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The spell training room under the castle of Forli is as big as four indoor baskets, and it is not only equipped with a large number of alchemy targets made of the best anti-magic materials, but also the floor and walls are full It is composed of obsidian slabs over 1 meter thick.

Wearing a short hunting suit with a wand in his hand, Link stood in the center of this huge and luxurious training room.

He closed his eyes tightly without saying a word, as if he was thinking, and he seemed to be brewing something.

After a long time, a blue-gray rays of light flashed on his tip.

Link opened his eyes suddenly, the right hand slammed out, and a huge blue black drill was shot out.

Although the target in the training ground can be said to be the ultimate in alchemy and material science, it is still vulnerable to this terrifying drill, and it is instantly drilled into fragments.

Then the drill bit slammed into the obsidian wall, which exploded into blue and black ice debris.

This is not over yet.

As Link wand was lifted again, those ice chips quickly melted into black liquid all over the ground, pitting and corroding almost everything around it with extremely strong corrosiveness, a mess.

When I saw Link, I clicked nodded. The blue-gray rays of light on the tip became pitch black. After being threw away by Link again, the rays of light grew into the wind and turned into two completely composed of pitch-black flames. Long snake.

The eyes of these two long snakes flashed with humanized greedy eyes. They madly absorbed the magic power remaining in the air to enlarge their bodies.

But after their bodies grew to nearly 2 meters in length, the spirit strength of Link powerful leaned down abruptly, directly annihilating the channels through which the snakes draw magic power from the outside world.

Then, they cast their greedy eyes on each other.

Two black flame snakes entangled violently, tumbling and biting each other.

Even the solid obsidian in the fire star burst was melted into hot lava.

There were many fire stars flying towards Link in the chaos, but in the face of these dangers, Link closed his eyes and gave up resistance.

But when the fire star was really about to come, the Link, who closed his eyes and gave up any perception, began to twist in the fire star rain as if he had expected it. These postures are weird, but every time it is extremely Avoid the fire star to the limit.

After a long time, both sides of the flame snake suffered, and it had completely eroded into a fire sea.

Unscathed Link opened his eyes, with a hint of joy in his eyes, but his face was extremely serious.


He took a long scorching breath, an ominous aura exuding black magic power like a hell, then drilled out of the evil, and slowly included the entire Link in it.

Then a strange scene appeared.

After appearing for a while, those black magic powers turned into blooming beautiful translucent flames!

At this time, Link has completely lost the indifferent and elegant of the past, and a brutal and bloody murderous aura has swept out, which has almost become the essence.

“roar! ~”

With an unhuman roar, Link began to attack everything around him frantically on all fours.

“bang! ~bang——”

Palpitating translucent flames and explosions enveloped the entire training room. Those solid alchemy targets have long been blasted into dust, and the black flame remaining around Link is instantly annihilated when it encounters this more domineering white energy. , Re-turned into magic power, dissipated in the air.

This horrible scene has lasted for nearly 3 minutes before it ends.

Those arrogant translucent flames all returned to Link’s body, and Link’s eyes gradually restored to clarity.

He was panting with big mouthfuls, and the sweat of the bean was constantly dripping down his neck, already dampening the hunting gear on his body.

But even in such embarrassment, Link’s brows and eyes were full of excitement, and there was a smile on his face.

Ten days!

After ten days, he finally digested all the gains from the previous battle and turned it into battle strength that can be used in actual combat!

Among them, the first to bear the brunt is the fusion of the power of controlling Power of Water and the power of curse.

This is the ability Link realized during the battle with the full-armored Death Eater. The specific form is a huge drill bit with a water-containing cutter and numerous cursed blades on the outside.

Although this drill did not break through the golden light curtain condensed by the power of the full-armed Death Eater, it is still the strongest existence among the spells Link has mastered with its single point-to-point attack power.

Link, who suffered from a second illness, originally planned to name him ‘breakthrough the drill of the sky’.

Fortunately, Link retreated from the precipice and woke up at the last minute. Instead of becoming a freak like the fourth generation, he changed its name to 【Tianyuan Drill】. Although the taste of the second dimension is still there, it is finally a lot weaker .

And after deepening the research, Link also improved its original superficial combination of Power of Water and the power of curse into a more profound semi-fusion mode.

This again gave Link a liquid, with a stronger and more ferocious corrosive ability than the power of the curse.

And this ability was named [Chill Toxin] by Link.

This ability is very flexible and can be used alone or in addition to other spells.

For example, when combined with the Tianyuan drill bit, the enemy will be attacked by cold poison even if it blocks the drill bit.

It can be described as insidious!

At the same time, after seeing the scene where Mike used the transparent flame force to carry Voldemort, Link also began to deepen the research on the power of the curse.

The result of the research is the two black flame snakes that have just been released.

These flames are essentially a concentrated and enhanced version of Fiendfyre, and the power, spread speed, and absorption speed have all increased by almost five times.

Of course, the control difficulty has also risen five times.

But this is not important. After Occlumency is upgraded to lv6, it brings a huge amount of spirit strength to Link, which makes these Fiendfyre even if they are several times stronger, they cannot escape Link’s control at all.

At the same time, the great increase in spirit strength brings more benefits to Link.

As early as in Hogwarts, Link guessed that his spirit strength skyrocketed and gained something similar to Sixth Sense.

After the experiments in the past few days, he finally confirmed that he acquired a certain kind of ability similar to seeing and hearing domineering-of course, it is a weakened version, the kind that is not effective at times, and is aimed at The perception range of the attack is only half a catty 3 meters.

Despite all the restrictions, Link is already satisfied.

Because this is just the beginning.

Link believes that as his spirit strength continues to grow, this terrifying ability will gradually increase.

This process may be long and difficult, but Link feels it is totally worth it.

And in the end, Link’s biggest and most exciting gain this time is that the strength control of Mike has been greatly increased, and it has even reached the point where Mike can be left to fight in a short period of time.

After many trials, this time was determined by Link to be 3 minutes.

As long as this time is not exceeded, Mike will not be able to cause substantial damage to Link’s soul and mind, at most it will consume some spirit strength.

And if this time is exceeded, the consequences will be unpredictable.

As a trump card, 3 minutes is actually enough.

After all, taking Mike’s current battle strength as an example, 3 minutes is enough for him to win most of the wizards in this world.

If you can’t win in 3 minutes, it will be difficult to win even if you give him another 30 minutes.

As the time of 3 minutes is too delicate, Link named it Ultraman time.

He even learned the appearance on TV as if it was a problem. He turned into a posture that was two of them, and then yelled Mike…

Of course, no one has seen that look, and Link is not going to let others know the real name of this trick, it’s shameful!

After the rest, Link pushed open the door and walked up the stairs to the castle even though he was embarrassed, but he was extremely excited.

Emily in a nightgown happened to walk across the corridor.

Link smiled and opened his arms and walked towards Emily-he couldn’t help but want to share his joy with Emily.

However, Emily did not give Link this opportunity.

She frowned and dragged Link all the way to a dressing room on the second floor.

In the process, Link finally discovered that there have been many new changes in this Forli Castle.

Among them, the most notable is the flower!

White lilies!

A large number of white lilies almost flooded the entire auditorium of the castle, dyeing Link’s eyes white.

Hundreds of Fairy Maiden Hua, the size of an adult’s palm, shuttled among the flowers, constantly pulling out fairy dust from the small basket they carried, so as to keep these white lilies in a delicate and charming state.

A red carpet passed through the flowers, passed through the open space, and finally reached the high platform also surrounded by white lilies, which looked gorgeous and harmonious.

It’s a pity that Link only saw such a beautiful scenery for a moment, and was pressed on the seat by two makeup artists in straight suits.

When they cooperated with the two witches and started to help Link and Emily put on makeup and gowns, Link finally reacted.

The flower language of white lilies has the same meaning of love as roses.

Although the meaning is not as strong as the rose, the white lily flower language also has the meaning of purity, elegance, nobility and solemnity.

This is very suitable for the engagement and marriage between Link and Emily, a pure-blooded wizard nobleman.

In order to ensure that the flowers can stay fresh, generally this kind of flower not only needs to have the Fairy Maiden Hua continuous use spell, but also needs to be delivered to the scene on the day of the ceremony.

Then things are clear.

Today is July 10th, the day Link and Emily get engaged!

Realizing this, Link was a little nervous. He quietly glanced at the dressing room where Emily was, and it was relaxed.

According to his observations, Emily did not seem to find that he had trained the spell to forget such important days.

Otherwise, Emily might have run over to beat him by now.

In the wizard’s tradition, there is actually no engagement ceremony this thing.

Even in situations like Link and Emily who cannot get married immediately because of age or other special reasons.

That is, both parents discuss with each other, and finalize the specific matters and marriage time.

The most important reason why Link and Emily want to do a special deal this time is actually to make Emily happy, and to show the strength of the Foley family to the entire Wizarding World to improve A sense of presence.

This is also very important in the current complex environment.

Since it is to be done, Mrs. Foley will naturally not allow this matter to be carried out casually.

So a set of engagement procedures based on the combination of muggle nobility and wizard ancient ceremony was invented by Mrs. Foley.

The process of this etiquette on the day of the engagement is relatively simple, after all, it is just an engagement, and it cannot make others feel that it is more grand than a real marriage.

But in terms of preparing to interact with etiquette, which is invisible to others, the complexity of this thing can be called a headache.

At least Link is not interested in reading the etiquette with 10 pages of parchment.

He has never liked things that are glamorous in appearance, but not of much substance.

Contrary to Link, the two women, Mrs. Foley and Emily, exploded with extremely high enthusiasm for this matter.

So Link became an arm-flinging shopkeeper very logically, leaving everything to them to deal with, and he devoted himself to the study of the curse, except for the necessary things like measuring dresses. Besides, Link would never leave that spell training room at all.

So it is totally understandable that Link will forget the engagement date.

Because he didn’t care too much from the very beginning.

After being picked up by two makeup artists with a guilty mood, it was afternoon.

At this time, Link has also changed a lot.

Generally speaking, you won’t notice anything special at first glance after being dressed as a real nobleman.

At best, you can only feel the noble temperament that emanates from them in the bones.

And this temperament is not only because they have been cultivated in a high position for a long time, but also because of the details of their seemingly ordinary clothes.

This kind of detail may be an unremarkable designer’s exclusive mark on the customized suit leather shoes, or it may be the family decoration on the pure gold cufflinks…

In short, after countless details that ordinary people can’t perceive are cleverly piled together, the nobleman becomes a kind of discerning person who knows its nobleness at a glance, and ordinary people even if they don’t notice it, they can also perceive its noble existence.

Link looks like this now.

At first glance, the pure black suit on his body is not much different from those two makeup artists, but when the three of them stand together, even the children who are still playing in the mud on the side of the road will know that Link only It’s the truly noble person.

The eyes of the two male makeup artists looking at Link were extremely hot.

Although Legilimens Link can clearly perceive that the other party is only admiring his perfect artwork created by them, but after considering the rumors that there were many gayboy fashion makeup artists in the past, Link still feels a chill in his heart , Hurriedly waved them back.

At this time, the door to the dressing room next door finally opened.

Emily walked up with a smile surrounded by two female makeup artists.

This scene made Link’s eyes widened with a touch of disgust on his face just now, and his expression became surprised.

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