PS: Thank wert for casting 5 monthly tickets, thank you!

At this time, the various divisions of the Legion, which were distributed in Anru, were all training enthusiastically.

Now all the soldiers don't understand what happened? Why do the heads of these branches immediately begin to drill them after they come back from the headquarters base?

However, as soldiers, it is their bounden duty to obey orders, so all soldiers do not complain. They know that they are not ordinary soldiers of any country. They are mercenaries. They will face war and death at any time. If they train hard now, they will have more chances to live in the battlefield in the future.

The tiger regiment is a branch of the owl dragon in Anlu, which is located under a big mountain. At this time in the camp, you can see a strong man standing in the cross-country military vehicle with a telescope looking at a group of soldiers climbing on the mountain in the distance. The big man is tall, wearing a vest, and his muscles are taut tightly, full of explosive force. There is a scar on his face, which makes the whole person look more fierce and rough.

Looking at the soldiers training in the distance, the man frowned, did not put down his glasses, but roared loudly, like thunder rolling in: "what are you bastards doing? Crawling like an ant, speed me up. How did you train before? It's all forgotten, isn't it? "

Then the man put down his telescope, his face showed a cruel smile: "it seems that it's time to give you a little memory. The machine gunner is ready to shoot with live ammunition. If you are injured, I can let you retire ahead of time. If you are killed, I can double your pension."

A group of soldiers sweat climbing the steep mountain, each person's back load reached more than 50 kg.

"Chief, what's the matter? Why are you so angry after you come back from the headquarters that you won't be cleaned up by the drillmaster and chief of staff in the headquarters, and take it out on us after you come back? " At this time, two soldiers left behind, said one of the little men.

"How do I know? Maybe it's menopause." Next to a big man mumbled.

"I said silly big guy, are you really stupid? Menopause is the patent of women. Our team leader is a man." The little man said scornfully.

"Bean sprout, you're smart. I think you'd better climb quickly. Didn't you hear the commander say that you should use machine gun to shoot at the back. If you're not careful, you'll be beaten into a beehive." The big man said with disdain.

"Fart, big fool, how dare you call me xiaodouya. Let's practice when the training is over." The little man said angrily.

"Practice as soon as you practice. Who is afraid of who?" The big man said with indifference.

The little man seemed to have to say something threatening. As a result, he only heard the sound of machine gun fire, which hit the rocks at his feet, causing debris to fly around, and many debris fell on the soldiers.

Feeling the hot breath and the pain of the stone chips behind, the little man immediately said in a loud voice: "Damn, the team leader is really crazy. He came here for real." Then he climbed up like a rabbit.

Those who fell behind were not inferior. They immediately climbed up with all their strength. All of them did not dare to slack off. It seemed that the sound of machine gun shooting and grenade explosion made all of them return to the original dangerous battlefield. The shackles in the hearts of all the soldiers were slowly freed, full of strong fighting spirit, with bloodthirsty expression on their faces, just like the enemies on the mountain, everyone's face was ferocious to climb to the top of the mountain.

"Damn it, these boys just don't clean up. Now when they shoot with machine guns, their speed is much faster." Seeing the soldier in front of him climbing up, he put down his telescope and said with a laugh.

"Commander, is that ok? Next to the deputy head of the worry said.

"What's going to happen? Do you think we are the army of those countries? All training is measured and safe. We are mercenaries. We are on the verge of death. We may lose our lives at any time. Now dangerous training can ensure their lives in future wars. I think they also understand this. They will accept this kind of death training without complaint. " The commander said heavily.

"But the war is about to start. At this time, the strength of death training will not be improved much. Maybe someone will be injured and our strength will be lost. After all, this kind of high-intensity training can easily cause injuries." Deputy head or worried said.

"I know, but what we are training now is not their strength, but their spirit. Recently, the Legion has been too comfortable. It seems that they have lost their fighting spirit and forgotten the smell of gunsmoke in the battlefield. Now we need to arouse their fighting spirit and train them into howling tigers instead of a bunch of sick cats, Let them be fearless on the battlefield and tear up all enemies. "

"It's OK for them to deal with ordinary enemies on the battlefield with their present mentality. When they meet a powerful enemy, they will not be rivals at all. It's a truth that will never change from time to time." The commander said firmly.

"I see. Don't be lazy, machine gunner. Chase them and shoot them for me." Deputy head of the ruthless said.

"Damn, you guys are more ruthless than me, but I like it. It's time for these guys to teach me a lesson, so as not to train hard all day." The commander said with a smile.

"What happened this time? Since you came back, you've trained them all?" The deputy chief asked in doubt.

"The God of war is back. He is not very satisfied with us. Besides, war will start soon. Now it's just the calm before the storm. The storm is coming soon." The commander said with a sigh.

"This war will come sooner or later, and it is inevitable. Come early and end early. I just don't know how many brothers can survive in the end. The war has always been cruel. " Deputy head of the lonely said.

"The greatest honor of a soldier is to have his body wrapped around a horse and die in battle. I don't think they will regret it. The current training is also for them to survive in the coming war. We Xiaolong people are born to fight madmen. We are not afraid of war, blood and death. What we are afraid of is meaningless sacrifice. Therefore, the following training must not be lax. You should pay attention to it for me. " Head of the warning said.

"Don't worry, chief, I will, but I don't think we need to supervise the training any more. Don't you notice that his momentum is changing? Now it's like a tiger coming out of the cage, ready to pounce on the enemy. " The deputy commander said with a smile.

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