
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Madam Pomfrey, someone on my side needs treatment!”

Link kicked the door open and entered with a gang of ferocious hunters.

Looking at these unexpected guests, almost everyone in the auditorium was stunned, even Dumbledore himself.

This is just joking.

He just said that he was going to save Link, and even his emotions were almost brewing, but Link appeared just and honorable?

For a while, the entire auditorium fell into a strange silence.

Link Regardless of so much, he continued to walk in with people. Although he was limping a bit, the imposing manner of the whole person was extremely agitated.

He frowned and shouted again:

“Madam Pomfrey! Where are you? Come and save people! Ah…”

Link’s cries came to an abrupt end, because Emily, who was still talking to Dumbledore, turned into an afterimage and plunged directly into his arms like a cannonball.

This collision made Link feel that his injury, which had just recovered a little bit, was faintly aggravating, and a sharp pain came from his chest, which made him look hideous.

But he didn’t have any displeasure, and even his eyes were filled with deep distress.

Because Emily in his arms had already cried heartbreakingly, and her body was trembling unceasingly.

Mastering the Link of Legilimens can clearly perceive Emily’s fear, and for a while, I forgot to find Madam Pomfrey. He hugged Emily tightly and patted her on the back as a comfort .

It’s a pity that Madam Pomfrey is not far from here. When she received the call, she squeezed through the crowd with difficulty. She only glanced at Link and pulled Link and Emily away unpleasantly, and accused: [19459002 ]

“Emily, you are too daring! You hugged Link’s ribs again!”


Emily exclaimed.

The eyes that were originally red and swollen instantly widened, and he said these unclear words in his mouth, and his hands waved in the air, as if he wanted to touch Link but didn’t dare.

“Small things,” Link said with a slight smile when he saw it, “I don’t hurt!”

Emily’s face turned redder as soon as these words were said, and she stood there with her head down, feeling helpless.

And Madam Pomfrey has already started work.

She stretched out her hand at a very fast speed and pressed several times on Link’s chest, arm and other injured parts, and then wand waved again and again, splashing a large green light.

In the end, she opened Link’s mouth directly and poured a large pot of dark brown potion with a strong smell of brine.

This makes Link disgusting.

There is one thing to say, Link really feels a lot better after this set of operations.

“This is only preliminary treatment, and you will need to be hospitalized for rest afterwards!”

Madam Pomfrey dropped this sentence, and then rushed to think of the next wounded with a blank face.

Link couldn’t help but marvel at Madam Pomfrey’s superb craftsmanship and dedicated attitude, but the only problem was that she didn’t look at the three hunters who were seriously injured, but went to help the three hunters who had already been confirmed by the old Klie. Event, it’s just that Harry, who was still unconscious, checked with Snape.

Upon seeing this, Link sullied his face, stepped forward to pull Madam Pomfrey, and said very solemnly:

“Madam Pomfrey, Harry Professor Snape’s situation is not too serious. You should help me with the other three brothers first.”

Madam Pomfrey hearing this turned his head and looked at Link strangely.

She still remembers the weak and pitiful look of Little Link a few years ago.

Why do you dare to arouse her now?

And still such a tough tone!

For a while, another anger appeared on Madam Pomfrey’s face.

It’s just that Link has already seen Madam Pomfrey’s psychological changes, and immediately softened when he saw it, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

“I beg you!”

Madam Pomfrey’s face changed again. He hesitated for a while, and finally faced the Link coldly snorted, and then took the medicine box and started to treat the three seriously wounded hunters.

This scene makes the hunters who follow Link all relaxed.

Don’t look at their horrible faces.

In fact, they are still in awe of Hogwarts for no other reason. Most of them graduated from Hogwarts and were under the control of Dumbledore or other old professors.

And the Hogwarts rules when they were studying were far more strict than they are now, which casts a shadow in their hearts.

The young hunter who spoke to Link earlier is a very striking example.

He had studied medical magic with Madam Pomfrey earlier, and became a magical creature hunter by mistake.

After being recognized by Madam Pomfrey, he was pulled into a strong man and began to assist in the treatment of the three hunters. Later, he was even forced to continue to help other Hogwarts students.

Not to mention, although the young hunter’s medical magic is at the level of a barefoot doctor, it is much better than those of the senior volunteers.

After being arrested in this way, the young man came back, and he has received a lot of praise!

There are even some volunteer Junior junior sister who specially serve him tea and pour water, wanting to learn a half move from him.

Of course, this is all for later.

After solving the medical problems of the hunters, Link obediently accepted Emily’s support and sat on one of the few sofa chairs in the auditorium.

Having made such a big movement just now, he has naturally become the focus of everyone present.

Everyone encircled him in a sturdy circle. Some people were curious about his previous experience in the game, while others were curious about how he came back. Of course, there are also Cedric and John who really care about Link. people.

But no one at the scene dared to come forward and talk to Link, because Dumbledore was gradually coming, and obviously there was something to say to Link.

It’s a pity that Link rolled his eyes at him before he could get closer.

Even after seeing the messy battlefield outside Hogwarts Castle, Link already knew that Dumbledore was under attack no less than his.

But Link still couldn’t suppress his dissatisfaction with Dumbledore.

If it weren’t for Dumbledore’s delay in coming, he would actually have a chance to obliterate Voldemort’s chance of resurrection tonight!

At the same time, his manpower will not suffer such heavy casualties, and he himself does not need to suffer such a big disaster!

Link at this time can be said to be extremely angry.

This has nothing to do with rationality, it is entirely a response to excessive losses.

Dumbledore also noticed that Link was not suitable for communication at this time, and he retracted it when he had reached his lips.

However, not everyone has the extremely high level of Legilimens and winks like Dumbledore.

A Beauxbatons boy in the crowd stared at Link, who was surrounded by the crowd, and the hunters who were receiving Madam Pomfrey’s comprehensive treatment. Some dissatisfied companions on his side whispered:

“Those guys all carry the logo of the Foley family. They are all of Link Foley! I dare say that Link Foley must have brought them into the Triwizard Tournament and borrowed them. I won the championship!

Not only that, all the professors and students in Hogwarts are also with Link Foley! They are cheating by shameless! This Triwizard Tournament is totally meaningless! “

His voice is not high, especially in the noisy hall.

However, his complaints were still heard by Link, who had activated the Transcendent Charm.

The Link complexion changed in anger, immediately stood up and walked towards the Beauxbatons boy.

The crowds scattered along the way, giving way to the road, leaving the boy alone to face the power of Link getting closer and closer.

Link walked slowly in front of the boy, glanced at the Beauxbatons school uniform on him, and said blankly:

“What is your name?”

“I…” The boy was forced by Link’s power and had to report his name immediately. But he turned his head and glanced at the other Beauxbatons students around him, his chest swelled, “Why should I tell you!”

Link eyebrow raised, the anger in my heart became more and more vigorous.

And at this moment, Old Kled actually leaned over and pointed to a copper brooch with intricate patterns hanging on the boy’s chest and said:

“He is a member of the Keski family.”

Link’s face still hasn’t changed much. Old Kreet knew that Link hadn’t heard of this family, and then explained, “This is a young wizard family in France. There are only 6 family members in total. Patriarch worked as a team leader in the French Ministry of Magic Auror office. He had no abilities at all and lived on dead wages.

This kind of little ant, as long as you let Young Master speak, we can let the French Ministry of Magic expel the team leader in minutes.

If you still feel that it is not too hard, letting their family disappear is actually not too difficult for us. “

hearing this Link finally showed a smile of harboring malicious intentions.

The Beauxbatons boy was so scared that his face turned pale, and hurriedly hid the family brooch that he was most proud of.

Then he discovered that the Beauxbatons students who were still standing next to him, who he thought would be willing to help him get out of the platform, all hid away, pretending to be unfamiliar with him.

This made him even more flustered, standing there with his mouth opened and closed, but he couldn’t say a word.

Fortunately, everyone in the small Conference Hall also came out. Seeing this situation, Ms. Maxime hurried in and said:

“Link, Simata was definitely not intentional, this kind of trivial matter…”

Before Maxime had finished speaking, Mrs. Foley’s tall silhouette emerged from behind Link. She put her arm around Link’s shoulder and said to Maxime meaningfully:

“Let the children solve this kind of trivial matter among children, and adults like us should not interfere.”

hearing this Maxime’s face also went black.

Because Mrs. Foley meant that if Maxime insisted on intervening, then she would also end up in person.

It’s just that what Mrs. Foley said just now really applies to her?

If you know that Maxime is the headmaster of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and her students are about to be retaliated against. If she doesn’t care, how will she behave after she goes back?

For a while, the atmosphere on the scene became with swords drawn and bows bent again.


Dumbledore finally couldn’t stand it anymore. He suddenly separated Link from the Beauxbatons boy with a Dissendium and said, “This is the end, Link, come to my office, come alone!”

After speaking, Dumbledore snapped his fingers and quickly disappeared into the flames of Phoenix Fawkes.

Link didn’t hesitate too much. After comforting Emily and Mrs. Foley, and bidding farewell to Cedric and other friends, he stepped upstairs directly.

There was no silhouette of a beast stone statue at the door of the headmaster room on the eighth floor, and there was no ghost or stone armor blocking the road on the road. Link just stepped into the office like this.

“Sit down, Link.”

Dumbledore is fiddling with something with his back to Link, but while speaking, a soft chair automatically moves in front of Link.

Link sat down blankly, staring at Dumbledore, ready to see what the other party was going to say next.

This time his loss was very serious. Although Dumbledore could not be blamed entirely, he had to make up for it from Dumbledore.

He had even made up his mind, and for a while, no matter how much Dumbledore quibbles, he would kill Dumbledore’s fault in one bite.

What surprised Link was that Dumbledore didn’t talk to Link about the battle just now. Instead, he took out a medicine box that had just been sorted out and started to treat Link.

This will be a very painful process.

Link had anticipated this a long time ago.

After all, putting aside the treatment of visceral injuries, just re-interrupting and connecting the bones that are misaligned and healed is enough for Link to eat a pot.

But when Dumbledore’s treatment for him officially began, he was surprised to find that Dumbledore’s medical magic level was not inferior to Madam Pomfrey, and even worse than Madam Pomfrey.

The most important thing is that, compared to Madam Pomfrey’s tough pursuit of efficiency and wanting to use pain to warn students not to mess around next time, Dumbledore’s technique is simply too soft, and Link failed in the entire treatment process. Perceived too much pain.

Of course, Link even more suspected that the medicine used by Dumbledore was too precious.

After all, a general healer like Madam Pomfrey would not be willing to use a whole bottle of fresh Phoenix tears to smear Link.

“Well, the next internal injury will require you to slowly recover by resting. I guess you will have to lie down for more than half a month at least after you go back.”

Dumbledore got up and patted his hand.

hearing this Link clicked nodded. Although the dissatisfaction in my heart has faded a little because of Dumbledore’s meticulous treatment just now, he still calmly said with a dissatisfaction appearance:

“This time, you must give me an explanation.”

As soon as these words came out, the Conference Hall fell silent abruptly.

Even the grunt of the previous headmaster portraits on the wall disappeared.

After a long time, Dumbledore said with a bitter smile:

“You have seen the situation outside. I believe you should know what happened. Although I am a little sorry for you, I still want to say that Hogwarts is more important than you and Harry.”

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