow in midsummer, revealing the broken body of Link!

And seeing Link was about to be completely shattered to pieces, an even more surprising scene appeared.

A translucent flame suddenly burst from Link’s eyebrows!

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