
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Do you have the ability to say it again?!”

Voldemort was furious, and when he raised his hand, a life-killing curse hit the black robed man.

Faced with such an attack, the black robed man still behaved very indifferently, even a little disdainful.

Not only did he not fight back, he even put his legs on the table, looking like a fool.

But just as the ominous green light was about to hit him, another shining green beam came from the side and fiercely slammed into it.

The two green glows were entangled in this way. Amid the slight explosion of a crackle, large swaths of green plasma spilled from the intersection of the beams, burning large swaths of scorched black on the tabletop.

The rays of light gradually dissipated, and the huge Conference Hall returned to calm, leaving only a strong burnt smell permeating the air.

Another black robed man helpless opened the mouth and said :

“Stop this meaningless fight, otherwise it will only be our enemy who will benefit in the end.”

He looked towards the ridiculous black robed man, “No. 2, you don’t want to provoke anymore. To be honest, this is naive.”


The black robed man, known as No. 2, was coldly snorted with disdain, but after all he did not continue to refute.

Upon seeing the black robed man on the first place, he clicked nodded with satisfaction, turned his head and looked towards Voldemort and said:

“According to our previous agreement, haven’t we already given you the opportunity and help to become the subject of the plan? It’s just that you didn’t grasp it. I don’t think you have any complaints.”

“Huh?! Help? No. 1, if it wasn’t for the manpower you sent to deliberately cheat me, or if you took me away at the last minute, I would have succeeded!”

Voldemort put his hands on the conference table roar, his fierce anger almost turned into a substantial flame, burning in his eyes.

The black robed man hearing this called No. 1 on the first person was a little confused, turned his head and looked towards Darkness Dao on his left:

“No. 3, is this really the case?”

In the darkness, a silhouette shrouded in shadow slowly emerged. He looked towards No. 1, shook his head slowly, and then clicked nodded.

Faced with this unclear expression, No. 1 clicked nodded as if it were clear:

“It turned out to be like this.”

He looked towards Voldemort, “No. 3 means that he did not interfere too much with your behavior, just moved some small hands and feet within the allowable range. Your failure is the main reason It’s still yourself.”

“What a high-sounding word!” Voldemort said, waving his arms. “I can see it through. You are just a bunch of hypocrites in gorgeous robes! You are even more disgusting than Dumbledore! Cooperate with you, It’s all looking for a tiger’s skin!”

“But you still can’t do without our help, can you?”

Number 1 smiled and said slowly.

And hearing this Voldemort also fell silent.

Because No. 1 is right, even though the opponent is insidious and cunning and has bad intentions, the resources in his hands are so huge that he is absolutely impossible to ignore.

The most important thing is that they should be a group by nature!

As if seeing through Voldemort’s thoughts, No.1 slowly got up and swung a few daggers with a short dagger. This said with a smile:

“In short, let us continue to work hard according to the original plan. I believe we must be successful this time.”

He plunged the dagger fiercely into the conference table and uttered a shiver, then the front of the conversation turned, “In addition, we are allowed to compete with each other on a equal footing. If any of you feel that you are more suitable than me to be If you’re a’main body’, just try it!

The meeting is over! “

After that, the figure of No. 1 was instantly distorted and disappeared, and the rest of No. 2 and No. 3 also gradually disappeared into the darkness.

In gloomy’s wide Conference Hall, Voldemort was the only one standing there and grinning, not knowing what he was thinking.


Hogwarts infirmary.

Link is tiptoing towards the exit.

Almost a week has passed since the night of the Triwizard Tournament.

During this week, the report about “Hogwarts Triwizard Tournament Encountered by Dark Wizard Mass Attack” was not unexpectedly featured in large and small newspapers such as Daily Prophet.

The consequence of this is that public opinion broke out directly after a short period of brewing.

Now the outside world has completely boiled.

The dense bright red howler everyday all from all over the country and across Europe is almost flooding the entire headmaster office.

Ministry of Magic was also implicated.

Fudge, both shocked and angry, immediately ordered the blockade of Hogwarts after initially understanding the matter, and turned his head to deal with the voters first.

And this blockade directly caused the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students who were supposed to return home after the Triwizard Tournament to be trapped in Hogwarts.

In such a chaotic situation, the Link side in the ward is the quietest place.

Link received Madam Pomfrey’s treatment every day, and Emily almost followed him closely and took care of him on the other hand. From time to time, she could find out some interesting news outside and happily eat melons.

However, Emily’s round-the-clock personal escort still caused some problems for Link.

For example, even though Link’s body has recovered to a fairly stable level, Emily still does not allow him to run around.

This directly led to Link’s loss of freedom, and there was no way to make the first stage layout.

Fortunately, people have limits.

Even people like Emily who have an unlimited supply of refreshing potion.

In this bright sun and a gentle breeze afternoon, Link finally found the opportunity for Emily to fall asleep when she was tired, and sneaked out of the ward quietly.


Link, who officially came to the corridor, was long and relaxed, but his expression was still tight.

This time the time given to him is not too much, he must go back before Emily wakes up, otherwise Emily will cry when she knows-and coaxing her is a particularly troublesome thing!

After imagining the consequences, Link did not hesitate at all, immediately drank a bottle of phantom potion and turned into a phantom moved towards the owl tower and ran away.

After sending two secret letters instructing Old Klie to search for Horcrux and investigate the muggle wizard smuggling case, Link turned around again and went directly to the Potions’ Professor’s office.

“Qua Chi——”

With the opening of the heavy stone gate, Snape, who was sitting at the workbench in the office cooking potion, was surprised, and directly picked up the wand and pointed to Link.

Link didn’t care about it. He wand shut the door again at random, and then opened Snape’s cabinet as if he were back home, and made himself a glass of citrus strawberry juice. Snape of gloomy said:

“You are so cruel! You haven’t even seen me for so many days! Professor Snape!”

Link has habitually lengthened the last ‘Professor Snape’ tone.

This made the muscles on Snape’s face twitch a few times, because it was originally his habit.

However, Snape didn’t feel that this prolonged ridicule was used by Link to be malicious. It was more like a joke between their master and disciple, although it was a bit bad.

If Link dared to make such jokes to him in the past, he would definitely hang Link up and beat him, but now he doesn’t plan to do so.

Because at least Link’s opening method eased his shame and embarrassment a lot.

He even wondered if Link did this deliberately to make him feel less uncomfortable.

It’s a pity that his thoughts quickly dissipated, because when Link saw that he hadn’t spoken for a long time, then he frowned and said:

“With such a big incident, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

What did you say?

What else can you say?

Snape clenched his fists, and his teeth creaked.

The shame and embarrassment that had faded back into flames, scorching his chest.

He felt that Link was still angry at his weakness and desperation that night.

Snape wanted to refute it, but that was the truth.

“Yes, I’m sorry…”

In the silence, Snape suddenly lowered his head and said in a voice that was no more than a mosquito at worst.

Link stared wide-eyed surprised.

He never thought that someone as proud as Snape would apologize to him.

He punched hard on the workbench and said:

“Sorry? Is this what you want to tell me?”

“Then what else do you want me to say?”

Snape got angry too, got up and flew the boiling Cauldron directly.

“I don’t have much time, so I don’t have time to go around with you. Rather than apologize, what I want to talk to you about is the future!” Link spread out his hand and said blankly, “That can’t even be named. The person in question has returned, and from the situation that night, it seems that he does not want to kill you, but wants you to serve him again.

I said, would you really go back to be a Death Eater, right?

Or betray him completely, go to Dumbledore and let him protect you?

Or, pretending to return to Death Eater, but actually submitting to Dumbledore and being a double agent who is not human inside and out? “

Every time Link said an option, Snape’s face turned pale by 1 point.

And when he said the word double agent, Snape’s forehead even started to sweat.

Upon seeing this, Link changed his tone and said:

“Give up, Professor Snape, the three ways I just mentioned are all dead ends for you. Whether it’s the person who can’t even say the name, or Dumbledore, they just treat you as a piece Tool, a tool that is easy to use and can be discarded at any time. Cooperate with them and you are dead!”

Snape was angrily laughed: “Then what do you say I should do? Do you mean to run away now? Or do you surrender to you? Become your subordinate?”

“Yes! Just come to me!” Link closed Occlumency and said sincerely, “Because at least I don’t want you to die, I am also the only one who sincerely hopes you can live!” [ 19459002]

Feeling Link’s sincere emotion, Snape was stunned.

The flame of anger and shame in his heart gradually extinguished, and finally transformed into a kind of sad relief.

He shook the head with a wry smile:

“You don’t understand.”

“Ah! I really don’t understand your super dog licking idea!” Link raised his eyebrows and smiled, then glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner and said, “Well, I don’t have much time. Let’s get here today. In fact, I didn’t want to convince you directly, I just want you to understand that, apart from the person who can’t even say the name and Dumbledore, you can still choose me. And I won’t hurt you. Of!”

After that, Link didn’t take care of Snape anymore, and left the office directly and ran towards the infirmary.

His mood was not very good along the way.

Snape has a very important place in Link’s heart.

After several years of getting along, Link absolutely can’t sit back and watch him become a sad ‘hero’ just like in original work.

Unfortunately, judging from the results of today’s persuasion, Snape is far more stubborn than Link imagined.

There was no way to change Snape’s mind just by just talking about it.

But this is also normal, as long as Snape can accept persuasion, it won’t be the same as in original work.

Fortunately, there is still time. Link feels that he can continue to cooperate with Dumbledore and develop his own strength to fight Voldemort.

He believed that as long as the strength between himself and the Foley family developed to a certain level, it would not be impossible to forcibly change Snape’s fate.

As for Snape’s own wishes, it wouldn’t matter at that time.

To paraphrase a famous saying in the past life, the magic change is:

‘I save you, it has nothing to do with you. ’

Of course, in order to prevent Snape from desperate enough to take some extreme measures, Harry had to deal with it.

Quick thinking, Link has returned to the infirmary.

And just when he was about to open the door to enter the ward, the wooden door was opened from the inside, and Link almost ran into the person inside.


Link shouted as he looked at the bewildered person.

“Huh? Link? Is that you?”

Harry obviously hadn’t reacted yet, and said tentatively to Link who was still in a phantom state.

“Yes, it’s me.” Link withdrew from the phantom state, cautiously looked into the ward and said, “I can’t help it, so I went outside for a stroll. By the way, Emily didn’t wake up? “

Harry suddenly realized it, assuming a look of understanding, and deliberately lowered his voice:

“Still asleep, I came here specifically to find you, and I left when I saw you weren’t there.”

hearing this Link relaxed, but seeing Harry’s brows quickly frowned.

Because they are also recovering from injuries, Harry is one of the few people who can come to the Link Ward except Emily.

But neither Link nor Emily welcomed him very much.

The reason is that Harry is really over-blooded and he is full of brains to deal with Voldemort, and Link, as a’friend’ who has’experienced life and death’ with him and possesses super strength, naturally becomes Because of the allies he tried to persuade, he pestered Link every day to persuade him.

Sure enough, after a short pause, Harry spoke again:

“Link, my scar has been hurting for the past two days, we really can’t just wait and die anymore!”

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