
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After cautiously’s self-examination, Link realized that his body was injured more severely than he thought.

First of all, in addition to superficial wounds, Link felt that his ribs must have broken at least four, and his limbs, especially his right leg, also had multiple fractures.

The condition of the internal organs is even worse. Although Link has not studied medical magic in the system, he is in a worrisome situation from the constant pain in the chest and abdomen, breathing difficulties, and intermittent vomiting of blood.

Such an injury would have to live in the ICU for at least a month and a half to survive the ordinary muggle, but fortunately Link’s current identity is wizard.

He endured the pain first and let himself lie down, and then poured out a multi-colored potion from the close-fitting non-marking stretch bag.

These all are the potion reserves he made in order to guard against the unexpected. Even if the previous battle was so fierce, Link didn’t let them suffer any damage.

And now, it comes in handy.

Link applied half a bottle of white fresh concentrate, and took two bottles of Phoenix tears (non-yo-yo pollution version) and a few bottles of potion that have the same healing effect. After that, the pain is almost maddening. It slowed down a bit.

Of course, Link’s injuries are still very serious. For example, the broken skeletons drank the medicine without resetting them, and they became crooked.

But these all are small problems that can be solved after returning to Hogwarts, the most important thing is that Link is finally active now.

took a deep breath, Link slowly got up, but the expression between his eyebrows and eyes was a bit complicated.

This war is considered a failure from the strategic point of view.

After all, he failed to prevent Voldemort from resurrecting. Even Death Eater only killed some miscellaneous soldiers and failed to eliminate core members such as Lucius. As a result, he could not even delay the development of the plot.

The most important thing is that Link failed to dig out the true face of the mysterious force behind Voldemort, but was a little shocked by the strength of the other party.

Forget those elite Death Eaters and full body armor Death Eaters. What really worries Link is the two skeleton horse Knights that only appeared at the last moment.

According to Link’s estimation, since they can take Voldemort in rage with no difficulty, their individual strength should be at least similar to that of Dumbledore.

This is a bit scary!

If there are more wizards of this kind, Link feels like they don’t need to fight. Turn around and take the whole family to find muggle for cooperation with the United Nations. After selling the Wizarding World, it will be good to hide under the nuclear umbrella.

But apart from this Link, the gains from this battle should not be underestimated.

The first is the translucent flame used by Mike.

This ‘super concentrated Fiendfyre’ transformed from the power of curse can be said to indicate a broad and open road for Link to study the power of curse next.

Link believes that as long as he can thoroughly study the knowledge inside, coupled with the growth of magic power and spirit strength, his strength will skyrocket, approaching the legendary realm of Dumbledore.

And secondly, that is the change after Occlumency reaches LV6.

After Occlumency officially broke the limit, the spirit strength consumed by it was greatly reduced. As long as it is not turned on at full power, or the high-level function of fictitious memory in the brain is used, the consumption of spirit strength is almost negligible.

Nowadays Link can almost use the regular Occlumency as a passive skill.

And with the upgrade of skills, Link’s spirit strength has been greatly increased in both quality and quantity.

This directly led to the increase in the strength of Link’s Heart Wall and Heart Cage, and it has reached the point where Mike can come out and let out the wind and fight against powerful enemies as before.

Of course, this time must be strictly controlled.

Previously, Link was able to regain control of the body because the microphone itself was not strong against willpower. If the microphone is allowed to release for a long time to completely conquer the mind next time, then Link will not necessarily be able to take back the body.

And the consequences of letting Mike out and letting go are unpredictable.

It is almost a very good result that the whole body is injured like Link is now.

In summary, this is basically a serious backlash trick, which cannot be used if it is less than as a last resort.

After thoroughly reviewing the gains of this battle, Link was almost resting, and then got up to check the situation of other people.

What made Link didn’t expect was that the two surviving old German wizards had gathered all the surviving wounded in front of Link, and even started to use the potion that Link to throw on the ground to help the wounded. We are treated.

Seeing Link woke up from his meditation, the tall old wizard in the lead immediately bowed and said:

“Sorry Young Master, I made my own claim.”

Link knew that he was referring to the unauthorized use of potion, which was called guilty, but actually invited credit, and immediately followed his words and waved his hands and said:

“You did nothing wrong.”

While speaking Link also counted the survivors present, only to find that their damage in this battle was so tragic that he would be heartbroken.

Except for those elite hunters who were selected by the old Klie and failed to come because of the signal, those who participated in the battle were almost wiped out, leaving only three severely wounded men lying on the ground groaning painfully Was fed medicine by another old German wizard.

Not to mention the ‘old German wizards of foreign aid’ who were found by Mrs. Foley.

At the last moment, Link delayed the time, and only two were directly killed by the spike.

The only thing that made Link rejoice was that Arkham, Yo-Yo, Snape, and Harry were all alive, and it seemed to be pretty good. Although they were still unconscious, they didn’t seem to have any obvious injuries.

This is obviously also the credit of the tall German old wizard. When Mike and Voldemort were fighting before, the other party hid Arkham, Yo-Yo, Snape and Harry early, and Link was hidden in his mind. Saw.

Link felt a little grateful immediately, and said with a smile after putting away the weak Arkham and the yo-yo:

“Thanks to you this time, I will propose to my mother to give you an extra reward. In addition, I will give you another generous compensation for those sacrificed comrade-in-arms.”

As soon as the words came out, the tall old wizard’s mouth twitched twice, and solemnly said:

“Serving Young Master is our honor and duty, we really dare not ask for anything else. And now, rather than talking about these, I am more concerned about Young Master, is your body okay?”

“Don’t worry, my injury does not matter.”

Link said with a faint smile.

As for the tall old wizard’s ‘Don’t dare to ask for anything else’, he just assumed that the other party was greeted.

After all, no one in this world likes Gold Galleon.

Even if the other party really doesn’t want it, he will force it through, and the amount of money is definitely beyond the other party’s imagination.

He didn’t want to owe favors from Germany, otherwise Mrs. Foley would be even more humble in front of people over there.

I continued to chat with the old wizard for a while, the surviving hunters finally eased up, and they all got together and started crying to Link about the danger of this battle.

Of course, they didn’t have the courage to blame Link and Old Kled, so the object of their complaint was Dumbledore.

Fortunately, they are much purer than the old German wizard. Link promised again in accordance with the previous model, and soon their bloody faces reappeared with smiles.

After all this was done, Link frowned at the messy battlefield around him.

Now he no longer complains about Dumbledore like the hunters,

After being reminded by the two skeleton horses Knight, Link finally realized that Dumbledore was probably dragged by a similar powerful existence.

What Link didn’t know was that the actual situation on Dumbledore’s side was even worse than Link expected.


Hogwarts, outside Forbidden Forest.

At this moment, the Forbidden Forest has turned into a fire sea, and the blazing flames engulfed in dense smoke soaring into the sky, spurred by the wind, they turned into giant beasts tens of meters high, constantly roaring. Patting, shining the entire world into a dark red.

The magical creatures who lived in the Forbidden Forest reserve in the past are running in a panic. Unicorn dances with the cyclops, and Goblin cooperates with the elf…

All creatures, regardless of their previous identities as predators or prey, are running in the same direction at this moment, forming a panic wave of beasts.

Even Centaur, the son of the stars and the forest, broke into the fire in an organized way to rescue small creatures like Bowtruckle that have no ability to escape.

But how weak is their power!

Pursued by the fire, a large number of magical creatures are swallowed by the flames at all times.

The air was filled with a choking smell of barbecue, burnt, and smoke.

The situation in Black Lake is not optimistic.

The originally wide Black Lake was expanded by more than 5 points by a huge crater densely packed at the edge.

Not only that, but a large number of them broke away from the Forbidden Forest. The monsters that really consist of Fiendfyre are also launching an assault on the Forbidden Forest in fierce and unafraid of death!

Their bodies composed entirely of Fiendfyre are not something that ordinary water can do. Even though Merpeople Princess Jenny has used her extraordinary water control ability to disperse a large number of Fiendfyre monsters, the water level of Black Lake still cannot be prevented from falling. It’s close to 1/4/2021.

A large number of fish and shrimps lay on the newly created river beach with their mouths open, looking weak and sad.

But they are actually lucky.

Because there are countless fish and shrimps, Grindellow and even the corpses of Merpeople floating on the Black Lake at this moment, even the Guardian giant squid in Black Lake is now in a state of dying, with the only two remaining The tentacles were paddling the water.

As for the paddock where the auditorium of the Triwizard Tournament was located, it no longer exists.

It was replaced by an incomparable gigantic crater, with a gurgling dark red lava flowing at the bottom of the pit.

Just above this noisy battlefield, there are two silhouettes floating quietly and standing opposite each other.

On one side is Dumbledore wearing a gray robe with cross-brows and beard and hair dancing in the wind, while on the other side, there is a mysterious wizard whose whole body is covered under the black robe and can’t be seen clearly.

All the distress at the scene stems from the aftermath of the battle between these two people.

The black robed man came so suddenly that the people of Hogwarts who were still in pain before they realized the disaster had come.

Fortunately, the professors of Hogwarts have already received summon and returned to the paddock. Dumbledore also owns a Divine Beast like Phoenix. This transferred everyone to Hogwarts Castle at the crucial moment and opened the protection of the outside of the castle. array.

But even so, there are still a large number of students injured.

Even Hogwarts’ protective cover is densely covered with cobweb-like cracks, which are called horrible to see.

Staring at the black robe wizard on the opposite side, Dumbledore’s anger and worry were severely filled.

He received every help signal from Link, but in order for Hogwarts and thousands of teachers and students behind him, he could only stay here and fight this black robed man.

He really couldn’t imagine what kind of tragic scene Link would be facing Voldemort alone. He could only use his best to burst out a round of attacks that was stronger than a round to defeat the opponent as soon as possible.

Fortunately, although the strength of the black robed man has reached the legendary realm that an ordinary wizard can’t touch in his entire life, he is still slightly inferior in comparison.

Now that the battle has progressed, the opponent is almost unable to support it.

“who the hell are you?”

Dumbledore questioned angrily.

This is also a huge question buried in his heart.

When did such a legendary wizard appear in the world again?

How could he not know that Dumbledore, as a recipient of the Order of Merlin Level 1, a member of Wizengamot, and a director of the International Magic Federation?

Or, the black robed man who appeared in front of him right now was Voldemort?

So what Link is facing now is a fake?

Dumbledore is unknown.

The black robed man obviously didn’t mean to answer Dumbledore.

To be honest, he looks very embarrassed now, that originally gorgeous robe has long been punched into a hole, and there are many hideous wounds on the exposed flesh that are leaking blood, even The mask on his head was also knocked off.

It’s just that what is exposed under the mask is not a human face, but a cloud of black mist.

hearing this, the black robed man’s shoulders shrugged a few times, like a silent sneer and involuntarily trembling because of pain.

Dumbledore calmed down when he saw the situation, but the violent lightning glow betrayed his mood at the moment.

Next moment, as Dumbledore wand pointed forward, an electromagnetic gun measuring more than two meters thick was shot out.

In a buzzing sound, it engulfed the fiercely dancing giant beast around it, annihilated the mountain peaks of Takamatsu in the distance, and drowned the black robe wizard at the same time.

For a long time, the thick electromagnetic gun turned into intermittent light spots and gradually dispersed, leaving only a semi-crystalline track on the surface along the way.

Dumbledore shook the wand, turned and flew towards Hogwarts, but there was not the slightest joy in his eyes. Instead, he became colder.

Because he knew very well that his attack just didn’t hurt the black robed man at all.

The other party escaped by unknown means at the last moment!

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