The fear of death and the expectation of survival are the only things left in his heart. But after listening to Leng Yi's words, he knows that no matter what he pleads for today, he can't change the outcome of death.

"You devil, I'll fight with you!" After seeing that there was no hope of survival, the mustard suddenly got into trouble and took out a mini pistol from the bottom of his trousers to lengyi, in a vain attempt to fight to death.

"Mole ant is still greedy for life, not to mention people, you know you won't easily admit your life." Leng Yi gave a cold hum. The knife in his hand was like a streamer. One knife broke the gun in his hand, broke his arm, and even split his body and head.

"In fact, I'm the same as you. I want to live at any time, but I'm lucky because I have the strength to live. I'm better than you. My knife has killed many people, but I have a clear conscience. " Lengyi takes a look at the bloody warehouse and turns to leave.

Place three containers on the wall of the warehouse.

Lengyi opened one of the containers. It was full of foul air. There were 20 or 30 people lying on the container floor, including men, women and even a few children.

Lengyi checked several people and found that they just took some kind of coma medicine and passed out. There was no danger of life.

As for the other box, there are also more than 20 people in it. According to their dirty degree, they should have been caught here at different times.

Looking at 50 or 60 comatose men, women and children, lengyi's heart is full of anger. If he doesn't save them today, after a period of time, their eyes and hearts will be dug out and re installed on others, and their bodies will be directly destroyed.

Lengyi once destroyed a foreign human organ smuggling organization. The current situation at that time was even more miserable than it is now. The whole warehouse was full of broken corpses, blood spilled all over every corner, and a large number of frozen human organs. Lengyi's feeling at that time was disgust and anger, not heartache.

But now Leng Yi is not only very angry, but also very heartbroken. The reason is that he is a Chinese. Seeing his compatriots' miserable fate, he is full of anger and killing intention.

After confirming that everyone has no problem, lengyi can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I just started to check the third container. There are many wooden cases in the third container, all of which have been fixed. Even if I experience big turbulence on the ship, it will not be damaged.

One of the wooden boxes was opened by cold comfort. A beautiful vase was wrapped in a thin film, placed in the center of the wooden box, surrounded by plastic foam to protect the vase.

Lengyi opened several boxes one after another, which were filled with exquisite antiques. It seems that this container is filled with smuggled antiques. Leng Yi is not interested in these antiques. He doesn't continue to open the box and plans to turn around and leave.

"Xiaoyi." The image of a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the container.

This is a man about 1.8 meters tall. He is 40 years old. His eyebrows are like swords, his lips are thin like knives, his face is handsome, cold and resolute, and he stands aloof. He wears white war clothes on his body. He looks like an ancient man. His strong body contains the powerful power to destroy the heaven and the earth, and his whole body exudes the sense of killing and fighting. There is a black sword hanging around the waist, and the whole body of the sword is full of killing.

"Master, aren't you practicing in seclusion? How could it suddenly appear? " Lengyi asked happily and surprised.

"I'll talk about it later. This time my closure ended suddenly, and my soul energy couldn't last long." The middle-aged man looks tired.

"Master, I'm sorry, but for me, you wouldn't be hurt like this?" Cold Yi a face of concern anxious.

For some time, lengyi's Kung Fu was on the verge of breakthrough. Because his strength was developing too fast and his foundation was unstable, lengyi became obsessed with the devil. The white image saved lengyi from being obsessed with the devil, and helped him break through the bottleneck and let lengyi return to the realm of simplicity.

However, the mysterious soul consumed too much and fell into deep sleep again. Today's reappearance surprised lengyi.

"It has nothing to do with you. Although my soul is very weak now, it doesn't matter. I just need to cultivate in the soul fixing bead for a period of time. To make a long story short, I feel a breath in the soul fixing bead, which is emitted from those wooden boxes before. You can find it out." Said the middle-aged man.

Although these wooden cases are a little heavy, they are easy for lengyi to move. Following the guidance of the middle-aged man, lengyi quickly finds a wooden case in the container, which is about one cubic meter.

"It's this wooden box, which contains what I want you to look for. Take him to a safe place. My soul can't hold on. Go back to dinghunzhu first. " Then the middle-aged man disappeared.

Lengyi came to the warehouse with one hand carrying the box, picked up a mobile phone from the table and dialed the police: "I want to call the police. There is a fire at Baijiang wharf. Many people died. Come here quickly."

With that, Leng Yi hangs up his mobile phone, throws it on the table, turns around and leaves against the wooden box. Go to dark and remote places, avoid all the surveillance video.

Fortunately, lengyi is driving an off-road vehicle. Just move the seat a little and put it in a cubic wooden box. After putting the wooden box in place, lengyi drives away immediately.

But what lengyi doesn't know is that shortly after he left, a group of people in black came to the bloody warehouse, all with their faces covered.

"General, all the people are dead. We searched all the places, but we didn't find it. It seems that another force should have got it." One of the men in black reported to a tall and burly man in black.

The man in black, known as the general, did not answer, but was absorbed in looking at the broken limbs and arms on the ground.

For a long time, the man in black, who was called the general, sighed and said with fear in his tone: "what a fierce and domineering sword technique. This kind of sword technique exists for killing. Stop bleeding with blood and stop killing with killing. I didn't expect that anyone would practice this kind of sword technique. It's terrible."

"In the future, you will run as far as you can when you meet someone who uses this kind of sabre technique. You are not his opponent, neither am I. against this person, you can only die." Finally, the general ordered the man in black.

"Yes, general." All the people in black bowed and said.

The sound of the police siren outside Baijiang wharf is roaring. It seems that the speed of Jiangshi police is pretty good.

"General, what should I do now?" Asked one of the men in black.

"That thing must have been taken away. As for who took it away, you can check it slowly. You will find it out. Now retreat quickly." The general ordered.

"Yes, general." All the men in black disappeared in the dark.

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