
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Goodbye! ~Fleur! ~~~”

Inside the bumpy double Thestral carriage, Emily said in a weird tone.

After all, Link rolled the eyes.

This is the seventh time she has done this along the way.

Link can only smile bitterly at this.

Because Emily was imitating the way he had said goodbye to Fleur.

Of course, there is a big magical change in tone.

Link didn’t know what was wrong with him. Originally based on his IQ, he simply couldn’t do the stupid thing of saying goodbye to Fleur in front of her when Emily’s mentality was unstable. Come.

But watching Fleur rushing to Ms. Maxime along the lawn, the bright silver hair rippling like waves in the sun, Link’s mood became involuntarily happy.

He even had a strong hunch that he, Fleur and even Krum would meet again soon.

Similar premonitions often appeared after Link raised Occlumency to LV6. Although they were all trivial things such as ‘I might eat grilled lamb chops tonight’, they were all very accurate.

Link strongly suspects that this is a special ability brought about by his spirit strength soaring.

So this time, after having this hunch, a flat tone of ‘goodbye, Fleur. “It just blurted out as a matter of course.

Looking at Emily’s frowning face. And the pair of eyes whose pupils were almost invisible because they rolled their eyes too hard, Link had to admit that beautiful people are very beautiful even when they get angry.

In the face of Emily like this, Link not only has no dissatisfaction at all, but even wants to go up and have a kiss.

Link did indeed do this, and the action was steady and ruthless, and the most important thing was that it lasted until Emily had difficulty breathing.

Then, Emily’s exclamation sounded.

The sound was so loud that the two Thestral that was slowly moving forward with the carriage was also taken aback.

Link will not end well naturally.

The thing that Link said goodbye to Fleur before was too small, and it was completely in line with normal human relationships. Therefore, although Emily was dissatisfied, it was difficult for her to interfere with her personality and face. It could only be eccentric.

Now Link’s brutal behavior was suddenly caught by Emily, and Emily started to grind naturally.

Link accepted this attractive spectacle and gladly accepted it.

After all, Emily, who is about to face the ‘big exam’, is really nervous, and it’s a great thing for her to vent.

And although Emily’s actions may seem fierce, they are very measured.

The place where she starts will definitely not be the head, face, waist and armpits that will make Link feel uncomfortable, but where the skin is rough and flesh is thick on the back and arms, and the strength is not strong.

This level of attack is completely massage for Link, or Emily’s acting like a baby.

Once the young girl starts this kind of semi-coquetry fight, it is often unclear who takes advantage and who loses.

At least Link feels that he is definitely not at a disadvantage. The red clusters of new strawberry prints on Emily’s neck are the best proof.

“hu~ hu~ bad guy!!”

Emily gasping for breath half-lying in Link’s arms cursed, “You are not allowed to associate with that Veela again!”

“This is natural. From now on, I will run as long as I see her. I will never give her a chance to talk to me again! Even if I don’t run away, I will treat her as air!”

Link solemnly vowed.

hearing this Emily was satisfied and nodded with a smile.

Having trouble with Link like this, her feelings of getting nervous and bad because of about to face Mrs. Foley and Mr. Victoria have also improved a lot.

However, when she discovered that the carriage was about to arrive at Hogsmeade station, and she was still messed up by the squabbles just now, this good mood disappeared in an instant.

“Aiya! ~ Look at what you did!”

Emily was sorting messy’s clothes and hair while pointing at the strawberry on her neck and shouted, “How can you let me see father and Leonie Aunt in a while! Really! I don’t know Baixian condensed Can the liquid get rid of this trace!”

Emily took out a bottle of potion from her bag and prepared to wipe it, but was stopped by Link.

Link threw away the potion bottle, poured Emily into her arms again to help her comb her hair:

“Why do you get rid of them? This level of contact will not trigger that contract. It just so happens that Victoria Uncle has a good look at how close our relationship is. Don’t you think?”


Emily is hearing this eyes shined, but she is talking in her mouth, but her body is honest and powerful. She obediently leaned in Link’s arms and enjoyed Link’s finishing, and never mentioned the matter of taking fresh concentrate.

When going up and down from the carriage to the Hogsmeade station, Link and Emily have completely restored to their noble appearances at Hogwarts.

Hagrid and Professor McGonagall stepped forward to divide the noisy crowd into two groups according to the pre-registered roster, and went to take the Hogwarts Express and to meet the parents who had arrived in Hogsmeade village in advance.

When parting, Link naturally became the focus of everyone.

Everyone wants to get closer to Link, a Hogwarts hero named by Dumbledore himself.

Hufflepuffs are naturally the ones closest to Link due to their natural advantages.

Link is also greeted to hug everyone and say goodbye.

When it was John’s turn, this naive man was almost crying a little.

If it hadn’t been for Emily’s eyes that looked wrong at him, Link estimated that John might hold him until someone behind him pulled him off Link.

“Goodbye, Link.” In comparison, Cedric is much more chic. He hugged Link lightly, then winked at Link and Emily, “Oh yes, when the time comes, you should Will you send me an invitation letter?”

Strictly speaking Emily and Mrs. Foley are both of the same type, and she will never show her weakness in front of outsiders.

hearing this She did not have the shyness and tension in front of Link just now, and she talked to Cedric nodded openly.

Link also said with a smile:

“This is a matter of course. Don’t worry, when the time comes, you must be the first to receive the invitation.”

Cedric gave Link a thumbs up with satisfaction, and then trot to Hogwarts Express-unlike Link, as a perfect Prefect, he also needs to accompany other junior students on the Hogwarts Express all the way. To maintain order.

His departure made Link’s sincere smile fade a bit, but on the whole he shook hands with others in a fairly enthusiastic manner.

And until the Hogwarts express was about to start, the three Harry barely squeezed in front of Link.

“Oh! Link! Can you sign me?”

Ron who was talking, he appeared to have a pen and paper in his pocket, and looked so anxious that he even squeezed Harry aside.

This strange attitude made Link a little surprised. He felt that with Ron’s character, he should not be worshipped to this point.

After being silent for a while, Link frowned and said:

“Won’t you want to take my signature to sell?”

Link thinks this is very possible.

After all, after Dumbledore’s publicity, Link has almost become the dream lover of junior girls. It is always known that girls chasing stars are irrational, and Weasley Family is just so poor. …

“How could I do such a thing!? I am not George and Fred!”

Ron blushed loudly, but he passed the pen and paper to Link again.

Link signed Ron with a suspicious look. Only then did Harry find the opportunity, and he leaned forward and said seriously and vigilantly:

“Link, I will finish what you told me as soon as possible!”

Naturally what Harry said was the speech.

When it comes to business, Link also became serious, he slightly nodded, put his arm around Harry’s shoulder and said:

“We don’t have much time. You’d better finish it as soon as possible. Of course, I also know that it is more difficult for you to complete a professional long speech. I suggest you, maybe you can go to history Take a look at the speeches of those muggle greats. I believe it will be helpful to you.”

hearing this Harry’s expression was a little dazed. He seemed to be a little surprised that a pure-blooded nobleman like Link would take the initiative to ask him to refer to the speech of the great muggle.

Even if it is placed in an ordinary wizard group, it is impossible to understand at all, because in the eyes of the wizard, muggles are all ants, and there is no such thing as a great man.

Link continued, “I need to explain to you that I will find someone else to prepare a speech. If you are not ready when the time comes. Then I hope you can treat that speech as yours The work is published, I hope you can understand.”

In order to take care of Harry’s emotions, Link’s tone was very soft.

But it was useless, because Harry’s temper was so stubborn that he still rejected Link’s ‘imposter’ behavior.

Fortunately, Harry also knew that this was all against Voldemort, hearing this just gritted his teeth and said nodded:

“I won’t let you down!”

“That’s good!”

Link patted Harry on the shoulder and said.

At this moment, there was also a harsh siren on the Hogwarts Express-this was urging the students to get on the bus as soon as possible.

The students who had gathered next to Link immediately got on the train, driven by Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.

Looking at Harry Trio’s departure, Link recalled that in the short meeting, Hermione didn’t seem to talk to herself at all, and her expression was particularly ugly.

Pondering a woman’s inner thoughts is really a laborious and possibly thankless thing, so Link didn’t care too much about this, and turned around and led Emily out of the station.

Unlike Hermione who left in anger, Emily was in a particularly good mood at this time.

She gently touched the strawberry that had turned into pink on her neck, and smiled happily.

Hermione, she was still too tender and shy after all.

When Link and Emily walked out of the station, they were greeted by hundreds of parents who came to pick up the child and a large number of enthusiastic merchants selling their own products.

Hogwarts School Leaving Day every year is a carnival belonging to all the villagers in Hogsmeade Village.

Because on this day a large number of people tend to bring them a lot of gold Galleon.

It’s a pity that things are different this year.

The parents crowded outside the station had no desire to spend at all due to the attack. After finding their own children, they immediately left Hogsmeade village under the disappointed eyes of the merchants.

Among all the parents who received the child, the Foley family is undoubtedly the most prominent.

This has nothing to do. Mrs. Foley and Mr. Victoria did not even come in person.

However, the guards, led by the old Kled and containing thirty fully armed hunters, stopped proclaiming the power of the Foley family to everyone on the scene all the time.

Basically, no one at the scene wanted to approach the hunters who looked fierce and evil, so a large open space appeared around the Foley guards.

The striker squad sent by the Ministry of Magic to the complex security work of the station was also very nervous.

If the guards of the Forli family are malicious, then their five-person squad simply is a side dish, and they are not enough for the opposite side to stuff their teeth.

Lucius was also very nervous.

Old Kled, who knew Link’s situation that night, didn’t give him a good face. The remaining one eye was shining fiercely. He was always looking at the vital position of Lucius. It seemed that the next moment would bring the hunter behind him. They brazenly shot.

This directly caused Lucius to lose the usual elegance. Before the carriages of Hogwarts arrived, he brow beaded with sweat and ran into the station to intercept people in advance.

And when Link and Emily appeared, the ferocious gaze of Old Kled instantly softened.

Especially when he saw the hand held by Link and Emily, Old Klie couldn’t even close his mouth with a smile.

The hunters behind him are not in the good mood of old Kled.

Immediately when Link and Emily walked out of the station, they rushed out, surrounded the two in the center of the team, pulled out the wand and looked at the others around vigilantly.

“Good! That’s great!”

Old Kled finally trot to follow, and said with a smile, “Little Link, little Emily, let’s go home soon, Madam and Mr. Victoria are still waiting for us.”

Old Kled’s words made Emily nervous again.

Feeling Emily’s rapidly stiff body, Link squeezed Emily’s hand, and then reached out and took old Kled’s hand.


With a series of crackles like the sound of firecrackers, Link and the others distorted and disappeared.

Until this time, the surrounding hunters were considered relaxed, and they used the Disapparation spell to retreat in groups.

When Link and Emily were on the ground again, what appeared in front of him was no longer a human wall composed of hunters, but a wide square in front of Forli Castle.

Mrs. Foley and Mr. Victoria are standing in front of the castles, smiling and looking at their entire group.

A smile appeared on Link’s face unconsciously.

‘I’m finally home! ’

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