
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

On the battlefield, Lucius and the others, who had long been hiding away, were already stunned at this moment.

Those two old German wizards also had brilliant eyes.

Because the translucent flame blooming on Link’s forehead is just the beginning.

What followed was clusters of flames continuously rising from Link’s body surface, and within a short while, the entire Link was covered.

After that, the form of the entire battlefield changed.

Those blood-colored Thunder Dragons with great momentum, like Heavenly Might, can’t break through the thin flames on the surface of Link, and can only furiously around Link.

Not only that, but the keen Lucius also discovered that this thin flame layer seemed to be thickening continuously.

It’s like… these flames are devouring Voldemort’s bloody dragon-like!

In fact, not only Death Eater and the old German wizard, but Link himself was also surprised.

Unlike before, this time Link’s body was completely occupied by Mike, Link still retains a part of his consciousness, allowing him to clearly perceive everything in the outside world between his mind.

From the battle at first Mike gave Link a big surprise.

The first is Mike’s super affinity for the power of the curse.

From the perspective of Mike’s previous battles, his ability to flexibly control the power of the curse to carry out various deformation-assisted battles is very proficient, and he is no weaker than Link himself.

And now he has created this weird flame!

Others may not understand the origin of these translucent flames, but Link is very clear.

This is clearly an evolutionary version of Fiendfyre with super high concentration condensed by the power of cursing!

Judging from Link’s long-term use of cursing power, this high-purity Fiendfyre is far from what he can create and control at present.

Link strongly suspects that the appearance of this kind of flame is because the spirit strength and magic power of this body increased sharply after Mike appeared.

But there is no doubt that Mike’s behavior helped Link open a brand new door.

Link has reason to believe that this high purity Fiendfyre is a manifestation of Dumbledore’s ‘curse power attribute deepening’!

Of course, the most important thing is that this kind of flame is too fierce!

They not only have the destructive power to the ultimate destructive power to defensive power, but also inherit the ability of Fiendfyre Devouring All Living Things to strengthen themselves!

Link is really unimaginable, if one day he can really control this kind of flame, what a spectacular sight it would be!

And just as Link was excited and surprised, those translucent flames had completely swallowed the blood-colored Thunder Dragon around, causing Link, oh no, it should be said that it was Mike now.

As a result, Mike’s body shape returned to the previous hideous look like a unicorn giant beast, and even his body size increased a bit.

Voldemort above the sky had already stopped attacking.

As one of the scariest Dark Lords in history, he naturally knew the horror of the flame around Mike’s body, which made him somewhat refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, for fear that his attack would be attacked by Mike again Absorbed by the flame, creating a substantial enemy.

But unlike him who hesitated, Mike didn’t have that many scruples.

Seeing that Voldemort had no action, he directly raised the sky and roared, the translucent flame condensed rapidly in the air, and suddenly shot a terrifying translucent flame energy impact!

And Mike obviously learned the lesson from the last time. This energy impact turned into thousands of light bullets shortly after leaving his mouth, attacking Voldemort with full coverage like fireworks in the sky!

“What an arrogant kid.” Voldemort murmured and raised his arm, “I don’t think you can really win!”

Voldemort’s arms fell heavily, and in an instant, Heaven and Earth vibrated!

An invisible powerful force slammed down from the sky, and instantly detonated all the light bombs, turning them into real fireworks.

After that, the force was cast off, fiercely fell on Mike!


A huge noise resounded across the sky!

The ground with a radius of about 50 meters centered on Mike collapsed instantly, and Mike himself was crushed to the ground by fiercely. Even the translucent flame on his body was wilted and crushed. Link body surface.

This blow caused great damage to Mike, and the internal organs that had been injured were even more injured, which directly forced Mike to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Link, hiding in the depths of Mike’s consciousness, was groaned by severe pain.

He has been observing from the third perspective and it is clear that at present this body has almost reached its limit.

And this time Voldemort’s attack method is extremely strange, it doesn’t carry the slightest magic power at all, it is more like an application of rules.

This makes the translucent flame unable to absorb any power at all!

Although relying on the power accumulated by absorbing the Scarlet Thunder Dragon earlier, Mike can’t fight Voldemort for a few more rounds, and even a tie is not impossible.

But can Mike’s consciousness really continue to persist?

The answer is yes!

Because there was almost no pause, Mike held up and stood up at the moment he fell to the ground, opening his mouth that had been completely bloodied and continued to roar at Voldemort!

The flame condenses again and turns into a shuttle-shaped light bomb!

“Ha! Repeatedly taught, this kind of attack is useless to me!”

Voldemort grinned and pressed his palm down again!


The weird gravity has increased a bit!

But as if sensing Mike’s determination, this time the light bomb was not crushed by Voldemort’s gravity field, but shot towards Voldemort with the sound of breaking wind!


Voldemort’s golden-yellow’s vertical pupils suddenly enlarged. In surprise, he seemed to forget to dodge and was directly hit by the light bomb!


The sky full of translucent flames suddenly exploded, turning into a cloud of smoke and enveloping Voldemort in it.

Voldemort just reacted, and suddenly he left the flame field.

But it was too late.

The translucent flame wrapped around Voldemort’s body like a tarsus maggot, and when he turned around, he burned his flowing robe to ashes, and began to formally burn his body.


The scream came from Voldemort’s mouth.

Seeing this, Link couldn’t help laughing.

The adhesion and swallowing transformation ability of that translucent flame far exceeds Fiendfyre. This characteristic makes it extremely difficult to remove. Any magic power elimination method on it will only become the nutrient for it to strengthen itself!

And most importantly, at this moment Voldemort is suffering no less than Crucio’s curse, because the translucent flame born out of Fiendfyre also possesses Fiendfyre’s ability to destroy Horcrux.

This means that Voldemort is not only the body but also the soul being burned now!

But Voldemort was still Voldemort after all. Before Link’s happy mood of successful revenge lasted long, he saw that Voldemort opened his mouth like a snake to an exaggerated angle.

Then all the translucent flames that entangled him tightly poured into his mouth like a low tide, and disappeared.


Voldemort let out a hot and full hiccup, then bowed his head again and looked towards Mike, the scarlet eyes were full of resentment!

The magic power spilling out around it became more and more violent under the action of this strong hatred, so that the surrounding air burst into a crisp crackling sound.

This time even Mike was a little dazed, anyone can see that Voldemort’s next attack must be unprecedentedly strong!

But just when Mike and Link were ready to meet the storm, Voldemort’s expression changed and he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the side.

Everyone’s sight shifted immediately.

Then everyone saw two black spots in the sky quickly approaching here with the moon behind their back.

After getting closer, Link realized that it was Knight, who was covered in black robe and stepped into the air!

Unlike other regular wizard knights, they are not riding the Thestral, nor the broomstick, but the skeleton horse with no wings and green fire in the eyes.

In theory, these creatures shouldn’t be able to fly anyway, but they did.

And their ‘flight’ method is extremely weird. It’s not so much like flying down that it’s running on solid air, but Link even hears the sound of horseshoes vaguely.

“No! Why did they come?” Voldemort said with a grim look, then turned his head and looked towards the Death Eater, “It’s you! You told the secret! You humble mudblood!” [ 19459002]

Death Eater hearing this in full body armor did not say a word, just spread his hands and shrugged his arms against Voldemort.

Although his face was hidden by the visor, Link had the illusion that he was laughing.

Compared to Voldemort, he felt this way, because he threw the Dao Su Ming curse at the next moment.

The full armor Death Eater did not react at all in the green glow flashing, as if completely giving up resistance.

But just as the green glow was about to hit at the crucial moment, the full armor Death Eater teleported to the side at an extremely unscientific and unmagic speed, avoiding the blow.

This made Voldemort even more angry.

But before he can take another shot, the Knights have arrived!

They didn’t even talk to Voldemort a little bit of nonsense, and directly wand threw away a silver white whip around Voldemort’s body.

“No! You can’t do this! I still have time! I want revenge! I want to kill them!”

Voldemort was struggling frantically, endless magic power black mist kept emerging from his body, strikes the light whip and Knight’s body, but no matter how hard he tried, the light whip remained motionless, and the two Knights worked hard With a tugging, he dragged Voldemort to fly away.

Their speed was so fast that they flew out several hundred meters in the blink of an eye, and finally disappeared in Link’s field of vision.

The Death Eater came out.

He moved towards the Link in the rare beast form and bowed. Then he took a few elite Death Eater survivors into the already opened Transmission Gate and disappeared.

Link was a little bit speechless by what had just happened.

He still can’t believe it until now that the famous Voldemort was chained away by two unidentified skeleton horses like Knights?

This is just kidding!

And if everything is true, how powerful should the two skeleton Knights be?

Just thinking of this, Link’s mood becomes extremely gloomy.

He suddenly discovered that the situation in this World seemed to have gotten worse because of his arrival!

But at this moment, he really has no way to continue to investigate this issue.

Mike has become more irritable because he lost his enemy.

Driven by in the heart killing intent and animalism, he finally turned his gaze to Lucius and the others, and slowly opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

“Uh! He seems to be looking at us!?”

The tall old Goyle said uncertainly, and when he tone barely fell, Lucius violently violently, wrapped him and the old Crabbe in a direct Disapparation.

Pettigrew Peter and Barty Jr. are also very fast, but they are chasing Voldemort.

As for the rest of the unfortunate ones, it’s miserable.

Because the energy bomb in Mike’s mouth was completely condensed, he slammed them at them.

The explosion sounded again, and those Death Eaters failed to even scream and completely turned into the fuel of the magic flame.

But Mike, who had done all this, was still dissatisfied, and continued to look towards the two old German wizards, Arkham, and Yo-Yo.

Now Link can’t stand it anymore.

He knew very well that words alone could not stop Mike, but fortunately he was prepared.

Link, a purely conscious body, quickly opened its own data panel and added the golden skill points obtained before winning the Triwizard Tournament championship to Occlumency.

[Occlumency lv6 has been obtained! ]

With this golden barrage drifting through Link’s mind, Link’s long-exhausted spirit strength has exploded. They emerge crazily from the spring between Link’s minds and wash away like a flood. A large piece of’sludge’ was dropped.

A smile finally appeared on Link’s face when he saw it.

The upgrade effect of Occlumency is far beyond his imagination!

Under the leadership of Link, this continuous ‘flood’ quickly cleansed the entire mind and began to besiege Mike’s body at the most central position.

At this time, Mike finally realized that something was wrong.

He didn’t pay attention to the old wizards and Arkham yo-yo, but frantically launched an indiscriminate attack on the surroundings.

The deadly translucent flame completely turned the surroundings into a fire sea between Mike’s bites and tears, and the energy bombs that fired everywhere created flame mushroom clouds one after another in the distance.

For a while, the dark night that had finally become a little calmer because of Voldemort’s departure was once again as bright as day, even more lively than before.

Unfortunately, what Mike did was just useless.

Link launched a stormy attack on the main body of Mike between the hearts. In the face of such a powerful spirit strength, even if Mike’s emotional power and magic power are much stronger than Link, it is of no avail. Link is still reconstructed. And the prison of the heart that came out was re-detained!


Mike in the cage regained his self-closing state, and kept whispering softly.

And Link hearing this is also quite touching, and said with emotion:

“Don’t worry, brother, I will take care of mother. Of course, there is Emily.”

As soon as these words came out, Mike finally recovered his calm.

He looked at Link silently, the gaze in his eyes was extremely complicated.

Link clicked nodded at him again, and then he returned to the fleshy body.


Once again mastering Fleshy body’s Link, I only feel that piercing pain is coming from everywhere on the body.

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