
You can search for “Hogwarts’s Strongest Badger: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


After seeing Mr. Victoria, Emily’s original anxiety and tension disappeared, replaced by only misses that she hadn’t seen for a semester.

Emily cried and threw herself into Mr. Victoria’s arms. Mr. Victoria also had red eyes, choked and patted Emily on the back for comfort.

This is a very touching scene, but it is a pity that Emily has grown taller than Mr. Victoria after several years of development, which led to the scene of the father and daughter holding each other and crying bitterly. It’s kind of funny.

On the other side, Link and Mrs. Foley also hugged.

But compared to Emily, the scene on Link is much more normal.

He and Mrs. Foley just made a false report and quickly separated, and then Mrs. Foley began to reach out to check the original injuries on Link’s body. After confirming that Link had recovered completely, he gave Link a big smile and said: [19459002 ]

“It seems that Madam Pomfrey’s medical skills are really good.”

Link smiled nodded, and just prepared to echo a few sentences, but heard Mr. Victoria suddenly called out pitifully.

Turning his head hurriedly, he saw that he was pointing at the strawberry on Emily’s neck with trembling fingers, making a strange sound of ‘gē gē gē ’in his throat, and the expression on his face was indescribably complicated.


Emily stretched out her hand to cover her neck, and by the way, she gave Link a shy glance.

This is good, Mr. Victoria’s eyes widened instantly, staring at Link, as if the next moment would pounce on him and take a bite.

What else can Link say about this?

He had nothing to say, only an awkward but not polite smile in reply.

At this time Mrs. Foley finally made a move.

She stood up and directly organized the crowd to return to Foley Castle. Although Mr. Victoria wanted to find Link to settle the accounts, he still succumbed under Mrs. Foley’s eyes. Emily held hands and panting with rage. Enter the living room of the castle.

“Don’t worry.”

Mrs. Foley also took Link’s hand, smiling softly and comforting.

Link nodded.

Naturally, he is not worried at all.

In fact, Emily’s nervousness and worries are completely unnecessary.

Because today’s meeting was to discuss and negotiate the engagement of Link and Emily, but it’s actually a form that’s all.

You must know that Mr. Victoria had completely lost the right to speak when he signed the magic contract with Mrs. Foley.

Otherwise, they should have signed an ‘unbreakable oath’.

Similar to what Link expected, the entire group just sat down in the living room, and Mrs. Foley held Link’s hand said with a smile:

“Mr. Victoria, what date do you think the engagement ceremony of Link and Emily should be held?”

As soon as these words came out, Emily and Mr. Victoria on the opposite side were a little confused.

Because according to the normal process, shouldn’t it be asking whether you can get engaged first? Why did you jump to the engagement number all at once?

As smart as Emily, she quickly guessed something, and there was a glimmer of ecstasy in her eyes, which was quickly concealed.

As for Mr. Victoria’s expression, it is not so good.

He looked at Emily, then at Link with a smile on his face, and mumbled dissatisfiedly:

“Emily is still young, I think today is a good day two years later. Well, if the weather is clear.”


“Mr. Victoria.”

Emily and Mrs. Foley yelled almost at the same time.

The difference between the two people’s words is that Emily is simply anxious, while Mrs. Foley’s tone sounds a bit dissatisfied and cold.

Mr. Victoria ignored Emily, who was holding his arm by the side, and looked at Mrs. Foley nervously, with a struggling expression on her face.

But after a short while, he still slumped:

“Then it will be held on July 10.”

“No. 10? This time is a bit tight.”

Mrs. Foley is frowned.

Regarding the engagement ceremony between Link and Emily, she had already figured out the general process.

Considering the preparatory work and the guests’ free time, she thinks July 30 is the most suitable day.

hearing this Mr. Victoria’s expression became more wilted.

He seemed to be completely desperate, and he didn’t mean to refute it.

“Then set it on July 10.”

Link suddenly patted his hand and said.

This move made everyone on the scene looked towards him with surprise.

Link smiled slightly and explained:

“If I remember correctly, July 10th, is that Lady Victoria’s death anniversary?”

Mr. Victoria’s expression congeals, some murmured in disbelief:

“You, how did you know?”

Link pointed to Emily and said:

“Emily mentioned to me that you used to take her to see Mrs. Victoria on July 10 every year.”

“You have a heart.”

Mr. Victoria spoke in a low voice, his tone sounding sluggish.

As for Emily, she was already crying.

Mrs. Foley looked a little distressed when she saw this, and sighed:

“The 10th is the 10th, time is tight, but hard work is not impossible.”

“By the way, let Emily go home with Mr. Victoria for the past few days and have a good reunion.” Link added with a smile, “They have not seen each other for almost a full year.” [19459002 ]

“Of course. But Emily, you’d better come to me tomorrow morning. After all, we still need to discuss the dress and pattern of the engagement ceremony.”

Mrs. Foley nodded agreed.

And Mr. Victoria suddenly looked up, looking at Link in disbelief.

The hostility towards Link in his eyes has also faded a lot.

Mrs. Foley did not give him another chance to speak, snapped her fingers and said:

“Then let’s start the luncheon. By the way, the arrangement of the engagement ceremony should also start. We don’t have much time.”

The house elf small button appears out of thin air, and he respectfully bowed to Mrs. Foley and said yes.

Then, under everyone’s astonished gaze, the entire Forli Castle moved.

This is not an exaggerated description, but the castle really moved.

I saw that the walls and various furniture in the castle seemed to have come alive and began to deform continuously, automatically moving to the most suitable place.

The first is the reception room where Link and the others are located.

A huge long table suddenly rose from the ground, and the empty plates placed on it also automatically appeared mountain-like delicacies from various countries.

Mrs. Foley greeted everyone for a meal while asking Emily and Link’s opinions.

The dishes in front of me are all dishes that she has carefully selected and then selected to be used in the engagement ceremony. Today, I will treat it as a test dish.

At the same time, countless flags and decorations with the crests of the Forli family and the Victorian family appeared. While cleaning the entire Forli Castle, the hall at the entrance of the castle was also organized. The luxurious appearance of a large auditorium.

Not only that, a large number of house elfs also poured out from all over the castle, hurriedly began to follow the instructions of the small button to prepare for the engagement ceremony.

Mr. Victoria has not much thought of eating.

He looked at the to-and-fro house elfs outside, his eyes straightened.

We must know that nowadays, the number of house elf has been reduced to a very rare level after so many years of exploitation and abuse by the wizards.

Every house elf that survives can be said to be an extremely valuable asset, and the number of house elf also represents the foundation of a wizard pure-blood family.

The strength of the “foundation” of the Foley family has been deeply shocked by Mr. Victoria.

In fact, let alone Mr. Victoria.

Even Link, who is the heir of the Foley family, was a little surprised to see so many house elfs at first glance.

in the past For a long time, he always thought that his house elf only had a small button.

And the number that has emerged now is almost almost comparable to Hogwarts.

The luncheon ended in a weird atmosphere in the busy house elfs.

Mr. Victoria took Emily back to his manor almost non-stop-he still has many things to ask Emily to understand.

Mrs. Foley also devoted herself to the preparation of the engagement ceremony. After all, there are a lot of tasks such as preparing invitations that need to be handled by her personally.

Looking at the living room that was quiet again, the smile on Link’s face gradually faded and his expression became cold.

Old Klein appeared behind him unconsciously, looking at him with a relieved look.

Although the previous plan for Voldemort failed to achieve the perfect result as expected, it also proved Link’s outstanding performance to some extent.

To know the situation at the time, no one else could handle it better than Link.

And now Link not only laid the groundwork for Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore, but also arranged the way for the Foley family to transfer to the United States. The future form of the Foley family is still very good.

Standing there and admiring Link for a long time, then Old Klie respectfully asked:

“Young Master, what shall we do next?”

Old Klie’s voice seemed to awaken Link from his deep thoughts. He turned his head slightly and glanced at Old Klie with the outside light, then closed his eyes again and said:

“Send someone to look at old Barty · Crouch, and then start sending him zz donations in batches. Let him give the rest. He is professional in seizing power. And we have to What we do is to rely on him to grab benefits from the Ministry of Magic. Early-Stage’s goal is to place the Department of International Magical Cooperation’s foreign trade shares and taxes. Of course, our ultimate goal is those Aurors. Old Barty told him not to get his goal wrong.”

“Understood,” Old Krei nodded said, “In addition, with regard to Horcrux, we have ascertained the whereabouts of the Hufflepuff Golden Cup based on the information you gave to the Young Master.”

hearing this Link froze for a moment.

It was indeed an order from Link to let Old Klie and the others search for Horcrux.

But Link as a transmigrator, the location of Horcrux has already been clear.

The reason why Old Klie and the others are looking for it is actually a process of backward deduction, so as to perfect the cause and effect of Link’s knowledge of Horcrux, so that Dumbledore and the others will not see the weirdness.

Originally Link thought that this process would be relatively long, after all, the age is really long.

But didn’t expect that Old Klie completed the investigation of the Jinbei so soon.

“Is the chain of evidence complete?”

“Of course, my Young Master.” Old Kled put a leather file bag in front of Link and said, “All the investigation and reasoning process are here.”

Link untied the cowhide bag and looked through it.

Old Kled’s work was done very well indeed.

According to the documents, they directly followed the known growth trajectory of Tom Riddle (Voldemort) to conduct a carpet-style search.

After learning that Voldemort had worked in Knockturn Alley’s Bogin Bok shop after graduating from Hogwarts, Old Klie and the others naturally found Bogin Bok himself and took some inhuman measures from him. It was learned there that Voldemort had had an improper relationship with Hepzibah Smith for a long time.

Bokin Bok paid great attention to this, because he knew that Hepziba Smith was the last descendant of Helga · Hufflepuff, and he was also the custodian of the Hufflepuff Gold Cup.

He wanted to use Voldemort to seize the legendary Divine Item that can quickly process magic food and herbs.

However, Hepziba Smith died suddenly.

Bojin Bok did not find the shadow of the golden cup in her relics.

At the same time Voldemort also disappeared.

This basically confirms that the gold cup has been in Voldemort’s hands, and there is a high probability that Voldemort was the ceremony organized by the murder of Hepzibah Smith and made the gold cup into Horcrux.

The next thing is much simpler.

Voldemort’s arrogance has always been very high-profile. Old Klie just caught a Death Eater who had escaped the trial for a while, and he simply got the golden cup and was rewarded by Voldemort to Bellatrix ·Lestrange. This mad woman keeps it.

So far, the reversal of the Jinbei is basically over.

As for the fact that the gold cup is in the Bellatrix · Lestrange Gringotts Vault, Link can confuse it with any reason.

“Good job.”

Link clicked nodded with satisfaction, “Trying to find a way to give this information to Dumbledore unknowingly, to rob Gringotts Vault this kind of thing is not convenient for us at this stage, so let Dumbledore’s Order of the Phoenix Do it. By the way, it can also help us attract some firepower.”

Old Kled obviously also agrees with Link’s plan, bad said with a smile:

“Leave it to me, I believe Dumbledore will be very happy to know this information.”

After saying this, Old Klie finally stopped waiting, retrieved the files and disappeared in place.

At this time, Link also slowly got up, holding the wand and walking towards the magic training ground under the castle of Forli.

Unlike Old Kled, who only saw the difference in the overall situation of the Foley family this time, Link knew better how much the battle that night had increased his own strength.

These enhancements require further experiments before they can develop into real battle strength.

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