
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“What did you say?”

Dumbledore hearing this suddenly screamed, looking extremely shocked.

And after Bagman Yiyan really repeated it again, Dumbledore’s face changed completely.

He dumped the wand and Bagman was bound again. At the same time, he took Link and walked out of the cell and said solemnly:

“Link, you should go back to Madam Pomfrey and take a rest. I will send someone to investigate about that Reples.”

“I will continue to follow up on Rebles’ side,” Link frowned. “What makes me more concerned is, what is it that makes you lose self-control like this?”

Dumbledore obviously didn’t want to answer this question. He shook the head, only to repeat it again and let Link go back to rest and quickly left the responsive room.

This makes Link seem a little unfathomable mystery.

Just some gold Galleons with House of Black logo.

This act of applying an exclusive magic mark on the Gold Galleon not only prevents theft, but also has the effect of revealing your identity in front of the knowledgeable and taking the opportunity to pretend to be forced. Therefore, this technology is used by almost every large wizard family, and This behavior was approved and reported by Gringotts.

The reason why Dumbledore is so excited, is it because he thinks Sirius · Black has something to do with that mysterious force?

This idea flashed in Link’s mind, but he threw it out immediately.

After all, this is impossible anyway.

Sirius · Black unless it is controlled by Imperius Curse, otherwise he would be impossible to betray Dumbledore from any aspect, more appropriately, it was impossible to betray Harry.

The most important thing is that the House of Black was completely semi-extinct after the death of Sirius mother. All influence came with the smell of blood like a shark, and it was separated from the House of Black. Part of the benefit.

Therefore, it is normal for a part of ‘Black gold Galleon’ to be in circulation on the market.

Link’s eyebrows got deeper and deeper, perhaps because of a lack of key information. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t figure out what Dumbledore wanted to do.

But at this moment, Filch leaned over and whispered:


“en? What’s wrong?”

See Link’s reply, Filch is obviously relaxed.

But then he put on a serious appearance and said:

“I just heard them say that you are badly injured! So now you better go to Madam Pomfrey for retreat as Dumbledore said.”

“Oh! Thank you.” Link said with a faint smile, he could feel Filch’s sincerity, “but I think my situation is not so serious yet. I can take a rest for a while. As for now, I have some questions I want to ask Mr. Bagman again, can I?”

hearing this Filch shook the head, then smiled and pointed to the dungeon entrance behind Link:

“I knew you would not listen to me. Fortunately, I invited foreign aid.”

Link shook his head in confusion, turned around and saw that Emily had appeared in the responsive room at some point, and was walking towards Link with a cold expression.

“Uh, Emily, I…”

Link looked a little at a loss, and before he could finish explaining, Emily had already supported him, cautiously, but she held him to the exit with a strong attitude.

As she walked, she forced a smile to thank Filch.

The two slowly walked out of the responsive room, and Link discovered that the originally empty hallway on the eighth floor had been surrounded by Hufflepuffs such as Mrs. Foley and Cedric at this moment.

Seeing Link appeared, the crowd burst into loud cheers, and then slowly quieted down under Cedric’s dissuasion and Emily’s cold eyes.

But people’s enthusiasm has not retreated, and all the eyes looking towards Link are full of light.

Link’s performance in the Triwizard Tournament is obvious to all. He not only won the championship with a tyrannical attitude, but also withstood the attack of the dark wizards and rescued Harry Potter and Snape.

This is simply a hero!

“Thank you for your concern, I don’t actually have many major events, you don’t need to…”

Link smiled and greeted everyone, but he got stuck in the middle of the conversation, because Emily’s hand holding his arm became stronger and stronger.

At the moment, Mrs. Foley also smiled and walked over, touching the back of Link’s head with satisfaction and said:

“Okay, child, don’t talk about it now, let’s go to Madam Pomfrey first, she has been waiting for you for a long time.”

As soon as this remark came out, Cedric and the others around him also reacted instantly, you said and I began to persuade Link.

Surrounded by them, Link was almost semi-forced and taken to the ward bed in the school infirmary that Link had prepared for a long time.

Seeing that Madam Pomfrey was so busy feeding herself medicine, massaging, and cursing…Finally, she helped to cover the quilt like taking care of a little child, Link’s eyes were full of helpless.

He knows his situation very well. Although the internal organs are a bit bad, they are definitely not so bad that they need to be treated like this.

After all, his potion made according to the out-of-print formula and the super-spec grade medicine ingredient is really effective.

What made Link even more speechless was that after hearing that he returned to the infirmary for follow-up treatment, more people came to visit him deliberately.

While Madam Pomfrey was too busy to take care of the gap, they almost filled Link’s entire ward.

Fortunately, they all knew what this place was, and they maintained restraint and did not make much movement.

Under the helpless, Link could only deal with them continuously, but at this time, there was a commotion in the crowd.

A smart middle-aged man squeezed through the crowd with three little ones and came to Link’s bedside.


Looking at the weak and pale face in the middle of the team, Link let out an exclamation, “Are you awake?”

“Yes, Madam Pomfrey’s medical skills are really superb. And to be honest, I basically didn’t suffer any injuries.” Harry smiled wryly and ordered nodded to Link, and then said a little excitedly, “I was deliberately Thank you for coming. Also, regarding the events in the game just now, I think we have to—ah!”

Harry was stabbed by Hermione fiercely, and the words came to an abrupt end.

Link Only then did I notice that Hermione’s look at the moment was really embarrassing.

Her smooth and supple hair that could have been taken care of was now messy than usual, her face was extremely swollen, her eye circles were also red, and she had obviously cried.

Compared with Harry, her way of expressing gratitude is obviously more direct.

I saw that she completely ignored Emily’s angry eyes on the side, and leaned over to hug Link.

“Thank you, thank you for bringing Harry back!”

She stuck to Link’s ear and whispered.

Link’s desire to survive is naturally full. He hugged Hermione imaginarily, with no substantial contact between his hands. He shook his head and said:

“You are welcome, as easy as lifting one’s hand.”

Hermione thought that Link was just greeted and humble, and choked even harder.

But only Link knows that saving Harry is really just as easy as lifting one’s hand for him.

After all, Voldemort’s main target was actually him, not Harry.

Then, Ron and even Sirius·Black, who had a very bad impression of Link, came forward to thank Link in turn.

The former’s performance is similar to other Hufflepuff fanatics. As for the latter, Link feels embarrassed by the twisted look.

At this time Madam Pomfrey finally came.

She saw the crowd of people crowded in the Link ward, her angry hair was about to stand up, angrily roared:

“The patient needs to rest! Unrelated personnel get out of me! Immediately! Immediately!”

While talking, she was still waving wand.

Suddenly the ward became turbulent and everyone was expelled by Madam Pomfrey. Even Sirius, who had graduated for many years, was slammed on the head by Madam Pomfrey. The reason was, A little child is ignorant’.

Link is very attractive spectacle for this.

As for Emily and Mrs. Foley, it is clear that Madam Pomfrey does not think they are ‘irrelevant persons’.

When the whole ward became quiet again, Link asked as if he had suddenly remembered something:

“How is Professor Snape? He is in a similar condition to Harry, and should he wake up now?”

“Professor Snape really woke up, and Madam Pomfrey said that his injury was not too serious, it could even be said to be very minor, but…”

Emily couldn’t talk anymore, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

She felt that Snape didn’t have anything to say but didn’t come to see Link. It was a bit unreasonable, especially when many people had seen Link before.

And Mrs. Foley hearing this is hiding her mouth and snickering next to her.

Link’s smiling Mrs. Beverly is even more exaggerated.

He knew Snape too well.

For him, not only did he fail to save Link and Harry tonight, but he was also saved by Link tonight is a shame.

Now Snape is probably hiding in the corner alone, biting his hand in shame, right?

Imagining such a scene, Link smiled even harder.

With a ridiculous smile, his eyes suddenly ran into Emily’s slightly resentful eyes.

The malicious laughter stopped abruptly, Link propped up, smiled and opened his arms to Emily.

This scene made Emily somewhat absent-minded, but soon her eyes were red again, and her body fell into Link’s arms.

Link naturally embraced Emily this time, and feeling the soft body of the young girl in his arms that was constantly trembling, he also said with emotion in his heart:

“Sorry, I worried you.”

Emily didn’t reply, but the arm that was holding Link was harder.

Only in this way can the remaining fear in her heart be relieved.

Mrs. Foley on the side saw this scene and her eyes were flushed, her eyes filled with relief.

But she also obviously knew that she was not suitable to stay in such a scene.

So she silently made a gesture of “Take care of Emily” to Link, and after getting a positive answer, she cautiously withdrew from the ward.


Mrs. Foley, who left the ward, took a deep breath, and then quickly moved towards the hall.

Although she still can’t let go of Link, she has other things to deal with and must leave Hogwarts as soon as possible.

In the narrow corridor, only a few scattered torches provided light, and those dim light shone on Mrs. Foley’s expressionless face, which actually reflected a bit of gloomy and anger.

The two figures of the old German wizard and old Klie, one tall and one short, have not known when Silencio followed Mrs. Foley.

Mrs. Foley did not even turn her head, and said in a cold voice:

“I am very disappointed in you.”

Old Kled knew this was talking to him, and the shrugged boy didn’t care:

“But overall the result is still good, isn’t it?”

“Do you know how many injuries he suffered?” Mrs. Foley kept walking, but the volume suddenly increased, “You almost killed him!”

“He has grown up now, he is no longer the boy who needed to hide behind you! For real men, scar is their best army medal!” Old Kled looked terrified and stretched out his hand Pointing to his ferocious grim eye and said, “Besides, now the real master of the Foley family has never been you, but Link! You have no right to make any accusations for my actions!”


A sneer with a strong sarcasm suddenly came out of the tall German old wizard next to him, which seemed to completely anger the old Klie, he drew out a handful of black and matte short blade, towards the German The old wizard made two gestures:

“If you dare to make that disgusting laughter, I will cut your throat! Also please remember that the little Link’s surname is Foley!”

The tall German old wizard was obviously afraid of old Klie, and did not continue to laugh, but coldly said:

“So what? We can give him more things.”

hearing this Old Klie’s mouth rose up, revealing his mouth full of fangs, and said with a terrifying threat:

“You can try.”

“We will.”

“I wait and see.”

A brief language confrontation stopped, and Mrs. Foley did not say a word in the second half.

She neither continued to blame Old Kled for jumping Link into the Fire Pit, nor did she praise the tragic sacrifice of the old German wizards.

She just looked at the old Kled and the tall German old wizard so quietly.

Those eyes are like looking at two wild dogs barking at each other!


At the same time, another quarrel was still going on in a huge Conference Hall with gloomy light and gloomy atmosphere.

Voldemort, wearing a dark green silk robe, has now regained his freedom.

He was pacing back and forth in the clearing with a fierce expression, and then suddenly came forward as if he could no longer bear it, and flung a solid wood chair fiercely out.

“Just a little bit! Damn it just a little bit I made it!”

His hoarse and cold voice resounded throughout the Conference Hall.

The solid wood chair that was thrown out was hit by a green glow in the air, and the rays of light were directly transformed into nothingness.

“Ha! Incompetent furious!”

At the southeast corner of the long conference table, a mysterious wizard hiding under a black robe sneered.

While speaking, he breathed a sigh at the wand in his hand.

Obviously, the life-requesting curse came from him just now.

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