"Dad, why didn't you just let me open my eyes? I want to see how Dad hits bad guys? " Worry free Du small mouth, a face of unhappy.

"It's not good for you to see such a violent and bloody scene. In the future, we will never be a lady. We will never be a woman. Do you understand? " Leng Yi said gently. For violent, unreasonable women, lengyi can be said to be far away.

"Of course, I must be a lady in the future." Carefree face full of pride said.

"Very good, worry free. I'll give you back the monkey king's mask." Leng Yi praised.

"In the future, I will also wear the mask of Monkey King, like my father, to kill demons and monsters." Worry free put on the mask, clenched his little fist and said.

"Well, you'd better be a lady. I'll take care of the fight against monsters." Cold Yi suddenly full face black line, helplessly said.

Just now, I said that when I grow up to be a lady, I will become a heroine who can kill demons and monsters.

The police soon arrived at the scene. The four beasts and Li Suyi were all taken away by the ambulance. Lengyi came out from the dark with Wuyou in his arms: "Wuyou, the police are gone. Let's go home, too."

"Well, let's go home." Carefree happy patting hands.

Jiang City Hospital, a ward.

"Captain, it's great that you finally wake up." A policewoman saw Li Suyi wake up and said happily.

"Where is this?" Li Suyi rubbed his head and asked suspiciously.

"Captain, this is the hospital." The policewoman replied.

"Why am I in the hospital? Am I not in the alley?" Li Suyi asked with a puzzled face.

"Captain, it's all day. You've been sleeping for six or seven hours." Said the policewoman.

"Six or seven hours? How could I sleep so long? " Li Suyi said, shaking his head.

"Captain, the doctor said that you have been drugged, but there is no big problem. When you wake up, you just feel a little dizzy. Just take a day off." Said the policewoman.

"Oh, I see. Where's my gun?" Li Suyi asked anxiously.

"Captain, don't worry. Your matching gun hasn't been lost. Take good care of it in the police station." The policewoman said quickly.

"That's good." Li Suyi breathed a sigh of relief. It's not a small thing to lose her gun. First of all, whether she can be a policeman or not, she said that entering society with a gun will cause great danger and easily lead to death.

"By the way, what about the four guys?" Li Suyi asked.

"They are much better than you. Although they were injured, they soon woke up and explained everything. I didn't expect that they would kill the four famous beast generals in the gang. Captain, you are really good. You dare to face the four beast generals alone. " The policewoman said admiringly.

"You don't want to put gold on my face. I was trapped by them. If someone didn't show up to help me, I would have been captured by them." Li Suyi said with a bitter smile.

"By the way, do you know who the man who appeared to save me is?" Li Suyi asked.

"No, when our police arrived at the scene, there were only five of you at the scene. The alarm call was made by spider's mobile phone, and it was a man's voice." Said the policewoman.

"Did the four beasts see each other clearly?" Li Suyi continued.

"No, the four beasts will say that the man appeared with a monkey king mask. It's so funny. Now there are still people playing monkey king to kill demons and monsters." The policewoman said with a smile.

"Is that all? I remember the man with a baby in his arms. I was so dizzy that I couldn't see each other clearly“ Li Suyi asked.

"The man is holding a child, but the child has been lying on the man's shoulder, the four beasts will not see what the child looks like." Said the policewoman.

"So it is," Li Suyi said with disappointment.

"Captain, when you were at the scene, did you see the fight they only saw?" The policewoman asked curiously.

"I was poisoned at that time. I was dizzy. I couldn't see clearly." Li Suyi said.

"That's a pity. The four beast generals said that the man was very good at Kung Fu. They took the children in their arms and cleaned them up with one hand. Seeing how miserable they are now, we can see that the fighting situation at that time must have been very fierce. "

"Who are the four beasts? That's a famous thug of the GangShi underworld. Of course, his strength is needless to say. But the four of them can't even fight the man with the monkey king mask. They'll be cleaned up in a few moves. We can see how powerful that man is. If only I could learn some moves for him. " The policewoman said with stars in her eyes.

"Don't daydream, but if you want to learn some tricks, you'd better find the man with the mask first. Do you understand? " Li Suyi said with a smile.

In the afternoon, Li Suyi recovered a lot and came to the ward where the four generals were held. The four beast generals are not ordinary people. There are layers of police outside the ward. It's more difficult for the four beast generals to escape than to ascend to heaven.

Seeing the appearance of the four beast generals, Li Suyi felt that the policewoman had lightened the situation of the four. At this time, the four beast generals were all miserable. The head of porcupine was as swollen as a pig's head. Almost no eyes could be seen. The whole head could be equal to his strong body.

The flower snake is also miserable. The original pretty face has been spent, and even the nose is crushed and collapsed. Wrapped in gauze, it looks like a tablet computer.

Scorpion is not good enough to take, neck was pinched, fortunately not broken, chest rib broken half, now can only lie on the bed can't move.

The end of the best is the spider, was knocked unconscious, and now the neck is still a bit painful, the most deadly is the right arm is still numb, no consciousness.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the four people, now that the police outside are removed, they may not be able to run out of the ward. Even if they run out of the ward, it is estimated that they will frighten the people in the hospital.

Li Suyi wants to find the clue to save him from the four people, but Li Suyi is doomed to be disappointed. The four people don't know anything except that a man with a monkey king mask beat them up, which made them miserable, but they couldn't die.

In the face of an unknown person, even if they get out of prison to seek revenge, they can't find an object. Of course, the premise is that they can get out of prison. With what they have committed, it's estimated that they will never think of it in their lifetime.

Li Suyi reluctantly left the ward of the four beast generals, but he couldn't put down the way with the monkey king mask and the figure of the child in his arms. Could it be impossible for the police to look for the person with the monkey king mask.

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