
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Outside the ward, Harry was still talking endlessly.

He was so enthusiastic that he said that for more than half an hour, but he still didn’t mean to stop at all.

But Link has already wandered away.

Harry is actually a very sensitive, irritable, opinionated and even radical teenager.

These characteristics have been manifested countless times in their daily life.

Just like at Desri’s house.

On the surface, Harry was only a promise, but in fact he would dig out a few holes from time to time to make a wave of his cousin or uncle, and the effect was remarkable.

After enrolling in Hogwarts, his terrible characters have put him in a dangerous situation countless times under the premise of clearly better and safer handling methods.

This is the most unbearable thing in Link’s previous life reading.

He had complained countless times that Harry would have died eight hundred times if he hadn’t been the protagonist.

And the thing that best reflected Harry’s stubbornness and extremeness was undoubtedly his getting along with Snape.

Snape has shown his protection of Harry countless times in the original work.

For example, in the third part, Snape tracked and protected Harry trio who swam to Shrieking Shack overnight, or faced the werewolfized Lupin, even if he had lost wand Snape still instinctively protected trio behind him.

Almost every professor in Hogwarts, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Hagrid, Flitwick…, they have also told Harry countless times that Snape is trustworthy.

In the middle and late stages, even Hermione, who was also full of resentment towards Snape, noticed Snape’s abnormality and changed his attitude towards Snape.

But what about Harry?

He turned a blind eye to all.

He hated Snape stubbornly, and even hesitated to initiate his own associations, and he made countless black pots to buckle Snape.

But even though Harry had so many shortcomings, the other advantage he possessed was enough to cover up all the previous shortcomings.

That is-kindness.

This is actually the result of special training by Dumbledore.

Dumbledore’s educational philosophy and system were finally refined and perfected after Voldemort’s failure, and successfully cultivated Harry, a teenager who was supposed to be a bad person, into a kind person.

It is precisely because of this kindness that Harry gradually walked out of hatred and extreme.

So that at the end of the original work he changed his view of Snape, reached a settlement with Draco, and stopped hating the Desri family by the way.

The thoughts of such a young man at the moment Link couldn’t be more clear.

The kindness in his heart prevented him from turning a blind eye to Voldemort’s rebirth, but the extreme and stubbornness in his character made his behavior seem particularly stupid and reckless.

In the face of such a young man, Link felt that he could never ridicule and despise like Snape.

It is also impossible to teach him aloof and remote from the perspective of a superior like Dumbledore, so that he should not do stupid things.

Facts have proven that the above two ways of coping will only make Harry more extreme, and thus achieve the opposite effect.

Thinking about this, Link directly raised his hand and interrupted Harry who was talking about his point of view:

“Harry, in fact, regarding the fight against Voldemort, I have been thinking about it the past few days, and I have also figured out some ideas.”

“What is it?”

Harry asked eagerly, and hearing this Link said with a smile:

“A great man once said that the ultimate law of struggle is to unite the majority against the very few, which I deeply agree with. Now that we want to resist Voldemort, all we need to do is to unite all of us. People who can unite.

This is not an easy task. People’s fear of Voldemort is deeply rooted in their souls. As long as they hear the news of Voldemort’s return, everyone’s first reaction is not to acknowledge allegiance but to run away. So at this point, I need your help. “

“Me? Can I really help you? This kind of thing…”

Harry’s face also showed a tangled expression of expectation and unconfidence.

But there is no doubt that Harry’s emotions have been stirred.

Link smiled happily and continued:

“Don’t undervalue oneself, Harry. You are the one who defeated Voldemort more than ten years ago. Although we all know how bizarre the experience here is, it cannot be denied that your deeds are many The people ruled by Voldemort Fear removed the dark clouds in their hearts. For them, you are Savior not just in name only, but also in reality!

And what I need you to do now is to write a speech of about 8000 words in the name of Savior Harry! I will entrust my friends in the media to publish this speech on Daily Prophet so that more people can see it. I believe this will definitely make people regain their confidence! “

Link’s passionate tone rose from wave to wave, until the end, Harry was already excited to swing.

He clasped both hands firmly and said to Link firmly:

“Don’t worry Link! I will not let you down!”

“Of course, I believe you can.”

Link kept smiling, encouraging softly.

He is so happy now that he is almost dying.

Since Harry is now anxious to do something to fight Voldemort and work hard, then let him do it altogether.

No matter how outrageous things are at this time, as long as they can be forcibly related to the fight against Voldemort, Harry will do it, and will do it very seriously.

That 8,000-word speech was enough for Harry to work until the end of the summer vacation, which meant that Harry would not be able to harass himself for a long time in the future.

And most importantly, that speech Link will have its own use in the future.

According to Link’s plan, as long as you turn your head back and ask someone to polish it up, and then take it out at the right time, it is bound to be able to fool out a lot of righteous men to take the lead and charge against Voldemort, thus causing an extra blow to the Death Eaters.

Thinking about it, Link’s smile was almost on the verge of losing control.

At the same time, Harry was also very excited, and his blood poured in. He even ignored how difficult it is to write a professional speech. Now he said goodbye to Link and prepared to go back to work.

Before he could run out, there was a rush of footsteps and a vague arguing at the end of the corridor.

“You should never bring it into the castle! If Dumbledore finds out…”

“It’s a shame, but I can’t help it, Minerva—”

During the quarrel, the two silhouettes turned around the corner and appeared in front of Link and Harry.

It was Fudge and Professor McGonagall.

“Aha! Link! My little hero!”

As soon as Fudge saw Link at the door of the ward, the face that had seemed so bored was a flower-like smile, smiled and sped up and shouted, “I heard that you won’t only win this time.” This Triwizard Tournament also defeated the dark wizard who came to attack? You are so good! I am so proud of you!”

The expression of hearing this Link also changed a lot, but it was Fudge. On the contrary, the smile on Link’s face slowly disappeared, and finally he said blankly:

“It’s nothing, but you said it was the dark wizard who attacked Hogwarts? I have to correct you on this point. Those guys can…”

“Wow! It’s not the time to say this, right, is Dumbledore here?”

Fudge interrupted Link’s words, and he was talking a little about him.

At this time, Professor McGonagall, who was stepping on high heels, finally chased him, and pressed his mouth tightly, coldly said:

“I told you he is not here! But it doesn’t matter, I have contacted him urgently, Dumbledore should be here soon, you better take advantage of it now…”

Before Professor McGonagall’s words were finished, Dumbledore’s voice came from the end of the corridor in due course.

“What’s the matter?” Dumbledore looked at Fudge, then turned to look at McGonagall, frowning and sternly asked, “Why are you here to disturb the patient? Minerva, you really surprised me, I should I said that you should guard Ludo Bagman. He is our very important witness.”

It’s okay if Dumbledore doesn’t say anything. Professor McGonagall is completely blown up when he talks about it, screaming:

“There is no need to guard him, Dumbledore. Mr. Minister has completely eradicated this work for us!”

While speaking, Professor McGonagall filled with an angry flushed red on his cheek, clenched his fists, and trembled with anger.

It was the first time that Link saw Professor McGonagall angry like he is now. When Harry heard the movement and returning, he took two steps back in fear when he saw it-he was really afraid of McGonagall.

Dumbledore also came with Snape, who had just met Link. Seeing McGonagall was so excited, he came up and added:

“We told Mr. Fudge that we found out that Death Eater caused the attack on the night of the Triwizard Tournament. So he seemed to feel that his personal safety was also a problem, so must summon a dementor to accompany him into the castle. Then , He took dementor into the cell where Ludo Bagman was—”

“I told him you wouldn’t agree, Dumbledore!” McGonagall rushed up angrily and interrupted, “I told him you would never allow dementor to step into the castle again, but—”

“My dear lady!” Fudge couldn’t stand it anymore, and jumped out and said angrily, “As the Ministry of Magic, I have the right to decide whether I want to bring a bodyguard, and what bodyguard to bring, because I want to meet one. Bit can be very dangerous—”

Professor McGonagall had obviously suffered a lot of grievances here in Fudge. At this moment, she didn’t give Fudge any face, like a child who was anxious to complain to her parents, she raised her volume again to grab the voice:

“That guy—as soon as that guy entered the office, he rushed towards Bagman, and…just…”

Professor McGonagall was so excited that she failed to describe the situation clearly even though she was desperately searching for words.

But it doesn’t matter.

Combining her previous words, everyone at the scene already probably knew what dementor did.

That monster must have given Bagman a fatal kiss, sucking Bagman’s soul from his mouth, and turning Bagman into a living dead!

Such a terrifying scene is indeed difficult to describe clearly in words.

For a while, except for Link, who had never really felt the horror of dementor, all the faces of everyone were very ugly.

After a long time, Fudge regained his courage and said aggressively:

“According to various accounts, he deserved it! He caused the Hogwarts disaster on the night of the Triwizard Tournament! It was also he who humiliated the Ministry of Magic!”

“He did make a big mistake, but the Wizengamot Council should give him the trial! Yes, I had prepared him to accept Wizengamot’s public trial and described what he did on the day of the trial. Thing and another terrible fact.” Dumbledore stared sharply at Fudge and said, “And now, he is dead, because of your personal lynching! He can no longer provide evidence!”

“Lynching? I think I have to remind you that I am Ministry of Magic and a member of Wizengamot! The law gives me the right to try prisoners alone! And you, call it a lynching? What do you want to do? “Fudge looked a little incredulous,” and Bagman is a lunatic! Judging from what Minerva and Snape told me before, you still seem to think that everything he did was affected by the’not even a name.’ People’s instructions!”

“The one who gave the order to Bagman was indeed Voldemort and his gang, Cornelius,” Dumbledore rubbed the temple helplessly. “This is another terrible thing I just said. The attack on the night of the Triwizard Tournament. It’s just a part of the Voldemort returning plan. Right now that plan is a success. Voldemort has regained his fleshy body.”

“He… he’s back? This is impossible, stop kidding, Dumbledore…”

As Fudge said, his body began to tremble violently.

Seeing that the helpless color on Dumbledore’s face became more intense, he began to patiently tell Fudge about the previous interrogation from Bagman.

But for some reason, Dumbledore deliberately hid the name of Oples, only to say that he was a businessman who was engaged in a smuggling business between wizard and muggle.

But this is actually not important.

Because of Fudge’s performance in Hogwarts today and Link’s understanding of Fudge, Link does not think that Fudge will investigate Oples seriously when he knows it. Even Fudge is unlikely to believe it. Voldemort returned to this matter again.

After all, what Fudge values ​​most is stability.

This was known since he killed Bagman directly.

Ministry of Magic has been investigating for so many days. Does Fudge know that the person who attacked Hogwarts and even Link and Harry is most likely Death Eater?

He must know, but he cannot let the masses know.

Especially this time the Ministry of Magic Official also acted as an internal response to Death Eater.

If this is leaked out, the whole society will be in chaos, and his own life will be completely ended!

That’s why he rushed directly into Hogwarts to kill Bagman, because as long as Bagman dies, he can finalize this incident as a dark wizard attack, which is much milder in nature.

Link, who had figured out all this, had no hope for Fudge, leaning against the wall with his arms, and watching the next scene of Fudge and Dumbledore with cold eyes.

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