
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Link’s words on the surface sounded like worrying about Dumbledore or trying to share his worries for Dumbledore, but in fact he kind of be eager to have a try.

After all, the hidden gains in interrogating Bagman are too great.

If Bagman is really Voldemort and the others, then Link is likely to dig out some information about the mysterious force from him.

And if Bagman is innocent.

The person behind the pot is also Dumbledore, and has nothing to do with Link.

“Crucio? That’s Unforgivable Curse!”

Dumbledore hearing this but the complexity greatly changed, and his voice became hurried and stern, “I remember I warned you to let you use dark magic less, especially Unforgivable Curse! But now you seem to treat this as something wrong. Your first choice? You know, you are special! Dark magic, especially the three Unforgivable Curse is poison to you!”

Link frowned, Dumbledore is not Mrs. Foley such a highly ranked person in his heart. Suddenly he was so shocked, Link instinctively retorted:

“I know the condition of my body. In my current state, the three dark magics of Unforgivable Curse can be used as regular magic!”

Link did not lie.

After the Occlumency curse rose to LV6, his heart wall and spirit strength have increased tremendously. This knows that the negative effects caused by his use of dark magic have been suppressed to a very low level, which can almost be ignored .

And hearing this Dumbledore’s mouth opened and closed quickly, as if he wanted to continue to say something, but finally realized that he could not convince Link at all, and took a few deep silent breaths before finally slowing down The tone said sincerely:

“There have been countless people who thought that they could become the master of dark magic, instead of being enslaved by dark magic. But as a result, you have also seen that people who can really do this Very few.

I don’t expect you to give up dark magic completely, but your future is bright. I don’t want this future to be stained by trifling dark magic. “

Dumbledore said that he would not give Link a chance to speak at all, then turned to Filch and said:

“Argus, the matter of Link’s Unforgivable Curse must be kept secret, this matters a lot!”

“Of course! Headmaster Dumbledore! I know!”

Filch was agitated by Dumbledore’s power, sweating on his forehead, nodded repeatedly.

But in fact, even if Dumbledore didn’t say that he would keep Link secret, after all, his friendship with Link was far beyond Dumbledore’s imagination.

And when Link saw that Dumbledore also sealed his mouth, his dissatisfaction was slightly lessened.

As if nothing happened, the two went silent all the way to the door of the innermost cell.

Inside the cell, Bagman was still moaning and moaning vaguely, such as ‘I’m wronged’, ‘Dumbledore, please…’ etc.

Today’s Bagman looks quite embarrassed compared to the previous glamour.

His dress that sold for 1000gold Galleon was covered with dust and stains, and his whole person collapsed on the ground, allowing the sewage in the dungeon to half-soak his cheeks.

But after seeing Link and Dumbledore, his malaise instantly became agitated.

I saw him scrambling to the door of the cell, holding the iron railing with both hands, eyes wide, and sobbing:

“Let me out! Please! Dumbledore! I just wanted to increase the ratings to keep the camera locked on Link, you know, everyone loves Link… Ah! Link you are here too ! You should know that? Everyone likes you, I just gave everyone what they wanted…”

Hearing Bagman mentioning his name, Link frowned and covered his nose, shaking his head and stepping back.

Now he started to understand a little bit why Dumbledore would be willing to take such a big risk to use Veritaserum for Bagman.

According to his current performance, Bagman has not received any anti-interrogation training at all, and his ability to hide emotions is almost zero.

The smell of fear that spread from him is so strong that it is pungent, which in itself is a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

People who have no ghosts in their hearts are not afraid to be like this.

Dumbledore stepped forward with a complex expression:

“Ludo, my old friend, hurry up and tell all the things you have hidden, this is the last chance I can give you.”

“Dumbledore, what are you talking about? I didn’t hide anything from you…Ah!”

Bagman screamed—he saw that Dumbledore had pulled out the Veritaserum. Although he didn’t know what the potion was in the bottle, it didn’t prevent him from fearing it.

He screamed and fell to the ground, and quickly crawled backwards all the way, until his back stuck to the wall, he realized that there was no way to escape, so he forced himself out A faint smile, stammered:

“You, you can’t do this, Dumbledore, we are friends! Yes, old friend! We met when I was at the Beater in Wimbourne Wasps, and I gave you an autograph and a live ticket back then! “

Hearing this Dumbledore’s expression also brought a trace of remembrance and pain, but this trace of emotion had no effect at all, he still pushed open the cell door and walked in.

“It’s a pity, Ludo, I have to do this for those innocent lives.”

While talking, Dumbledore poured Veritaserum into Bagman’s mouth.

Bagman didn’t want to resist, but his still barely strong body was controlled by Dumbledore’s magic power at the moment, and he even made some moves to cooperate with the medicine.


The empty medicine bottle fell to the ground, and Bagman started to twitch and foamed at the mouth-this was the only resistance he could make under the Dumbledore magic power.

But this did not make the Veritaserum he drank re-spit out. After 5 points, Bagman’s resistance began to weaken, and his expression slowly became sluggish.

Dumbledore withdrew control of Bagman, stretched out his hand and snapped two fingers in front of him, and asked after seeing no response:

“What is your name?”

“Lu, Ludo Bagman.”





Dumbledore obviously also knows some knowledge of interrogation. After passing a series of test questions, he seems to confirm that the Veritaserum in Bagman’s body has completely taken effect. After clicking nodded on Link, he continued to ask:

“Are you Voldemort’s inner respondent placed in Hogwarts?”

This time, Bagman did not answer the question immediately as before, but was silent for a long time.

During this period of silence, Dumbledore and Link’s heartbeats both accelerated to varying degrees, but after this long silence, Bagman was simply replied:

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t know?”

Dumbledore eyes slightly narrowed, and repeated it again.

He somewhat doubted whether Veritaserum hadn’t taken effect yet. Otherwise, why would Bagman answer such a third answer of yes or no?

Just when he was hesitant to repeat the test, Link also stepped into the cell and said to Bagman one word at a time:

“Why did Harry become the fourth champion?”

As soon as Dumbledore’s eyebrows were picked up again, it was obvious that he also understood the error in his question just now. Compared with the general question, the meticulousness that Link is asking now. The question is obviously easy to answer.

And it is true, Bagman hearing this hardly any hesitation and said:

“You already know this, don’t you? Because I applied the Confundus Charm to Goblet of Fire, which mistakenly assumed that there were four schools in this competition, and set Harry as the fourth school. The only applicant, so he can naturally become a champion. Honestly speaking, it is not difficult for me. After all, I am a member of the organizing committee of the tournament. As early as the Goblet of Fire, I was just transported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I had done all this work when Magic was in.”

While speaking, Bagman looked a little triumphant, Link and Dumbledore looked at each other before continuing to ask:

“Who instructed you to do all this?”


“Who is that?”

“A bastard, demon, shit…”

Bagman’s expression suddenly became ugly, and he began to swear continuously, and various swear words were mixed with all kinds of meaningless sentences, as if he was completely stupid.

Link and Dumbledore quickly changed the subject. After more than an hour of roundabout questioning, the two finally figured out the relationship between Bagman and this Oples.

It turned out that Bagman was involved in the gambling industry when he was at the Beater in Wimbourne Wasps, initially accepting employment and fighting counterfeit matches.

After he retired, he relied on his previous relationships in the sports industry to expand his business scope, and he became a middle-level organizer from the beginning as a hitter.

And after relying on these activities to accumulate some experience and prestige, he was elected as the director of the magic Department of Magical Games and Sports by the industry tycoon because of his identity as Zheng Miaohong, and officially became the entire sports betting. The industry’s puppet umbrella, he himself began to use this identity to independently undertake small and medium-sized gambling.

According to the normal development logic, Bagman’s ultimate destination will either be ‘President Ba’ or ‘Ba Mou’.

But then something strange happened.

Like most pure-blood wizards, Bagman’s mastery of mathematics is not as good as that of muggle junior high school students. In daily life, even shop consumption change is often mistaken (there are also Goblins who deliberately misuse the currency. The exchange ratio is complicated).

Such a guy simply doesn’t understand how to set the odds.

However, he did not know himself and was unwilling to pay a large share to hire Goblin to settle the accounts.

As a result, the handicap held by Bagman miraculously lost money. In the end, it not only took in all the wealth that Bagman had accumulated in the past, but also caused Bagman to owe a large amount of loan sharks.

This debt grew bigger and bigger, and finally reached an astronomical figure that Bagman could not afford to pay for in his entire life.

This made Bagman feel terrified.

Unlike the weird phenomenon that in the muggle society, “the one who owes money is the uncle” and “I owe a hundred million yuan, I am the father of the bank”, the attitude of wizards towards those who owe large loans is very different. Unified, sent to Azkaban.

The loan shark’shadow bank’ will directly choose to send such people to hell.

Although this will lead to a lot of bad debts, everyone in the industry is resolutely implementing this tradition.

The reason is to maintain deterrence and encourage those who owe loans to repay more actively.

Bagman is obviously about to be dealt with in this way.

But at this moment of crisis, Oples appeared.

He began to send Gold Galleon to Bagman on the grounds of allowing Bagman to use his power to help some small favors. At first, these tasks were nothing more than small things that Bagman could easily do, but later, Oples pointed out Let Bagman intervene in the Triwizard Tournament.

Bagman is not a fool, he knows that the risk of such a major event is almost unimaginable for him.

But at this time he can no longer look back.

Oples had already mastered a lot of evidence and IOU contracts, so he could only follow Oples’ orders and let Harry become the fourth champion first.

Afterwards, he kept revealing information to Harry and Link and following strategies so that they could reach the finals smoothly.

And Oples’ last instruction to Bagman was to lock the camera firmly on Link, and it must not be transferred to Harry.

“Then who is this Oples? Did you find out anything during your cooperation with him?”

Dumbledore couldn’t wait to ask after hearing Bagman’s account.

This is the most important purpose of their interrogation of Bagman this time. The people behind Bagman are used to track down the mysterious force.

hearing this Bagman was pale, his face twitched and said:

“Obles is a businessman. He specializes in the smuggling business between the muggle world and the wizard world, even if he sells various potions and props of the wizard world to muggle, and then collects resources from muggle to sell to the wizard.

This is the information I found out by hiring a certain Auror who likes to do private work. It’s a pity that Auror didn’t find out how Oples was realized, otherwise I would also participate in this kind of big business. “

When these words came out, Dumbledore and Harry had strange expressions.

This Oples is obviously a vest of the mysterious force, and its merchant status also explains to a certain extent part of the source of funds for the mysterious force.

But the question is, how could an organization that has a close relationship with Voldemort cooperate with muggle world in smuggling?

This is simply a fantasy story!

But this is not a big problem, anyway, the name Oples has been unearthed, I believe that as long as the follow-up goes all the way, you will definitely gain something.

Thinking of this, Link clicked nodded, without much hope, just politely asked:

“Mr. Bagman, do you have anything else to say?”

“Oh, of course.” Bagman looked up and said with a dull face, “I suddenly remembered. Among the gold Galleons that Oples gave me, I have found many Gold Galleons with House of Black marks. Coin.”

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