
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After Fudge left on the 3rd day Link and Harry, Madam Pomfrey announced that they had recovered and returned to the common room of their house.

At the welcome party to welcome the two people discharged from the hospital, everyone was very happy.

I won’t talk about Emily with Hermione and the others. George and Fred brother also risked being imprisoned by Professor McGonagall to get some magic fireworks that they had improved, in front of everyone. The auditorium ignited, causing Filch to send out thunder again, but it didn’t hurt Link’s face.

Even Ms. Maxime and Old Barty, who had been stranded in Hogwarts because of this attack, came to join in the fun.

The only person on the scene who didn’t look good was Harry.

He was educated by muggle since he was a child and he couldn’t ignore the fact that they had parted ways with Fudge. After all, the identity of the Fudge Ministry of Magic was converted to muggle society, that is, the highest leader of a country.

He really couldn’t imagine what a terrible scene would be if he offended the Prime Minister so personally.

The other party will definitely retaliate!

Of course, due to the arrogance and stubbornness of young people, Harry did not reveal his true thoughts of deep in one’s heart.

On the contrary, he is still telling people everywhere that even without the help of the Ministry of Magic, they can still defeat Voldemort!

This was completely stiff, because Harry hardly made any substantive actions other than studying the speech that Link gave him.

Dumbledore and Link are completely different from him at this point.

The two of them quickly accepted the fact that the Ministry of Magic would not give them any help after the end of the quarrel, and even delayed their legs, and actively began to prepare for the next fight.

What Dumbledore did was to re-assemble his Order of the Phoenix and prepare to fight Death Eater in the old guerrilla form.

Simultaneously follow up the Horcrux plan that he and Link originally planned.

Link’s approach is much more straightforward. He directly asked Old Klie to adjust the entire Foley family to a quasi-war state, and while transferring some assets, it recruited troops on a large scale to expand the hunter team.

Of course, he did not give up the idea of ​​continuing to grab resources from the Ministry of Magic.

There are some things that Fudge is not willing to give, so Link intends to get them by himself.

“Mr. Crouch, would you please come with me?”

After the welcome party, Link spoke softly to old Barty, and then retired Emily and Cedric and the others who wanted to accompany him back to the Hufflepuff common room, and went directly to the responsive room.

The greeted smirk that had been hanging on old Barty’s face finally disappeared after the two officially entered the responsive room that had turned into a living room mode.

He looked gloomy and said first:

“It seems that your plan with Dumbledore has failed. The man who can’t even mention the name has been resurrected, and judging from the intensity of the attack that day, his power seems to have risen to a higher level than it was 13 years ago. . What about my son? That little bastard, did you fail to kill it? This is an agreement between me and you. I made an’unbreakable vow’!”

“Yes, that’s right. Voldemort is resurrected, and another mysterious organization has appeared behind him. Whether it is individual battle strength or forces, it is not inferior to Voldemort and the old Death Eater. To a certain extent, , They are also considered to be a strong alliance.” Link said while pouring himself coffee while each minding their own business, “Your great filial son is indeed not dead. In fact, he is very appreciated by Voldemort, and this time he resurrected Voldemort. , His status in Death Eater is estimated to bring it up a level.

Of course, these are not important. The most important thing now is that our Ministry of Magic still had beautiful illusions about Voldemort’s resurrection that day. He ran over and had a big fight with Dumbledore the other day, and now he has completely torn his face. “

hearing this old Barty clicked nodded, and there was no unexpected look on his face.

In fact, even if you haven’t witnessed the quarrel with your own eyes, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Fudge and Hogwarts have had a very bad relationship recently.

The most notable point is reflected in the Daily Prophet.

A few days earlier, Daily Prophet spoke highly of Hogwarts’ response measures this time. In particular, Link’s own experience that night was even more hyped, and he was directly hailed as the best young wizard of the century. With countless honors, I can’t wait to win the altar directly.

In the past two days, Daily Prophet’s words suddenly reversed without any warning.

They began to criticize Dumbledore’s shortcomings in this incident, began to report parents’ grievances about Hogwarts, and never mentioned Link’s name again.

This is actually a very smart move, because it can not only retaliate against Dumbledore and Link, but also transfer the firepower that should have been on the Ministry of Magic to Dumbledore and Hogwarts.

After all, Dumbledore’s name is much bigger than Fudge.

This used to make Fudge fidget, but at this time, it is a great thing.

If Old Fox like old Barty can’t see anything, then he won’t have to mess around.

Closing his eyes and rubbing his temples a little, old Barty asked a little tired:

“Then what are you going to do next? I believe that since you called me here, you must have already figured out a countermeasure?”

Link did not immediately answer old Barty.

He laid down on the sofa in a very leisurely manner, and said with a smile to the old Barty mysterious after shaking his teacup:

“Mr. Crouch, do you want to be Ministry of Magic?”

“en? !”

old Barty hearing this His pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Link in astonishment.


It took a full half an hour before old Barty left the responsive room alone.

Not many people know what Link talked to him in detail.

But compared with the lifeless and weak person before, the old Barty at this moment seems to be more than ten years younger, and the whole person is exuding a kind of self-confidence and passion.

This is easy to understand, after all, power is a man’s medicine!

That’s the Ministry of Magic!

As early as more than ten years ago, old Barty had launched a charge to this position, but unfortunately because of Barty Jr.’s little fault, his competitors were driven into the quagmire.

Until now, he has nothing.

Every night in the past, he wondered, if he had become Ministry of Magic, then things would be different.

After so long incubation, the position of Ministry of Magic can be said to have become an obsession of old Barty, a dream.

Now, Link personally put this opportunity to realize his dream to old Barty.

As long as he has the support of the Foley family, his old Barty dare to go up and fight again!

How can you not be excited because you are called old Barty?

With high strides, old Barty gradually left Hogwarts Castle in the sunset.

In the responsive room, Link was still shaking the teacup gently, observing the swirling tea inside with great interest.

Emily suddenly walked out from behind the wall. She stood behind Link and rubbed Link’s earlobe with her hand, and asked while looking at the direction old Barty was leaving:

“Do you really think he can be the Ministry of Magic?”

“How is it possible?”

Link ridiculed said with a smile, which also confused Emily, frowned:

“Then you still want to invest in him?”

“The so-called Ministry of Magic is just a pretext, so that he can take the lead in the charge, and bite the largest fat that’s all from the Ministry of Magic.” Link explained, “As for the Ministry of Magic, In this situation, it is impossible for him. Even if he has the opportunity to become, I will not allow it!”

Emily is not Hermione’s little girl who doesn’t hear things outside the window and only reads Sage’s book. She only listened to Link’s explanation, and she instantly understood Link’s general thoughts.

It’s just that this doesn’t reassure her, she frowns continued:

“Are you sure?”

“This thing is not too difficult to operate, just wait for an opportunity…” Link said slowly, but reached out and grabbed Emily’s hand in the middle of the conversation, “Of course, right now. I think there is one more important thing to do.”

“What is it?”

Emily seemed to have guessed something, her voice became a little twisted, and a layer of flushed red floated on her face.

“Of course it was our engagement ceremony! After this holiday, the contract between my mother and your father will expire!”

While talking, Link pulled Emily into his arms with a smirk.

The flushed red on Emily’s face has spread to the roots of her ears, and she screamed as soon as she was pulled by Link, but there was no substantial resistance.

For a while, the entire responsive room was filled with happy laughter and cheerful voices.


Link and Emily walked out of the responsive room and headed directly to the auditorium when it was completely dark.

Today is the school leaving dinner, Dumbledore repeatedly emphasized that he will announce a very important thing, all students must be present.

When the two of them walked into the auditorium, they found at a glance that all the usual decorations were gone, and instead of the flag of the previous house cup winner house, it was replaced by a large black curtain.

If this is usual, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the winner house, but this year, no one jumped out to oppose it.

Because everyone knows that this is the memory of the casualties in the previous attack.

Link and Emily were still late for a while due to the long delay in the responsive room.

Professor Sprout in the full auditorium was very anxious and hesitated to find Link, but when Link and Emily appeared in front of her hand in hand, and after she found that there was still a little flushed red on Emily’s face , The anger on her face was instantly replaced by a meaningful smile.

She greeted her with a huge enthusiasm of ‘the pigs raised at home finally reached the cabbage’, and even invited Emily and Link to sit by the long table at Hufflepuff.

This scared Emily away directly, and the red cloud on her face was even more lost, with a tendency to spread further to her neck.

But in fact, because of the contract, she and Link didn’t do too much anything out of the ordinary.

Of course, Link will not explain more about this.

With his head held high, he naturally walked into the laughing team under the leadership of Professor Sprout, and even thought about laughing and cursing with Cedric, John and the others.

And just then, Dumbledore suddenly stood up from the faculty seat.

This action instantly made the auditorium, which was much quieter than the school leaving banquet in previous years, become quieter.

“It’s another year,” Dumbledore said in a tranquil voice, “it’s over.”

Dumbledore stopped talking and set his sights on Ravenclaw’s long table.

In the previous attack, the Ravenclaw house suffered the most serious damage. Among them, a 6th grade boy was hit by a blow while assisting the professor to guide the retreat of the lower grade students. He was finally seriously injured three days ago. He died and unfortunately passed away.

This also makes the faces at the Ravenclaw long table tonight look extraordinarily pale and sad.

The affectionate Professor Flitwick even sobbed early.

“I have a lot to say to everyone tonight,” Finally, Dumbledore continued to open the mouth and said, and at the same time, he was very concealed exuding an indescribable magic power, slowly spreading to The entire auditorium, “but I must first declare with a deep pain that we have lost a very good friend. He should have been sitting here and enjoying this dinner with us. I hope everyone will stand up and raise their glasses to Michael. ·Thomley salute!”

In the sound of a moving stool, everyone stood up and raised their goblet in a deep and deep voice in unison:

“To Michael Tangley!”

The sound of toasting was mixed with a sob.

To be honest, many people present had not even heard of the name before today, but under the current atmosphere, everyone still couldn’t help but sympathize with his death.

Link in the Hufflepuff team was also a little bit emotional. He sighed and lightly hammered Cedric with the red eye circles in front of him and said:

“You should really thank me!”

Cedric, who was still immersed in the sad atmosphere specially created by Dumbledore, looked a little dazed, and asked in a daze:

“Huh? Why?”

Why? If it weren’t for me, the object of silence should be you now!

Today’s school leaving dinner will also become your memorial service!

Link murmured in his heart, but he didn’t say anything. He just gave Cedric a blank look and made Cedric even more unfathomable mystery.

Dumbledore on the stage obviously didn’t notice the little movement on Link’s side. He waited for a while and continued:

“The people who made sacrifices because of this attack are not only Michael Tonley, but also our champion Link and Harry, as well as everyone in the room! We all feel about the attack. It’s a bone-wrenching pain!

I think that you, as victims, have the right to know what this is all about. “

Dumbledore’s tone was extremely calm, the students in the audience hearing this were instigated to fry the pot, chirp chirp twitter twitter roared to know the truth.

In this almost hot atmosphere, Dumbledore declared with a serious expression:

“The one who actually planned and carried out this attack was Voldemort.”

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