"Lord, since there is still time, there are some women in the container who are pretty good. Let's bring them here for fun." A big man said with a smile.

Scar face looked at the moustache, the other side did not object, so he said with a smile: "are you bastards reincarnated? Make a quick decision. Don't delay the business

"Yes," a burst of obscene laughter rang out in the warehouse.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and the door of the warehouse was kicked open, which immediately interrupted their laughter. Some people even choked because of their fright.

All the people looked angrily at the door of the warehouse.

At the door of the warehouse, a slender figure in a black windbreaker slowly emerged from the darkness. The broad Sunglasses could not see his face, but he exuded a strong and terrifying momentum, which was full of surging and mountain like murderous atmosphere around his body.

Leng Yi coldly looks at a group of big men in front of him. His eyes are full of cold killing intention. Leng Yi will not let go of any of these people, because they should die. Tonight is doomed to be a bloody night.

"You're all going to die." A cold voice sounded in the warehouse as if from hell. Under the strong and terrible murderous atmosphere of lengyi, the people in the warehouse were full of fear and panic.

A big man picked up the one meter long mountain knife on the table and howled wildly: "I'll cut you to death."

The long knife cuts through the space like lightning and cuts at lengyi.

Leng Yi's face shows a trace of irony, and his side flashed by, hitting the man's wrist with a lightning punch‘ The big man's wrist was broken. He couldn't hold the long knife any more and fell down. Leng Yi catches the long sword that is falling. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, he leaves a trace on the big man's neck. The blood spurts out instantly, and half of the big man's neck is cut off.

With a bang, the man's heavy body fell to the ground and woke up all the people in the warehouse.

"Kill him for me." Scar face with fear of loud ah way.

Suddenly more than 20 big men in fear, crazy waving a long knife to cold Yi cut.

The face under lengyi Sunglasses showed a bloodthirsty smile. Instead of retreating, he rushed into the crowd with a long knife in his hand, just like a tiger into a sheep.

The long knife in lengyi's hand is like lightning. It's too fast for people to see and reflect.

Lengyi blocks the two long knives. The shadow of the two long knives flashes by. The two long knives are cut off with their arms. As soon as the scream starts, it stops suddenly, and you can see the two heads flying high.

Then Leng Yi turns around and waves his sword. The shadow of the sword flashes away in the air. The man behind the attack is split in two with his sword.

"Danger," Leng Yi's body retreats. He turns around and holds the cleaved swords. The long swords are wielded in parallel, which turns into a streamer and cuts through the abdomen of several big men. Blood splashes and internal organs flow out.

In the warehouse, the stumps and broken arms were flying together and blood was splashed. As lengyi's black figure went, the howling sound continued to ring, setting off a bloody storm.

The speed of lengyi is like a meteor, and the knife is like lightning. This is no longer a fight, but a massacre with little resistance.

When Leng Yi's long sword stopped waving, there were limbs and broken arms everywhere, corpses all over the ground, blood flowing into a river. In addition to lengyi, there are two people alive in the warehouse, scar face and mustache.

The mustache is not as confident as it was just now. Now is the face is blue, sweating, body constantly shaking, eyes full of fear looking at lengyi, sitting in a chair, even can't stand up.

As for scar, he took out a pistol from his back and pointed to Leng Yi. His hand kept shaking and he roared in fear: "don't move, or I'll blow your head!"

"Just like you, you can't even hold the gun. It's a good thing that you want to come out of the underworld. You're not afraid of shame." Cold Yi corner of the mouth a curl, disdain of disdain say.

"You devil, I will kill you." Fear beyond the limit of scar face, so crazy to cold Yi shot.

But a shot did not hit, Leng Yi has appeared in front of him, blade flash, scar face limbs were cut off, like a turtle turned over in the struggle.

"Let's go, let's go, shall I? Please, let me go. Scar face's voice is intermittently begging for great pain.

"It's like this. I have to beg for mercy. If I want to live, I can see how wonderful it is to live. Let you go? When the people you sold as human organs begged for your mercy, did you ever think about letting them go? I'm afraid not. So it's not fair that you live one more second now. Go to hell and repent. " The head of scar's face fell from his neck.

Lengyi then kicks scar face's head into a pile of fragmented corpses.

"Master? Is he the master of Dilong group? " Lengyi put the bloody sword on the table, sat opposite the mustache and asked with a smile.

"No, yes, yes, from Disha Gang, master." The mustard trembles to say.

"Are you testing my IQ? There seems to be no difference between them Leng Yi grabs a pig's hoof on the table and doesn't care about the bloody body in front of him. He nibbles it with relish.

"Yes, no, let's go. You want to know, what? I'll sue you for everything. I won't hide anything. As long as you, you can let me go, I'm afraid, I can't even speak completely.

"Is it true that the worse people are, the more afraid they are of death? Those guys just did a lot better than you two Lengyi pointed to the fragmented corpse in the warehouse with the pig's hoof in his hand.

"I don't know." Moustache looked at it, immediately turned around and said in fear.

"It's a pity that you won't be able to eat such delicious food in the future." Lengyi chewed the remaining pig's hoof bone, still on the table, light said.

He was even paler, full of fear and trembling teeth. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "please, please, don't kill me! Don't, don't kill, I, you want to know, what, I'll tell you, and I'll give you all my property. "

"Do you know why I didn't kill you immediately?" Lengyi coldly looked at the mustache in front of him, with a strong disgust on his face.

"No, I don't know." Mustard teeth tremble, vaguely said.

"That's because I want to see what you people who commit heinous crimes will do at the last moment of death? It's a pity that I'm disappointed. You didn't think of repentance. You just thought about how to live. You even didn't hesitate to betray and use money. " Leng Yi shakes her head and sighs.

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