The three walked out of the meeting room and soon came to an electronic metal gate. Wu Feng stretched out his right hand and put it on an electronic touch screen on the right!

A burst of light flashed from the electronic screen, and the computer system was checking the fingerprints. Soon the inspection was completed, and the electronic metal door opened automatically.

"God of war, this is the testing place for the strength of the Legion soldiers!" Wu Feng went in first.

Lengyi went in. The room was very spacious. The walls around it were made of metal, including the floor. It was bright and cold. The room is full of all kinds of strange instruments, and beside these instruments, there are many people in scientific research work clothes debugging and maintenance.

"God of war, chief instructor, chief of staff!" All of the researchers raised their chests again and said loudly.

In everyone's eyes, there is worship. Lengyi is the God of war and the soul of the Legion. This is a firm belief in everyone's heart.

A slightly older man with glasses said with reverence: "God of war, my name is Tian Hua, and I'm the team leader of the strength test equipment repair and maintenance!"

"It's OK. I just came to have a look. You go on with your work." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"Yes, God of war." The crowd saluted and said.

"Ares, would you like to try these machines?" Wu Feng said with a smile.

"What machines are these? What's the use? " Lengyi asks curiously.

"Tian Hua, let's introduce to the God of war your latest weapons." Wufeng road.

"Ares, this is the strength tester, this is the speed tester, this is,,," Tian Huayi's detailed introduction, including functional features.

"Well, yes, these machines can objectively reflect a person's physical fitness." Cold Yi praises of say.

"What is the maximum limit of this strength tester?" Lengyi pointed to one of the machines and said.

"Ares, the limit of this strength tester is 10000 kg. A person's pure explosive strength is tested. As long as he tries his best to hit this central place, the strength data will be displayed on the screen at that time." Tian Hua said.

"God of war, try it now." Wu Feng said expectantly. The rest are also looking forward.

"Well, I'll try." Cold Yi says helplessly.

Lengyi stands in front of the machine and punches out casually, with no explosive force.

"Bang --!" The power shock made the power meter rumble and tremble. The number on the screen was changing rapidly. At last, it stopped at the number of 10000, and then the number on the screen disappeared.

The people around him were shocked.

"Please check the instrument to see if it is broken." Tian Hua said loudly, his face is not very good. It's rare that the general drillmaster and chief of staff of the God of war came to visit. They wanted to show it once, but they didn't expect this kind of thing.

"Chief, the system here has broken down. I'm afraid it can't be repaired for a while and a half." A staff report.

"Well, you repair it slowly. Ares, let's go. You don't have to try the rest of the machines." Wu Feng said quickly.

The three then left the strength test room.

"Ares, you are also too abnormal. My highest record is only 7000 kg. I didn't expect that you would just let the machine be scrapped. Ares, that machine is not cheap. Fortunately, you didn't try the rest of the machines again, otherwise all of them would be scrapped." Wu Feng said with a bitter smile.

"I didn't control it for a while." Cold Yi embarrassed smile to say.

"Team leader, this machine is not broken. I think it has exceeded its limit before the system collapses." A researcher said carefully.

"So the pure explosive power of Ares alone has exceeded 10000 kg." Tian Hua murmured.

"It's still so gentle. If you try your best, I'm afraid the machine will turn into slag." Next to a researcher whispered.

Suddenly the scene was silent: "the strength of the God of war is too terrible." This is the voice of everyone present.

"Ares, this is the weapons research laboratory." Wu Feng said.

"It's much better than our old one." Leng Yi said with emotion.

Leng Yi three people came to a huge research institute. After entering the metal gate, there was a transparent glass partition inside, which was divided into areas. There were many people busy in each area.

"Warlord, shall we go in and have a look?" Wu Feng asked.

"No, don't disturb them. Sometimes the inspiration of home is very important." Cold Yi smiles to refuse a way.

"I want to go to lab one." Leng Yi thought for a moment, then said suddenly.

"All right, Ares, we'll be right there." Wu Feng suddenly became more serious.

Then Wu Feng leads the way through a narrow passage to a metal gate, which is different from other gates. In front of the gate, there are two fully armed guards. They are tall and powerful, with no expression on their faces, and full of cold and fierce, just like robots.

Seeing the arrival of lengyi, Wufeng and Zhuge Wuwo, the two soldiers saluted immediately. Wu Feng three people solemnly returned a military salute.

Wu Feng said: "you have worked hard."

Two people immediately straighten up the chest and say loudly: "all for the sky Corps."

"Good, good." Leng Yi said with appreciation.

This place is very important. It's also a kind of absolute trust to be chosen as a guard. This door is much more complicated. It needs fingerprints, genetic testing and many other steps. After a while, the door finally opened.

"Warlord, let's go in." Wu Feng said.

"Yes." Said Leng Yi.

"There are two people guarding this place all the time. No one is allowed to get close to it. The chief of staff and I are the only ones who have the right to enter this place. At the same time, this metal gate is not opened by anyone. Even if it is opened, this narrow corridor is full of weapons and will attack immediately. The defense is perfect." Wu Feng said as he walked.

"How's the experiment going?" Leng Yi asked.

"There are no problems in the simulation experiment. At present, there are still some details to deal with. As long as we complete the simulation experiment, we can immediately put it into the actual experiment." Wu Feng said.

"Although I don't like this thing very much, if the Legion mercenaries want to stand on the African soil safely, this thing must be done. Only in this way can the enemy be afraid of us." Leng Yi said.

"God of war, I understand. In this research, Dr. Zheng Hua played a leading role, and many difficult problems were solved by his staff. " Wu Feng pointed to a gray haired old man behind the glass and said.

"Lao Zheng is doing well. It seems that some new people are coming." Leng Yi asked.

"Yes, God of war, those people were rescued from their research center when we destroyed a terrorist organization. Unexpectedly, they found treasure. Maybe because of gratitude, they participated in our No.1 Project and made great contributions." Wu Feng said with a smile.

"Well, let's go and have a look." Leng Yi goes into the glass.

"God of war, chief instructor, chief of staff, here you are." Dr. Zheng said warmly.

"Lao Zheng, hard work." Lengyi said with a smile.

"Dr. Zheng, hard work." Wu Feng nodded and said with a smile.

"God of war, chief instructor, chief of staff, there is one thing I am about to report to you." Dr. Zheng said happily.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Leng Yi asked.

"All the links of the No.1 Project have been prepared. Now it's time for the field experiment. As long as the experiment is completed, it means that our experiment is successful." Dr. Zheng said excitedly.

"Great, so we don't have any worries." Wu Feng said, waving his fist.

Zhuge Wuwo is also very evil and excited. As long as the plan is successful this time, they will not be so worried about the threat of the forces behind the other side when they make war plans in the future.

"Ares, we made it." Wu Feng looks at Leng Yi happily and says.

"I see. You don't have to repeat it." Leng Yi said with a bitter smile.

"Dr. Zheng, you have worked hard this time. You have made indelible contributions to the future development of the Legion." Lengyi said sincerely.

"It's not that serious. That's what I should do." Dr. Zheng shook his head and said.

"I have a request. I don't know if you will agree to it?" Dr. Zheng thought about it and said.

"Dr. Zheng, if you have any request, just say it. Don't be so polite." Cold Yi says with a smile.

"God of war, the power of this thing is too great, and the sequelae is endless. If possible, try not to use this thing, it will do great harm to human beings." Dr. Zheng said gravely, "Dr. Zheng, you are right to worry, but don't worry, I am not a crazy devil. To study these is just to increase the chips in hand and enhance the deterrent power. After all, there are too many enemies in our legion, and the strength is too strong." Lengyi said sincerely.

"That's good." Dr. Zheng said with a sigh.

"Dr. Zheng, when can we do the physical experiment?" Zhuge Wui asked anxiously.

"Chief of staff, this experiment can be tested at any time, but it should be conducted in an unmanned area, preferably in the sea, because the purification capacity in the sea is quite high." Dr. Zheng replied.

"Well, you're ready. We'll start the test explosion in two days. After all, we don't have much time left. What do you think of the God of war? " Wu Feng said.

"I don't mind. Let's arrange it like this." Cold Yi says with a smile.

Then three people left lab one.

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