
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

As soon as Dumbledore said this, the otherwise noisy auditorium fell silent for an instant.

Everyone seemed to have been suddenly pressed the timeout button, staring at Dumbledore blankly, seemingly unexpected that Dumbledore would give such an answer.

Link was not surprised by the reaction of everyone.

Voldemort’s name is really too loud.

The young wizard at the scene almost grew up listening to Voldemort’s horror stories. When they were young, their parents used the excuse of “Voldemort will catch you anymore” to intimidate them.

The fear of Voldemort has long been planted in their subconscious.

“Ministry of Magic doesn’t want me to tell you this.” Dumbledore continued calmly, “Some students’ parents may be shocked by what I did-maybe they can’t believe that Voldemort really came back. .Or think that I shouldn’t tell you the terrifying truth directly, after all, you are still young.

However, I believe that telling the truth is always better than lying. If I try to describe the attack as an accident, or to blame the boredom of some ordinary dark wizard, it will be for all of us. The insult of sacrifice. “

Until this time everyone in the auditorium finally reacted and began to whisper.

Of course, the ones who didn’t know what to do more focused their horrified faces at Dumbledore, hoping that Dumbledore could continue to give some comforting explanations.

The Slytherins are different.

Most of the students sitting at their long table did not have any fear, but were at a loss.

Draco and his two followers were full of ecstasy—their family of three had always been very senior Death Eaters, and they looked forward to Voldemort’s return to lead them back to Peak.

Standing on the faculty seat, Dumbledore took all this in the entire scene.

“When talking about this, I must mention another person.” Dumbledore said blankly, “Of course, I’m talking about Link Foley.”

There was another wave of fluctuations in the auditorium, and everyone including Slytherin turned their attention to Link.

“Link Foley confronted Voldemort Voldemort and his minions,” Dumbledore said. “He took the mortal danger and brought his student back to Hogwarts. He showed great fearless spirit in every aspect and Outstanding strength. Responsibly speaking, few wizards can perform so well in the face of Voldemort’s lewdness. For this, I must pay tribute to him.”

With that, Dumbledore turned to Link with a serious expression and raised the goblet again.

The rest of the students in the auditorium also followed suit, calling out Link’s name in a low voice just as they did when they just chanted the name of Michael Tonley.

But unlike before, this time their call was mixed with deep excitement, and the eyes looking towards Link also flashed with excitement.

After all, in the current situation, the existence of a heroic character like Link can really give them great encouragement.

Link also raised the pumpkin juice on the side, smiling nodded in response to the crowd.

The information to be a leader in gathering Hogwarts students is also a very important thing for him, so although he knows that Dumbledore’s move is using him as a target to integrate and attack the pro-fuss in Slytherin, he Still gladly accepted.

After everyone was seated again, a smile appeared on Dumbledore’s face.

He said with a smile:

“The purpose of this Triwizard Tournament is to enhance and promote mutual understanding of the magic circle. Given what is happening now, this connection is more important than ever.”

While speaking Dumbledore glanced at Beauxbatons and the others at the Hufflepuff long table, and at the Slytherin long table, Durmstrang and the others, who had been severely attenuated after Karkaroff’s betrayal.

Most of the Beauxbatons students were very angry.

At this time, they should have returned to Beauxbatons to meet their relatives and friends, but now they are trapped in Hogwarts because of a prohibition order issued by Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic.

Disappointingly, Ms. Maxime did not show much dissatisfaction.

But this is also normal.

After all, she has been very happy with Hagrid during this time, and the relationship has become increasingly fierce.

Compared with my own love, students’ dissatisfaction is naturally not so important.

As for the remaining Krum and the others in Durmstrang, what they showed was nervous, which can be said to be panic.

They seemed afraid that Dumbledore would say something harsh, or hold them accountable.

Dumbledore was also clearly aware of the emotions of Krum and the others. He deliberately kept his eyes on the people of Durmstrang, and said very seriously:

“Every guest in this hall will be welcomed at any time as long as they are willing to come back. I repeat to everyone. In view of Voldemort’s resurrection, we must be united to be powerful. If we split, then it will be impossible to withstand a single blow.

Voldemort’s methods of creating conflict and hostility are brilliant, and we can only resist it if we show the same strong and unbreakable trust. As long as we have the same goals and open our hearts, the difference between habits and language will not become an obstacle.

I believe that we are all about to face a dark and difficult period, but please remember, remember what I said today, and remember the distress that Voldemort has caused you.

Voldemort is not invincible! “

After saying Dumbledore raised high wand, a ball of flame shot out from its tip, lighting hundreds of floating candles in the auditorium, and then all kinds of dishes appeared on the dinner plate in front of everyone Delicious food.

The dinner-officially started!

It’s a pity that everyone is not paying attention to these foods nowadays.

Many people were madly applauding and cheering at Dumbledore. The powerful sound even made the fire light flicker.

Dumbledore’s speech and Link’s deeds regained their confidence!

Of course, not everyone is so optimistic.

Many senior students have a sad look on their faces. Some of them even clapped very perfunctorily, and even more excessively, they just lay pale on the long table.

Compared with the students in the lower grades, they are more rational and will not be so easily agitated by Dumbledore.

They are also more knowledgeable, so they know the horror of Voldemort.

The expressions of many Hufflepuffs around Link are not very pretty.

But unlike others, their attention is more on the black curtains and flags in the auditorium-this year Link won the Triwizard Tournament, and all those places should have been hanging from Hufflepuff. Sign.

Right now, Dumbledore didn’t mention it.

This makes many Hufflepuffs very disappointed.

After all, the house cup is a rare honor for Hufflepuff.

Fortunately, Hufflepuff is still Hufflepuff after all.

The kind little badgers are far from being able to do by fair means or foul for self-interest like Slytherin.

Observing the surrounding atmosphere, the little badgers did not say anything in the end, but cast their scorching eyes on Link, who had already begun to enjoy the dinner.

Some people have even begun to graciously send the pumpkin pies in front of them to Link-they remember Link’s taste.

At the same time, they also firmly believe that as long as Link is still there, then this kind of honor Hufflepuff will be softened in the future!


The next morning, Link put all the luggage into the Extension Charm pocket, packed lightly, and met Emily in the crowded hall with students and luggage everywhere.

Compared with last night, regardless of whether they support Dumbledore’s statement or not, their emotions have eased a lot.

This is a distinctive feature of young children and young people.

They may be afraid of the news of Voldemort’s return, but they don’t have much real feelings.

So it will be forgotten soon.

Fortunately, Dumbledore actually didn’t expect these students to do anything.

At best, he wanted the students to tell their parents about it.

This is a kind of propaganda and mobilization, and it is also an act of declaring war that completely parted ways with Fudge.

What circulates in the students’ minds now is more about the joy of being able to go home.

Everyone is waiting for the carriage to take them to Hogsmeade station.

There, the Hogwarts Express is ready to go.

Of course, due to this year’s special format, many worried parents are not relieved to let the children go to the Rauchi train, but go directly to the Hogsmeade station to pick up people.

The same goes for Link and Emily.

Although Mrs. Foley did not come in person, she arranged for Old Kled to wait at the station and escorted Link and Emily back to Foley Castle.

This makes Emily feel very nervous.

She even felt that the bright summer sun outside had become more dazzling, her body was extremely hot, and her throat was even more thirsty.

This is the result of the combination of psychological factors and external influences.

Because it is said that Mrs. Foley invited Mr. Victoria to wait at Foley Castle early, as long as she and Link go home, they will be ready to talk about the details of the engagement.

A big hand suddenly wrapped Emily’s tight right hand.

Immediately, a refreshing sensation fell on Emily from above, helping her drive out the annoying heat.

Emily turned her head and saw that Link was looking towards her with a smile.

Indeed, for Link, which has perfectly mastered the ability to control water, cooling down is simply very easy.

Link’s smile at first seemed to be nothing special, but Emily always felt that Link’s smile at this moment was still mixed with a lot of teasing elements, which made her blush and lower her head.

But somehow, the tension in Emily’s heart gradually subsided a lot.

She stretched out her foot and kicked Link lightly, expressing her dissatisfaction, but there was a little more smile on her flushed face, and the right hand held by Link was also fastened and held firmly. Stopped Link’s hand.

In the sun, among the crowd, Link and Emily stood silently holding hands, each with a smile on their faces, and the pictures were indescribably sweet.

But this sweetness did not last long, because John, who had been tortured by boredom for a long time, had sneaked close to the two.

“Link, the Ministry of Magic’s prohibition order has been lifted. How do you say the Durmstrang people should go back?” John patted Link on the shoulder, some people said take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, “I mean, no With Karkaroff, they can still drive that ghost ship…”

John’s voice stopped abruptly, because he found that Link and Emily were staring at him with murderous gazes.

Especially Emily, that serious cold killing intent is almost materialized.

John took a few steps back in horror, but just hit a broad chest.

“Karkaroff is not at the helm,” Krum, who was hit, supported John in turn, and said calmly, “He stayed in the cabin all the time, and the work was done by us. Of course, we lost a lot of manpower. The way back will be more difficult. But after all, I can go back.”

John’s face instantly became even redder than Emily.

He was not so thick-faced that he was still indifferent when he was caught on the spot when he said bad things about someone behind his back.

But Krum didn’t pay attention to him anymore, looked towards Link and said:

“Can I tell you a few words?”

Link raised his hand blankly and motioned for him to help himself.

“You are a very powerful opponent, at least far from what I can match. I admire you very much.”

Krum is not very proficient in English, and it sounds particularly strange. Sincerely, “Karkaroff does not represent everyone in Durmstrang. Those Durmstrang students who attacked you and Harry Potter were also faked. It turns out that those students were early I have already been dealt a poisonous man. Durmstrang is really not that bad…”

Maybe his English level can’t handle such complicated words, or his emotions are too agitated, in short, Krum can’t speak anymore.

Link sighed, softly comforted:

“Dumbledore and I know very well that you are also victims in this incident.”

“That’s good, thank you.”

Krum thanked him, extend the hand and shook Link with Link, and then walked alone towards the ghost ship in the Black Lake, his back was extremely lonely, and both Link and John looked at them in a trance.

Emily was a little dissatisfied. She squeezed Link’s hand hard, hoping that Link could bring her attention back.

But this is useless.

Because there was a loud calling in the distance suddenly rang.


This clear and familiar female voice instantly made Link turn his head.

I saw Fleur gasping for breath boarding the stone platform and entering the castle.

Behind her, Link can see that Hagrid is helping Ms. Maxime to harness the two giant horses. Both of them have red eyes, and they seem to be extremely reluctant to each other.

“I think we will definitely meet again!” Fleur said with a smile, “Anyway, I’m already studying English further, and I plan to work here after graduation!”

“Oh! This is awesome!”

John is talking.

This guy has been charmed by the magic power of Fleur.

As for Link, he never dared to speak out at this time, and Emily almost crushed his hands.

Fleur was not annoyed when she saw it, she looked at the hand that Link and Emily held together, and smiled to extend the hand and said:

“Goodbye, Link. It’s really nice to meet you!”

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