"Here's your card, sir." The doctor came to lengyi carefully and handed over the purple bank card respectfully.

Leng Yi took the bank card without expression and saw the doctor hesitating: "why don't you go? Do you have anything else to do? "

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't have a good attitude just now. Please don't see eye to eye with me." With sweat on his face, the doctor bowed and said in panic.

"Well, I accept your apology. You can go." Lengyi said impatiently with a wave. This kind of deceiving and flattering person, Leng Yi is too lazy to care with him.

"Thank you, thank you," the doctor panicked and turned to leave.

It's true that money is easy to do things. After paying the money, the attitude and service of the hospital immediately improved. Soon, several nurses came to help Leng Zhentao prepare for the operation.

When the nurse was ready, several doctors came in and took the lead. A doctor in his fifties was the president of the hospital. Leng Yi had seen his picture in the rank and position box, like his surname was Li. A man in his fifties, some of whom are fat and half bald, should be Professor Chen Zesheng, a famous brain expert invited by Beijing. They are followed by several relatively young doctors.

"Professor Chen, this is the patient's information." President Li handed some information to the semi bald man.

"I don't need to see it. It's good to have Dean Li to help me. I have to do the operation quickly. My time is very precious. I have to have dinner with Secretary Mao of the municipal Party committee in the evening." Professor Chen waved his hand and said.

"Well, all right." With a wave of his hand, the doctor immediately took out a contract and said in formulaic language, "the family members will sign on it."

Leng Yi took over the contract and didn't sign it immediately: "Dean Li, right? Is Professor Chen the one who operated on my father? "

"Yes, is there any problem? Premier Li said in some surprise.

"A doctor who doesn't even see a patient's case, I don't trust to put my father's life in the hands of such a doctor." Said coldly.

"Boy, what are you talking about? Are you questioning my medical skills? " Professor Chen asked angrily.

"Shouldn't I question it? You know, my father's injury is the head, not the arm and thigh. If you don't even look at the case and check the patient's injury, you have to have an operation immediately. Do you think you are a miracle doctor? Even if it's a miracle doctor, it's impossible, isn't it? " Leng Yi Leng asked.

"You young man, what do you know? If you want to have an operation, do it. If you don't want to get it. " Professor Chen said angrily.

"Not to mention your medical skills, I can't let you operate on my father with this attitude." Leng Yi responded coldly.

"Young man, your father's illness can't be delayed any longer. Professor Chen is a famous expert in brain science and the only hope for your father's survival." Premier Li said in a hurry.

"Dean Li, I only come here because of your face. Since the other party doesn't want me to have an operation, you'd better ask someone else. I've made an appointment with the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. I'll go first." Professor Chen turned to leave.

"Professor Chen, children are not sensible. You must not have the same opinion with him. We sign the contract, we do the operation Li Xiulan quickly grabbed Professor Chen and said.

"Before I come here, I know that it's just a dying man, even if the operation has only 10% hope. If it's not for the sake of money, I don't want to come over. Now I'm even less in the mood to do it. You'll die. " Professor Chen said with a sneer.

"Professor Chen, children are not sensible. Please do me a favor. I'll give my husband an operation and I'll kneel down for you." Li Xiulan begged bitterly.

"You will die. I will not operate on your husband." Professor Chen's cold refusal.

"Mom, I'll do the operation." Leng Yi says that he can't believe the so-called Professor Chen. Leng Yi will definitely make Leng Zhentao in danger, so the best way now is to do the operation himself.

Leng Yi's words shocked everyone.

"Mom, believe me, I'll do dad's operation." Lengyi said again.

"Well, I believe you." Seeing the self-confidence of lengyi's face, Xiulan Li feels at ease and trust inexplicably.

"No, it's a joke. It's not sure whether this young man has a doctor's license. Even if he has, can he do such a difficult operation at such a young age?" Premier Li immediately objected.

"I believe my son can." Li Xiulan stood up straight and said.

"It's up to you, but if anything happens, our hospital won't take any responsibility." President Li said angrily.

"You don't have to be in charge of the hospital. Anything happens to us. Although I'm a woman, my words are true. All of you here are witnesses." Li Xiulan's momentum suddenly changed, and her words showed a momentum.

President Li snorted coldly and did not speak.

"I'd like to see how you do the operation. If you succeed, I'll kneel down and call you grandfather three times." Professor Chen said with a sneer.

"Open your dog's eyes and watch slowly." Said coldly.

"Xiaoyi, life and death depend on fate, wealth depends on heaven, let it go." Li Xiulan said. Li Xiulan is not an ordinary woman. Professor Chen's attitude and medical skills really make him uneasy. On the contrary, after her son appeared, she revealed a mystery all over her body, so Li Xiulan believed her son more.

"Mom, don't worry, I will let Dad out of the operating room safely." Cold Yi solemnly nods to say.

"I need two assistants. Any of you would like to help me." Lengyi asked the doctors around him.

No one answered, no one wanted to get into such trouble.

"I'll be your assistant." Li Yuan said with a sigh.

"I'd like to be your assistant." A young doctor raised his hand carefully, with a sign of intern on his chest.

"Thank you, Dean Li. I want to borrow your operating room this time. Please ask someone to prepare something for the operation." Cold Yi said with a smile.

"Don't worry about that. I'll arrange it." President Li coldly said that although he promised to be an assistant, he didn't like lengyi at all.

An hour later, lengyi came out of the operating room.

"Xiaoyi, what's the matter?" Li Xiulan asked tremblingly.

"Mom, the operation is very successful. Dad's life is no longer in danger. He will come out soon." Leng Yi said with a smile on her face.

"Good, good," Li Xiulan shed tears.

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