"Mom, how did dad get shot?" Leng Yi calms down and asks in doubt.

"In recent years, there have been people poaching national wildlife protection animals in the nearby mountains, so the town decided to set up a wildlife security team. If you need people who are familiar with the mountains, your father will attend. Many poachers have been caught in recent years, and nothing has happened

"But I didn't expect that five nights ago, your father and a colleague were on patrol in the mountain and met a group of poachers. They shot each other. Although they caught several poachers, your father was shot in the head from behind." Li Xiulan said with a sad face.

"How's dad now?" Leng Yi sees Leng Zhentao on the bed, pale, unconscious, and full of sadness and remorse.

"The doctor said that the bullet came from the back of the brain, but because the distance was too far, the bullet didn't kill enough, so it got stuck in the head and pressed the brain nerve, causing your father to be in a coma now. This situation is very dangerous. Once the bullet moves a little, your father will die immediately. " Li Xiulan said chokingly.

"Why don't you operate on dad? Dad, this kind of injury, if you delay one more second, you will be more dangerous? " Leng Yi worries and asks anxiously.

"There is no doctor in Jiangshi people's hospital who can do this kind of difficult operation, so we invited famous brain experts from Beijing to help your father do the operation. Although the other party has promised, it has been three days, and still hasn't come." Li Xiulan looks sad.

Lengyi carefully examined Leng Zhentao's injury, which was similar to what the doctor said. Once the bullet moved, Leng Zhentao was likely to die immediately.

Just at this time, a doctor pushed the door in and said, "Li Xiulan, a famous brain expert in Beijing, Professor Chen Zesheng, will come to our hospital this afternoon to operate on your husband. Are you ready for the operation fee?"

"Really? That's great, doctor. My husband has a work-related injury. We are raising money in our town. We can pay it soon. " Li Xiulan said happily.

"No, I have to pay the cost before the operation today. Professor Chen has no time to waste here. If you don't have the money, you can't do the operation. " The doctor frowned and refused.

"Doctor, we will certainly give you this money. We will never be in arrears with the hospital. Please let my husband do the operation first, OK?" Li Xiulan pleaded.

"No, if all the patients are like you, why don't our hospital close down. Without money, don't even think about surgery. Professor Chen and the hospital have no time to waste. You have to know that most of your money is for Professor Chen. If you can't afford it, Professor Chen won't do surgery. We can't let our hospital do it. " The doctor refused coldly.

"Doctor, I beg you, as long as you can operate on my husband, even if it's a cow or a horse, we'll pay him back." Li Xiulan begged bitterly, but she almost didn't kneel down.

"We've seen a lot of such things in the hospital. In the same sentence, if you don't have money, you can't have an operation." The doctor turned and left.

Li Xiulan pulled the doctor's sleeve: "doctor, I kneel down for you. Please help my husband. " With that, Li Xiulan would kneel down.

Lengyi picked up Li Xiulan, who was about to kneel down. Her eyes were full of murderous, staring at the doctor fiercely.

"What do you want to do? If you don't have money, don't you do surgery and treat us as a charity? " The doctor stepped back in fear.

"The fee swipes from here, the password is behind, get out of here." Lengyi takes out a purple card from his pocket and throws it in front of the doctor.

"Mom, don't worry. I'm sure dad will be fine. He won't leave us." Cold Yi comforts of say.

Thinking of lengyi's fierce eyes, the doctor trembled all over and did not dare to stay for a moment. He immediately picked up the purple card from the ground and ran out of the ward.

"Xiaoyi, it costs 500000 yuan. Is your card enough?" Li Xiulan came back and asked.

"Enough." Cold Yi nods to say. How much money does Cary have? Lengyi doesn't know, but if she can't even afford the medical expenses, lengyi will immediately go back and chop all those unreliable guys.

"Well." Li Xiulan hasn't had a rest for several days. She is extremely tired, so she doesn't care.

"Cold Zhentao patient's operation expense, handles, the password is behind." The doctor came to the hospital and said to the cashier nurse.

"Leng Zhentao? Don't you still owe for a few days? How can you afford to pay for the operation now? " The little nurse took the purple card in doubt.

"Who knows? Take out a puzzling card. I haven't seen it before. Maybe there's no money in it. You can brush it and have a try. " The doctor thinks of Leng Yi's fierce eyes and can't help shivering.

"Well, there's enough money in it, but this card is so strange. How come I've never seen it?" The little nurse handled it quickly, then looked at the purple bank card with some doubts and said. The little nurse has been working as a cashier for many years. She has seen a lot of VIP bank cards, but she has never seen such cards.

"Just a moment. I'll check." The little nurse was so curious that she picked up her mobile phone and patted it and quickly sent it to the Internet.

After a while, I heard the little nurse scream.

"What's the matter? Make a fuss. " Said the doctor, frowning.

"Someone replied to me that this card is the most precious purple card of Swiss bank. Only one thousand cards have been issued in the world. It is said that all the people who own this card are billionaires with a value of at least several billion US dollars. In addition, this card can overdraft 50 million US dollars." The little nurse said with a shocked face.

"Are you mistaken?" The doctor said with disbelief on his face.

"There's no mistake. All the features of the purple card on the Internet are consistent with this card, so this card is true. I don't think any stupid person in the world will imitate this kind of purple card." The little nurse carefully took the purple bank card and said.

"It's true. Isn't he a nearly 10 billion rich man, and I have offended him?" The doctor's face was full of fear, and he said to himself foolishly.

"Doctor, can you show me the owner of this bank card? I've seen a lot of billionaires. I've never seen such a 10 billion person with a purple card. " Little nurse full face hope, eyes starlight said.

"Give me the card." The doctor came back to himself. The nurse grabbed the purple card and ran to the ward where Leng Zhentao was. He was so scared that he could offend the person who could take out the card. Thinking of his arrogant attitude just now, the doctor wanted to slap himself a few big mouths.

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