
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Link clicked nodded, and there was not much surprise.

Because in his understanding Dumbledore is such a person.

It’s just understanding and understanding, Link won’t just let Dumbledore go.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, pulling out a slightly mocking arc and said:

“This is not like your style of doing things. I thought that if you encountered this situation, you would abandon Hogwarts without the slightest hesitation. After all, this is the one that brought Voldemort back to a dormant state or even directly sealed off. Great opportunity.”

Link As soon as the words came out, the old man with the black beard in a portrait on the wall couldn’t help laughing.

This also made Dumbledore’s expression extremely gloomy, and his eyes were complicated and said:

“Not that way.”

So if you really get to the point of being a last resort, you will really give up the entire Hogwarts, right?

This thought flashed in Link’s mind, and Link lost his smile in an instant.

Although he had expected it, he or for Dumbledore was shocked by his cold-blooded thinking.

Facing such Dumbledore, Link lost the interest in continuing to go around the corners, and said directly:

“I am very disappointed with this cooperation. If you want to continue to cooperate with me, you must give me enough compensation.”

Dumbledore obviously relaxed a lot after the topic returned to pure interest exchange. He sat back on the sofa chair opposite Link, and said while adding sugar cubes to the black tea:

“Yes, I am sorry for what happened this time. Come on, what do you want?”

Link leaned forward and said every word:

“Elder Wand!”

“No!” Dumbledore expression congeals, without the slightest hesitation, said, “Not only Elder Wand, I can’t give you the invisibility cloak and the Resurrection Stone, because the invisibility cloak has been given to Harry by me, and I have nothing to deal with. Right. And Resurrection Stone I have other uses.”

After a pause, Dumbledore added, “I should have told you that the legend of Deathly Hallows is false, it is just a trap!”

hearing this Link smiled and said:

“Is the dragon hunting Gold Coin because it wants to use the money? No, it just likes these shiny things that’s all. In the same way, I don’t know whether the legend of Deathly Hallows is true or not. Don’t care, I just want to collect them.”

Dumbledore obviously could not accept this statement, shaking his head and saying:

“I can’t meet this condition, but I can give you another thing.”

After that, Dumbledore pulled out a blank parchment, began to carve the magic text on it, and then raised the wand, with a strong finger.

The magical aura of Cham blue instantly illuminates the office.

Massive magic power was directly instilled on the parchment, and as the magic texts above began to light up one by one, an astonishing power was slowly taking shape on it, wrapped in a strong wind, raging in the office .

After a long time, Dumbledore put down the wand, brow beaded with sweat, gasping for breath rolled up the parchment and handed it to Link:

“This parchment is sealed with a vanishing spell that is formidable power equivalent to my full strength attack. The next time you encounter a strong enemy, you only need to tear it to release it.

It should be noted that the seal magic on this parchment will gradually weaken. If it is not used for a long time, the formidable power of the disappearance spell inside will decrease. According to my estimation, its shelf life should be about 3 years. “

My 屮! Isn’t this the spell scroll? !

Link in the heart screamed frantically.

At the same time, heartbeat speeds up and the hands holding the parchment start to tremble, and the pupils are slowly expanding.

Now there is a clear understanding of the effect that a wizard of the level of Link Dumbledore can cause under full attack.

To put it in a not very polite way, this thing is put in this world, including Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. At the level of the overwhelming majority wizard, almost everyone is killed, and it is still a spike.

Even if you encounter a legendary wizard like Voldemort and Dumbledore, Link will have the opportunity to counter-kill Danger Land with this parchment.

At least I won’t be as embarrassed as this time.

Then the problem will follow.

There is such a good thing, why didn’t Dumbledore take it out before.

Thinking about this, Link’s originally fiery and excited emotions quickly cooled, and the eyes looking towards Dumbledore and parchment also became cold.

“Link, don’t you think this kind of enchantment seal is easy to make, right?” Dumbledore gave a wry smile, and said weakly and hoarsely. “Tell you the truth, every time I make this parchment, I will I’m going to enter a period of weakness for a long time. I guess I can’t even beat you now. If I gave you this before, what can I take to fight?”

Link clicked nodded and accepted Dumbledore’s statement.

He actually had no reason to doubt Dumbledore, because in the middle of Dumbledore’s words, Link had already activated because of the Occlumency breakthrough limit, and even the lv5 supernatural curse.

Not only the consumption and side effects of the upgraded Super Sense Mantra has been greatly reduced, but the effect has also been greatly improved.

With its help, Link can clearly’see’ that the magic power level in Dumbledore’s body at this moment is really low to an egregious level, and even his physique has dropped slightly.

“Not bad compensation, this time it’s the original…”

Link carefully packed the parchment into the Extension Charm bag, and said blankly.

To be honest, he didn’t really think about what he should ask Dumbledore for this time. After all, there is no shortage of regular supplies for the Foley family.

As for the treasure of Deathly Hallows, Link knew that Dumbledore would never give it to him.

The reason why he proposed it earlier was only with the idea of ​​trying to mention lion’s big mouth and mentioning the price.

Fortunately, this “spell scroll” given by Dumbledore is also very powerful. Although the spell inside is a magic spell that sounds like formidable power, Link is also very satisfied.

Just before he could finish speaking, Dumbledore interrupted directly:

“Wait, I have other things for you.”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he stretched out a pendant in his robe about his left chest. He stared at it with a melancholy expression for a long time before placing it in front of Link.

“Take it, Link, this is my treasure, one day it will help you.”

hearing this Link frowned, looking down at the pendant carefully, his eyes revealed disgust.

This is a weird pendant that looks exactly like a slender screw penetrating a three-dimensional diamond shape. Most of the’screw’ part is made of pure silver, and complex patterns are formed on the three-dimensional diamond shape. Only a large golden ball is inlaid on the central part of the diamond, which looks unremarkable, and even because of Dumbledore’s long-term wear, its surface is covered with a layer of gray color, which is extremely burying.

Of course, the most important thing is that Link can perceive a little magic power from it, but the fluctuation of this magic power is too weak, and even any basic spell cannot be formed.

So Link really couldn’t understand what Dumbledore meant when he said this thing could help him.

But for Dumbledore’s face, Link still picked it up.

As soon as Link’s palm touched the pendant, Link’s expression changed abruptly.

[Golden skill point*1 has been obtained! ]

Without explaining the reason, and without any signs, a golden skill point was entered into the Link data panel.

Link:? ? ?

Link’s expression is weird.

He looked closely at the pendant again, but no matter how he looked at it, it was just an ordinary pendant.

After pursing his lips, Link cautiously put the pendant in his jacket pocket, but his attitude was very different from the previous one.

After all, this is something that has brought him a golden skill point, it must not be anything.

Inwardly, Link already somewhat believed what Dumbledore said.

And Dumbledore was also very pleased to see this, and ordered nodded seriously said:

“I hope you can keep it well.”

“I will .”

“Then I’m relieved.” Dumbledore clicked nodded and continued, “Then can you tell you what happened over there?”

Link changed to a more comfortable position and said:

“Actually, there is nothing to say, Voldemort arranged the Anti-Phantom Manifestation Curse in advance, and his troops are more than we expected.

Without you, Voldemort was successfully resurrected, causing heavy losses to my men and almost killing me.

Then comes the most critical point.

Just as the battle entered the white-hot stage, two skeleton Knights stepped into the air suddenly appeared, with no difficulty abducted Voldemort! “

“Knocked Voldemort away easily? If you want to do this, the magic power of these two people will never be weaker than Voldemort and me.” Dumbledore rubbed his temples and said, “The worst thing is that I am here. A mysterious wizard of the same level also appeared on the side. He dragged me here under the threat of Hogwarts.

And according to time speculation, the reason why Voldemort on your side was forcibly abducted is probably because the mysterious wizard on my side will soon be unable to hold on. “

“In that case, without excluding Voldemort from joining the mysterious force, that force should have at least three or four Legendary wizard battle strength.”

“Yes, it seems that our enemy is far stronger than we imagined.”

Dumbledore sighed, “Well, I’ll take care of this matter, just think about it long-term. The immediate priority is to deal with the gangsters in Hogwarts.”

“You mean Karkaroff?” Link said, “That guy has been killed by Voldemort.”

As a result of signing an ‘unbreakable oath’ with old Barty, Link concealed information about Barty Jr.

Dumbledore didn’t have the slightest doubt about this, and said slowly:

“This is indeed Tom’s style of doing things. It is a pity that Yi Igor has not understood this after having been with Tom for so long. However, I am not the only one I am talking about.”

“Oh? Do you have other discoveries?”

Link This is really a bit curious. Except for Karkaroff, he really didn’t find anyone with the inherent probability.

“It’s Ludo Bagman, our dear director of the magic Department of Magical Games and Sports.” Dumbledore announced the answer directly, “You may not quite clear, he performed extremely abnormally in the game commentary just now, from the beginning Since the end, we have hardly given Harry shots, and we have been procrastinating for time, which led to our failure to immediately discover that Harry was taken away.”

Link frowned.

He thought Dumbledore was a bit sloppy.

The above reasons simply cannot convict Bagman, and the other party can give countless reasons and excuses.

“Anyway, come with me first.”

Dumbledore smiled and got up and made an inviting gesture to Link.

Link responded and followed Dumbledore out.

Then under Link’s surprised gaze, Dumbledore took Link directly around the corridor and entered the responsive room.

The responsive room at this time has changed into Link’s familiar dungeon form. Dumbledore is standing in the gloomy dungeon corridor, looking at Link with a faint smile.

“Headmaster Dumbledore! Fu, Mr. Foley?! Why are you here?!”

Filch ran up with small steps, looked at the two with a surprised expression and said.

Dumbledore waved his hand:

“Filch, how is Bagman’s status?”

“It’s the same, Headmaster Dumbledore.” Filch rubbed his hands nervously. “He’s been crying out injustice all the time, as if he doesn’t get tired of what it is.”

“It doesn’t matter, he will speak up soon.”

Dumbledore said while taking out a bottle of potion from his arms.

Seeing this, Link was taken aback.

Because although the liquid in the medicine bottle is completely transparent, and there is no label on the bottle.

But Link, who has mastered the excellent potion foundation, still recognizes its identity-Veritaserum!

Link took a deep breath, looked up towards Dumbledore.

Link didn’t feel Dumbledore’s determination until this moment.

Be aware that Veritaserum is one of the regulatory potions that the International Magic Federation strictly prohibits from abusing.

Private use of Veritaserum without reporting, but will be arrested to Azkaban.

As a control potion, Veritaserum is also very effective-it allows the drinker to speak the truth unconditionally within a certain period of time, at the cost of turning from probability to idiot.

The existence of Dumbledore naturally feared the punishment brought by the illegal use of Veritaserum, but if it was later proved that Bagman was not Voldemort’s internal response, the fun would be great.

At least black writers like Rita Skeeter are expected to jump up happily.

They can happily discredit Dumbledore again, and the effect of this time will far exceed the sum of the previous results, a real blow to Dumbledore’s reputation!

“Do you have to use this radical method?” Link frowned, “Even though Bagman’s brain is protected, I still think Crucio may be a better solution than Veritaserum. If you can’t bear it , I can also do it for you.”

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